The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 64: Moment Of Truth

The following day, I woke up to a loud knock. Shade cursed under her breath from her tower, annoyed at the sudden interruption in her slumber. Much to my surprise, Fenris was still in bed with me, watching me sleep before whoever came knocking and was already dressed to go.

I was also fully dressed, not in my bed but in his. He had changed the bedding all while I was asleep. Shifting my eyes back onto him, he grabbed my chin and locked lips with me before I could speak.

Unable to help it, I responded to his feverous kiss as I sunk to the bed, leaving me tingling with his warmth. Tugging away from my lips, he quickly closed the gap again with a lighter kiss.

"Be a good girl and stay in here, okay? Melody will be here, and Liam will check on you if you need anything. I have to be elsewhere today." My wolf suddenly announced, getting off the bed and heading towards the door.

I struggled to process everything as I saw him turn his back on me and open the door. Even though my mind raced, I couldn't figure out what was happening, but I knew my heart felt like a wrench was being torn into it.

Even though I needed Fenris to leave for my plan to work, I never thought it would happen this fast, especially after the day we experienced it. Instead of relief, I felt anxious. Melody entered the room, avoiding Fenris's gaze, triggering him to sigh before leaving without saying anything.

The desire to scream at him not to go swelled within me, yet I stayed put. Trying to shake the thoughts away, I glanced at my original goal. Much to my relief, the beg was in the same place he had left it the day before. Somehow, it slipped by him. Slowly getting up, I struggled to get to it with my wobbly legs.

Melody quietly sat on a chair beside the table I usually drew at before gazing out the window. It was so out of character for her that I couldn't help but worry. Even though Fenris had consumed most of my thoughts the day before, I hadn't forgotten how she reacted.

Part of me wanted to run into the bathroom and cast the spell, but the other part wanted to ask Melody what was wrong. My morality was at a tipping point.

Do I care enough to want to help you emotionally? Or will I be a monster like every other witch in this world?

Taking a few minutes to listen to her wouldn't hurt, but I could gain some humanity points if I did. A soft sigh left my lips before I sat beside her, grabbing her hand. This caused her to glance towards me, and her whole demeanor seemed off-putting.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Her ears slanted back, leaving me wondering what could've broken her.

"What, oh sorry. I... have a lot in my mind." She tried to dodge me.

Somehow, this black Lycan claimed a part of my heart, too. Something that I thought only Fenris could do. So, if I could ease her pain, it would fulfill her in some aspect.

It may be the guilt talking, but…

"I can't do much, but maybe I can listen to you. That's if you want to open up to me." I tried to be there for her like she was for me.

She shook her head as those amber eyes got glossier.

"I don't know. You already have so much to deal with." Melody tried to shut me down.

"I want to be a friend if I can, even if I don't know how to do so," I assured her, causing her finally to break.

"Lilith..." tears fell down her cheeks.

It almost appeared surreal when she wrapped her arms around me, letting go of what bothered her. I soon learned she planned to confess to him the night she left with Liam, even if it was a train wreck.

After seeing Fenris with me, her hope of being with Liam blossomed, but Kira found them before she got him alone and said a single word. She was waiting for Liam to come out of our room.

Fenris had forbidden her from being near me, so she dared not knock, but the moment she was out, Kira threw herself onto Liam with what she said was cheerful news. Out of nowhere, the white female Lycan announced to him that the elders ordered them to be wed after the festival. Fenris and Layla would marry the same day along with them two, leaving the brown wolf flabbergasted.

All the while, Melody stood there stunned to hear the words that the viper spewed out. However, that wasn't what hurt her the most. It was apparent Liam wasn't happy about the news. No, what hurt her was what came next out of Kira's mouth.

She claimed to be pregnant with his child, much to the amazement of everyone around them. Bystanders said many celebrations of the union, but Liam was too shocked even to refute her claims. Not wanting to hear anymore, Melody ran away from them.

After the following day, she went out to grab my requested things. Kira was waiting outside her dorm room, letting Melody know she didn't want a runt near her future husband and child. Liam tried to find Melody, wanting to explain himself, but she avoided him like the plague.

She even asked Fenris for a favor if he wanted her to stay with me to keep Liam away from us unless an emergency happened. This black wolf never let being a runt bother her, but she hated what she was after the events that took place yesterday.

I had seen her rub-off comments and other things thrown her way, but this time it concerned Liam.

"If I were normal, maybe then I would've had a shot, but now, I'm just worth nothing to him. I can't do anything if he's about to have a child!" she tried her best not to sob loudly, but tears refused to stop rolling down her cheeks.

Instinctively, I tightened my grip on her hands tightly, pulling them towards my bosom.

"That isn't true!" I blurted out, without even realizing how much her pain riled me.

Shade, on her tower, jumped onto my shoulder, interested in the new emotions surging within me. This was one time where I would raise my voice for someone other than Fenris.

I... can... You still have hope!

"You can't say that when you're in the same boat as me! So, you know more than anyone how I feel right now! We're nothing to them!" she snapped, feeling everything she pushed aside for years.

All the comments, hatred...

It all came boiling down to the moment she lost the one she loved. Her anger and words weren't for me, but I accepted them either way. They needed to reach someone, and I would be that person for her.

Just like you are for me.

"That's true about me, but not for you!" I announced.

Unable to believe my words, she pulled away from me, standing from where she sat.

"You don't know what you're saying!" she argued.

She was lashing out, which I could deal with. Stella made sure that a few loud words wouldn't scare me, even if they came from a Lycan.

"But I do... You still have hope!" I tried to reach her, but it only led to more heartache.

She had been told there was no hope all her life, and I challenged that.

Of course, you won't believe me. How do I…

"Lilith, this isn't funny." Melody got defensive.

There was no use in trying to use her without her knowledge anymore.

You can be… what I need, so I'll come clean because, with the right push, you can become the anchor I need for the spell.

It would increase my chances of success while reducing the possibility of getting stuck in the dream realm.

"I'm not trying to be. You have hope! I can..." I paused for a minute, knowing there was no turning back after I said what was coming next.

Even so, it was the easiest thing to roll out of me. "I can change this for you."

"Impossible! I was born this way!" she threw back at me, growling.

I shook my head. "No, you weren't born this way, naturally. It has nothing to do with your genes!"

She took a few steps back, gazing at me with eyes full of distrust.

"Lilith, I don't understand. Why are you lying to me?!" She got even more defensive by slanting her ears back and tucking her tail between her legs.

It was almost as if a threat intimidated her. I was pushing all the wrong buttons. Yet I didn't know of any other way than to continue forward. I didn't want to hurt her more than she already was.

But… Unlike me, you have a chance to have a normal life!

"Melody... I don't have a reason to lie to you." I sighed, glancing away from her and towards Shade.

We stood there silently when I undid one of the inhibitors on my right wrist.

"Do you trust me?" I voiced slightly, trying to ignore every warning bell in my head.

It made my previous question somewhat ironic.

I don't trust myself. Yet I… What I'm about to do is incredibly stupid, but perhaps the only way for you to believe me. Please, let me help you!

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