The Gam3

The Gam3: Opening Moves Official Release!

Yay, the book is out! You can find it on Amazon here:

The title is: Opening Moves (The Gam3 Book 1).

I'm also releasing a new chapter shortly, but first here's my sales pitch (If you don't want to read about me trying to convince you to buy the book AND review it, skip this. Similarly, if you've already made the decision to buy and rate the book, skip this.):

Okay, so I'm generally a fairly laid back person, but to convince you to buy the book and spread the word I'm going to be quite frank. As I've said in previous chapters, I'm a college student, and I'm about to finish senior year. As a computer science major. What does that mean? That means I need to find a job.

Therefore, it will be increasingly difficult for me to find the time and willpower to work hard on this series. The one thing that will have the greatest effect on my motivation is how well this book sells. Now, I don't need it to be a bestseller or anything like that, although that would be nice, I just need it do decently.

This is where you come in. I have not marketed this book much, although I will if I think it would help (I'm also in the process of making a website). Rather, I am dependent on word of mouth, which is what sells books. So, if you've enjoyed the story, please recommend it to your friends. Honestly, this all began more as a hobby, a pipe-dream, and I never imagined the number of viewers or even being in the top 10 best rated on RR. And, if this book doesn't sell well, it will probably remain a hobby, because I'll need to focus on my programming skills and finding an actual job to pay off student loans (which I'll probably need to do anyways, but I'll be able to rationalize how I budget my time differently if I make a bit of profit).

Therefore, I would be grateful if you bought and reviewed the book. It will help determine how much effort I am able to devote to writing in the near future! (I also want to make it clear I don't see myself ever stopping writing at this point, it's just that I might not have as much time... Imagine even slower releases :P) Now, why do I ask you to rate/review? Because that's how people determine what book to buy. It influences sales more than you might think.

If you've read this far, thanks! I'm going to do an AMA on reddit, here:

If you don't have a reddit account/can't be bothered, feel free to ask me questions in this thread as well, I'll answer as best I can. The reason I want to do the thread on reddit is because, once again, I am trying to reach out to as broad an audience as possible. I am relatively private though, so if the question is too personal I may skirt around the answer :P. (I'll also try to avoid spoilers, but world building questions are fair game!)

P.S. If you don't have the spare money/don't want to buy the book cause the story is free here, I understand. A lot of editing/proofreading has gone into the published version though! It's not an entirely different book, but a few sections have been added/changed/removed, and a few plot points are different.

P.P.S. I also realize Amazon isn't available everywhere, and am in the process of getting to other platforms, including possibly audio book and print forms. It all depends on how well things go.

TL;DR: Buy the book and review it please :D

Edit: You can also rate it on Goodreads without buying a copy! (Though they probably want you to have read the story, reading it here is probably good enough.)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.