The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1245 - Orange light

“Where did it fall?” Cang Yue asked.

“It was the action that Xiaoying double-fingered, and her eyes were squeezed at the same time, yes, this is here, freeze!” Summer said excitedly, and I saw a orange glow in the place where Xiaoying’s double-finger pointed in the freeze frame .

It was a very obscure orange light, and even the resolution was not very high. I could not see what it would be at all. In the summer, I pointed to the orange light and said, “Circle this orange thing. amplification!”

The orange light only occupies less than 1% of the original screen. The entire screen that is being enlarged is a very irregular thing. Summer asked: “Cang Yue, help me analyze, what will this be?”

Cang Yue replied: “Sorry, Cang Yue is stupid and can’t tell.”

The picture has been enlarged and restored many times. In summer, if you look carefully, if you do n’t pay attention, you will think that this orange light is just a light, because the orange color of this orange light is not very obvious. Sometimes the light will be decomposed, refracted and scattered under the lens, so most people will not notice it. The reason why the orange light suddenly noticed in summer is because he has seen it many times in the front.

“Cang Yue, copy this group of orange light, and then search all the videos in the entire chip to see how many orange lights appear at the bottom,” Xia ordered.

“Yes, sir!” Cang Yue replied, the search was completed quickly. There were 120 such orange lights in the 120 hours of four videos added together. In addition, there were 2300 orange lights of different shapes. .

“Resume normal video playback, it’s okay, Cang Yue, you are busy with you,” Xia Xia said, he already had a very bold idea in his heart, this orange light is definitely a problem!

As for why there is a problem with this orange light, where is the problem, I don’t know in the summer, and I can’t guess it, but he can imagine it boldly. The problem with this orange light is the “advanced man” who helped Xiaoying behind. With its help, Xiaoying obtained important information, including those three god-level technologies.

These three god-level technologies might not come from Gunchao or Chaos at all, or Orange Light directly provided it to her. So who will this orange light be? Summer once again boldly guessed, will this orange light come from the flame devil?

In the information provided by Xiaoying on the flame demon, it is mentioned that the light-shaped flame devil is mostly gold and silver, and there are also a small amount of purple light, orange light and green light. Since there is an orange light demon, why can’t the orange light appearing in Xiaoying’s video be a demon?

If this speculation holds true, then the second question arises, this orange light demon, why should he help Xiaoying? Why is it not Ziguang? And for so many years, at least three hundred years, why has Ziguang never appeared, is she still there?

Regarding this issue, Xia Guang also made a bold assumption: Ziguang has limited her freedom of movement because she has done too much help to Xia and related personnel. Xia Guang has not been able to break through to the **** level in technology for so many years. , Ziguang looked very anxious in her eyes, but she couldn’t come out in person, so she sent orange light, found Bai Ziying, quietly imparted to her three god-level technologies, and many other important information!

If the first two questions are true, a third question will be derived: Orange Light is a Flame Devil, and he certainly has a very powerful ability. Why did n’t he find that all the creatures in Xiaoying and the expedition were infected with Starworm? If he could find out, why didn’t he make a timely rescue?

There are two explanations for this: First, Orange Light only teaches knowledge, and it doesn’t matter about infectious diseases. After passing the knowledge, we leave. But this may be overturned randomly by summer. If the orange light is entrusted by the purple light, he can’t see but can’t see it, and he must either cure the starworm fever or provide virus antibodies to the starworm fever.

The second possibility is that orange light has limited ability at all, he is only responsible for spreading knowledge, and he ca n’t do anything else, so he did n’t find it at all, nor did he have the ability to discover all creatures in the expedition including Bai Ziying Are infected with viruses.

Hopefully this is the second possibility, otherwise, summer will be a deeper hatred of Mira.

Through the intelligence and god-level technology that Bai Ziying exchanged for his life, Xia Xia realized two problems:

First, Mila is eager to let summer grow up. It is very likely that a very important thing will happen. This matter has made Mila no longer able to wait.

Therefore, for the third great construction frenzy, summer is also eager to be brought to the daily life as soon as possible. This is not only that he has to eliminate other god-level civilizations as soon as possible, but more importantly, he has to end his long growth as soon as possible. stage. Even for a one-hundred-year construction period, summer is already too long. One hundred years is really not long for such a vast project.

Second, if all this is true, then he will not be too long away from meeting Mira.

The premise of all the above guesses is that the purple light is Mira. Although there is a 90% probability that the purple light is Mira, but you ca n’t confirm that the purple light is Mira at the last minute.

In the summer, I continued to watch Xiaoying ’s video. The video was too long, and he could n’t finish it all at once, so this second time I watched it, and I saw where it was. The next time I watched it, it was from the street where it ended. Keep watching.

Gunchao is back online again ~ ~ urges the construction process of star-rated neutron star bombs On the contrary, the construction process of the first bomb has greatly shortened the construction period, and it will be completed in about ten days. “

“Well, that’s great.”

“Right, old bastard, I’m asking you a question,” Xia Xia said, and began to test Gun Yun. “Although the power of a star neutron star is powerful, it’s really too little damage to attack a galaxy. You Look, I wiped it out a silicon star, nothing happened, it didn’t take it seriously. Then … “

Summer began to raise the question to the point: “Why don’t you teach me the early star-rated bomb?”

“That’s why I will …” Gun Yun said here, and then paused and then said: “You have a big appetite, the star rating is already very good, you actually want a star rating of!”

Summer laughed in my heart: I never thought you would not be a star, although the credibility is not great, but from the tone of your speaking, who may be true, I hope you will not, that way, when the time comes It’s more convenient to beat you.

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