The Flip Side

Chapter 23: Back to School

Chapter 25 is available for Patreons

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Once Brittany and Mia leave this evening, Alla and I do our homework. Afterward, we take a shower and then soak in a hot bath for quite a while. When we climb out, dry off, and dress in our nightgowns, we move into the bedroom and I gingerly climb on top of her so we can have a nice little makeout session. Suffice it to say, I love it, but unfortunately, it also gets me extremely wound up.

Breathlessly, I murmur in her ear, “Mmm~ Alla, I want you so much that it’s killing me.”

She nods and says, “Okay, I'll do something about it.” Gently moving me off of her, she gets up to go into the bathroom. Coming back with a towel, I move so she can spread it out. Then she takes off my nightgown and has me lay down on the towel. She quietly says, “There’s a lot of places I can’t touch you because it would hurt, but if you lay still and let me do everything, I’ll do something about it.”

I nod and she leans in to give me a kiss, then moves down between my legs and turns me into a moaning, quivering mess as she repeatedly brings me to orgasm. After she cleans me up, she lays down beside me and we cuddle until I fall asleep.

I wake up a bit after midnight, carefully get out of bed to take my pain meds, and then head into the bathroom. After I finish my business and wash my hands, I head back to bed and cuddle with Alla.

There really isn’t much that goes on for the next two weeks, so I’ll just give you the highlights. Not that there are many to tell. Alla and I basically, eat, bathe, sleep, cuddle and watch TV everyday until Mia and Brittany come over to give us our homework and visit. The other cheerleaders also come over several more times to visit as well.

The high point of this week is Friday, when I go see Dr. Ghere and she tells me that I can’t go back to school until essentially the end of the month, on Monday the 29th. I have no idea how I’ll deal with that. Of course, it wasn’t long ago that it would have never bothered me. Now that I have friends, cheerleading and such, I hate being alone.

I’m extremely grateful that Nadia allowed Alla to stay with me this whole time. Trust me, it’s probably the only reason I tolerated this as well as I did.

[Monday, April 29th]

When the alarm goes off at 6:00, I roll over and slap it off. Happily, today is the day I get to go back to school. I rub my eyes gently as I roll back over to face Alla, who is beginning to stir next to me.

“Good morning, Alla.” I say softly with a kiss to her forehead as she grumbles and groans while waking up.

Giggling softly at her grumbles, I crawl on top of her and take her lips. Slowly, she responds to me and slips her arms around me to hold me close. Happily, I lose myself in our kiss as I savor the feel of her soft body against mine.

If you can’t tell, for the most part, I don’t hurt anymore. Well, my ribs are still a bit on the tender side and will be for a while longer. Therefore, we still have to be a little careful when we do things like this. I’m not going to complain, though. I’m here, my gorgeous girlfriend is here with me and I’ll never have to deal with my father again. That’s right, he took the plea rather than take a chance on what he would get in a trial.

He sent me a letter from jail as well, but I still haven’t read it. I’m not even sure I want to read it. Oh, I’m sure what it says. That he’s sorry. That he never meant to hurt me and other such total bullshit. As far as I am concerned, I never want to see or hear from him again. Mom, well, she said if she ever saw him again she’d kill him. Even with what he did to me, even though he seemed intent to kill me, I still don’t want to see him hurt. Although, from what Mom said, he’ll have to be in protective custody the whole time he’s in prison or the other prisoners will kill him. It seems child abusers and rapists are the lowest of the low and their presence is not welcome.

Ugh, what the hell am I even thinking about this for? I’m being held and kissed by my girlfriend. Much better to focus on that and just how good it feels.

We continue until Mom knocks on the door and says, “Good morning, girls. You need to get up now,” which makes me growl and Alla giggles at me this time.

Alla calls out, “We’re up, Mariam. We’ll be down soon.”

Sneaking in one last kiss, I move off of her and stand up. Making our way into the bathroom, we shower, blow dry and brush out our hair. Heading back into the bedroom, Alla first helps me dress, I still only have one good arm, remember? After she puts my sling back on me and slips my arm in it, she dresses herself and we head downstairs to eat breakfast.

We tell Mom, “Good morning,” as we enter the dining room. I take a seat and Alla heads into the kitchen to make us a cup of coffee.

Turning around to look at me, Mom smiles and says, “Good morning, baby girl. You look like you’re in a good mood today.”

I can’t hide my grin as I reply, “I’d be in a much better mood if you hadn’t knocked, but yes, I am. I get to leave the house after two damn weeks of being cooped up here.”

Her smile disappears. “Baby, I know this has been hard on you and this is mostly out of the news, but you two keep an eye out. You never know when some reporter will try to corner you for the story. You know their saying, ‘If it bleeds, it leads,’ and I wouldn’t put it past those vultures.”

I nod. “I know, Mom. Alla knows too, so we’ll be careful.”

“I know you will, but from now on you’ll be parking your car in the garage. I moved it in there when all this started anyway.”

Once we have breakfast, Mom puts our hair up for us, Alla collects our things as I kiss and hug Mom goodbye. We head out to my car, where Alla drives us to school. Again, one armed, so it’s not like I can drive a stick shift. The truly bad thing is that it’s my left arm broken, so I can’t even hold her hand as we drive. Forty minutes later, we arrive, park and walk toward the entrance.

Spotting Mia and several others under a tree, we make our way over to them. The hugs, bright smiles and cheerful ‘Hello’ from them makes me so happy that I feel as if I might burst. Gladly basking in the attention from my friends, we continue talking until the warning bell rings.

As we walk inside, lots of people say, “Welcome back, Andrea. I’m glad you're okay now.” Although, Mia and the others have to fend off a few of the more aggressive well wishers. A minute after taking my seat in our classroom, a breathless Daniel comes rushing into the room and his face lights up in a smile when he sees me.

Walking over, he says, “I was so worried when I heard what happened to you, but Mia said you needed to rest and recover.”

I nod. “Thank you for your concern. Mia was right. The doctor ordered me to rest and no stress. I was in fairly bad shape.”

He reaches out and gently runs his thumb along my cheek. “Again, I heard. The news said your father almost killed you.”

Blushing furiously, I reach up and remove his hand. Looking down, I reply, “H-he almost did.”

Squatting down, he takes my hand and looks me in the eyes. “Andrea, I meant it when I said I like you and want to go out with you. Regardless, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask me.”

Smiling brightly, I reply, “Thank you very much, but I’ve got a lot of help already. I promise, I’ll let you know if I need something.”

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons.

Ragiakurusu, Johnie Kirk, Mika Wayne Rogall, ClamyCupcakes, kirindas, MisoTsu, Andrew Meyers, Suolojavri, Kuroko, Britney Fletcher, Necrotyr, Lord Lucifer, Steven Yao, Jordon Gotthold, Spencer Huston, Ken, Glader, Patrick Frake, Jessica Clark, William Dawson, TiwN222, CoffeeCat, Some BS Deity, eeleater, AcPz, Christina Colclazier, and Iori Daemona Angel.

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