The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 14

Although she made no secret of her affection for him, she never did anything that disgusted him.

Because of being harassed for a long time, Ye Ting had to keep a cold face in most cases, in order to let strangers retreat.

The result of doing this is that he was portrayed as a cold image in most eyes. The boys and girls finally started not to get in front of him, but what went against his wish was Ye Ting’s popularity among girls. It’s getting higher and higher.

These girls even called him a “male god” or a “thrucky”.

Whether these people have Stockholm syndrome or tremor M, he also doesn’t know.

As for boys, so far, only his three roommates have really made friends with him.

Especially after learning that he was Muggle-born in an orphanage, the Slytherin boys began to consciously reject him.

“You’re just a vain mudblood.” Draco Malfoy once commented on him in front of him. The result of what he did was an entire classroom was hung upside down on the ceiling of the corridor by the “fuchsia” curse. Professor Snape was rescued by Professor Snape who came to hear the news until after the class.

For this, Ravenclaw was deducted 10 points, but no one blamed Ye Ting for this. The little wizards of Gryffindor have a great affection for him.

But for Ye Ting, these welcomes or resistances are meaningless. His biggest purpose is to learn magic except for studying the “story”.

In fact, to the professors, Ye Ting is definitely a good student. Whether it is a transformation class, a spell class or a potion class, he can perfectly complete the teacher’s task, and any classroom questions can not be difficult for him.

Of course, there is also the well-known “Master of Everything” lady, this inseparable pair of schoolmasters has won the love of teachers. Ravenclaw’s academy score has never risen so fast.

They are also frequent visitors to Mrs. Pins. After class, the two of them will always come to the library to continue their studies, and Zhang Qiu will also study with them until they finish their homework.

For Ye Ting, this kind of study reminded him of his high school years, which made him feel a little nostalgic.

He has always been a person who can stand up to learning, and when the content of learning is not a little boring high school curriculum, but interesting magic, he can’t wait to spend all of his time in it.

Even Hermione was ashamed of this kind of enthusiasm for learning. Coupled with his own learning talent, Ye Ting’s learning progress soon reached the point of a higher grade.

Of course, his learning process is not without hindrance.

In his opinion, the writing of technical and academic books in the wizarding world is quite unreasonable.

All the authors are quite casual when they write books. They spend a lot of gorgeous and useless words to describe, and even mix them with a lot of psychological descriptions and records of their own behavior, which makes people feel This is not a magic book, but an autobiography of the author’s novel.

In addition, the masters of the wizarding world choose professional vocabulary quite casually. In their academic circles, there is no such thing as a scientific name. Most academic terms rely on conventions.

For the same magic, the descriptions of different authors are different, and they are quite random, often confusing.

They also don’t have such terms as professional names or academic language. The result is that Ye Ting often spends a long time after reading the book to sort out the knowledge-because he needs to eliminate 80% of the useless rhetoric and running accounts, and compare it with other books. Yes, there may be duplicates, because there are often two books that mention the same spell, but use different names and different descriptions.

Then, he will record his achievements in more “professional” and concise text.

Now less than a week after school has started, he has already filled up half of his notebook.

He believes that his own way of using academic papers and his own professional vocabulary system to record notes are more concise and effective than these magic books.

He estimated that when he completed his goal of enrolling in school—reading all the books in the Ravenclaw Common Room library and Hogwarts library within seven years of school—the notes he took would be enough to complete Contains most of the knowledge system of the wizarding world.

Item 0024

In Ye Ting’s eyes, with the exception of Professor Quirrell in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the professors at Hogwarts were undoubtedly professors with advanced knowledge.

Even the gloomy and awkward Snape was still worthy of a potion master in his eyes.

The only thing he can’t accept are two courses: History of Magic and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Ye Ting felt that for him, the magic history class was really of little use, and the memory of the fairy uprising and the time when the magic bill was established is meaningless.

And the teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Qi Luo, was not only stupid, but also had a ghost in his heart, and Ye Ting couldn’t learn anything from him.

So every two classes, he always skipped class on his own and hid in the library.

In this regard, Professor Bins of the History of Magic Course had no idea-this ghost, who had lived for almost a thousand years, had very limited knowledge of students, and he had never even called the student by his name.

And Professor Quirrell dare not say anything. He himself was a cowardly person, and Voldemort lived on his head, which made him suspicious every day and didn’t dare to cause trouble.

In addition to studying, other parts of life at Hogwarts are quite interesting, such as the stairs at Hogwarts.

There are a total of one hundred and forty-two of these stairs. Some of them are wide and big; some are narrow and small, and swaying; some lead to different places every Friday; some of them will suddenly disappear when a step is halfway up. You have to remember where it is. Should skip over.

In addition, there are many doors here. If you ask them to open them bluntly, or poke them in the right place, they will not open the doors for you. Some doors are not real doors at all, but just a block. The sturdy wall of the door.

It is not easy to remember which things are and where, because everything seems to be constantly moving.

The people on the portrait also visit each other constantly, and even the knights’ armor can walk.

For Ye Ting, just seeing all this in movies and actually experiencing them are completely different. These moving stairs, which appear to be interesting in movies and novels, have brought a lot of trouble to his daily actions.

He felt that anyone who was a little bit silly would get lost and dying at Hogwarts.

The characters in the portrait will not have any effect on him, but as a polite person, it is tiring to greet the portrait frequently.

However, the administrator Filch and his old cat, Mrs. Loris, did not cause him any trouble.

On the one hand, it was because he didn’t make trouble very much, and on the other hand, the existence of Feiju made Mrs. Loris always stay away from Ye Tingjing.

As a cat demon, Feiju is a big sister-like existence among all the cats in Hogwarts, and all cats—even if they have the blood of the cat raccoon—are very obedient to her.

When Ye Ting was in class or in the library, Feiju would sometimes walk around in the castle by himself. No one would hurt her: the students liked her, even the twin troublemakers George and Fred were no exception. Pippi, who can tease people, will also subconsciously stay away from her, probably because she is a cat demon.

As a result, people can often see a white kitten with a group of cats of different sizes and colors swaggering through the castle, which has become a new wonder of Hogwarts.

Sometimes, even Oriana would ride on her and hang out with her.

In addition to the above, at Hogwarts, there was one thing that made Ye Ting pay the most attention.

This incident made him both look forward to and entangled.

That is broom flying.

In fact, Ye Ting still had expectations for Mrs. Hooch’s flying lessons. After all, flying is a long-time dream of mankind. He himself always thinks that one day he can fly freely in the sky.

In terms of his current level of magic, flying is still an unrealistic dream-this is also because the world of “Harry Potter” itself does not have the related magic of flying directly.

But now, there is a shortcut to achieve this goal: flying broomsticks.

For Ye Ting, flying is cool, but riding a broomstick is too stupid.

How cool the flying sword is, how stupid it is to ride a flying broomstick. This is his point of view.

But Hermione didn’t think so. Perhaps because of the cultural differences between the East and the West, even Zhang Qiu, a Chinese who grew up in the UK, felt that riding a broomstick was not a big deal.

Since news of Neville’s broken leg in flight class spread to Ravenclaw, Miss “Knowledge” has become more nervous about the flight class that has not yet started. She borrowed a copy of Quidditch in the library and read it carefully several times.

In her free time, she kept talking about some of the flight instructions in this book, and she was also entangled in Zhang Qiu, who has outstanding flying skills, and repeatedly asked her to describe the feeling of flying on a broomstick. Even the good-tempered Zhang Qiu was confused. Take the trouble.

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