The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 55: Tensions

Sitting by the window, I saw crowds gather by the gates of Cerberus, all calling for my head on a silver platter.

“Kill the wicked witch! Everyone in the Moria coven must be put to death!” they chanted loudly, waving banners.

Funny enough, I don’t blame you a lot for feeling that way.

They were discordant after reading such an article; it was a miracle that Cerberus guards weren’t letting people in.

Their dedication is almost admirable.

Most of them had a history of what happened fourteen years ago. People hated me because of what I was, not what I did. No gate would hold them if they knew what I truly was. I wondered if they would touch me if they knew the whole truth, or would they live in fear like most of the people who knew me?

However, compared to their anger, nothing scared me more than Stella. My thoughts obsessed over what she planned, leaving me trembling in my seat.

I’ll never let you do that again!

When Fenris finally returned to the room, he announced someone had broken into the 'secured' files where my medical records were located. A fire elf that worked in Cerberus was identified as the culprit but was found dead soon after in his dorm room.

Suicide, they called it. They found him hanging by a ceiling fan.

There were no clues in his room to explain why he did that. However, it seemed he didn’t deliver the information to the news outlets.

No, that was someone else.

A camera near the news building showed a dark, hooded figure dropping it off. From the shape, one could tell it was a woman, though her origins were unknown. She covered her face well enough to avoid exposure.

It also appeared that the files were stolen two days ago, but no one noticed. They were too busy preparing for the Lycan festival, ensuring it was safe for all the participants after the recent attack.

Again, they had gotten comfy.

A soft groan left Fenris’s lips as he sat on the bed, shaking his head. "Why does nothing go right?”

Keeping me safe was impossible, thanks to how everything was warped and leaked to the public. It was good that they still didn’t know I was a vessel.

That will prevent the witches from doing something stupid, but... If word somehow reaches Stella in whatever hole you're in...

She wouldn’t care if I were or not.

All you ever desired was for me to suffer and die. Well, after I had enough of your punishment.

Melody called Layla a psychopath, but she was nothing compared to Stella.

No one’s safe anymore.

"Why can't the ascension happen faster?! I feel so powerless to stop anything!" My wolf finally broke.

The pressure was too much for him. That much was evident to me.

This is what I want to avoid at all costs.

If I weren’t the vessel for death, then perhaps he wouldn’t have to worry as much.

Liam grabbed his friend by the shoulder. "Don’t worry, Fen, we’ll figure everything out. You aren’t alone in this man. I’m here for you."

The years of stress were showing in the cracks forming on the silver wolf.

Ever since I met you, you became my prisoner. All I want to do is free you, but I must change for that! Yes! I must move forward!

Stella couldn’t make me cower in fear anymore.

I’m not that tiny girl you used to take your frustrations on!

I got up from the chair and headed towards Fenris.

"Whoever did this... I’ll rip them apart and ensure they can’t see another day!" He growled, clenching his hands into fists.

The pure animosity in his voice was startling, as I had never heard him speak like that towards anyone. Instinctively, my body moved, and I hugged him from behind. Covering his eyes with my hands, I tried to calm his rage.

Hate was a feeling I had struggled to keep out of my life. I fought with every fiber in my body to not be like the woman who tortured me.

Yet, you… You can’t let it win!

"Fenris, you can’t, I’m okay," I whispered.

Grabbing my hands, he turned towards me, pressing his forehead against mine. It was so warm. His tail wrapped around my waist, ensuring I was close to him.


Intertwining his hands with mine, I simpered gently, enjoying his presence, even though he seemed in anguish.

"Lily..." he mumbled, wincing.

I caressed his cheek. "Fenris... You don’t want to be a murderer. Once you have innocent blood in your hands, it can never be undone."

There was no one better than me to know what it felt like to have killed thousands in the blink of an eye. It was something I could never undo and a feeling I never wanted him to have. Even though working in Cerberus meant he would have to kill, I didn’t know if he had ever slain anyone.

This wolf never told me about his training or what he endured. Even so, murdering someone who couldn’t protect themselves or was weaker than oneself was unacceptable.

"Innocent?! They’re trying to hurt you! I won’t allow that again!" Fenris argued, releasing a sharp growl from his lips.

Even though he tried to seem harsh, his amber orbs appeared so tired.

I’d dare say delicate, too. My little wolf is struggling. I’m so sorry I failed you, Fenris.

In all these years, I hadn’t released him from this burden he carried. Taking a deep breath, I sighed before shaking my head.

"I’m not innocent in this either. Even if they twisted the facts around for a more favorable response, I’m still the Moira witch used for the sacrifice. Nothing can change that." I smiled, touched by him.

Sadly, I couldn’t bear the thought of him hurting anyone because of me, especially since I was guilty of some of their claims. Though unwillingly, I was part of that coven and participated in the ritual.

I probably saved some lives with what I did, but still, many others died because I failed to do better. There was no reason to blame them for their hatred as long as I had an escape that mattered to me.

"Lilith... No... I won’t allow you to bear this all by yourself. You’re nothing like those witches." Fenris sighed.

“He’s right; it isn’t as simple as black and white,” Liam added.

"Yes, you’re nothing like the article pains you as!" Melody huffed.

Instead of changing my mind, they reinforce it.

These three wolves are all I need to live.

For that reason, I had to be strong. I could let no one else deviate me from the path I chose.

To live for Fenris. To see you happy, even if you aren't mine, as long as I own your heart, is all I need.

"Thank you." I simpered, feeling flustered by their words.

In response to my shy smile, Fenris lightly kissed my lips. His eyes shimmered a bit when he did so, leaving me pondering what was running through his mind.

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