The First Sword of the Earth

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Same generation as “Mountain”

Let’s do it, cultivating should also pay attention to advancing with the times, there are ready-made instant messaging methods that do not need to be, why have to spend thousands of miles in mana transmission?

put the suitcases away, and got on the bus with a few uncles.

When several Taoist masters came up, the originally active small main roads were honest and honest, and those few Xiaokundao secretly glanced at the beautiful senior sister, and did not dare to breathe.

—The rules in Taoist gates, male Taoist priests call it the main road, and female Taoist priests call it the Kundao.

Li Shiwu specially arranged the seats for the two of them in the front position, and the treatment was similar to the three accompanying Taoist chiefs, and it was also a recognition of the strength of their elder sisters and brothers.

“Sister, sit by the window.”


Mu Wanxuan responded softly, looking at the world outside the window, the pair of autumn pupils were bright and full of expectation.

“Drive, old yellow.”

Li Shiwu greeted, the uncle who drove coolly put on his sunglasses and pressed the horn a few times, and the bus began to head towards the world outside the mountain gate.

Mu Wanxuan pulled out the phone from the cuff, flicked her finger a few times, and then handed it to Wang Sheng.

There is an animation picture on the phone screen, and a silver-haired girl is standing on the edge of a mountain and looking into the distance.

“Are you looking forward to it?” Wang Sheng asked with a smile.

“Well,” Mu Wanxuan nodded heavily, and then spit out her tongue at Wang Sheng.

The two Taoist chiefs on the opposite side of the aisle looked at each other, and couldn’t help but chuckle a few times. Obviously, they felt that the relationship between the elder sisters and younger brothers was a bit ‘super-gang’.

But in fact, Wang Sheng knew that Senior Sister was just relying on him, nothing else.

In other words, Mu Wanxuan doesn’t understand ‘other meanings’ at all.

Since Wang Sheng had been involved in a few ceremonies last year and saved money to buy a new version of her mobile phone for her senior sister, the senior sister has embarked on the path of no return to collecting emoticons.

On fighting method, the senior sister who has no actual combat experience may not be able to exert much strength;

But Lun Doutu…Sorry, the car of the old, young and young Taoist priests in this room may be **** in front of her.

She is not good at verbal expression. Every time she wants to express a slightly complicated emotion, she will show her her mobile phone in the same way as before.

The bus leaves Wudang Mountain, and Mu Wanxuan has been looking outside with novelty.

Wang Sheng didn’t want to waste these ten hours on the road. He found a fairly comfortable sitting position, closed his eyes and settled, and began to chew a few words of sword art that he hadn’t been able to fully understand.

However, less than half an hour after the bus left, the gray-haired Daochang Li magically took out a microphone.

“Hey, hello!

Well, let me just say a few words about the main significance of this Daomen Famous Mountain Wushu Exchange Conference and the code of conduct of our Wudang delegation.

Everyone should understand the rules. I mean everyone who is cultivating on the mountain. Now the association has regulations. These things must not be exposed or spread…”

Facts have proved that ‘just a few words’ deserves to be the iron law of life that can rival ‘True Fragrance’.

It would be a waste of talent for this Master Li Shiwu not to start a company or engage in administration.

As soon as I opened my mouth, I gave inspirational speeches and encouraging speeches from home, and talked about the history of Taoism, looking forward to the future of Wudang Mountain’s Taoism…

Forget about these.

Waiting for Uncle Li to finally talk about nothing, there was a Taoist suggestion to let a few talented young disciples perform a show.

In other words, shouldn’t all young people feel ashamed of this kind of thing?

Why is this one singing a piece of folk songs, the one playing a bamboo flute, and one by one relay microphones in an endless stream…

Wang Sheng hasn’t reached the high-level realm where foreign objects are not disturbed and foreign demons are not invaded, so he can only watch the whole process, and several times meanders and declined the wireless microphone to be passed to him.

Senior Sister, as always, has been slapped her palms.

The scenery outside the window and the bustle in the car, she looked back and forth, with a smile in her eyes, obviously in a very happy mood.

Jingxin enlightenment became wishful thinking, and Wang Sheng could only pick up his mobile phone boredly and read some news at will.

The vitality of the world has recovered for two and a half years. Although the lives of ordinary people have not changed much, various supernatural events have emerged one after another. There are also many Taoist priests who can fly over walls and draw symbols to drive away ghosts. They have gradually become famous on the Internet.

Just open a newsletter, a brief reminder of the news, you can actually see some clues…

[Siberian snowfield reappears mysterious paw prints, citing scientific expedition team members to panic]

[Shennongjia clouds and fog highlight the sun, some witnesses said that they had seen several figures fighting in the mountains and forests]

[Finland has another vampire incident, more than a dozen farmers died overnight, with obvious bite marks on their necks]

[Five members of a family of a wealthy businessman in North America fell ill one after another, the cause of which is currently unknown, and the villa where he lived was said to have been a cemetery]

and so on, if you are interested in these curious news, you can search the Internet for a few days and nights without repetition.

If it weren’t for Dahua Country, the original law and order would be pretty good, and the people’s sentiment is stable. Nowadays, it must be the same as abroad, and there are already fires everywhere.

But this kind of calmness doesn’t seem to last for a few years…

Regarding these, Wang Sheng is not very concerned.

suddenly remembered that after more than ten years of vitality had recovered, and most people accepted the existence of monks, he had seen several rumors on the Internet—

There are ancient monks who have not died for thousands of years, and they have recovered again;

In contrast, there are many fierce beasts and monsters who have been sleeping for thousands of years, and they have barely survived, accumulating their strength secretly.

It’s a pity that he only lived to be thirty-one in his previous life. Wang Sheng also failed to verify with his own eyes whether there will be ancient people from a thousand years ago in the future, and whether there is really such a thousand-year-old demon who will come out again to cause harm to the world.

If the rumors are true, then the “pattern of the monastic world” that I know may change again in the future.

Forget it, these have nothing to do with him. Taking care of your own practice is that this is the basis of everything.

At noon, the bus arrived at a high-speed service area, and a group of little Taoist priests, led by Li Shiwu, a veteran organization, went to the cafeteria for a meal.

The young man wearing a Taoist robe and long hair, and the kind old man wearing a Taoist crown immediately attracted a high degree of attention.

And when Mu Wanxuan jumped out of the car door lightly, she instantly became the focus of the audience…

Relatively speaking, Wang Sheng, who was dressed almost like the other seniors, didn’t seem so conspicuous beside Mu Wanxuan.

just walked a few steps with the army…

“Senior Brother Wang, Sister Pastor?”

There was a call from behind, and the voice was still gentle.

Wang Sheng turned his head to look, and two young men in cyan robes chased after him and smiled kindly at him.

These two people, Wang Shengdou, also have some impressions. They should be around twenty-four or five years old. They have been up to the mountain for more than ten years and have worshipped a’famous teacher’. They are now three generations of disciples that Wudang Mountain focuses on training.

They also had a few fate on Wudang Mountain before, but they did not have any intersection.

Now he took his beautiful senior sister out for a walk, these two ‘seniors’ took the initiative to come forward to talk, this is really…

is a bit real.

“Hello, two brothers,” Wang Sheng replied calmly, with a smile on his eyebrows, but he didn’t turn anyone away, “I don’t know how the two brothers are called?”

is replaced by the older generation of Taoist chiefs, most of them are in the response format of “poor Taoist, kidney deficiency child”.

Their young people are much simpler. The handsome Taoist priest on the left smiled and stretched out his right hand to Wang Sheng. He also said: “My name is Zhou Yinglong, and the Taoist name is Qingjin. I should be the oldest of us. , I was the first to get started, so I asked Dad to regard himself as a senior.”

“Hello Brother Zhou,” Wang Sheng stretched out his hand and shook the opponent.

At the moment of shaking hands, Wang Sheng noticed that a faint spiritual mind was trying to detect the meridians in his body.

His spiritual thought was about to block it on his own, but Wang Sheng suppressed his own spiritual thought, and made the true essence flowing in his body a lot ‘lazy’.

Hide in clumsiness and avoid showing off your sharp edges.

Rao is so, Zhou Yinglong looked at Wang Sheng a little more cautiously, and said: “Some curiosity can’t help but try, Junior Brother Wang Sheng has such a profound cultivation.”

Wang Sheng: You have to check the meridians of our senior sister, it may scare you out of Daoism.

Of course, with him, others would never want to touch half of his senior sister’s finger.

Another person also reported his name. His name was Zhao Zhao. He was named Qinglin. Like Zhou Yinglong, he was a young generation that Wudang Mountain focused on training.

are the top ten ‘cultivating talents’ among the three generations of disciples.

Two early stages of concentration. At this point in time, it should be considered mid-level among the disciples of the famous mountain. After all, the vitality of the world has just recovered for two and a half years.

Zhou Yinglong and Zhao Zhao intended to make friends. Wang Sheng saw that their speech and demeanor were moderate, and there were no impolite or reckless behaviors, and they did not refuse to be thousands of miles away.

The three of them walked and talked about some interesting things about Taoism. Although they were talking awkwardly, the atmosphere was also harmonious.

, Mu Wanxuan didn’t even look at the two of them at all. When she smelled the aroma of the food, she was like a little sheep about to die, and she barely maintained her feminine temperament.

When    was cooking, UU read and Wang Sheng acted swiftly to help the senior sister fill up the meal card, and did not give others a chance to perform.

And Mu Wanxuan is also like Wang Sheng’s little tail. She will follow Wang Sheng wherever she goes. When she sees something delicious, she will also consider the price and the current situation of her bigu. In the end, she only bought two vegetarian buns. Try it fresh.

Wang Sheng didn’t want to let her seniors feel wronged. The pocket money given by parents over the past few years, and the hard money they earned from going out for religious services, has finally come in handy after going out of Wudang Mountain. He deliberately bought a few more dishes that senior sisters love to eat. .

That is, there are so many people around, and people keep taking a look here, taking pictures with mobile phones and so on, making Mu Wanxuan feel uncomfortable eating.

Zhou Yinglong and Zhao Zhao sat across from their elder sisters and brothers. They were also a little cautious, but Wang Sheng didn’t care about anything. They should eat or drink.

“Wang Shidi majored in kendo?” Zhou Yinglong tried to find the topic.

“It doesn’t count as cultivating swordsmanship, it is the method taught by the master, and swordsmanship is only the method of protecting the body,” Wang Sheng replied, causing Zhou Yinglong and Zhao Zhao to nod their heads.

Zhou Yinglong took the initiative to introduce the two of them about their practice, although Wang Sheng didn’t really want to hear…

Most of the three generations of disciples in Wudang Mountain have cultivated the profound and mysterious techniques taught by the Taiyi real man. Zhou Yinglong also said that he has a set of ‘Taiyi Sword Art’ which is fairly proficient, and can be verified by discussing it with Wang Sheng after returning to the mountain.

Wang Sheng naturally agreed without hesitation, and discussing Dao Fa is of great benefit to both parties.

After all, he was often abused when he fought with the senior sister. The master himself had to practice, and he couldn’t always teach him swordsmanship. If there are more people who are good at swordsmanship and practice together, he should be able to advance in the sword way faster.

Although his kendo realm is a bit…

can’t mention it, it’s what Qingyanzi called ‘madness’.

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