The Flip Side

Chapter 35: The One Thing I Hate About…

Chapter 38 is available for Patreons. 

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After we ate our ice cream, the boys left and we, I use that word loosely since there isn’t much I can do, help Nadia finish putting everything in place in her room.

[Monday, May 12]

Usual morning routine for me and Alla. Alla comes over, we bathe, she dries our hair, and she helps me dress. Once we are dressed, we eat, Mom does our hair, and then we head off to school where we are met in the parking lot by Dan and Brian. We spend time with them until the warning bell rings and they walk us to class.

During second period, I begin cramping badly. Thinking about it, I realize it’s right about that time of month again, so, ‘Hello PMS. I’m definitely not happy to see you again.’

Sighing, I dig in my purse looking for my meds. My cramps are bad, but nowhere near as bad as some of the other girls in school I know since they have to take prescriptions just to be able to even remotely function during their time of the month. I’m hoping it never comes to that for me.

Pulling out a couple of pills out of my purse and the water I keep in my school bag, I take them with a couple of sips and put it back in my bag. When I look back up the teacher is looking at me with his eyebrow quirked. I smile and slightly shake my head to let him know nothing is wrong.

One of the great things about being such a good student is I’m given a pass on a lot of things. Of course, I’m sure being cute as hell doesn’t hurt either. I’m fairly sure if it was one of the guys that are barely passing the teacher would have jumped all over them for not paying attention. Some of my teachers have tried calling me out to embarrass me once or twice and rather quickly learned not to bother since I know the material whether I seem to be paying attention or not.

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[Tuesday, May 13]

As much as I love my life now, my period is the one thing I hate about being a girl. Seriously, I don’t use the word hate lightly. I dislike a lot of things, but hate? No, I just don’t have that kind of personality. I dislike Chris and Brian, but I don’t hate them, even though Chris hurt me and Brian is nothing more than a wanna be playboy who tried to use me.

Gah! Whatever! Laying here moping about like this isn’t going to make me feel any better. I need to get up and take something to reduce my cramping. Standing up, I walk to my desk where I take my meds with some water.

Gathering up a bra and panty set, I head into the bathroom to clean up. I turn on the water to allow it to warm up and after I wrap my cast, I step into the show and allow the hot water to run down me. Thankfully, my cramps begin to lessen somewhat as the water works its magic. Truthfully, if I had more time this morning I would take a hot bath.

A couple of minutes later Alla joins me in the shower and begins to wash us and our hair. We soon finish, dry off and she brushes out and blow dries our hair. I take care of the other business I need to, then we dress. I check my purse to make sure I have my meds and tampons in it. We head down to eat, of which I eat very little. Mom does our hair and we head out for school.

As usual Dan and Brian are waiting for us in the parking lot. I cuddle a bit with Dan. Well, to be honest, I use him more as a prop to hold myself up than cuddle. I really wish I knew why I have so little energy today. I mean, I slept well last night, so that can’t be it.

“Andie, are you alright?”

Looking up at his worried expression, I give him the most reassuring smile I can and say, “I’m fine. I just don’t have much energy today.” I can tell by his expression that he doesn’t quite believe me. “Seriously Dan. I’m fine, it’s just, well, umm, that time for me.”

He looks confused for a few moments until it dawns on him what I mean and says, “Oh… Well, take it easy today.”

Leaning back up against him, I murmur, “Mmm, I plan to.”

We spend time with them until the warning bell rings and they walk us to class.

As the day wears on I feel worse and much more lethargic. Apparently, today is just going to suck for me and Alla seems to notice how bad I’m feeling since she leans over and quietly asks, “Are you alright? You’re really pale.”

Giving her a wry smile, I tell her, “I feel like crap and have no energy. My boobs hurt. My back hurts, I’m still cramping and I have one heck of headache.”

“Did you take your meds this morning?”

“Of course.”

She nods and replies, “Okay, hang on a sec,” and gets up to go speak to our teacher for a few moments. She comes back and says, “Come on, we’re going to the nurses office so you can lay down for a little while.”

She walks with me to the nurses office, explains the situation with the nurse. The nurse gives me some aspirin, which I take, and a heating pad to place on my stomach. I lay down while Alla heads back to class. It doesn’t take long and I fall asleep.

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The bell wakes me up sometime later. Thankfully, my headache is gone, but I still feel listless. I have no idea why my period is so bad this time around, but then again, the first time I had one I was on a fairly heavy dose of painkillers. I just hope this isn’t the way it’s always going to be. Well, worrying about this isn’t going to change what will or won’t happen.

Getting up, I straighten my uniform and walk over to the nurse.

Looking up at me as I approach her desk, she smiles and asks, “Feel better?”

“Somewhat. At least I don’t have a headache anymore.”

“Do you feel well enough to go back to class or should I call your mother?”

“I still feel lethargic, but I’ll try going back to class.”

“Okay Andrea. You might want to have your mom take you to the gynecologist to check for anemia. That could be the reason you feel that way. Before you go back to class stop by the canteen and get some orange juice. It can’t hurt and it might just help. Give me a second and I’ll give you a hall pass so you don’t get into trouble.”

I give her a small smile and tell her, “Thanks, I appreciate it and I’ll do that.”

She nods, writes out the pass and hands it to me. “If you start feeling worse or you get dizzy come back and I’ll call your mom.”

“I’ll do that. Thank you.”

Heading out, I slowly make my way to the canteen and get some orange juice. I also get a small energy drink. A few minutes after I drink both of them, I feel a little more energetic at least. Glancing at my watch, I see that it’s already 4th period and I head off to class.

After class, we head down to eat lunch with everyone. I still don’t have much of an appetite, so again I don’t eat very much, which gets me some questioning looks from the rest of the girls. After we put up our trays, I buy another energy drink and drop it into my purse, then we head outside to enjoy the weather and chat as usual.

While we are at our normal bench, Dan comes over and asks, “I heard you went to the nurses office this morning, are you alright?”

I smile and reply, “Hi. I’m fine now.”

He looks me over while frowning. “You don’t look fine. You’re really pale.”

Sighing, I reply, “Look Dan, sometimes this is harder on us than others. Today is just one of them for me. Not much else to be said about it. If it gets to be too much I’ll have the nurse call my mom and go home.”

I’m really glad the warning bell chooses this moment to ring and cuts the conversation short. Standing up, I give him a quick kiss and murmur, “Thanks for worrying about me. I’ll see you a little later.”

The rest of the day goes by normally, although I’m beginning to feel listless again during last period. When the final bell rings, I drink the energy drink I bought earlier. After I finish it and throw away the can, Alla says, “Andie, those really aren’t good for you. Try not to use them very much.”

Nodding to acknowledge her point, I say, “I know, but we have practice and I just wouldn’t have the energy otherwise.”

Before Alla can say anything else, Dan and Brian come in. Dan takes my things and we head down to the gym. They leave us at the dressing room to go sit down. We change and head out into the gym.

As usual, we start off by stretching and a few warm up exercises. For the first half hour we work on some cheers, then move on to tumbles and some of the more complicated throws and stunts we do. Since I can’t do any of them yet, I work on some of the easier tumble. At one point I’m doing one-handed back springs when I become dizzy, lose my balance and fall onto the mat. Thankfully, I’m able to pull my arm into my chest to protect it as I fall.

Moments later, I’m surrounded by everyone.

Mia and Alla kneel down beside me and Mia asks, “Are you hurt?” I shake my head, which brings on another wave of dizziness, so I close my eyes and I take a deep breath and slowly let it out. I look around unsteadily as the two of them help me sit up. Honestly, I don’t feel right. I’m shaky and having problems focusing.

Alla makes me look at her and asks, “Tell me the truth, how are you feeling?”

“I, umm, I don’t feel right. I’m shaky and have a little trouble focusing.”

She nods as if I only confirmed what she already knew. “We’re done for the day.” Looking at Dan, she says, “Dan, can you carry her into the dressing room for me?” He nods and she looks back to me. “We’re going to get dressed and I’m calling your mom. Something’s been wrong all day and I’m not taking any chances here.”

I have to agree with her, so I just say, “Okay.”

Dan picks me up in a princess carry, I wrap my arm around his neck and rest my head against his shoulder.

Dan sets me down in the dressing room and leaves, then Alla dresses us and calls my mom to tell her what has happened today. Mom tells her to meet her at the ER.

Suffice it to say, after innumerable tests, they tell us I am very anemic, as in my iron levels are almost non-existent, recommend iron supplements and to follow up with our PCP to make sure there isn’t an underlying cause for it.

As we leave, Mom says she will stop and get them and meet as at home. Back at home, Alla undresses me and I wearily crawl into bed.

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons.

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