The Final Desperation

162 – 5 minutes

The instant the badge landed, both fighters vanished from their positions and unleashed their accumulated power. Flashes of weapon intent clashed against each other, wreaking devastation on the terrain. The impact tore the air apart and released high-pitched shrieks.

Vacuum blades of rushing air flew everywhere, turning the vicinity into a storm of blades. The ground also shattered like crumbling sand, unable to resist the forces.

Genji unleashed everything in tandem with Julian, matching each attack with his own. They gradually increased their powers with each exchange, challenging the other to keep up while probing their limits.

Genji had a harder time due to his weaker physique and lower mastery over weapon intent, but his willpower compensated for it. The only drawback was that his energy consumption surpassed Julian's, making it difficult to sustain a prolonged battle, though he didn't need to anyway.

So he exerted himself without care, impressing Julian with his offensive powers. Julian had only heard of such champions in records, so seeing it in person was a first.

Although it was lackluster compared to what he was capable of, it didn't diminish how impressive it was. Every one of these limit breakers had experienced countless life-and-death battles to reach this point, proving their capabilities. Given enough time, they would eventually blossom into apex beings, unrivaled among their stat range.

Compared to them, Julian was truly lackluster, ranking in the middle in terms of combat power. He had no right to look down on such beings, as it would be arrogant of him to do so. Instead, they should be treated with respect and acknowledged for overcoming tribulations beyond most men. It was for this reason that he mentioned the exception, giving Genji an alternative path rather than squashing Igani's nest.

At this moment, Genji was sent flying back from the exchange, finally overcome by Julian's weapon intent. Unlike Genji's intent that enhanced sharpness, Julian's carried a heavy force unattainable from swords.

Genji guessed that Julian's main weapon was not a sword, but a blunt one focused on smashing targets, such as a warhammer, mace, or morning star. That would explain the contradictory feeling Julian emitted.

Otherwise, why would anyone wield a thin sword with so much force when it would only damage durability? Despite this restriction, Genji struggled to match Julian, whose strength synergized with his intent, exemplifying power beyond the stated stats.

When Genji landed, he stumbled back a few paces, leaving small craters with each step. His body ached with soreness from enduring the impacts, despite traveling through the air. Genji couldn't even begin to fathom the damage of blocking such an attack if this were a melee.

Halting his steps, Genji shook his body to dispel the remaining momentum and assessed the situation. 'About 1 minute. 4 more to go. I need to change my approach, or I won't last.'

Julian walked into view and pointed his sword at Genji. "Can you continue? If not, giving up is an option."

"And lose this chance to witness your strength? No way!" Genji responded with a wide grin, unfazed by Julian's overwhelming strength.

"Is that so? Very well, I'll show you the second stage of weapon intent," Julian declared as he raised his sword, and his colorless intent took on a faint orange glow. Immense pressure fell on Genji as the surrounding gravity increased manifold. The airborne dust particles settled under this force, forming a still field devoid of sound.

"Behold, intent manifestation," Julian declared, lowering his sword with a light swirl. "At this level, your intent becomes strong enough to affect the physical world around it."

"Seems nifty, but it doesn't feel that strong," Genji remarked, using his cloak to reduce the gravity. "I'll be surprised if it can do anything against someone of equal strength."

"That's because you're only sensing the excess intent that escaped my control. You only master it when you can contain everything," Julian explained as he swiped his sword upward, sending a round blast at Genji.

Sensing the force within the attack, Genji rushed to escape the vicinity. His instincts warned him that he would instantly perish if he tried to stop it. As Genji appeared in the distance, the blast touched the ground and sent large shockwaves across the surface.

The previously calm scene collapsed into rubble and smoke as multiple waves swept through the area. It was only after five seconds that the attack faded, revealing a gaping crater in Genji's previous position.

Julian turned to face Genji and asked, "What about now? Feel like giving up yet?"

Genji stared at the aftermath with twitching eyes, taken aback by the damage. However, his response remained steadfast, unwilling to concede so easily.

"I was hoping to save this for Silver Empress, but it seems like I have no choice. Let me show you my trump card then," Genji declared. He took a deep breath and steadied his mind, regulating his condition with closed eyes. Curious about his abilities, Julian stood back and allowed Genji to return to peak form.

"You have 30 seconds. After that, I'm attacking," Julian said firmly, eliminating the possibility of delay.

Genji took full advantage of this leniency and stretched out the time, wasting the seconds away as he harmonized with his cloak. As the deadline approached, Genji opened his eyes and quietly muttered, "Unleash your terror, my energy silhouette."

Following his command, his cloak resonated with his shadow core, sending euphoric power through his heart. His energy buzzed with excitement and flowed like rolling dragons, tearing the ambient air apart. Dark shadows obscured his existence and blocked out all light, turning him into a blob of darkness.

His aura disappeared from Julian's senses, but the lingering sense of danger only increased with each passing moment. When this feeling reached its peak, Genji disappeared from his position, prompting a side swing from Julian.

*Clang dang*

Genji's daggers clashed against the straight sword, knocking it aside as the sudden attack surpassed the force Julian exerted. Streams of black fluid also swirled around his dagger, tearing apart the incoming weapon intent.

Under his cloak's augmented state, his gaseous shadow flames condensed into a liquid form, flowing like water and taking on an ink-like appearance. Cutting intent also merged with the stream, granting it enough resilience to confront Julian's superior weapon intent. Since Genji couldn't match his intent in quality, he would make up for the difference with quantity.

Genji twisted his body to push the sword aside, allowing his other dagger to stab inward. In response, Julian loosened his hold and used the force to transition into a backhand grip before yanking upward, parrying the strike.

Genji's arm jerked backward from the impact and went numb, briefly losing his sense of touch as his blood surged chaotically. Not backing down, Genji dug his forefoot into the ground and pivoted below the sword. His daggers rushed at the knee, where a slight opening existed between Julian's armor.

The cold, dark energy brushed against Julian's skin but failed to draw any blood since he jumped back at the last moment. At the same time, his downward-pointed sword descended on Genji's back, threatening to pierce his chest.

But before it could touch Genji, he disappeared from his position and manifested beside Julian. Streaks of darkness struck at his ribs, but Julian fended them off with a clenched fist and intent.

Suddenly, three figures darted out from Genji's side, causing Julian's eyes to dilate with concentration and surprise. Predicting the incoming barrage, Julian applied gravitational force to himself and stomped hard on the ground. Cracks stretched outward from his point of contact, destroying two shadows.

Nonetheless, Genji swapped with the remaining one and appeared above Julian. Waves of ink struck relentlessly at his head, catching Julian off guard.

However, Julian maintained his composure and tightened his clenched fist, driving his gauntlet to emit mana. Then he disappeared from his position, teleporting away with an equipment effect.

"Not bad. You managed to force me to use a skill," Julian praised Genji, unfazed by the barrage.

Genji furrowed his brows at this scene, realizing Julian was more troublesome than he had given him credit for. Not only did he have powerful combat skills rivaling high lords, but he also had access to various equipment effects like all realm members.

This was the first time Genji had faced such a combination since he mostly fought the "natives" of each world. Rarely did they own such a diverse collection of equipment, each with its unexpected effects.

On the other hand, realm members rarely possessed such powerful skills and mainly relied on equipment to boost their combat powers. The sheer quantity of items guaranteed that every person would find a suitable match, making it easier to acquire equipment than a suitable power system.

These advantages made balancers virtually invincible within the 2nd step, yet one of them still perished on the battlefield. It really made one wonder how Shepherd accomplished such an unbelievable feat.

"I wish I could say the same," Genji replied, thumping his chest to overdraw his core. His muscles ached from the burden and his fluid-like energy boiled violently.

Suddenly, he accelerated at Julian, unleashing Shadow Devour beyond its maximum strength. The liquid energy gave the technique a new cyclone form and a savage cycle, tearing everything within.

Julian raised his sword to parry and experienced a jerk that threatened to disarm him. Then the collision came, wrecking his defense as Genji dived in for another stab.

In this split second, Julian decisively released his weapon and transitioned into hand-to-hand combat. A repulsive field formed around his fist as he punched out, unleashing a wide impact that knocked Genji backward.

In exchange, he suffered a large cut on his knuckles, mangling his hand. Not even his gauntlet and intent combined could repel Genji's daggers without injury.

Despite this, Julian remained nonchalant as the wound rapidly closed under a gleam of light. After so much effort from Genji, he finally forced Julian to use his energy. This energy had a warm feeling, almost like the embrace of a mother, and was gentle in nature. It didn't specialize in offense, but it more than made up for it with its healing.

If comparing Julian to a class from an RPG, he would resemble a paladin the most, capable of fighting and healing. However, that was only the basic usage of it, similar to Genji's stealth. There were bound to be more advanced techniques, possibly ultimates, in his arsenal.

Julian flicked his wrist a few times and unleashed another punch at Genji, blocking his follow-up. Another deep wound appeared on his hand, but Julian paid it no mind, opting to strike again. With this attack, the cyclone of energy swirling around Genji's daggers dispersed into flecks of light.

Julian's tranquil energy had neutralized Genji's volatile state, canceling Shadow Devour. Genji considered reigniting the effect but decided against it since it would take a massive toll on his body. If he pursued this line of action, it was unknown if he could last the remaining duration of the duel.

Genji dug his feet into the ground, dispersed the momentum, and wound up for his next attack. Cutting intent and energy gathered at the dagger's tip, granting it unparalleled sharpness as it plunged into Julian's chest.

A construct of light shattered under the strike, buying Julian enough time to reposition himself. As the dagger narrowly missed his heart, Julian struck out and sent Genji to the ground. The impulse yanked the dagger out of his chest, allowing it to close without trouble.

As the snaps of broken bones sounded in Genji's mind, he directed his energy to hold the fractures together. This was possible because his current state gave his energy sufficient strength, greatly easing the healing process. Still, it did little against the rubble that buried him nor the depleting energy in his system. At this rate, he would soon run out of steam before his liberation even ended.

'No time to worry about that. I just need to keep fighting,' he thought, pulling himself up from the crevice.

Looking at the distant Julian, Genji noticed that the balancer had acquired a new weapon. Replacing his normal sword was a large sledgehammer that was disproportionate for his height. If Genji didn't know better, he would think the handle was for a cavalry lance rather than a mallet.

It was an unwieldy weapon, but Julian easily held it, his arm curled around one end as it balanced on his shoulders.

"Shame I lost my sword," Julian commented as Genji regained his footing, "Or I would never have brought Gornash out. It's beyond your league right now." Then he patted the mallet head, emphasizing his point.

"Try me," Genji responded before flashstepping again.

Julian only smiled and flipped his weapon onto his hand before swinging out. As he leaned downward, the massive hammer whirled around him, covering all openings.

Genji barely stopped himself from slamming into this death train, but the afterwind was enough to push him back. A sonic boom then followed, cracking the ground and propelling a ring of rocks outward.

With a single swing, Julian had created a zone devoid of life and declared himself as the ruler of this space. In a way, this was similar to those domain abilities often mentioned in novels, except this was achieved through physical strength alone. It was a crushing power, one that made up the very essence of Julian's weapon intent.

Before he could lose too much ground, Genji activated Quantum Shield and Cocoon to cut through the gushing airflow. Genji appeared beside Julian and unleashed Dominance Aura, hindering the counterattack enough for Genji to avoid it. A powerful force brushed over his face as Genji arced back, limboing beneath the mallet.

After the hammer passed, Genji sprung up with a slash that gathered all his cutting intent. A large streak of crescent light covered the area, blinding the distant spectators.

Yet despite these hindrances, the smell of blood was clear in the air, and the clang of broken armor reverberated softly. Genji sensed all this and pushed forward with another stab, seeking to capitalize on this opening.

Suddenly, a fist smashed down on the ground, blocking the dagger and propelling Julian backward. This put Julian in the optimal range to swing his weapon, delivering another crater-smashing attack.

Fortunately, this counterattack missed Genji since he darted away the instant he sensed the maneuver. A large sphere of curses obscured Julian's vision as Genji rolled away. With a slight nudge, Julian smashed the bullet and took an aggressive stance.

But before he could give chase, Genji appeared beside him at phantom speeds and continued his attacks. Genji had finally used Untraceable movement with his enhanced flashstep, achieving speeds beyond what Julian could keep up with.

However, for every movement he took in this state, he also sustained corresponding injuries. As much as the liberation boosted his combat powers, his physique remained relatively unchanged. Solid Core might be more potent, but his speed only scaled with this defense.

Genji subjected himself to the limits of his body's limit, enduring the maximum amount of backlashes without compromising his combat strength. A cascade of dagger afterimages fell on Julian, leaving shallow lacerations with each swing.

Despite this, Julian contained the damage to a minimum, blocking only the necessary strikes while tolerating the rest. This assault persisted for some time and left its marks, forcing Julian to exert more abilities.

With a hard yank, Julian slammed the bottom end of the hammer into the ground, releasing a yellow oscillation of energy. A repulsive force washed over him and carried him away.

Genji tried to break out of this control, but it was unusually firm for how gentle it was. Capitalizing on this opportunity, Julian pressed a bright orb of energy into his chest, healing most of his wounds. The ones that remained open scabbed over and stopped bleeding, returning him to his peak state.

Left with no choice, Genji could only follow Julian's example and treat his wounds. This standoff lasted for a few seconds when Julian brandished his weapon and charged forward. His abilities were more potent than Genji's potions, so he recovered faster and took the initiative.

Unwilling to be outdone, Genji followed, and they engaged in another melee. Using the last of his speed, Genji ran circles around Julian, leaving cuts in passing. This time, Julian endured everything, sensing the urgency behind Genji's attacks and knowing he couldn't maintain this burst.

Shortly after, Genji's speed ran out, and he retreated into the distance to catch his breath. Julian watched all this with a tranquil gaze and asked, "Is it worth it? You're tearing your body apart to keep up with me."

"Is that even a question? Of course, it's worth it!" Genji responded in a heartbeat, not hesitating in the slightest.

"Maybe, but I don't understand why you're trying so hard. What do you have to gain from this when all I only see wounds?"

Genji thought for a moment before letting out a heartfelt smile. "Injuries come and go like the seasons, but improvements are permanent. I've improved a lot from this battle, so why would I stop now?"

Julian pondered this statement for a moment before mirroring his smile. "Injuries come and go like the seasons. That's quite fitting. Perhaps that's the distinction between them and me, and why they achieved greater heights. Alright, let's see what you can do."

Julian twirled his hammer and assumed a relaxed posture, awaiting the next exchange.

Instead of rushing forward like usual, Genji held out a dagger and closed his eyes. Directing his focus inward, he evoked his remaining strength and focused his mind. After a few seconds of stillness, his aura started decreasing in intensity, as if relinquishing his legacy liberation.

Genji stowed away his other dagger and brought the blade in front of him, lining the tip up to the distant figure. As he stared down his arm, his breath dimmed in noticeability, and his energy sagged like fading smoke. It wasn't long before his entire presence weakened to that of a normal person's, appearing harmless and negligible in the grand scheme of things.

At least that was how it was supposed to be if it weren't for the thick black lining around his imperceptible dagger. Although Genji was holding it, Julian could not sense its existence. It was a strange attack, but its subtlety was greatly reduced in this frontal clash.

Nonetheless, Julian regarded this with utmost seriousness and invoked his energy, coating his hammer with a golden light. In contrast with Genji's vanishing aura, Julian's energy flared like a rising sun and weighed down on the surroundings.

The two of them exchanged a serene look as they charged up their attacks, knowing this would be the final confrontation. Genji had infused everything into this strike, leaving nothing to spare, not even his presence.

"Stealth Dagger - Concentrated Existence," Genji named his newly created technique and disappeared from reality. Not a single hint of his aura leaked during this motion, giving the impression of an elusive ghost.

The following instant, Julian swung with all his might, slamming into the emerging Genji. A circular wall of dust erupted around them, shaking the area like a magnitude 8 earthquake.

Then Genji emerged from the haze, bolting backward faster than he entered. His entire body lost all senses, becoming numb to the impact that stopped him. The only thing he could perceive was the flesh and blood that warmly enveloped him, cushioning his impact.

A groan slipped from his throat as the walls shifted, repositioning him and inadvertently aggravating his wounds. It was at this moment that Genji realized it was the nest that was moving him.

As his foot touched the ground, Genji buckled from the strain and coughed out bits of organs. The nest supported him from behind and allowed him to regain his footing.

At this moment, Julian walked into view with his hammer slung over his shoulder. Energy residues clung to the head, giving the hammer an oppressive feeling. Compared to Genji, Julian appeared relatively unharmed. There was not even a single wound from the exchange.

The only signs of the battle were the dust particles that adhered to the skin and mingled with his sweat to create a brown paste. However, this pristine condition was limited to his body, as his weapon told a different story. On one edge, where two surfaces met, a small chunk had broken off.

This was the result of the prior clash, during which Genji struck the hammerhead before being launched. While the damage was minor, it was impressive that he managed to chip off a piece in the first place. After all, this was Julian's main weapon, not any random scrap metal. One could only imagine its resilience against damage.

"Not bad. Impressive even, but I think it's time to acknowledge the truth. You lost," Julian said, standing across from Genji.

"Are you sure about that?" Genji asked with a small smile.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Because in my view, I'm the winner."

The moment Genji finished those words, a loud buzz went off, signaling the end of the match. Julian momentarily gave Genji a blank stare before regaining his composure and comprehending his meaning. Then, Julian burst out in light-hearted laughter, acknowledging that Genji had outplayed him.

"So you were keeping track of time. Fine, my loss."

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