The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 4: No Pain! No Gain!

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 4:

No Pain! No Gain!

"Spectacular Benjamin. Do you have any idea what you have discovered? Not just what you discovered, but what your body is doing? This dimensional energy to which you have gained access: it is so far in advance of any scientific discovery yet made. Do you understand that your body is being remade down to the very molecules themselves to harness and power functions of your body? From my calculations, you won't even need oxygen in two years! Your body would be functioning off of pure energy itself! This is fascinating!

A discovery of a lifetime! Not only that, but from the scans it seems you have a form of energy manipulation. That explains why you're able to produce that protective screen around yourself. At first I believed that to be a self-contained, subconscious act. It also explains how you were able to wrap another person in this field of energy. Enabling you to protect them also while moving at such speeds.

Now just let me run some tests. I want to see how your neural synapses are firing. A whole new path of research in brain function can be opened up with studying your neural pathways. With a person of your abilities that can speed up and slow down, his perception would make a world of difference to the research." Stated Dr. McCoy as he rambled on about my abilities.

"So how's it going Hank: the kid passed his little tests yet? I heard a bang, but since everything is still standing, I guess it's nothing" Logan spoke up from my left leaning on the wall three feet from me.

"Shit," came flowing out of my lungs as I swiftly turned around with my hands up. I looked like a total dick. Just imagine it now: Tall teenage male with sharp wild grey eyes, standing at five feet eleven in a medical bodysuit unitard with all the sensors blinking all over with his arms raised in awkward angles.

"Your form is all shit, kid," Logan spoke up while his focus was still on Dr. McCoy.

"Yes, yes, everything is fine," replied Dr. McCoy as he was typing away at his terminal cataloging things that I was just starting to understand. I had somewhat of a clue on what was talking about as it was all comic knowledge for me anyway, but this whole not needing oxygen was new. It was tripping up my brain, and I was going to flip out if Logan hadn't said my form was shit. Taking a look at myself, I realized my arms were still up. But, since he said that, I might have to take him up for a match.

"Since you think that about my form, why don't you help me out?" I asked Logan with an expectant look on my face. He turned and tilted his head to the side and then gave me the answer I was hoping for.

"Yeah, sure thing kids got an okay from the Doc, and I'll show you our gym." Logan replied to me, but still kept his attention at .

With that statement, I had the proverbial nerdgasm. Not only was I going to be able to see and try out the danger room. I was about to get one-on-one time training with Wolverine. There is no way this can go wrong. I have speed, perfect recall memory, and ideal muscle kinesthetic memory. This is going to be awesome!

Yeah, I should have known how much I fucked up. So here I was on my back for what seems like the thousandth time. Let's rewind time to find out how my over arrogant ass got handed to me.

So with the all-clear from Dr. Mccoy, we headed for the danger room. We were standing out in the sub-basement of the mansion and the walls were a shade of Matt black with what looked like an LCD panel going along the whole of what seemed separated sections. We walked along the hallway then took a right into a room with nothing but computer monitors. From a glance, I noticed some of the words had statements on the side monitors — weapons systems, oxygen levels, and also something saying artificial weather. While Logan stood off to the side, I looked out past the large window panes and looked into a room with nothing, but blank silver walls. It was so damn unassuming what that giant two hundred meters by two hundred meter room could do.

"Alright, kid let me introduce you to the danger room. We use this room to hone our skills and practice our abilities. Today's plans are to use this room and observe your skills. Yeah yeah, I don't want to hear it. Everyone says they know how to fight." Logan grunted out at me while leading the way. I couldn't just keep my mouth shut.

"Well, I do know how to fight. Thank you very much. I kick a few bully's asses monthly," Was my reply to his little tiff from behind him.

That caused Logan to chuckle.

"That ain't a fight. Those are some shitty kids scraping. I'll teach you how to fight if you're willing to learn." was his reply to my statement.

That gave me heart palpitations a lesson from the Wolverine himself. I was so down for this fight. And my hole opened up before I could think it through.

"Am game let's go! let's go!" came out of my face.

Logan just grunted at me with a small smile on his face. Then he spoke up and killed my vibe. "Don't you want to get out of that unitard onesie?"

Realizing that hearing I could get in a fight with the main man himself got my excitement overriding my brain. That killed the super nerd mojo I was feeling though.

"Oh my gosh, yes, please. Also, you wouldn't happen to know about any gym clothes available?" I asked hoping to everything that I didn't seem as awkward and embarrassed as I felt.

Logan didn't seem to be at all interested in my situation. "Yeah kid don't sweat it" was all Logan said.

We headed off the locker room which I hadn't noticed previously was off to the right. It was weird; the room wasn't set up with much. A large display case was on the far end next to the showers over on the left behind some curtains. Now the lockers were located in the center, but there was another door on the other side. That might lead to the hanger, but I wasn't sure. Maybe I should ask after this. It would be so awesome to be able to see the x jet. Hell, I just had a realization: I would not be here unless I were being considered for the X-men shit! I am being considered for the X-men! Dr. Mccoy just did a power test and Logan's about to do a fight test. Oh my gosh am going to be an X-man fuck yeah! Ugh, I have to change the name somehow. But that's for another time I must focus and give my game face.

Danger Room

"Alright kid, no speed, let's see what you can do in a fight." came Logan's statement shaking me out of my thoughts. I stood there over a mat that just materialized out of thin air, shit I forgot about access to advance technology. So here I am, facing off with Logan, standing with the stance of a comfortable boxer. He straightened himself up, then walked over to me. Placing a hand on my back, he showed me set an angle to steady my body then fixed my feet and helped me fix my center of gravity. After that he went back to his position and moved me forward. With a quick step in, I started with a quick jab. Something I have perfected across Flash Thompson faces back in school whenever I catch wind of him bullying Peter when I am not around.

That jab did nothing to the man. Logan did a quick slap deflection on my hand which hurt like all fuck. I never even saw the hook coming for my face. I went down hard and rolled over to get back up onto my feet; and I was fucking pissed. So that was his plan, no pulled punches old fashioned learning. Yeah, I knew I was biting off more than I could chew, but fuck it. Getting back up from the ground, I started to walk around him. I noticed the way he was positioned and circled with me. Logan didn't have any of the jerky motions I had.

So I started to mimic his motions, this evened out my flow. I felt so much smoother with my strides. Logan has always been a predator, and it takes an animal to fight an animal. I wanted this fight but never knew how much I was hungering for such an opportunity. Being able to fight one of the best of Marvel's became my dream when I first met him. My ego kicked in and I added a little bit of speed, nothing major, just enough to give me an edge. Then I latched onto him with such a laser-focused intensity. I wanted to make sure he took notice of me. I was facing one of the best fighters to have ever lived.

Even greater than Captain America himself, and I refuse to be looked at as just another child. What I didn't realize though was my body was adapting to everything: my healing factor had kicked in sometime last week so any of the bruisings that should have shown from the beating I received was healed in a matter of seconds. I would have known this if I wasn't so hot-headed.

I lunged at him hard on the offense. Throwing a left feint, yet I came in with a hard ass right kick that caught him in the ribs throwing him across the mat. Yeah, that should teach him for not taking me seriously. That was when I should have known I fucked up.

Logan did a simple roll pushed off the ground and came right back at me. His eyes said it all. And now I was looking directly at The Wolverine himself. He didn't pop claws, but I knew I was fucked. My pride wouldn't let me admit defeat, and he came at me hard. The left cross, and right crescent kick both came so hard and fast that even though I was able to block them, I was still knocked around due to his metal bones. Fucking cheater was all I could think. Logan didn't let up. He threw out swings and strikes then advanced into my space as I backed up to get some breathing room. I took a hook to the jaw, and then a snap kick threw me for a loop. I rolled out of the way from the stomp aimed at my head. He adjusted his swing to my side but as I scrambled up to my feet, I grabbed it with a twist and pull.

I was able to yank Logan off his feet. I got him, but he landed on his hands, spun, and practically flew back up. We both had a manic grin on our faces enjoying the brawl for all it was worth. I was seeing and learning. I was forcing myself to adapt to the situation, trying to get every bit out of my body without going full out speed force. I slapped a kick that came my way but was unable to block the fist that came straight for my nose. That knocked me back with a resounding crunch. The blackness spread out behind my eyelids for a second with flashes of red on the edges.

Something struck my stomach, and something else hit me in the hip, but those hits didn't hurt as much. I refused to go down from this. My anger gave way to my determination. I was able to catch Logan with a solid hit to the jaw then got in a lucky right cross. Fists and feet kept flying, but I knew that I would have to take a risk eventually. I was able to pull a sliding dodge past his guard and went for a headbutt. That was the dumbest move I could have ever pulled off. Foreheads slammed together. I staggered back blinking like a fucking moron because I forgot Logan's fucking skeleton was made of god damn metal.

Knocked on my ass all I could do was look at Logan as he loomed over me. Logan stepped closer and closer. He first had a look of interest on his face, which turned to surprise. I hooked his legs and swept them around, pulling him down towards myself. I pivoted upright cocking back my right arm to throw another blow. Only to discover that it wasn't going to work anymore as we separated. I had to shift positions, and I never saw the boot coming towards my face. So yeah, I had lost. And it wasn't just some ordinary loss either. I lost even after I cheated and got an assist with my powers.

Woah! I was awakened with a jolt. Yeah, the last thing I remembered was getting a foot to the face. Wait I was fighting Logan right. Yes, I was fighting Logan so why am I laying down on the floor. Oh! Yeah, I lost. Now I realised that boot to the face was a signal my ass was grass. I huffed out a breath, feeling my defeat. Super speed and so much more and I still lost.

"Alright, Sparky now that you're awake let's go. I need to run some errands, and you'd make a perfect way to shorten the time." He spoke to me as if we didn't just go at each other like animals. All I could do was a grunt, which in turn earned me a chuckle out of Logan. The man had beaten me and served me a slice of humble pie like it was nothing. Now I am hungry and just wanted to take a nap too. Wait a second. Why is nothing hurting?

"Aye, Logan did you have the Doc look me over? I don't feel bruised up or anything," I asked him, very confused by this fact. I knew Barry healed fast, but man I was good to go plenty more rounds. My body was also feeling a lot stronger, yeah I might have to look into all that my body was capable of now. All that's been on my mind recently is just going faster. Maybe I could ask Doc and Logan to help me out.

"Nah, Sparky you healed all on your own. Hell, you even healed mid-fight." Logan spoke to me, which made me perk up a bit. I am a super healer now, wait a second now that I put my mind to it. This means I have an accelerated healing factor. And If my ribs healed mid-battle, I would recover just as fast as Logan if not quicker. My body isn't just healing my wounds, but it's making me that much stronger each time I push my limits without the speed force. I am positive I used a small portion of it to enhance the body. It seems like my recovery is far better than before.

With all that rattling around in my brain, Logan followed me to the locker rooms. With a nice shower and more clean clothes which all had the X for Xavier's School for gifted individuals on them. I had to grab four bagels on the way out, but one didn't make it that far since a claw came out of nowhere and took it.

Today's ride of choice was a beautiful forest green range rover. So now that we were on the road, the silence started to kill me. So being a person who couldn't keep his face shut. I had to speak up.

"So do you plan to tell me what that was all that about?" I asked the man next to me. All Logan did was grunt at me. I whined to the man. "Man tell me, it's not as if I can complain. Even after you stomped three shades of shit out of me, I healed right up. So bye gones, are bye gones, as far as I am concerned."

"I can care less about all that. I just wanted to see what you are made out of, to see if training you might be worth my time. Being a metahuman isn't easy. And I don't think anyone ever told you about what's going to come after you now that your powers spiked on the map" was Logan's reply to my whining. I had to fake some confusion for this next part.

"Wait, what do you mean, I thought only you guys and that Eric guy had the means to find me?" I asked him trying to play up the confusion. Logan grunted at me and then continued to speak.

"Nah kid, we are just the nice ones about it. They know you're located on the east coast now and they are going to wait for you to try something. Since you're not in the school, keep your eyes peeled." was all Logan said as he fell back into silence.

"Sounds like you have had some experience." was my reply to the man as I also fell into silence with him.

All I got out of the man was silence and another grunt. So I just sat there in the ranger enjoying the ride along. As we went down a coastal road, a blacked-out SUV pulled up right behind us. This would have been fine because we live in NYC, and a lot of wealthy people drive blacked-out vehicles. They either have the money or want privacy. No, what made it strange was that five more drove past us then boxed us in with no warning.

Bap! Bap!

Bap! Bap!

We got boxed in on all sides front to backside to side. Yeah, it is confirmed my luck was all kinds of evil. I was extremely sure they were not here for me. I just so happen to be in the car when The Wolverine gets backed into a corner and captured. Growing super excited, I tried to vibrate my body at super speeds, and that's when I realized I fucked up. I had never trained in versatility. I am still one fresh ass baby speedster, and all I know how to do is run and protect. No lightning toss, nothing, and what makes it even worse is I just blew my wad trying to get fancy. My nose started to bleed, and my ears bled, and my internal organs went all flip flop.

"Sparky stay with me, come on kid why did you have to do something so stupid.?" Logan spoke from his position. The last thing I saw before passing out was a canister shot into the rover through the windows. I was all kinds of screwed, and I had no one to blame but myself for being so stupid.

I was jolted awake again this time by extreme amounts of pain coming from my left leg. My mouth tasted of iron maybe, this had to be from my blood. The air was all haze, yet the pain hitting me made it all so clear in an instant. I felt connected yet not connected all at once if that was even possible. I was on some table staring up at the cemented ceiling.

The walls had greenish mold growing, and that told me we were somewhere by water or deep in the mountains somewhere. And yet the pain persisted, and it was getting on my nerves. Also, why can't I feel anything other than the pain? I knew a second later, and I wished I fucking didn't. The table I was strapped down on was massive, and I recognize it instantly. This table was from the movie Blade two when he was knocked out and strapped to it for his blood.

The table had a lined one-inch rim going all the way around, not only that, I had to be a good four feet up off the ground. What made matters worse is the fact they had large lights all aimed at me. I am stuck here tied down with a ball gag in my mouth, and they had lights all on me. Am I being experimented on, no that's impossible I would have felt something? I thought that as I heard a buzz and felt more extreme sharp pain.

No this couldn't be happening, no not to me no! I struggled and pulled on the speed force, but the feeling was slippery to hold. Then I got the shocking jolt of my life from my neck. That's when I froze. Then I pulled again and was shocked again. Now I was breathing hard hyperventilating as I screamed out trying to get up off the table.

All of my senses were back now.

I was vividly aware of how I had both arms chained down and locked in place. They had both my upper arms and lower wrist all locked in place. Then I also felt both legs locked in place. So they put a damper shock collar around my neck.

They put a collar around my neck!

That was the final straw I lost my shit and shook with all that anger. Not only did I want out, but I also wanted VENGEANCE! I looked around from my position to noticed a fuck face evil-looking mad doctor was cutting away at my body. And he was talking to me now that I was awake. He started his evil fucking monologue: like who fucking monologues.

"Ahh you're awake, it would seem. You have the very unfortunate honor of being alive to see what comes next. I hope you don't mind. We had to get a different bone saw, your skin, muscles, and bones carry amazingly strong resistance to everything we have tried. And unfortunately, we don't happen to have any lasers available in this facility. It is quite unfortunate I have to resort to such crude tools, don't you think so? Of course, you think so. Ha! Ha! You're here experiencing it. Just know that it's an honor to operate on you. With your help, we will get one step closer to making humanity prosper. Your sacrifice won't go unappreciated. Ah yes, where was I. Hmm seem to have burnt out the saw on your fibula. Don't worry though young man this is almost done. Then we shall start at once with the rest of your organs." The man stated while giving me his creepy fucking smile.

It felt like how I first died — stuck on concrete, unable to do anything. Just slowly accepting what was happening to me as my blood drains onto the pavement. I refused it all, and I refuse to accept death again. I looked at the man with nothing but hatred in my heart. All I wanted was to live in peace and be a hero. The universe wouldn't let me go, so it kept pushing and pushing. I am no longer in my reality, and this isn't some comic or a web novel where the brave hero makes it. One slip and am dead and I don't want to run the risk of that. Yeah, I learned my lesson now.

FUCK all that its time to push back. No more slacking off, time to put that ego aside I was lucky with the speed force — no more leaving life to chance. I will survive.

I will conquer this. I refuse to be another fucking tombstone in Xavier's fucking school.



These thoughts burned in my heart, and I wanted nothing more than to rip them all to pieces for what they have done to me. And I knew where to start by getting my powers back first. Closing my eyes, I felt for it, because there is no way I could be disconnected from the Speed Force. This was a cosmic force tied into my very soul. No simple collar should be able to disconnect me at all.

"Hmm look like he gave up, it is for the best anyway. This way, his body will be used for the greater good." I heard the scientist mutter to himself. The lights started to flicker, and then the monitors came alive with buzzing and then scrambled visuals began to play across the screens.I was looking inwards for my astral form. I saw it, the stream of the speed force and it was just waiting for me to grab it. Although I tried, my astral form could not go forward at all. So I stood there and just looked at it with my anger boiling to overflow. I will have my vengeance, and nothing will deny me this.

That was when it clicked in place for me. I wanted my vengeance with my being the keyword. I never really saw the speed force as something that was my own.

The thought of Barry Allen and his discovery and usage has been holding me back. I have used the speed force, but I have never honestly used it as my own. With that thought, it reacted to me in response, and I knew just what had to happen.

I discarded all thoughts of Barry Allen. This was my speed force, I brought it with me to the Marvel-verse, and I was going to wield it as its avatar and chosen. With that, my entire world exploded with nothing but raw power. My very nerves were singing with joy. The mad doctor watched in fascination as the very air itself crackled with electricity. The bone saw the doctor used was the first thing to explode, then everything flowed after. The doctor should have been worried about his hand that was bleeding, but he couldn't take his eyes off the form of the young man before him. The doctor watched as bones realigned and reattached. Then the nerves and muscle groups regrew just like that. One moment the bone was broken, and the next moment, it had all the muscle fibers back flowing with a healthy pink shade.

Then the skin covered over the wound, and that was when the young man sat up. I understood now, I was the speed force, and the speed force was me. With just a simple thought, I commanded my leg to heal, then sat up straight. I had plans to teach the doctor, and his backers there are some people that you dont fuck with. And I, Benjamin Anthony Blake just joined that short list of individuals. I bit right through the ball gag they placed in my mouth. Then I spat out the pieces onto the floor, and that was when the doctor realized he was fucked. He made a mad dash toward the door, but I was having none of that today.

I was the speed force, and the speed force was me. With but a step, I was standing in front of the door blocking his exit. Now that I was here, I noticed it was a rather large steel frame bolt on with a spin wheel opener. That way if a metahuman escaped, he would be trapped until a containment team can come and detain them. I stared down at the doctor, and he stared right back at me. The doctor had gone eerily still like he was being looked at by an enormous predator.

Maybe I am because what I had planned for him was going to balance the scales. With one simple pull, I removed the vile collar from around my neck and looked at him.

"My god why didn't that work on you, it worked on all the rest." I heard the evil doctor state in his astonishment. That brought no solace to my heart.

"It's simple Doc, my powers don't work like the rest. Now you're going to tell me willingly. Who put this collar on me and I'll let you die fast." I stated to him while feeling my anger swell up within me. That freaked him out.

"I don't know, I swear, the guards brought you like that to me." the doctor screamed at me. "Is that your final answer?" was the only reply I gave him. This doctor was going to get no sympathy from me. I am all out of compassion for all these fuckers. And with that, the Doc shook his head, yes, but he was about to wish that he had more to say.

I was in such a foul mood, and this damn man had no more information for me. Then his use to me was finished. Now he shall suffer my vengeance. I started by grabbing his face and staring into him past his eyes and into his very soul.

With that very simple action, my voice reverberated across the whole base. With your vile act of defiling my body, I sentence you to death! Logan was sitting in his cell thinking of a way to escape. These morons always forgot about his claws, and no damper can indeed hold him. All he had to do was figure out where the kid was and hightail it out of here. Maybe kill a guy or two for information towards the exit. And that's when he heard it from his cell, like a note of finality and death. Guess the kids awake and not too happy about all this. Guess it was time to pop claws and go meet up with Sparky.

With the doctor's head in my hands, I pulled back and slammed it into the wall hard, making sure not to break his skull. I wanted him awake for this.

"You think you can just cut me up into parts and I would be fine with it doc?"


I was maneuvering the Doc, so his back was to the door. I stepped to the side, turned and smashed in his right leg. It folded under my new strength like it was tissue paper. That woke the doctor up out of his daze, and he screamed at the top of his lungs. That was when I went to work on him. Grabbing the doctor with my left hand, I held him still while I focused my speed force aura to leach into his body. I was not aiming to protect him. I wanted him to experience what I did next with such vivid clarity. I needed my aura to keep him alive. It wouldn't do if he went into a shock early and died on me during this fun ride he was getting.

As I pushed the aura out of me and into him, I felt the bioelectricity the human body can produce in him. It felt so sophisticated yet so simple and elegant.

This had opened me up to so many possibilities, and I had an unwilling guinea pig ready for testing. I grabbed onto his body functions and sped up his perception of reality while keeping my own steady in real time.

I wanted him to experience this for at least one hundred years then die. I wanted this to be as slow and painful as I could make it. With that intent, the speed force sang with my versatility and usage. His body went rigid in my grasp, and I watched as his pupils dilated. Slowly I pushed my right hand into his still beating chest Indiana Jones temple of doom style. With my hand in his chest, I hooked my fingers around the arteries and pulled. The wail he let out was music to my ears. I looked him right in his face and spoke my peace.


With that said, I pulled his heart out viciously, then tossed it across the room. I had to get it out of my hand. This moment was my first kill ever. I was so focused on my revenge. I never stopped to think. Then I doubled over and vomited everything out. I had to get out of here now. Yes, I was trapped in a room, but I was still in my super Saiyan mode. I had to keep my shit together. The doctor was my first kill, but he will not be the last.

I had to put stuff into perspective for myself. My innocence was gone, this was a world of unforgettable evils, and I had to find a way to live in it. I was still in my medical gown, and I needed clothes badly, but I refused to wear what that doctor had on. Now it's time to test my imagination and the speed forces flex-ability. Pulling on the speed force, I built a mental construct of a red metal pair of sole grip jikatabi. Holding the mental image was nothing; the tough part was pushing it into the aura and forcing it into solidification.

With that thought the mental strain lessened and now I found the secret the more willpower, you put into building the speed force construct the better since it trains the brain's ability to create. Next, I went for black ninja pants and a shirt with red lightning highlights, but I didn't want just any pants. I wanted the Ryu Hayabusa pants and shirt armor combo.

It took me six solid minutes of concentration to form everything I needed. That was when I realized I needed something for my face at high speed or better yet I need a helmet now. That way, I don't have to worry about much when I fight crime. I forced constructed the Hayabusa helmet with lenses to protect my eyes from any lucky hazards.

With all that complete, it was time to leave this godforsaken hole in the ground. Reaching the door, I remembered I didn't know how to phase. That was alright though because I had full access to the speed force and I wanted out. Taking a few steps back, I gave the door a lightning enhanced spartan kick. That steel reinforced door with the tumbler lock wasn't prepared for a pissed off speed force user on the warpath.

I was walking out into the hall, and I was presented with pandemonium. It was chaos, armed-guards were running to and fro, so that means Logan got out somehow. That means I no longer have to rescue him. I did a quick dodge up the wall, ran along the roof, and slammed my aura reinforced fist into the face of some random guard that fired rounds in my direction. Yeah, no way do I plan to get shot up. I was already at my limits so fuck this place and everyone in it.

After dispatching that guard, I stole his machete off his back. It also turned out to be one I recognized also. It had a combat grip handle applied with a special anti-slip coating serrated backside and with the blade being about two feet long by three inches wide. I took it and ran. I wasn't planning on going full sprint through the complex. Going those speeds would get me to my destination quickly, yes, but with my current pace, I had a goal. I plan to slice every guard in between me and the exit.

I would not rest easy tonight until they felt how I felt on that metal table. Then I moved with a savage purpose, every round shot in my direction was sliced in half. I learned my lesson: I would not get cocky and grab the bullets like some amateur speedster. I already knew I was faster than a speeding bullet and I had no need to prove that to the masses, but they needed to feel the fear. They needed to fear me knowing that no matter how much they shoot at me, none of the bullets will be able to get through.

The only thing on my mind was my vengeance against this accursed group of people and getting out of here. I had all confidence Logan would make it out, but maybe I should check for other people. Turning a corner, I was met with a wall of nothing but automatic weapons fire. Weapons of those calibers were no longer a threat to me in my current state. I was in accelerated time, yet I was also living standard time all at once. I was genuinely zen with the speed force, and she was with me. That was when I felt the tug, and I followed it. My aura was extended four feet out in a radius around me. And it was like woah, every detail was sent to my mind. With the accelerated nature of my brain, all that data was instantly processed and compiled. It was all at my fingertips; for instance, there is a drop of water falling mid-air behind me. Everything within four feet of the aura was known to me.

That wasn't all that I was able to do with it. With my aura extended every round that entered had its motion absorbed and they all fell on the ground. Not even waiting for the guards to register what happened within a step I was in their midst. My first slash went through the large burly guy with a superior groomed beard, but that wasn't going to save him today. I sliced through him like he wasn't even there and proceeded to dismantle the rest. Before I was done I grabbed the last man and shook him. I vibrated him so hard that his insides just liquified within his body. After that, I came to a fork in the road. It was time to put on the speed no more mindless killing of the guards. I found Logan drinking something while leaned up against a door leading out.

"So did you get it all out of your system?" Logan asked from his spot up against the wall.

"What do you mean?" I asked the man. I was in a foul mood, and I did not need his shit right now.

"Everyone heard your declaration to the base sparky" Logan stated with a huff from his spot.

"They collared me, Logan. Like I was a fucking slave, like I was less than fucking human!" I screamed into his face. He gave me a solid look like he wanted to trade blows. I was ready for him, fuck that no speed bullshit from last time. Logan just let out a huff

"I know sparks, I know. Come meet the new kids." he stated while heading out the door.

"Shit, I forgot to try and rescue anyone that might have survived," I replied to him after realizing he saved people while I was out for blood.

"I figured, you were raising one hell of a distraction." He grumped with another huff. Outside the mountain base-of course it was on the side of a mountain, these barbarians have no taste or style-in a small clearing stood about three individuals and I didn't notice anything new. Everyone was in rags and looked like a hot mess.

I wanted to go home and sleep for a year.

Since am starting something fresh.

You can find me on discord

Let's Keep Hope Alive.

Send comments I will read them all.

Since this whole writing thing is new please bare with me.


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