The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 71: The Beautiful Lycan

Trying to control myself, I couldn’t help but cackle some more as Melody’s smile became more defined.

"Mel, Fenris won’t—" I tried to clarify, but she continued instead of letting me speak.

"As you know, I enjoy living. So, telling Mister Alpha anything about this is a big no for me. Not that I would either way." She pressed onward.

"Thank you," I whispered, causing her to return to me.

Shade pawed the notebook forged from my memories that she had brought from the bed before placing it on the table. In my rush to wash Alijah out of my system, I left it without a second thought.

Ah… I might as well…

Slowly, I reached for it, only for Melody to intercept my hand with hers, drawing it towards her, along with my glance.

"Lilith... You’re a warrior, but you’re carrying too much. I know it and feel it. So, I’ll tell you what you told me this morning before all this madness happened. I want to be your friend. If you let me, I’ll accept anything you throw at me." Melody said, gripping my hand tighter.

I couldn’t help but bite my lip, hesitating to say anything. It wasn’t right to drag her deeper into the unknown with me, yet…

“Please, Lilith, let me help you.” She pleaded.

I didn’t know what broke me, whether it was Melody's voice, expression, or words. It didn’t matter, but for the first time, and against my better judgment, I let everything go—everything I witnessed and felt.

When I finished telling her about the dream and Alijah, she sat there once again in silence, listening to everything, no matter how crazy or unrealistic it was. Everything felt connected, even though it sounded more farfetched than ever before.

"I see. How can I help?" Melody asked, stunning me right where I was.

I thought she would call Fenris right away after I finished. Her name was so fitting as she left a melody in the hearts of everyone she touched, and now she was filling mine with a tune I had never felt.

"You believe me?" I mumbled, tears trailing down my eyes.

She wiped them away with her caring touch and smile.

"You would’ve never made something like this up. I mean, I saw part of it with my eyes. That witch also said something about Wolfsbane, which confirms something’s up. The order hasn’t said a word about what caused the attacks, either. They’re keeping everyone in the dark." Melody informed me, shifting her gaze towards the side.

“You know my grandmother died in that attack. No one more than me wants to see them pay, so I’ll help you however I can, Lilith. You don’t have to do this alone anymore.” She declared, facing me head-on, eyes shining with determination.

“I see…” I mumbled, shifting my eyes towards the book.

Ryker had said the plant wasn’t wolfsbane, but…

What if... they made a mutant version of the flower?

One that didn’t share the same characteristics as the wolfsbane of old. I reached for the book again, picking it up before gazing at it.

Are all the answers in here? Or…

"Cerberus has been incompetent at best about the attack. If the order can’t figure this out, it’s up to us. After all, we all die in that scenario if it comes to pass, right?" she retraced her steps, concluding that doom would be upon us.

"Yes..." I whispered.

She nodded, "Then I’ll do everything I can to help you. It seems you know more than the order, and they don’t trust you. So, I will instead.”

Do you even understand what’s going to happen? What’s coming?

The danger alone should have made her want to run away and hide until the end, yet she was ready to stand firm instead.

Fearless, this you aren’t a runt.

"It’s... dangerous and stupid. I can get you killed without even meaning to.” I sighed, triggering her to smile and press her forehead against mine.

"I trust you’ll find a way out of this. After all, you want to save Fenris's world, and that’s good enough.” Melody simpered.

A soft, broken cackle left me, "I want to save you, too," I said without thinking.

It was almost as if my emotions took hold of my voice. For once, a new, brighter light was forming in my heart—one nearly as lively as Fenris's. We had only known each other for a couple of weeks, but she pushed herself into my heart in a way I didn’t expect.

Melody crumbled every wall I placed in my heart, launching herself into me and bringing me into the light again. From a source of inspiration, she grew into something precious. Before I realized it, tears were running down my cheeks again.

"I know. You don’t have to say it for me, silly sweet witch." Melody smiled, engulfing me in her embrace.

All I could do was cry on her bosom, unable to believe that I, against all odds, found someone willing to help me.

Why did I ever think I could do this alone? When it’s much lighter to share it with someone?

A weight lifted from my shoulders, leaving me lighter than ever before. For a while, I cried, hearing her assure me everything would be fine. Perhaps this could free me from my past and save the future that was coming.

Alijah, I’ll be ready for you somehow, but other things take precedence. You’re a danger to the future. The red moon comes first, so I must figure out what the coven plans. That's why you mentioned their revolution, didn't you? Arg... Everything is... a mess!

This was a difficult task to achieve as the coven was deep into the shadows. Many problems surrounded us, leaving me to dry my tears before I opened the book I had created. There, I sketched Alijah on the empty pages—the end goal for all this.

A curse, a red moon, a coven entire of wicked witches, and a crazed lycan stand in our way to a brighter future, Fenris.

At least from where I could see, however, the shadows hid many, including the witch who had cursed Melody’s family.

What was her name again?

"He is... Wow..." Melody admired the appearance of the man I drew.

Alijah's bright red eyes, long braided black hair that reached his waist, and fair skin were the most eye-catching features. His fluffy ears and tail were expected for every Lycan. However, I couldn’t portray how silky smooth his fur felt through the picture alone.

He wore a black lace vest made from fur, which showed most of his bare skin. Alijah also had what looked like silver earrings on his ears, probably inhibitors from his time. His pants were also made from fur, alerting me that he wasn’t lying when he said six thousand years had passed since he was sealed.

"Yes, Alijah was breathtaking." I agreed, knowing he was beautiful, but his mind was another factor.

You and I are similar in a way. I’ll surely doom the world if Fenris dies, but not because I’ll kill every one of them. I mean, I’ll hunt down and kill everyone who was involved in his death before I rid myself of this world.

That action alone would have ended Stella's spell. After all, a world without Fenris wasn’t one worth living in.

"Too bad he’s a psychopath and bent on a dead lover," Melody commented, shifting gears.

I shrugged, gazing at his picture.

You… There is much more than that, isn’t there? You looked at me like I was the last straw of sanity you have, much like Fenris is to me.

His soul was pure black, but part of me thought I could save him with the proper means.

I must think that because looking at you is like looking in the mirror at what it is to lose all hope.

"I don’t think I want him even if he isn’t one," I mumbled.

Melody rolled her eyes, "Speak for yourself. Liam isn’t the only good man out there! I know it!"

Thanks to Kira, a rift had appeared in their relationship, but that would have to wait. Even though there wasn’t a part of me that believed Liam slept with Layla’s sister, I had to focus on the dangers to our future.

However, it wasn’t like Melody would’ve believed me if I had spoken on his behalf. This lycan was stubborn, like me.

And I wouldn’t change you for the world. You are too perfect for me.

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