The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 36: Eternal Cigarette Case (1/2)

Half a month later, the Kent family, who had been travelling for almost a month, finally returned to their family farm.

“Whew! Still comfortable at home!”

Mike put the luggage down, sighed, and said to the three Clarks behind him, “Quick! Pack up, let’s go to the restaurant in town to eat!”

The words fell, instead of the expected cheers, but a wail.

“Oh, no!” Eric howled miserably and shouted, “Dad, I don’t want to eat out!”

Charles looked at Mike with tears in his eyes, “I’m going to eat and throw up, Dad.”

Clark shouted, “I want red meat!”


The three of them gulped in unison.

“Three gluttons for punishment!”

Mike scratched Charles’ nose and said, “Put your bags away first, I’ll go get the meat later, and you guys stay home and be good.”

The three of them nodded frantically.

Mike laughed, put the luggage away, turned around and went out the door.

Drove to the supermarket in town, bought some ingredients, and after buying as many ingredients as possible, Mike bought a few toys for the kids and left the supermarket with a big bag.

Putting his things in the back seat of the car, just as Mike walked over to the driver’s seat and was about to get in, he was caught by the electrical town across the street.


Looking at the picture playing on the TV placed in the window, Mike showed a smile.

On the screen, some footage of a battle was being shown, and Raven’s face had just flashed by, not much more about her.

“Still so active.”

With a whisper, Mike pulled open the door.

He hadn’t seen Raven for three years since the last time they parted.

However, in these three years, he could occasionally see Raven on TV.

Although they had kept in touch, they had only talked occasionally, catching up on what was going on both sides, and not much.

Since the incident at Three Mile Island, the Hellfire Club had become more and more active, and Raven had become busier and busier.

Mike shook his head, started the car, and headed home.

Whatever happened to Hellfire, whatever happened to the government, it didn’t matter to him now, after all, he was just a rancher.

After going home, cooking dinner, making a nice dinner for the three little boys, and sending the three to bed, Mike finally had a little personal time.

Sitting at his desk, Mike looked over at the system and gave a smile.

After he got home today, the three little ones got a new growth record called ‘One Long Distance Trip’ and his ability level, finally, was upgraded.

Host: Mike Kent.

Newbie Gift: Assassin Time.

Ability: Memory fantasy embodiment.

Current ability level: LV2.

Current upgrade progress: 1%.

Son: Clark Kent (Kryptonian).

Son: Eric Kent (mutant, unawakened).

Son: Charles Kent (mutant, unawakened).


Finally an upgrade!

You know what I’ve been doing for the past six years?

Mike had the impulse to move for himself, and even tears.

Silently gave himself a nod, Mike began to experiment with the changes in ability.

First of all, the power of embodiment is much more, can support embodiment for a longer time, and even some equipment props that could not be embodied before can be embodied.

Secondly …… is fantastic!

Mike’s eyes lit up.

He can manifest the ability to manifest, in addition to items and props!

No! To be more precise, just skills!

If the ability is sustainable, then the skill can only be used once.

Raised chestnuts…

If he can manifest the fire ability.

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