The Fateful Uchiha

Chapter 81 – Hanging Out With Colleagues

Following the formation of the teams, some jonins tested their students; others didn’t. Many genins had failed. Forms for re-entry into the Academy were filled out. Others applied to enter the Police. Jun was on a mission that day with his team, Neji, Shin, and Tenten. He couldn’t wait to get back to hear all the news that evening.

It was common for all the senseis, old and new, to meet in a restaurant after the creation of new genin teams. Jun entered the place that evening with a smile on his face. The current teams were different from the ones he knew from the story. Jun was aware of it as he had watched over the team formations to make sure some things went his way.

Deciding on the formation of the genin teams was done in three steps. The first step took place about a month before the final exam. Forms were completed, the requests of potential jonins wanting to be sensei were examined and pre-placement was decided. The second step happened immediately after the exam. They made a list of who had passed the exam.

They re-evaluated prior decisions, changed the teams if necessary, and completed the necessary forms. The last step was the assignment of jonins and it was done at the last minute. Some jonins were proud to instruct and guide the new generation. Others would hide in a swampy corner of the Forest of Death, fervently hoping that the Hokage would forget their existence. Kakashi was an example of that.

Genin team formation was the responsibility of the Academy teachers and the Division. Jun wasn’t officially part of the group in charge of this, but that hadn't stopped him from making suggestions… Or rather from hammering his suggestions until his poor colleagues resigned themselves to listening to him.

It was the reason the teams were different from the ones in the Naruto storyline. It was rather easy for Jun to accomplish that. The only difficulty was breaking up the old team patterns such as the Ino-Shika-Cho trio. Jun had strongly suggested for them not to be placed together until they were at least chunin to give them the chance to work with other people.

Moreover, Jun had been indirectly courting favor with the Inuzuka clan for a few years. He broke up what would have been team Kurenai by taking Kiba out of the equation by suggesting that the young Inuzuka would be better off with Sasuke Uchiha. Their Taijutsu styles and competitive spirit would drive them to improve. Also, since Kiba was the last in the class, it was logical to place him with the best student. This move also broke what would have been Team Kakashi.

However, Jun couldn’t help but be worried a little. Would Team 7 be ok? Would Kiba be up to it? Besides… Could this Team 9 protect Kazuma? Jun always cared about his little brother. Letting him go on his own was hard. Seeing him graduate at ten years old had been tough. He was so young. But he was also a ninja. He was trained, skilled, and determined.

Kazuma had finished the courses at the Academy. He had the level to be a genin. And more importantly, it was his choice. And Jun had respected his will. He knew he couldn’t stop his little brother to become a ninja.

The Uchiha clan leader was half an hour early when he arrived at the restaurant. Other jonins began to arrive a few minutes later. Some had their students for several years and came for news, to sympathize with the misfortunes of their colleagues, to laugh at them, and share funny anecdotes.

Others were new to the gathering and were greeted by their peers with sly smiles. The conversation was easy to make. Everyone had something to talk about. For instance, Kurenai had a lot to say about team 8. Jun had rarely seen her so animated.

“I’m surprised with Yakumo. I trained her for several months a few years back. She had a weak physique, and her power was too dangerous for her. But she had changed so much, I can barely believe she is the same person. She’s physically stronger, but her mind is… I wonder what kind of pressure the Kurama clan put on her. I expected this kind of obsessive determination from someone like Sasuke Uchiha, not from little Yakumo. No offense, Jun…” Kurenai explained.

“None taken. I’m happy Sasuke turned out to be more balanced than what would be expected of a survivor of such a massacre.” The Uchiha clan leader replied.

Under other circumstances, Kurenai would have been more affected by her lack of tact. But, she was fully immersed in her story.

“And Hinata! If Yakumo is obsessed, Hinata is terrified. She stutters and doesn’t dare meet my gaze. She looks on the verge of tears when I ask her to show her Taijutsu. Her Gentle Fist is more than acceptable, though. But she is terribly lacking in self-confidence, poor thing. The girl seems to believe that she is the Hyuga’s shame when she is quite capable.”

Kurenai drank her cup of sake in one gulp before continuing.

“I thought Ino was going to be the least of my problems, but her Taijutsu is lacking. She’s smart and her skill with shurikens is excellent for a kid, but her level in real combat is low. When I think that she was among the best students in the class… She lacks strength, stamina, and discipline. She puts too much confidence in her hereditary jutsu. Without the Ino-Shika-Cho combination, she must learn to be more versatile.“

The kunoichi downed her second cup. Jun turned to Asuma.

“What about your kids?”

The jonin sat up abruptly, torn from his contemplation of Kurenai, and blinked a couple of times before understanding the question.

“Oh, I have nothing to complain about. Shikamaru is a genius but is lazy. I already expected that. But having someone like Shiho on the team gives him a bit of a boost. They’re both clever. He would be upset to be beaten by a girl. Those two will either end up as rivals or as a married couple… Maybe both, who knows.”

“And your third?”

“Ah… Naiki, the boy with the Hyoton. Managing him may prove a bit difficult. He’s not a bad kid, but he’s a little aloof and always on his guard. He knows that he is being evaluated and watched. I hope that as soon as we have a mission where they have to protect each other, their teamwork will show.”

The conversation drifted to the other teams. Asuma and Kurenai remained in their place, but Jun went from table to table, greeting the people he knew and willingly letting himself be told the adventures of the new jonins. Gai wasn’t there; his team was on a mission outside the village. Jun knew a lot of the people there. And even the ninjas he didn’t know were happy to chat in this kind of environment. However, Jun kept an eye on the door of the restaurant… That’s how he saw one of the men he was waiting for.

It was Yamato, Kazuma’s sensei. He slipped into the room as stealthy as possible as if he felt out of place. Jun wasn’t surprised. He had been taken out of the ANBU to take care of a team of genins. Yamato had grown up in the Root, the late Danzo’s secret force. Therefore, the man hardly had the opportunity to socialize with his peers. Jun waited for him to be served, then sat at the furthest table in the room before going to meet him.

“Good evening, Yamato.”

“Sir, clan leader.”

“No need to be so formal. We’re both jonins; you can call me Jun.”

Even after five years, Jun wasn’t used to being called so formally. Yamato nodded his head.

“Do you want to know how your little brother performed?”

“Him and his whole team. Do you have any interesting anecdotes to tell?”

Several jonins listened curiously. Newcomers always attracted attention. Yamato probably wanted to keep a low profile. But he had no choice now that Jun had cornered him. He let out a sigh.

“There is… potential. Kazuma is a bit reserved and doesn’t dare to confront his teammates head-on. But he’s a real prodigy, who is very gifted in Taijutsu and in handling shurikens. His Genjutsus aren’t bad either. He also possessed good instincts for working in a team and willingly plays the support role instead of looking for all the glory.”

Jun nodded with a burst of pride. That was his little brother, talented, humble, and with a big heart.

“And the other two? Hotaru and Naruto?”

Yamato studied him for a moment. Perhaps he was wondering if the Uchiha was really interested in Kazuma’s comrades or if he just wanted to know more about the Jinchurirki. Jun suppressed his annoyance. Many people still viewed the Uchiha clan with suspicion, even years after the fact.

It was easy to see how the clan had been ostracized under these conditions. Fortunately, Jun had assets that Fugaku never had, a vast network of connections, both professional and personal, with whom he was on very good terms. He would never let his family be isolated as the clan had once been.

“Hotaru has an excellent level in Ninjutsu for a genin, but her Taijutsu is weak. She is very stubborn and unaccustomed to working in a team. But she is working on it. Naruto… is not very good, whether in Ninjutsu or Taijutsu. He is also easy to trick and deceive. He is annoyed by the fact that Kazuma is more skilled than him. However, he has incredible stamina and quickly bonded with his comrade. As I said, there is potential.”

“Hmm, maybe I should invite them over for dinner someday,” Jun said, thoughtfully.

“Together?” Yamato asked.

“It’s my little brother’s team, isn’t it? It is normal that I want to know them more. You will be invited too, of course. As their sensei, I assume you have no objections…”

Officially, the Sandaime forbade clan leaders from approaching Naruto. Jun was testing the waters. On one hand, it would be normal for him to get to know Kazuma’s team. But on the other, well… there is a Jinchuriki. The Sandaime had put many restrictions when it came to Naruto. Jun needed Yamato’s consent.

“I don’t object.” Yamato finally said, hesitantly.

Jun smiled. Beyond the fact that Naruto was the protagonist of this world, he really wanted to meet those who would support his brother for months or years to come. It was the same with Sasuke’s team. Well, he already knew Kiba since Izumi and Hana Inuzuka were friends.

“You!” A threatening voice suddenly called.

Jun remained calm as Kakashi slid into the seat in front of him. His visible eye narrowed accusingly.

“You… You’re friends with Gai, aren’t you?”

He looked grumpy like a cat.

“Indeed. Why such a question?”

Jun and Kakashi barely knew each other on a personal level. They were both members of the Division, but they had hardly spoken to one another more than a few times in their lives.

“Sasuke Uchiha knows Gai. Kiba Inuzuka knows Gai.”

Jun realized what was going on. Kiba didn’t know Gai at all, but he probably heard about him thanks to his sister. And he had probably followed Sasuke’s example when he realized how much talking about spring, youth, and being fiery bristled the copy ninja. Jun tried to hide a chuckle under a fake cough.

“Gai is a friend. He sometimes comes by the house, and we train together from time to time. Sasuke must have… crossed paths with him.”

Or rather, Jun had announced aloud, while Kazuma and Sasuke were in the room, that Gai was Kakashi’s eternal rival, and that anyone who wanted to troll Kakashi would just need to talk about youthful passion in front of him. The copy ninja was proud to be Gai’s rival. He respected his abilities, but that didn’t stop him from finding that Gai was more enjoyable in small doses. He didn’t want his students to become as intense and passionate as Gai since he’d be around them most of the time.

Kazuma had always a teasing side, and he loved jokes. But it pleased Jun to know that Sasuke was following his little brother's example.

“How did Sasuke’s test go?” The Uchiha asked happily.

Kakashi narrowed his eye even further. Next to him, Yamato had leaned forward, not hiding his curiosity. In the rest of the restaurant, the conversations continued, but several people were listening more or less discreetly.

“Amazingly… They immediately guessed the purpose of the test. They collaborated. Sasuke used explosive tags, even some with shrapnel in them, Katon jutsus, and enough shurikens to fill an armory. When I captured him, he refused to sacrifice Kiba for a bell, and both Kiba and Sakura refused to let Sasuke be deprived of a meal. That damned Sasuke even had the nerve to suggest that I wear more green!” Kakashi said in disgust.

There were several chuckles, and Jun grinned from ear to ear, delighted. The new team 7 exceeded his expectations. Tonight, he would manage to cook Sasuke’s favorite dish. He had deserved it.

“I should invite them home too. This will be an opportunity to officially introduce them to Gai.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

Jun couldn’t hold it in anymore; he burst out laughing.

Sasuke and Kazuma would meet Gai soon enough. He and Jun often trained their genins together, and odds were that Gai would seek to enlist his eternal rival and thus his team into their system of co-management of their students. And of course, Jun was looking forward to this opportunity. But he was mostly happy. The Uchiha was well surrounded, he had friends, his family was doing well, Kazuma and Sasuke each had a good team, and now he was chatting with Kakashi, the copy ninja as if they were old friends.

The Uchiha clan leader couldn’t help but feel optimistic about the future.

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