The Girl Wants to Be M*rdered

Chapter 41

Find the meaning of life.

If you’re a person living in this world, you might hear or see these words at least once.

What is the life we are living now, why do we exist here, and does everything in the world truly have meaning?

It’s the nagging of those who have never even come close to its toes.

Really, “—No fun at all.”

Snip, I pick a flower blooming nearby.

A snowfield spread out white like a canvas. In the midst of it, a snowdrop droops down like a bell, its three white petals unfurling.

In this frigid season, where everything else hides its face, the snowdrop shines with its own beauty.

Swish, the drooping leaves twirl according to the movement of my slender fingers, cutting through the wind.

As I take my fingers off the stem, the flower rides the wind and flies away somewhere.

The tiny flower will fall silently on the thick layer of snow, surely ending its short life without even leaving a trace of its existence.

Sadly, no one will remember it, facing a lonely death.

“—It’s pretty.”

Life can fade away with just a gentle gesture from a fragile child’s hand, but is there really any meaning embedded in it?

Did this flower have meaning?

Could it be that the meaning imbued in all things in the world doesn’t actually exist?

It was a sight that gave rise to such thoughts.

—Squeak, squeak.

“Hmm… I wonder when Sia Unnie will come~♬”

Thus, perhaps people cannot find meaning in their own lives.

Elli Unnie too.

Sia Unnie too.

Everyone is looking for a needle in the desert.

A needle that doesn’t even exist.

But soon they will realize.

That meaning is like a white flower eternally etched in my memory, it blossoms brilliantly between existence and existence.

It’s not something beautifully hidden like a treasure that we can find if we try.

It’s something we must create ourselves.

“—Really, I look forward to it.”

I’m simply waiting for that day.

So, so joyfully.

Walking across a pure patch with nothing dirty in sight, I felt the strange sensation conveyed through my toes, and I thought.

So that everyone I know can live a beautiful life.

For the buds of flowers that have yet to bloom, I prayed for the warmth of a sun that would make them bloom splendidly.

To the blowing wind, I silently prayed.


Step, step.

“You’re Alice, right?”

“…..Who are you, Unnie?”

When a mysterious girl appeared alone from beyond the forest, at the spot Sia walked to every day, I instinctively recognized her.

She had come earlier than I expected.

She was someone I had never seen before.

A girl with green hair like fresh grass, similar in age to Sia.

Sia often called me a fairy, but could it be that she was referring to this real fairy before my eyes? She had an ethereal aura about her.

Having lived a long life and knowing the names and faces of everyone I had met, I couldn’t possibly forget a girl with such distinctive features, yet she knew me.

How embarrassing.


Few people know that name.

There were only two: Elli and Sia.

Well, when I think about it, the answer is probably one.

Sia’s acquaintance, I bet.

“I came because Hahn sent me.”

As if affirming that thought, a name of someone I knew very well slipped from her lips.

Hahn, that must be her family name referring to Sia.

When I heard a familiar name, I bounced toward her like a playful kitten who had just relaxed its guard a bit.



However, unlike before when she approached me, she took a step back instead.

Feeling small regret at her evasive response, I began to ask her questions.

“—Is Sia Unnie? A pretty Unnie with green hair… Oh! Then you must be Rumié Unnie that Sia talked about!”

“….Uh, yeah. I’m Rumié. Sia sent me.”



The only one in the village she could trust, or so she said.

Everyone around was bullying one person.

Although it’s limited to a place unseen by others, the fact that this Unnie approaches to help someone being bullied means she harbors considerable affection for Sia Unnie.

Sia Unnie, foolishly enough, seems not to have noticed yet.

Her best friend has always been right by her side.

In times of anguish or sadness, she’s always there.

How courageous is that? Sia Unnie must’ve not realized it.

She’s quite small-hearted, and maybe that’s why her nagging is also strong—indeed, she was just the way Sia often described her.

Of course, the subject of her thoughts let out a small sigh after hearing my words.

“Why so down?

You two really suit each other.”

“Um, but why is Rumié Unnie here? Didn’t Sia Unnie come with you?”

“…..Ah, right. There’s something I need to convey.”

Her green eyes looking down at me were filled with curiosity, reflecting the appearance of a child eager to know.

However, the strong resolve held in her gaze wasn’t something to be shown to a child, which made it clear she didn’t come simply to relay a friend’s words.

What message could she possibly have, showing such determination?

I really wanted to know.

“Hehe~ What is it!?”

I smiled gently.

I felt filled with anticipation for the fun things to come in our future.

It felt like sweet honey was filling up my body.

She came to deliver the words from my one and only precious friend in this life, so of course, I had to listen to anything.

Yup, definitely.

Of course, I had to trust her.

—Even if it’s a lie.

I simply sat quietly, waiting eagerly for her red lips to open and speak.

And the story began.

“Yesterday, Sia got a little hurt—”


Sia had such an incident?

“She asked if I could come down to the bottom of this mountain because her leg hurts.”


I see.

How unfortunate.

A story so pitiful it nearly brings tears.

“—Eh!? Did Sia Unnie!! Where did she get hurt? Is she in a lot of pain?”

“….She’s fine, it’s not that bad. So, she’ll be waiting to play with you down there?”

With that, Rumié extended her hand to me.

To me, her hand looked like the mouth of a predator ready to devour its prey.

A pit from which one cannot escape if they fell in.

That hand stopped right in front of my eyes.

The forest is where life breathes.

And in the beautiful green eyes reminiscent of a forest, paradoxically, no vitality could be seen.

A deep darkness, like a burned forest, had settled in.

Only a dangerous forest, holding its breath as it awaited new prey to appease its hunger, existed in her eyes.

It was terrifying.

“Um… But, Unnie said you shouldn’t leave this mountain—”

“—It’s fine. It’s just below. If you go down a little from here, it’s right there.”

“Ugh… Well, let’s go together!”


I slowly placed my hand atop the hand Rumié extended toward me.

Although her hand was supposed to convey warm words, it was ice cold.

My body heat was snatched away by that hand.


What was she thinking? She stayed silent, observing my hand for several seconds.

But soon, it seemed she had gathered her resolve as Rumié bit her lip and gripped my hand tightly.

A small drop of blood fell from her lips onto the white canvas below.

Was that drop of blood an apology to me?

Or was it to punish herself for letting someone like me sway her?

Whatever it might be, I just sent my blessings for her strong determination.

She holds such a strong belief, doesn’t she?

Truly, that’s impressive.



Yikes, that sturdy grasp made to not let go would likely stay for a while.

Two sets of footprints were engraved in the pure white snowfield.

One came, two went.

So, would it be the same when it returns?

Beyond the edge of the forest lay a small clearing.

The clearing, overgrown with tall trees and assorted grasses, was full of dense foliage.

Really, one wouldn’t find people even if they crouched and hid.

In such a place, a small figure was seen kneeling.

None other than Sia.


“Oh? Is that Sia Unnie?”

“…..That’s right.”

A suspicion that could be felt from afar.

A prickling, uncomfortable sensation against the skin.

Malice had become a tangible entity, taking form.

In the very center of it, Sia existed.

As I walked closer with Rumié’s hand in mine, I could finally see why Sia was in such an unnatural position.

Something brown wrapped around her body, and a taut line stretched from her neck to the nearby tree, preventing her from moving.

It felt like trapping a wild beast that couldn’t be controlled.

Surely, she wouldn’t want to be in such a position.


That’s what was happening.

Something quite interesting transpired while I was not around.

Did Sia finally spot me?

She lifted her head, wiggling her body as if trying to convey something to me.

The more she tried, the tighter the cords binding her became, forcing her to submit.

That sight filled me with sorrow.

“—!! ———!”

“Oh? Is Sia Unnie tied up? Why?”

“Exactly. I don’t really know… but shouldn’t you hurry and untie me? Right?”

“Okay! Got it!!”

Rumié gave my back a gentle push.

I was nudged forward and quickly turned back for just a moment before scurrying toward Sia with all my might.

One step.

One, step.


As I got closer to Sia, she shook her head back and forth, letting out sounds I couldn’t comprehend.

With the kind of eyes that looked like tears could fall any moment, she was desperately appealing for me to listen.

Yet that only made me want to untie her even more, unbeknownst to me.


What’s that?

Is she saying not to come?

That I should run away quickly?

Is that what she meant?

Hehe, I’m sorry, Unnie.

—I can’t hear a thing.

But something muffling her voice, and the cords binding her, prevented that wish from coming true.

Without the ability to speak or move, how hard and painful must it have been for her?

I wasn’t the kind of villain who could simply turn a blind eye to her danger.

“—Sia Unnie!!”


Upon arriving, Sia’s condition was disastrous.

Her eyes flickering uneasily were bloodshot, and the cloth covering her mouth overflowed with drool dripping outside.

I raised my one arm to loosen that mouth first.

“———!! ———!! ———!!”

“Ugh? I’m sorry Unnie, I’ll get you free quickly!!”


The tightly tied knot was too daunting to untie with just one hand.

Yet with no other option, I had to use my small hands, doing my best to find a way.

Well, Sia’s frantic head shaking surely slowed down the process as well.

Run away.

Please, turn back.

She kept pleading with me.

In Sia’s eyes were the image of a restless child and behind her, the long shadow of a man with a stick.

A dark shadow draped over me, as I struggled to untie Sia’s binds.

What? I was worried for nothing.

The target isn’t Sia, it’s me.

Of course, I had a hunch, but what a relief.

I could see the stick being lifted higher behind the child in Sia’s eyes.


Higher, still.

As if there existed no forgiveness or mercy at all, it rose like it wanted to pierce the sky.

In response, Sia’s eyes began to fill with despair.

The raised pole finally reached its limit, slowly changing its height at its own pace.

By the rule applicable to all things, that object cut through the air, plummeting downward with great force.

But, the child who was focused on untying couldn’t possibly register what was happening—




Bright red blood scattered like flower petals.

—Caw caw.

The crow watching that scene let out a small cry before quickly spreading its wings.

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