The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 59: The Red Moon Prophesy

This silver wolf wasn’t one to be trifled with. Taking off his shirt, he peeled off my stockings and underwear soon after. Before I could utter another word, he tugged me to the edge of the bed, lifting my dress.

The moment his lips landed on my vulva, my back arched, clasping my hands onto his hair. A soft whine left my lips, feeling his tongue lap my intimate lips.

This isn’t fair at all!

Fenris’s hands cradled my legs apart, preventing me from doing anything to discourage him. There wasn’t a bone in my body that could resist him. The wolf had become a cunning fox, making me mewl his name.

His soft member lapped my slits before landing on my perky bell, leaving me in bliss. It wasn’t long before his slender fingers plunged into my depths. Taking the opportunity to suck on my sensitive bell, I couldn’t help but yelp his name when I felt the rush of ecstasy pulsing through me.

Separating himself from me, he chuckled, studying the sight in front of him. His fingers continued to caress my walls while he traced my face with his free hand, landing on my dress. There, he slowly undid every button, peeling off the fabric and exposing my bare skin.

Tugging his limbs away from my inner walls left me tingling and wanting more. He undid his pants, leaving me gazing at him longingly. Biting my lip, I tried not to get swayed by his actions.

"Tell me," I mumbled.

Fenris smiled in response to my uneven voice. "I will," he assured, freeing himself from his clothes and letting them fall onto the floor.

I couldn’t keep my eyes off him, enticing me by stroking himself with the hand that caressed my walls. At this time, I didn’t know what hit me the most. If it was the look in his eyes or his tease, it left me unable to help myself.

After all, I belonged to him entirely, too. Sitting up, I grabbed onto his heat before sucking it into my mouth.

“Oh, fuck, Lily.” He moaned, holding onto my short hair gently.

This wolf never thrust himself into my throat. Instead, he caressed hair, fighting off the urge to do so. I treated his tip like a lollipop, sucking into my mouth while focusing on stroking his base with my hands.

Even with my clumsy touch, it wasn’t long until Fenris pushed me onto the bed. Licking his lips, he climbed on top of me, leaving a little space between him and me. His heat was twitching and seemed more prominent than when we first started.

The warmth from his body radiated into mine, leaving me jittery.

“You’re adorable, Lily.” He breathed, pressing his tip against my slits.

It didn’t take long until he found his way into me, triggering me to whine.

“Oh fuck, you’re so tight around me today.” He huffed, cheeks rosy.

“Because of you!” I whimpered, triggering him to lean against me.

“Good,” He simpered, clashing his lips against mine before picking up a steady rhythm.

When Fenris tugged away from my lips, he told me what I desired to hear in his husky voice. I would soon know everything about his connection with the blood moon. He informed me about an old prophecy that the Lycan elders recounted to every generation, even though it was hard to follow, as he took no pity on me with his movements.

Either way, he kept his word. I guess this was his way of punishing me for what I said. The prophecy was about a Lycan being born during a red moon, who would lead the clan to prosperity. It stated that during the next blood moon, after the child was born, he or she would gain powers during the lunar event.

Some called it moon-based magic, closely related to the moon elves' magic, but no one knew what would happen. Before this moment, Lycans could never use magic. Instead, they had high immunity to it, but if a spell was powerful enough, it could overcome their resistance.

Though, if Lycans somehow gained the power to use magic, that would make them untouchable.

I can see why Stella calls Fenris a cursed moon child. If this is true, then Lycans will become a threat higher than any other race.

When he said this, it left me without a doubt that she would try to stop their gain of power.

She had already tried to kill everyone in Silverant before. It would also be twenty-five years ago when Fenris was born during the last blood moon.

“That day, they gifted me the title Red Moonchild.” He sighed, stopping his movements before glancing at me and caressing my face gently with his thumb.

"Are you okay? Need water?" he asked, unaware his touch left me dizzy.

Even so, my body wanted more of this wolf; instinctively, I lifted myself and kissed him. He returned the affection by moving once again. Throughout the years, I saw everyone treat him differently from anyone else.

I always thought it was because Fenris was from the alpha line, but that was far from the truth. One would think being special would’ve driven him to extreme selfishness, much like Layla was, but he was different.

Stella has it wrong. You aren’t a threat to us. No, you can be the ally we’ve been waiting for.

Even after my kin had taken his family away, this wolf never blamed them all as a collective group. No, he just wanted the ones who were guilty to face justice. I was a fool to think Stella called him cursed because he was Amir's child, yet she never called Ben or Amelia anything like it.

A question arose about how she knew about him, especially when the Lycans tried hard to keep it down in the wraps.

There is something else, and I can’t see it.

Separating for breath, a moan escaped from Fenris's lips when we found our peak together. Panting for air like a hot mess, I reached for his face, only to be met by his lips once again. A feverous kiss soon followed, leaving me humming under him.

Tugging away from my lips, he smirked before spinning me around. A second later, I was on my knees and my hands on the bed. Heavy pants left me unable to recover before he plunged himself into me again, triggering my voice to erupt to his tune.

With his hands on my hips, he thrust himself into me repeatedly, “Because I was born under the Red Moon, my life has been dictated by everyone else.”

This wolf didn’t let me feel bad for him, making sure I was preoccupied with him to listen fully. That was his goal, but he wouldn’t beat me. I tried to reach for his hands but ended with him grabbing onto my forearms, tugging me up towards him.

Holding my hands behind my back, he continued to immerse himself in my depths. I slowly lost myself in his touch. There was no winning against this devilish wolf. The moment I moaned Fenris's name, he freed my hands, grabbing onto my chest to prevent me from tumbling onto the bed.

His other hand traveled down my navel and into my sensitive bell. The sudden touch, mixed with his thrust, caused my body to convulse in pleasure. My voice escaped me in ways I never knew was possible, clasping onto his arms that held me captive.

I couldn’t help but find my release once again. Pushing himself deep into me, he chuckled, enjoying my body's reaction, holding himself in place, not wanting to overwhelm me.

"You’re so cute. Lily." Fenris purred into my ear.

I panted for air desperately, which seemed a luxury to me, even though it surrounded me.

"You’re... so mean." I struggled to voice, feeling my body shiver at his slightest touch.

Fenris kissed my neck, trailing down my back before releasing me onto the bed. He was still holding my waist up, not finished with me yet.

"Giving up? I haven’t even gotten to the festival yet." He teased, grinding himself into me.

This wolf also seemed slightly out of breath, but not as much as me.

"Just tell me," I grumbled breathy, not wanting to back down.

A soft smile rose on him, taking it as a sign to continue thrusting himself into me once again.

"Of course, my dear." Fenris licked his lips lustfully, thoroughly enjoying himself.

To his word, though, he explained what the moon festival was. It was nothing more than a celebration of the moon god's power. According to myths and legends, Lycans were born from it; as moon elves said, they were also born from it.

Both worshiped two different gods, though. Fenrir was the Lycans' god, while the moon elves were a goddess named Selene.

Fenris's mother took inspiration from their god when naming him. However, it was known that Lycans had increased stamina during full moons while it lasted, yet it seemed they were utterly intoxicated during the red moon by it.

Some would even go rampant with their cardinal desires, so the festival was restricted to Lycans alone. Anyone who wasn’t a wolf could get torn to shreds without them realizing it. It was why it was a miracle that Fenris's mother gave birth to him, even though she was under those effects.

Before him, they thought Lycan pups couldn’t be born during full moons. Let alone during the blood moon that happened sporadically through the years.

The festival was a yearly thing, too, although Fenris never attended it before. He would rather be with me, and as passionate as he was during the full moons, he never once hurt me. This time, though, with the blood moon's appearance, he couldn’t take the chance.

It would also be during a supermoon, making it bigger than usual. Those alone usually made him wary since he would get rough with me whenever one happened.

“I don’t know if, with the red moon, I’ll be myself or something else entirely.” He sighed, leaning into me before continuing his thrust. “I don’t even know if I’ll be me after it.”

His words snapped me out of my trace, triggering me to gaze at him. “Fenris?”

“Hush, I’m not done yet. Don’t you want to know it all?” He smiled, plunging himself into my core, provoking a yelp to leave me.

To separate him from everyone else for safety reasons, Cerberus made a special enclosure in case he went mad. In the end, though, it was all to protect me since it terrified him, and he would try to find me during it.

I tried to find the energy to speak up, only for his member to twitch inside me. A sharp groan left his lips, releasing his seeds within my depths, leaving me to tremble again.

Instead of a pleasurable moment, Fenris gave a nervous chuckle soon after. "It’s tiresome, being this thing people think I should be when I just want to be myself," he mumbled loud enough for me to hear the pain in his voice, trying to catch his breath.

I knew something trapped him, but I thought it was because of me, failing to realize I was just a contributor, not the actual cause. When he pulled out of me, I somehow found the strength to get up and hug him ever so tightly.

For the first time, I understood Fenris and what he felt. His burden was heavier than I first thought, and it was more than just me.

As you said, they had dictated your life since birth. Does that mean Layla was also their choice? That isn’t fair! You should be able to love anyone without caring what others say!

His family chose who he would marry because of the genes he would pass on in the future. Every decision around him was never about him and who he was but about his potential. I could never see him like that.

You are Fenris, no matter what else changes about you. I’ll always…

"I love you! No matter what, I’ll always love you because of who you are, not what you are!" I declared, snuggling myself into his chest.

He hugged me back. "I... I know, Lily, thank you." He struggled with himself.

I continued to profess my love for him. At that moment, all I could think about was how to help free this wolf from his fate—one he didn’t want.

I promise... I’ll free us!

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