The First Sword of the Earth

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Dao Fa is on the stage, 0 flowers bloom

Wudang group of nine people set off on time at 1:30 in the afternoon and walked up the mountain under the leadership of two Maoshan school leaders.

Entering the west of Maoshan, passing through the gates of all wonders, stepping on the bridge of the holy, there are several pavilions on the road, and the mountains and forests are full of empty and secluded.

The scenery along this road is very good, although it is all mountains and forests, but the style is very different from Wudang, it makes people linger and want to live here freely for some time.

said he was going to the Yuehua Terrace, but in fact he was going outside the palace of Chongxi Palace.

The disciples of the disciples of various factions were waiting in the venues that had been set up outside the hall, according to the positions arranged by Maoshan, and the Daoye led by Li Shiwu went to the Chongxi Hall to discuss matters.

Hundreds of Maoshan disciples are busy, and the venue has been arranged properly.

In fact, this venue is also simple, a central open space, with some futons and benches on both sides, and some signs indicating martial art.

I have to say that there are really a lot of Taoist priests on Maoshan Mountain, at least Wang Sheng is on Wudang Mountain, and he has never seen so many young disciples with cultivation skills.

This is the embodiment of Taoism.

This place is to win in the quiet, without the eyes of the world, and the disciples were told that they could not use any means to shoot and preserve the images of this place.

Therefore, these monks can freely show their cultivation skills and discuss the things of cultivation.

Wang Sheng felt that the words on the high-hanging banner were changed, and it was more appropriate to change the “Daomen Exchange Conference” to the “Daomen Exchange Conference”.

Hundreds of people didn’t bother, the Taoist leaders were closing their eyes to rest, while the younger disciples looked at each other.

Mu Wanxuan and Wang Sheng are sitting on the same bench. She has a task today. After sitting down, she has been closing her eyes and resting her mind. Obviously, she attaches great importance to the next appearance.

From time to time, there were eyes on Wang Sheng, but it was just a flash. Young Taoist priests like Wang Sheng who rely on temperament to output their appearance are not too much here.

Still see the elder sister more.

Three moments before it was straight, silk and bamboo Dao music sounded in the hall. Seven or eight Maoshan old roads, dressed in pale yellow robes and crowns of the five mountains, walked out slowly, each of them all white in hair, but the aura and rhyme of the whole body were quite extraordinary.

Li Shiwu and other Taoist masters from the mountains followed, and they gave a little humility, found their positions on the benches placed in front of the temple, and sat in a neat row.

Wang Sheng couldn’t help but secretly took out his mobile phone, took a few photos of this group of old gods, and sent them to Master.

Next, there is another speech session that you like to hear and hear—

Trace the history of Daomen and look forward to the glorious future.

The Maoshan who spoke with the elders inherited his advanced cultivation skills, but Wang Sheng couldn’t see through it anyway.

There is no microphone in this place, but as soon as this old man speaks, his voice reaches everyone in the field peacefully.

is just this method of sound transmission, which is enough to prove the other side’s extraordinary Dao state, but Wang Sheng has no impression of this Dao master at all.

It seems that the information that I knew from the Internet in my previous life must have a lot of water.

If you have to talk about the shortcomings of the opening speech, it is still an old problem of the Taoist elders-‘intercommunication’ is not a standard.

The old way of speaking is also a strong local accent that can’t be changed, but when speaking slowly, people can barely taste the content.

“Now, this peaceful and prosperous age is hard to come by…

A person who cultivates the Tao should uphold the heart of defending the Tao, and should not use Taoism to cause harm to the world…

Taoist monks should know that even if they have a high level of cultivation, they should not act arbitrarily, let alone satisfy their own selfish desires by relying on Taoism, so that even if there is no immediate impact, they will not be satisfied after they have cultivated, and they will definitely be hindered. .

We must not forget the admonitions of the patriarch, that in times of chaos, you must abide by the laws and disciplines, protect the country and the people, and guard this bright universe! ”

Many young monks listened to such teachings and felt a little strange.

After all, although the Taoist chiefs of the mountains always say that cultivating the Tao before cultivating morality, they only emphasize the importance of respecting the teacher and being kind to others, and they rarely rise to the level of the family, the country, and the world.

Wang Sheng was quite emotional, thinking of some of the past that Master had said about him.

The “protecting the country and the people” mentioned by the Taoist Maoshan is not a simple matter.

Without mentioning it, for seven to eighty years, the Great China has not been established, and the land of China is being humiliated by foreign enemies. Japanese pirates are rampant, guns and guns are blasted, and many Taoists who have escaped the world have entered the world…

When the invading enemy was repelled, many Daocheng disciples died and wounded, and some Daocheng even had only a few old elders left, guarding the ruined mountain gate, worrying about this thousand-year-old. Dao inheritance, whether tomorrow will be completely cut off because no one inherits it.

The inaction pursued by Taoists is to escape from the world and practice when the country is peaceful, but to stand up when the country is in danger.

It is a pity that the revival of the heavens and the earth is a hundred years late, otherwise, the Dao masters might really overthrow the projectile land outside the East China Sea.

Therefore, the four words protecting the country and the people do not contradict the quiet and inaction pursued by Taoism.

The sky, the sky, the earth, and the yellow people are pure, and the universe is restless and the immortal is a knight.

As soon as the words of the elder Maoshan were finished, a younger Taoist leader of Maoshan stood up.

The old Taoist who spoke earlier estimated that Mao Shan had the longest seniority at this time, but he was no longer concerned about ordinary affairs.

The Taoist leader who looked more than fifty, who stood up behind him, should be the principal of Maoshan Daocheng at this time. He has an unspeakable majesty in himself.

Listen to this long Taoist saying:

“Today, most of the famous mountains of Taoism are gathered together, all of them inherit the orthodoxy, and all have the law handed down from generation to generation.

Although cultivating Taoism emphasizes quietness and inaction, it also requires seminars and exchanges. You can’t do things behind closed doors, right?

The purpose of holding this conference in Maoshan is to allow all families to share their thoughts on Taoism and to answer each other’s incomprehensible doubts.

Next, I would like to ask each family to show off their inheritance. I, Maoshan, will come first, and I have the right to give a good start. ”

The words fell, a man and a woman, two young Maoshan disciples stepped into the arena, both wearing light yellow robes.

The man wears a crown of five mountains on his head, handsome and handsome, and the woman wears a lotus crown on his head, looks beautiful and beautiful, standing side by side after more than ten meters, saluting everywhere.

Then, the two raised their true essence at the same time, surrounded by spiritual thoughts, a cuff, and each pinched a piece of yellow paper.


Wang Sheng suddenly came to his senses, and Mu Wanxuan also looked at the situation below without blinking.

These were things they had never seen before. Qing Yanzi didn’t seem to be very good at Fuluo, and he hadn’t shown it in front of his disciples.

Just listen to the female nuns pinching the yellow talisman, making their movements neatly, and at the same time sipping in their mouths:


The vermilion talisman above the two yellow talisman was instantly lit, and then there was a sound of the back, and two **** of flames gushed forward.

The two men grabbed forward and pulled out two mahogany swords in the fire. They retreated, turned, and flicked their swords. This set of actions was rehearsed countless times without any deviation.

Peach Wood Sword started, and the two people chanted the curse, causing the tongue of fire that had not dissipated to entangle on the sword body!

posed two sword poses handsomely, shaking his wrist lightly when retracting the sword, and the mahogany sword and the fire snake dissipated at the same time.

Then, they stood side by side again, doing a word to the surroundings.

Is this over?

Wang Sheng blinked, how could there be a taste of watching juggling?

Sure enough, it is unlikely that each family will really share the Taoism.

sparse applause began to sound around, when most people reacted to applaud, suddenly there was a voice erratic in the field, or someone deliberately pinched his nose to say.

“That’s it? This is the famous Maoshan Taoism?

Oh, it’s amazing. When I was a kid, I was under the overpass. I could see seven segments for a dollar and I could get us a few cents of change!

啧啧, it really gives us a long face for the three Fulus. ”

For a time, the leaders of all sects became energetic, and each explored who dared to speak cold words. Wang Sheng listened to this voice as if it did not seem to be a long time, and his eyes searched among the crowd.

Soon, the senior sister secretly pulled his arm down and pointed to the young monk who was lying on the bench and couldn’t see his face, not too far away from where Wudang and his party settled.

“It’s interesting,” Wang Sheng couldn’t help but said with a smile, and took a few close glances at the young Taoist priest lying on the bench.

Most of the young Taoist priests present at the scene were Wang Sheng with knotted hair, but the person lying on the bench was a bit “unconventional”, with ripped jeans, light blue short sleeves with a skull printed on it, and that capable person. Refreshing short hair with burrs…

Is this guy having a festival with the Taoist priests of Maoshan?

specially points out the three sects of Fulu…Is this person a descendant of Longhushan or Gezaoshan?

I forgot to see which Dao Cheng was over there, so I can only guess a little at this time.

Hearing such irony, the monks in Maoshan were angry or frowned slightly, and the veterans were still extremely calm.

The old Taoist leader who first spoke swept the dust, and the Taoist leader in charge of seeing this, although his face was ashen, but he could only act as if he hadn’t heard the ridicule of the person with his head and tail.

How to investigate Maoshan?

Mu Wanxuan can track the position of the speaker, and those elders from Maoshan, can’t they be found by the Taoist masters who have reached the final stage of cultivation at the scene?

Naturally, they all saw the young man lying on the bench, as well as a few Taoist masters from Maoshan, and recognized this person’s identity.

In the face of so many Daocheng, if Maoshan wants to caress about a descendant of Longhushan, it is really too stingy;

And the other party is a little rogue in the monastic world who has risen to fame in the past two years. They can’t win a good reputation.

In addition to being able to jot down the account, let the younger generation go to this junior and say that there is no comprehensive way to deal with it.

Besides, they are fooling people first, and they don’t take reason.

Maoshan Daocheng chose to ignore it, and the exchanges will continue smoothly.

It was the two young disciples who were practicing Maoshan Taoism somewhat embarrassed, and they bowed out of the court and couldn’t help looking everywhere.

The Maoshan Taoist who presided over the exchange meeting did not change his face, still smiling, and continued: “Next, which one will show his own Taoism?”

“Let me come to Huashan.”

A Taoist master spoke in front of the hall, and outside the hall, several Taoists from Huashan called disciples from the family Daocheng to exhort them twice, and sent two people into the hall.

The two disciples of Huashan posed a decent posture, one stood still, the other slowly moved forward, one pointing at his companion’s forehead.

Then, UU reading seems to have some connection between the two people, and they start to synchronize with each other, their facial expressions and subtle movements are very unified…


Not right, Wang Sheng quickly became stunned, but it is also because he was well-informed when he was a keyboard man in his previous life.

This spell is actually ‘cut paper into a shadow’, which is an orthodox method. The original shape of the spell is cut out of a paper man, cast it into a human form, and then be manipulated by the caster.

This spell requires a higher level of monasticism for the caster, and it really cannot be released at this point in time.

So these two Huashan disciples made a trick. One took off his defenses and drew his mind, “pretending” that he was a wooden man, and the other used manipulation.

is just showing it like this, which makes people look somewhat horrified.

In any case, Huashan has come up with a little ‘secret’ spell, although there are still a few of them who have this spell.

Maoshan and Huashan have started, and each mountain has also sent disciples to show some Taoism, but they are all ‘crude’, and not much ‘dry goods’ are shown.

Despite this, it was dazzled by the monks.

There are monks holding several small triangular flags, flying with both hands in the shape of swing, the small flags are inserted around the body one by one, and they directly set up a formation to absorb the surging vitality of the surrounding;

There was also a monk who asked the same door to help bring two wooden stakes with complex patterns, and then pinched the tactics with both hands, and chanted a spell on a wooden stake. The figure disappeared with a sound, and appeared in two meters with another sound. Next to another stake outside.

Qimen escape technique, Taoist ancestors.

All rights reserved, counterfeiting must be investigated.

That is, at this time, due to the low cultivation level of the disciples of the Dao elders of the various families, it is impossible to truly exert the power of this Dao technique.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s just to show the bottom line.

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