The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL

“Bought with Blood”

Oriana pov

A white light appeared next to Shalltear and immediately started to grow in size. The edges of the white light stretched out just enough to form arms and legs. The white humanoid gained more details until it resembled Shalltear. [Einherjar] Shalltears trumpf card, a skill that allowed her to create a copy of herself. This copy was, unlike one of Orianas [blood clones] that she had used earlier, exactly as strong as Shalltear. However, this only applied to the stats. The [Einherjar] was unable to use magic or skills to attack, heal, or buff herself.

Despite all this, it was still a dangerous component. The ability to turn a fight from a 1-vs-1 into a 2-vs-1 fight made Shalltear a formidable opponent even without her previously demonstrated skills. 

The [Einherjar] charged towards her, and Oriana parried her attack. Since she was statistically superior to Shalltear and she had buffed herself beforehand, [Einherjar] was less of a problem than Shalltear. She couldn't heal, buff, cast spells, use skills, or use the abilities of her equipment. The previously dangerous spuit lance was not a problem here.

She had her scythe out and dealt a powerful blow to the [Einherjar]. Due to the previously used ability [Moonrise], her attack speed and damage increased enormously with each successive hit. However, the buffs would disappear if the combo was interrupted or the opponent was destroyed. The ability would then be put on a cooldown and not be able to be used again until the next day.

The [Einherja] tried to attack, but Oriana dodged, delivered two more blows, and glanced at Shalltear. She had expected an attack, but Shalltear apparently had all the time in the world. While Oriana fought with the [Einherja], Shalltear calmly killed her previously summoned pets. Oriana grunted and turned back to the [Einherja]. She could practically see Shalltear's HP bar filling up again.

Another blow, and the [Einherjar] staggered back. The situation looked anything but good. Shalltear had her full HP, and even if it wasn't any different for her, she would still be clearly outnumbered in a direct fight. There was only one option left:.

She used her increased speed and charged towards Shalltear, an unusual decision. Her [Moonrise] buffs would disappear after five seconds if she did not hit her combo target, but one hit was all she needed. Shalltear, who had not expected something like this, was unable to repel the attack.


A large wound appeared on Shalltear's stomach, and Oriana jumped back. Her buffs had disappeared, and she still looked at two battle-ready opponents.

"Hahahahahhahahaha, what a desperate move!" taunted Shalltear, who pointed at her already healed stomach.

"I'm afraid you lost; I still have my [Einherjar], and you're no match for both of us now that you've wasted that ability. And you call yourself the Primodial Vampire? Pathetic," scoffed Shalltear.

"Idiot" was all Oriana said.


"You heard me; this battle has been under my control since the beginning. I manipulated the environment with seals of blood magic; here, look," said Oriana, snapping her finger just to make Shalltear freeze in her tracks.

"Ihihihihihihih, do you really think something like this is going to hold me for long? I am level 100; I will not be held by your little'magic trick' for long," giggled Shalltear. 

"Any moment now." 


"What seems to be the problem? Oh, wise and powerful vampire who supposedly surpasses me," Oriana replied, her voice practically dripping with sarcasm.

"What...DID YOU DO?"

"Well, you are right about one thing: this seal on the ground should not be able to hold you for more than 5 seconds, but...I have placed the seal not just on the ground," replied Oriana.

"What?" replied Shalltear and inspected her body.

"Well, you can't see it because it's on your back. 

"I took the liberty of placing it during the fight. It's a simple task if you think about the fact that you stupidly turned your back on me during the fight," explained Oriana.

"And now... rejoice, Shalltear, for I will show you my greatest AOE spell."

[Bought by Blood] Oriana casted 

"You truly are lucky, Shalltear; this spell is similar to Ulberts [Grand Catastrophe]. It should be an honor for you.

The spell [Bought by Blood] was an AOE spell that was able to one-shot players immediately. It cut through defenses and immunities, an incredibly powerful spell; there was only one catch, or rather five.

There were five conditions, all but one of which was optional but had to be met in order to fulfill the full potential of the spell.

The conditions were:

1.) The caster has to give up 99.9% of his HP. 
2.) The opponent has to stand still completely.
3.) The caster had to stand still completely.
4.) The caster had to be in a fight with the opponent.
5.) And the opponent had to be affected by the [bleed] and [curse] status effects.

Each condition added 20% damage to the spell. In order to be able to defeat the opponent with a single shot, you had to meet all the requirements to achieve the desired effect. A feat that would be nearly impossible in a normal fight. Standing still was difficult, but expecting the enemy to stand still was even crazier. Still, the range of the spell was very high, and if you could perform it under the conditions, it was technically possible to kill multiple level 100 players.

It was an 'all or nothing' move that gave you a miracle, but it had to be paid in blood. Just the activation costed 99% of your HP after all. But Oriana did not have this problem right now. Shalltear was not able to move thanks to the seals; it was a fortune that she had not destroyed them. Seals became stronger the longer they existed, but they could be erassed instatly while still weak. Even now, they could only hold her for so long.

Oriana made herself small and hugged her chest as she kept something inside her. She tensed her muscles and looked at the still-frozen Shalltear. Her body began to glow in a red tone, which slowly grew brighter and brighter. 

She slowly stood up and raised her arms to the sky. Following their movement, the energy was thrown into the air. A powerful red shockwave that hit everything within its reach rolled across the landscape. Birds, insects, grass, sand, earth, trees, and Shalltear—everything that met the conditions was swept away with the shock wave and destroyed. A huge crater formed itself, and in its center stood two figures.
"Hahahahah, I really didn't think you had such an ace up your sleeve—really impressive. However, that's where it ends. I can see it; your HP is so close to zero; your life is practically hanging on by a thread," replied Shalltear to the now-unmoving Oriana.

"I really would have been killed by that; if I did not have that revival item Lord Peroronchino gave me, I would be dead by now. But still, you did really well." Praised Shalltear

"Hey, what the matter? Are you so worked up that you lost?" asked Shalltear, but Oriana was not responding and kept looking to the ground.

"Hey!" Shalltera exclaimed, still to no avail.


Shalltear heard a loud, slow, almost provocative clapping sound. However, it didn't come from Oriana, who was still standing there with her head looking at the ground. It came from behind her. She spun around to confront the person and froze.

"Hello Shalltear, did you have fun?" 

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