The Flip Side

Chapter 04: Day Out and…

Chapter 07 is available for Patreons

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Slowly waking up, I smile again as I remember last night and how good it felt. I glance at the clock to see it’s a little after six in the morning and think, ‘It’s unusual for me to wake up this early.’ I’m not a morning person, at least, I wasn’t back when I was a boy. Now, though? I dunno, we’ll have to see.

Rolling over, I hit a rather large wet spot on my quilt and tell myself, ‘Alright, I’ll need to put a towel under me next time. I don’t want to have to wash my bedding everytime I masturbate, but damn, that was amazing!’

Getting out of bed, I head over to my desk for my panties and bra Mom picked out for me and then go into the bathroom to take a shower. I need one, to put it mildly the room and I smell, umm, rather ‘musky.’

After showering, I dry off, blow dry and brush out my hair. Opening a drawer, I take out one of the hair clips Mom got me and put my hair up in a high ponytail with the help of my database. After I slip on my panties and bra, I head back into my room. Slipping on my dress, I zip it up, and put on my stockings. Forgoing my shoes for the moment, I pick them up and carry them down with me. Dropping them off beside the sofa, I tell Mom, “Good morning” and receive a bright smile as she says, “Good morning. How did you sleep?”

Smiling in response, I say, “Wonderfully. Actually, better than I have in a long time.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Okay, sit down baby girl, I’ll bring it to you in a minute.”

I make myself a cup of coffee as Mom finishes up and sit down with it. After I take a few sips, Mom sets my plate in front of me and sits down with hers. Once she’s eaten several bites, she asks, “What movie are you going to see today?”

“I was thinking of seeing Alita: Battle Angel. It’s been out long enough that the crowds should have slacked off some.”

“Isn’t that the one you told me was based off of a manga?”

“Mhmm. It is, and it’s supposed to be really good.”

“Well, have fun, just remember what I told you about staying away from places where you can be trapped alone. There are a lot of freaks in this world.”

“I know Mom, and I promise I’ll be careful.”

“I’m simply reminding you. It might not hurt for me to get you a stun gun and pepper spray.”

“Don’t you think that’s going a little far?”

She shakes her head. “No, I don’t. Honey, I know you must have seen how often they report sexual assault on the news. One in six women have been raped in this area and I don’t want you included in that statistic.”

“Okay, I’ll carry them if you think it’s best.”

“Baby girl, I’d get you a pistol if it were legal for you to carry one. I carry one with me wherever I go. It’s a dangerous world out there.” I nod acknowledging her point as I continue eating. “For right now, just be aware of your surroundings and I’ll get you a stun gun soon.”

“Okay Mom, thank you.”

Hopefully, I will never need the thing, but as she says, this is a dangerous world.

She stands and takes her plate to the sink. “Could you clean up the kitchen before you leave today?”


“Thank you. Alright, I have to go to work. I’ll see you around six tonight.”

“Have a good day, Mom.”

“You too. Andrea?” I look up at her. “I love you.”

I smile at her. “I love you too.”

She waves and tells me, “Bye.”

I finish my breakfast and clean up the kitchen. Walking over to the sofa, I slip into my heels and carefully walk around to get used to them. It’s not as hard as I thought it might be and it’s not long before I feel comfortable walking in them. Heading upstairs, I gather my bedding, take it down, put it in the washer and start it.

Heading over to the linen closet, I get a fresh set of sheets and a quilt and head upstairs. I quickly make my bed and get my black purse out of the closet. I go over to my desk, drop my phone and wallet into my purse and pick up my car keys. I make my way downstairs and lock the door behind me as I go out to my car. Buckling myself in, I start it and set the navigation system for my favorite theater in Miami, Silverspot Cinema. In my opinion, it’s hands down the best one in Miami. A little more than an hour later, I arrive. I make my way inside and over to the ticket counter.

The guy at the counter says, “Hi, how may I help you?” All the while staring at my breasts.

I clear my throat and say, “My face is up here, not down there.”

He looks up at me for a moment and then right back down. “Ugh! How gross can you be!” Turning, I walk over to the girl and stand in line behind a couple. She looks at me and says, “He can help you,” as she gestures in his direction. I shake my head and tell her, “I’ll wait for you, thanks.”

A minute later she asks, “How may I help you?”

“One: I’d like a ticket for Alita and two: I’d like you to talk to the manager about him staring at my breasts. That’s just gross.”

“I apologize. Hang on a second.” She walks to the back and a few seconds later comes back with an older man.

He says, “Hi. Lisa told me there’s a problem.”

“Mhmm. I went to your clerk there,” I nod in his direction, “and he simply stared at my breasts. I told him my face was up here, he looked up for a second and went right back to staring again. It’s creepy and gross.”

He nods. “I apologize for his behavior and I promise you he’ll be dealt with.” He looks at Lisa. “Comp her ticket and any snacks she wants.” He looks at the male clerk and growls out, “David, in my office. Now.” As they go through the doorway I hear the manager tell him, “What did I tell you about staring at women like that? That’s three times…”

Lisa asks, “You said Alita, right?” I nod. “Okay.” She taps the screen a few times and hands me a ticket. Then reaches under the counter and tears off a small piece of paper and hands it to me. “If you’ll take that to the snack counter and hand it to them, they’ll give you whatever you want at no charge. I apologize for David’s behavior, but we have a problem there since he’s the owners cousin. Hopefully, this will be the final time it happens.”

“Thank you.” Turning, I make my way to the snack counter. The guy there smiles brightly and asks, “How may I help you?”

I hand him the voucher and say, “A large Dr. Pepper and a box of Reese’s Pieces, please.”

He shakes his head when he takes the voucher. “I see you met David. Okay, give me a moment.” He brings back my drink and snack. “Enjoy the movie.” I nod and walk over to the ticket taker. He tears my ticket in half and say, “Theater six.” He gestures to my left. “Enjoy the movie.”

“Thank you.”

I make my way to the theater indicated and find a seat. A few minutes later the trailers start and a bit more than two hours later, I stand to leave as the credits roll, thinking, ‘That was really good.’

I throw away my cup and the empty box as I pass the trash can as I make my way out of the theater. Making a stop at the restroom, I do my business and wash my hands. Continuing out to my car, I see Lisa wave me over. Detouring to her counter, I ask, “What’s up?”

“Thank you. The owner allowed the manager to fire him over this when we told him you were underage.”

“I hate that he was fired, but he did bring in on himself. Maybe he’ll learn something from this.”

Lisa nods. “We can hope, but I have my doubts. Anyway, I just thought I’d tell you. Have a nice day.”

“You too.”

Once I make it to my car, I unlock it, buckle myself in and start the car, I glance at the clock thinking, ‘Lunch time already. Where do I want to eat?’ Accessing the navigation system I look for restaurants nearby and hit upon Spris Artisan Pizza. That sounds good. It’s been a while since I’ve had some good pizza. Highlighting the entry, the system sets up the route and gives me directions.

A few minutes later, I arrive and enter a rather stylish Italian pizzeria. I assume they must be good because the parking lot is darn near full and it’s no different inside. Looking around, I spot the pizza counter and wind my way through the crowd to place my order. They call my name shortly and I pick it up, find a seat and begin to eat. OMG! I know why this place is so busy now! This is delicious. Crispy crust, not too much sauce and not too little, and the perfect amount of toppings.

As I’m eating, a fairly decent looking guy in a business suit asks, “May I sit with you?” I gesture to the seat as I have my mouth full.

After I swallow, I take a sip of my soda and he says, “Excuse me, may I bother you for a pen?”

“Sure,” I open my purse and hand him one.

“I am so sorry, but do you also happen to have a piece of paper?”

“Of course.” I tear off a page of the note paper I always carry and hand it to him.

“Thank you.” A few moments later he says, “l promise this is the last time I’ll bother you. May I have your number now that I have a pen and paper?”

I roll my eyes, thinking, ‘You have to be kidding me.’ “Do you know how lame that is? How old are you anyway?”


I give him a small smile and say, “I’m sixteen, so I guess you’re looking to go to prison for a long time.”

He looks stunned as he says, “Sixteen? I thought you were around twenty. Sorry, my bad.”

“Whatever. I’m curious, does that even work for you?”

He shrugs. “Maybe one out of twenty times.”

I snort. “A five percent success ratio? Wow, you need to figure out a new approach. Oh, and who goes around trying to pick up girls at lunch? Seriously, that simply reeks of desperation.”

He sneers at me as he says, “What the fuck does a kid know?”

Frowning at his language, I say, “I know not to try to pick up minors if you’re an adult. You can leave now before I call the police.”

Thankfully, he leaves and I return my attention to my lunch. After I finish, I head out to my car, looking around as I do so. I wouldn’t doubt that someone like him is waiting for me to come out. I’m pleasantly surprised to find that he isn’t. Getting in, I start it, set the navigation for home and make my way back home. Once home, I head up to my room, kick off my shoes, put them away, and strip off my stockings. Grabbing a pair of black ankle socks from my drawer, I put them on and drop my stockings in the bag for them hanging on the hamper. Back in my room, I curl up on my bed and turn on the TV. Scrolling through my anime list, I find what I was watching and pick up where I left off.

After the last episode ends, I glance at the clock and see it’s almost five. I stand and stretch while thinking, ‘I need to get the meatloaf in the oven. Mom will be home before too long.’ I make my way to the kitchen, turn the oven on to preheat, open the refrigerator and pull out the meatloaf Mom prepared last night.

After the oven signals it’s heated up, I set the timer, start it and place the meatloaf in the oven. Pulling the dinner rolls out of the refrigerator, I set them on the counter to allow them to rise some more. Then I pull several large potatoes out of the bin and peel them. After dicing them up, I drop them in a pot and set them to boil for mashed potatoes. If you can’t tell already, we’re having meatloaf, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, green beans and dinner rolls.

Walking to the sofa, I curl up with my legs under me and turn on the news, while I give everything time to get ready. At 5:40 I get up, turn off the TV, set the table and begin to finish cooking dinner. Mom comes in shortly after 6:00 as I’m finishing everything up.

Smiling, I tell her, “Hi Mom. Dinner will be ready soon. You have enough time to change clothes if you want.”

“Hi Andrea. Good, I’d like to get comfortable. I’ll be back in a few moments.”

I’m setting everything on the table as Mom comes back in. She says, “Smells good, I’m starving.”

After we’ve served ourselves and have eaten a few bites, Mom tells me, “You have an appointment with our gynecologist, Dr. Marybeth Kirk, tomorrow at 10:30. Do you want me to go with you?”

“I’d prefer it if you did. At least for this time.”

“Alright. I thought you might, so I told them at work that I needed to take you to the doctor tomorrow.”

“Thank you. I’m more than slightly nervous about seeing this kind of doctor.”

“There’s really nothing to be nervous about. She’s a good doctor and knows what she’s doing.”

I give her a wry smile as I say, “Mom, really? Just a couple of days ago I had a penis, now I have a vagina and breasts. Truthfully, it doesn’t bother me as much today as it did yesterday, but…” I trail off and shrug.

She reaches across and pats my hand. “Trust me, I understand, but just think of this as another rite of passage for yourself. It won’t be too difficult. She will do a general physical and an external exam at most unless she sees a problem, which I highly doubt there is.”

“Okay. I was kinda worried she was going to stick things in my vagina and stuff.”

Mom chuckles and says, “Only if she sees a problem tomorrow. Those kinds of examinations will come a little later.”

“Good. Oh, some guy tried to pick me up at lunch today. He was so~ lame though.”

I tell her what all he said and she laughs. “I’ve had that one used on me in college. You’re right, it's lame, but it is funny. You handled it rather well.”

After dinner, we clean up and I tell Mom, “Can you come help me pick out what to wear tomorrow? After that I’m going to go take a hot bath and go to bed. I’ve had a fairly busy day and I’m a little tired.”

 ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

There’s not a huge amount that goes on for the rest of this week, so I’ll try to summarize it for you instead of boring you to tears.

[Thursday, April 4th]

A knock on my door wakes me and Mom sticks her head in to tell me, “Andie, you need to get up. I’m starting breakfast soon, so you need to get ready.”

“Okay, I’m up. I’ll be down as soon as I brush my hair.”

I brush my hair, go downstairs and we eat. Mom tells me, “I’m going to go to work and then I'll meet you at the doctor's office for your appointment later this morning.”

After we eat, Mom heads off to work and I clean everything up. Heading upstairs, I take a shower, dry off, blow dry and brush out my hair. After I put on my underwear, I head out into my room, where I slip on the halter top, skirt, stockings and heels Mom helped me pick out last night.

Later at the doctors, the doctor performs a general check up, measures my height and weight and performs a quick external visual exam of my vagina. No problems were found, but for those of you who are interested, I’m now 5’4” and weigh 110 pounds.

[Friday, April 5th]

Not really all that much I have to do today, other than go into Miami to get my uniform and gym clothes for school, some panty hose and the Mary Jane pumps we have to wear with our uniform.

[Saturday, April 6th]

Today, Mom takes me shopping again. This time to make over my all to boyish decor in my bedroom. I’m simply going to say, I let Mom have free reign on this as I have no idea, but by the time we finish I’m almost completely exhausted and I have a massive headache. Suffice to say, my room looks quite girlish now.

Dad is due to come home a little before 5:00. Now, Mom and I are required to meet him at the door when he comes home to greet him. There are times I think my dad’s idea of how a family should be is from the 1950’s. Look, my dad is a smart man, he simply has some rather strange ideas about some things as far as family is concerned.

[Sunday, April 7th]

Nothing much to say here. Today, I have to get into one of my nicer dresses, along with stockings and heels, because we have church in the morning. Back home we eat lunch, and like normal I hole up in my room until dinner. After that we go to church again for evening services. When we get home, I undress, put on a comfortable outfit, and hide out in my room.

Now, I realize it might seem that I don’t like my dad, but that’s not true at all. I love my dad, it’s simply the fact that I don’t agree with a lot of what he believes and so I try to minimize any chance of conflict. If I’m honest, I always look forward to when he leaves for the week because the house feels, I dunno, a bit lighter? Easier to breathe in?

I’m also looking forward to going back to school tomorrow. While I did do stuff, simply sitting around the house is boring, not to mention I don’t want to fall too far behind with my school work.

As always, a huge thank you to all of my Patreons, especially:

Misti, Dawn Fletcher, & Some BS Deity

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