The Flip Side

Chapter 06: Alla

Chapter 10 is available for Patreons

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As I’m getting undressed she asks, “You cook?”

“Of course. I’m a good cook. Don’t you?”

She shakes her head and says, “I try, but I’m not very good at it. More often than not, I overcook it or burn it.”

“I’d be happy to work with you on that, if you want.”

“Sounds good to me since trying to teach myself isn’t helping… Andie, can I ask you something personal?”

I shrug and say, “Sure.”

“Have you ever had a boyfriend?”

I shake my head. “No.”

“Okay. Now you don’t have to answer and I don’t care one bit if you are or aren’t, but are you a lesbian?”

I shrug again. “I have no idea.”

“How do you feel about people that are lesbians or are bisexual?”

“Our pastor says they are mentally ill and need help, but personally, I don’t care if someone is or isn’t. Who someone likes or loves is no one else's business. Why?”

I hand her back the costume and she takes it to the closet to hang up. When she comes back, she says, “No real reason, other than trying to get to know you better.”

Turning around, I start dressing as I tell her, “Like I said, I have no idea what I am right now. Honestly, at school I thought several of the guys I saw were good looking, but I also thought the same thing about a lot of girls too. I don’t believe it was sexual in nature, more along the lines of appreciating their good looks.” Once I’m dressed I turn to look at her. “Of course, I think you are beautiful too.”

“Thank you. Andie, I’m curious, have you ever kissed anyone?”

Blushing slightly, I reply, “No, never.”

“Hmm… Well, this normally happens when girls are twelve or thirteen, but would you like to kiss me?”


She gently smiles at me. “Andie, look, I know you don’t have any friends and really haven’t had any until now. Well, other than maybe Mia. You’ve never had or been to sleepovers, makeover parties, or anything else that most early teens have. You do know a lot of us had our first kiss with a friend at one of those, right?” I shake my head and she comes closer to me. “Okay, close your eyes. Pucker your lips a little, but keep them somewhat soft and loose and simply follow me in what I do, alright?”

I nod dumbly as I think, ‘I’ve barely been a girl for a week and now I’m getting my first kiss from my friend? Not that I mind. She’s a beautiful girl and I like her, so why not?’

As she leans in, I close my eyes and do as she said. She slips her arms around me and softly kisses me. Making me think, ‘Wow, her lips are so soft and this feels wonderful.’

Once she breaks our kiss, she smiles at me and asks, “How was it?”

Smiling back at her, I reply, “It was very nice. I really liked it.” Shyly, I ask, “Umm, Alla, would you kiss me again?”

“Sure.” She leans in to kiss me again as I slide my arms around her neck. A few moments later, I feel her tongue against my lips and part my lips to touch her tongue with mine. Not long after she slips her tongue in my mouth chasing my tongue with hers and I pull her even tighter against me, crushing our breasts together as I think, ‘Who knew kissing feels this good!’ I follow her every lead while we kiss and a few minutes later, she pulls away.

She nuzzles my cheek and quietly tells me, “Damn Andie, you learn quickly. You kiss so much better than Brian does. His are sloppy and forceful. Yours are delicate and sweet.”

I simply hold her and smile. “Thank you, but all I was doing is following you.”

“Umm, maybe at first, but about halfway through you took over the lead. Didn’t you notice?”

“Nuh uh. I was too busy enjoying the kiss to notice much else.”


“How would you like me to spend the night with you?”

I smile shyly as I tell her, “I think I’d really like that.”

She gives me a soft, sweet kiss. “I’d like it too. Okay, let me go so I can get a change of clothes.”

Reluctantly, I let her go and she quickly gathers her sleepwear, a new blouse, camisole, panty hose and underwear. I follow her downstairs and she writes a note, telling them she will be spending the night at my house.

When we pull up to my house, I see Mom’s car is already here. Inside, I announce, “I’m home!”

I can hear her walking toward us as she says, “Andrea, where have you… Who’s this?”

“Mom, this is my friend, Alla Bayanova. Alla, this is my Mom.”

Alla smiles at her and says, “Hello Mrs. Williams, pleased to meet you.”

“Welcome Alla, but you can call me Miriam.”

“I invited Alla to eat with us and spend the night. Is that alright?”

She smiles as she replies, “Of course. Go get changed, dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes.”

“Okay, we’ll be down soon.” Taking her hand, I lead Alla up to my room.

Once we enter, she says, “Wow! Your room is huge!”

“Then you’ll definitely like the bath as well.”

I walk over to my closet as she looks around the room. Picking out a casual dress, I strip down and put it on. After I take off my panty hose, I put on some matching ankle socks. When I come out, Alla is smiling at me.

I ask, “What?”

“You have a garden tub in your room. I hope you know we’re bathing together later.”

I giggle and say, “Of course, I’d already planned on it.”

She walks over to me, slips her arms around my waist and gently pulls me against her. “I believe that you and I are going to be a lot more than friends.” She pulls back to look at me. “Assuming you want that too.”

I slide my arms around her neck and pull her to me for a kiss. Several minutes later, I pull away and ask, “Does that answer your question?”

Grinning, she says, “It does. Andie, I’ve never wanted to do this with a girl before. I mean, yes, I kissed some when we were all learning how to kiss and everything when we were twelve, but nothing since then.”

“Why me then? You just talked to me today.”

She shrugs. “I can’t explain it to you. I guess you could say I feel drawn to you. Andie, I’m not going to break up with Brian for you and we can’t ever tell anyone that we do this. They would kick us out of school and you know it.”

“I know and I’m not asking for you to do that. We can be mere best friends at school and whatever else you want us to be when we’re alone. I think we’ll have a lot of fun together no matter what we are.”

“Andie, give me your hand.” She takes it and places it on her breast. “Does that tell you what I want us to be when we’re alone?”

I give her a soft kiss and then smile happily at her. “It does and that makes me glad we feel the same, as if you couldn’t already tell… Okay, change out of your uniform and we’ll go eat.”

“All I have is my shorts and the cami I sleep in.”

I shrug. “That’s fine, it's just us girls here. My father won’t be back until Saturday evening.”

Suffice to say, dinner was fun. Mom got to know Alla a little while we all talked and laughed. It’s probably the best dinner I can remember for a long time. Honestly, for the first time in my life, I feel like a normal person. I find it odd that it took me getting my gender changed for that to happen. Well, truth is stranger than fiction as they say.

I don’t even want to think about what it would have been like had Dad been here, and truthfully, if he was home I would never have had Alla spend the night with me. I can just imagine the anti-LGBQT crap he would have been harping on about.

After dinner and helping clean up, Alla and I lock ourselves in my bedroom where we watch an anime movie while cuddling and occasionally making out. Regardless of being friends with benefits, simply having a friend has me giddy. Of course, I’m also a little scared. I mean, I’m happy that I have a friend. I’m excited that she wants to have sex with me, but it’s also a little scary for me as I have no experience.

That aside, I’ve never even kissed anyone until today, and watching porn on my computer? Ha! I did that one time when I was thirteen. I mentioned my father is a civilian contractor for the USAF, what I didn’t say is he a computer systems analyst. Apparently, he has a overwatch program on our network and he went off when he found out I accessed a few porn sites. It’s probably needless to say, but not only did I get an extremely long lecture about morality from him, he also told the pastor at church and I got an extended sermon on morality and several other subjects from him as well. Also, I was grounded for three months, as if that really mattered to someone who has never had any friends or goes anywhere.

As the credits begin rolling, she leans over and whispers, “Why don’t you take off your dress?” Once I take it off, we slide down to lay beside one another as another movie starts. Kissing and exploring each other, she starts running her finger along the top of my panties and I’m instantly aware of my entire body, every part of me overly sensitive, tingling and warm. Sliding her hand up along my stomach, she unhooks and removes my bra. Sitting up, she strips down, and all I can do is stare, mesmerized by her luscious figure. My heart is racing and feels like it’s stuck in my throat because I’m both excited and terrified at the same time. Her fingers trace along my thigh and up my stomach to my breast. Cupping it, she begins playing with my nipple which elicits a soft moan from me. Smiling, she kisses me and I kiss her back, passionately.

I pull back to look at her and ask, “Are you sure about this? You have Brian.” I don't want her to do something she might regret tomorrow. I can do without the sex, but I damn sure want her as a friend.

She smiles at me as she caresses my cheek, and tells me, “I don’t care about Brian. I never have. He’s more about my position in the school. I like him, just not in that way, so I’ve never had sex with him and I never will.”

She kisses me again and at that moment, nothing else matters. Pulling back, she looks at me with a mischievous grin as she pushes me onto by back, slides her hands down my body, which makes me shiver because it feels ever so good, and I lift my butt as she slides off my panties. Kissing and licking her way back up me until she reaches my lips, she kisses me again as she massages my breasts and plays with my nipples.

Somehow, through my moans and whimpers, I manage to say, “Bathroom, towel, I get very wet.”

She grins at me, climbs off of me and walks to the bathroom while I admire her sexy curves and the way her hips sway as she walks. Seconds later, she reappears, towel in hand. Sliding in beside me, she says, “Lift that cute butt of yours.” I raise my hips and she places the towel under me.

We take it slow. Exploring each others bodies. Kissing, nibbling and licking each other for I don’t know how long until finally she begins to stroke my clit. As aroused and hyper-sensitive as I am at this point, I doubt it’s more than a few minutes before she brought me to orgasm and everything goes white as I clutch my quilt and quiver. This is so much better than masturbating!

Opening my eyes, even as the sensations from my orgasm still rampage through me, I pull her down to me and kiss her fervently. Rolling over on top of her, I break our kiss, and have her lift her hips so I can slide the towel under her. Once I have, I move back up to kiss her again. Even if we did nothing else, kissing her is simply amazing. Kissing my way down her neck and front to her breast, I suckle and nibble as she mewls and pulls me tighter against her. I keep at it until shes moaning and gasping.

As I slide further down her, I ask my database how to do this and it shows me. Moving between her legs, I kiss and lick the insides of her thighs, slowly moving closer and closer to her vagina. I’m a little leery here. I mean, what if I don’t like the way she tastes? I don’t want to offend her and I damn sure want to make her feel good too. Thankfully, my worries are unfounded.

Gently, I slide my tongue along the lips of her vagina to find she tastes slightly tangy. I kinda like it. I begin to stroke her clit with a finger as I plunge my tongue inside her. She gasps loudly as I do so and tenses up for a few moments before she relaxes again. She begins squirming as I stroke and lick her until finally, she gasps quite loudly, tenses her muscles and arches her back as her orgasm takes her. Clamping her thighs around my head, she shudders as the sensations storm through her. Once she relaxes, I move on top of her to cuddle. I can still feel her quivering from the echoes of her orgasm.

Sliding her arms around me, she holds me tightly against her as she huskily whispers, “That was amazing. I’ve never had an orgasm that intense before.” She kisses my neck. “Thank you, Andie.”

Raising up to look at her, smile and tell her, “No need to thank me. I enjoyed this too.” I lean in to kiss her and she squashes me against her. It’s a long, soft, and very sensuous kiss. It's ever so satisfying, to put it mildly. Once I break our kiss, I smile as I ask, “Do you want to take a bath?”

“Sounds great to me.”

I kiss her again and get up. “Bring the towel with you when you come.”

She stretches languidly and tells me, “Okay.”

I go into the bathroom, start the water running, adjust the temperature and add some bubble bath. Opening the shower, I turn it on, adjust the temperature and step in, allowing the hot water to run down me. Turning around, I pick up the sponge, wet it down and add some body wash. I begin to gently wash myself as she opens the door and steps in with me. As I turn to look at her, I smile as I catch her looking me over from top to bottom. “What?”

“Nothing really. I was just thinking that you have a great body. I’d have never even thought that before today. You know, I’m really happy I talked to you.” She leans in to give me a soft kiss and then takes the sponge away from me. “I’ll do that.”

She washes me, has me wet down my hair again and washes it. Once I rinse out the shampoo, she puts in conditioner. While we give it the time it needs to penetrate, I wash her and then rinse the conditioner out my hair. I wash her hair and after she rinses it out, I put in conditioner. She pulls me against her to kiss me deeply while the conditioner is doing it’s thing. We break our kiss several minutes later. She rinses out her hair, I turn off the shower and we step out. I hand her a towel to dry her hair with and take one for myself. As I dry mine, I shut off the tub’s faucet. Stepping over to the sink counter, I open the drawer take out a couple of large hair clips and close the drawer. I wind her hair up and clip it in place and then do the same for mine.

I climb into the tub first, then she climbs in between my legs and leans back against me as I slip my arms around her. I’m so glad I have a tub large enough for us to cuddle in.

She turns her head to look at me, kisses my neck, sighs, and says, “I’d have never imagined I’d be with a girl this way.” She twines her fingers with mine. “Especially one that shares many of the same interests. Frankly, I’m amazed. We’ve known each other for less than twenty-four hours, but I’m so comfortable around you. There’s none of the tension I have when I’m with my other friends. It’s nice to be able to be with someone and be so relaxed.”

I get lost in those baby blue eyes of hers as she talks to me and I lean down to take her lips with mine. It’s long, soft and sweet with none of the urgency from earlier. She never shows a sign of wanting to break our kiss and we continue for several minutes until I finally break it and nuzzle her cheek. I whisper, “In that respect, I’m no different than you. I really hope this isn’t a one time thing.”

She giggles and says, “You can bet your life that it won’t be. Sex with you is amazing. I meant it when I said that I’ve never had an orgasm that intense before, and you give the best kisses I’ve ever had.”

I close my eyes, rest my head against her, pull her a little tighter against me and murmur, “Mmm. I think I’m really going to enjoy school from now on.”

After we get out, we dry off, blow dry and brush out each other’s hair, and we go back into the bedroom.

As I head to my closet, she grabs my arm to stop me. When I look at her with a questioning expression, she asks, “Do you mind if we sleep together nude? I love the way you feel against me.”

Smiling, I tell her, “I don’t mind at all.”

I turn off the main room lights and the TV. Turning down the covers, we climb in and cuddle up with her head on my shoulder. After I give her a kiss and tell her, “Good night,” I close my eyes and think, ‘I have to admit this is a day I never expected. I think I’m really going to like having a friend with benefits.’ It isn’t long before she falls asleep with a small smile on her lips, and I follow soon after.

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons, especially:

AcPz, Andrew Meyers, Bread Chan, Christiine Govinden-Loh, Christina Colclazier, ClamyCupcakes, Dawn Fletcher, Duvet, eeleater, Error25, George, Hakatori, Jessica Clark, Johnie Kirk, Ken, kirindas, Lord Lucifer, Ly, Mathieu C, Matthew Tiffany, MisoTsu, Mysti, Necrotyr, Patrick Frake, Phisit Wattanasuk, Rene Gropp, Some BS Deity, Spencer Huston, Steven Yao, Terry Carter, TiwN222

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