The Fantasy Entertainment Empire

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Crossing

Fan Zhe, who slammed rice in his mouth, looked surprised when he saw the call on the phone.

“Jia Yi’s call! Quick answer, quick answer!”

“Mom, your eyes are so sharp…” Fan Zhe spit out.

Originally, he was still wondering whether or not to answer the call, but now he can only answer it.

Press the answer button, Fan Zhe said: “Hello? What’s the matter?”

Ye Jiayi hasn’t said anything yet, Fan Zhe’s old lady is dissatisfied first: “Why are you talking so coldly? Be enthusiastic!”

Fan Zhe glanced at his mother helplessly, coughed slightly, and said no more.

There, Ye Jiayi’s voice is also very cold. She said: “Are you in Xunyang?”


“When are you coming back?”

Before asking this sentence, Ye Jiayi took a deep breath. The tone was like an ordinary wife asking when her husband would go home.

Although it is very blunt.

Fan Zhe disliked this the most, as if he had been given alms, he asked, “Going back to Shenghai? Why are you going back?”

Ye Jiayi’s mood immediately cooled down, she said: “It’s nothing, you have some clothes with me, when will you take them?”

“Let’s put it on first.” Fan Zhe said, “You can throw it away if it takes up space.”

As soon as I finished speaking, the busy tone of the phone came. Obviously, Ye Jiayi, who was opposite, hung up.

“What’s the matter?” My mother was furious.

“I don’t know.” Fan Zhe said, “She called back suddenly and asked me when I would go back. I got divorced and asked if it was funny?”

Fan’s father hates iron but not steel: “I am so mad, how can I have such a stupid son like you!”

Fan’s mother was also very angry: “You stupid… how did you fool Jia Yi into it?”

“She chased me at that time.” Fan Zhe said honestly.

“My old lady was blind to see you as a fool!”

After Ye Jiayi hung up the phone, he almost smashed the phone.

After    lost her temper, a burst of grievance rushed to her heart, and she suddenly wanted to cry.

Fan Zhe mentioned the divorce at the time. Fan Zhe felt that she was entangled with her boss David, but it was actually a misunderstanding.

It was true that David was pursuing her, but she clearly refused; the 10,000 cold wars before the divorce returned to the cold war, but at that time Fan Zhe had no income. All the expenses of the family, from the mortgage to the car loan, were not all hers. Is it alone?

What else?

Yes, she admitted that at that time she had a very bad attitude and was a little cold, which made Fan Zhe who was in the bottom of her mood not only not comforted by her, but even more uncomfortable. But, so as to divorce?

shook his head and held back the tears.

She is not the kind of crying little girl, her marriage failed, but her current life can still be passed without Fan Zhe.

Packed things up, she got off work. Take a good rest today, and fight for a new investment case tomorrow.

answered the phone and was scolded by his father and mother again. Fan Zhe was depressed and returned to his room.

And if he knew Ye Jiayi’s thoughts, he would definitely shake his head.

Misunderstandings, the cold war before divorce, these are all incentives. The essential factor for Fan Zhe to propose divorce is actually one word: tired.

He is tired.

Once, Fan Zhe was also an idealist, and he had his own expectations for his future love and marriage.

But the reality punched him **** the head.

There are still too many differences between people.

The marriage he is looking forward to is that two people love each other, support each other in life, and help each other in the same boat. The family is happy and harmonious. But when two people really live together, trivial things are like a strong chain that entangles them individually, unable to break free and cannot be solved.

It is normal for two people to have conflicts in their lives. According to Fan Zhe, it is important to tolerate each other.

You have your ideas, I respect you; I have my ideas, and you should respect me. Many things can be discussed and help each other, but the other party should not be forced to follow their own ideas.

Fan Zhe does not like to force others, nor does he like being forced.

And Ye Jiayi is the kind of person who doesn’t like to express his emotions, but he has a strong personality and his own opinion. Every contradiction will always turn into a disaster. She stubbornly refused to bow her head, and in the end Fan Zhe always suppressed the unhappiness in her heart to coax and compromise.

This may be what men should do. But always like this, men are also human, and they are also tired.

When the company he invested in went bankrupt, Ye Jiayi didn’t comfort him, and even ridiculed him for a while, saying things like “I told you earlier” and “You have to learn your lesson” made Fan Zhe very uncomfortable. Later, Fan Zhe found out that Ye Jiayi’s boss was pursuing her again, which made him feel angry and asked for a divorce.

After thinking about it carefully, I really shouldn’t be so arbitrary. Ye Jiayi might really have nothing to do with her boss.

But when she filed for a divorce, Fan Zhe did not regret it.

He now feels that he is much more relaxed.

Sitting on the seat in the room thinking for a while, Fan Zhe quickly regained his spirits, and threw these distresses behind his head.

These things have all passed, and now it is a serious matter to grasp the things on your hands and quickly tidy them up.

Generally speaking, the project he is currently working on is not too difficult for him, except for a tighter schedule and less manpower.

The most critical and troublesome place is the intelligent calculus of ‘dimension’. He only needs to be responsible for the design work. He himself is an original painter who has been in this industry for many years. Miller is also a veteran in the industry. The two have worked together for many years and have a tacit understanding. Although they do not work together, they can still maintain frequent communication through the Internet.

And the design difficulty of this project is not high overall, at least it is far from reaching the upper limit of Fan Zhe. Tight deadlines can also be dealt with by sacrificing more rest time.

In the next period of time, Fan Zhe successfully completed the design and fine drawing of several main characters.

And over there, Miller’s work was also completed very smoothly. There is no difficulty in drawing different styles of castle guards and servants for a veteran like her. Slightly challenging is the existence equivalent to the final BOSS assigned to her by Fan Zhe, the owner of the castle, a noble who has mastered evil magic.

In order to pursue efficiency, these design drawings are basically not modified. In fact, as long as the overall style is not too different from other people’s games, the problem will not be too big.

When Fan Zhe and Miller completed a part of the design, he would directly import the completed part into the ‘Dimension’, striving not to waste any time.

After most of the design work was completed, he and Miller completed a number of combined illustrations of scenes and characters.

These illustrations are actually equivalent to the sub-shots of the short film to be produced. And these sub-shots, together with the text script, will be interpreted by the ‘dimension’ to complete the series of the entire short film and form a story.

is still in pursuit of time, these sub-shots, the two of them are not very detailed.

In fact, for general works, it doesn’t matter whether the shots are fine or not. However, the ‘dimension’ is a completely different existence.

For ‘Dimension’, even if there is no sub-camera at all, only relying on the description of the text script, it can completely connect and produce the entire short film.

But the text description has very huge errors. The same scene or action, if it is described by different people, will obviously be different. Let the ‘dimension’ check calculations entirely through text scripts, and the final calculations may indicate how far apart they are from expectations.

Then, a detailed sub-shot is very important.

Moreover, if the sub-shots are drawn in more detail, the ‘dimension’ will be more accurate when performing motion calculations and save time.

But wanting to draw a lot of illustration-level sub-shots…too difficult.

It’s not that I can’t draw it, but that it takes too much time. Fan Zhe himself is now drawing an ultra-fine and realistic illustration, and after working overtime for a week, he will die out of two, and he may not be able to finish three. It is impossible for Miller to fight like he did. As far as normal work efficiency is concerned, it is normal to take one to two weeks for one sheet.

If a large number of storyboards are required, it will take a lot of time to draw the entire painting into an illustration-level work, so it is better to throw it to ‘Dimension’ to calculate.

Even if some of the results did not meet expectations, Fan Zhe had nothing else to do.

However, after all the work was completed, when he saw the final unrendered semi-finished product, he was generally satisfied with the overall result.

The calculation ability of ‘dimension’ is still very reliable. The images of the three main characters have changed from the original painting to the model under the calculation of the dimensionality.

The details of the model are very good. If you zoom in and take a closer look, the characteristics of fabric, leather armor, metal… are all clearly displayed.

And in the scene, the whole view of the castle completely restores the design in the original painting. UU Reading is especially the most important. It is also the banquet hall where the plot climax in the animated feature film is located. All the furniture, furnishings, and decorations The style is so delicate and realistic.

is especially worth mentioning, the large chandelier above the banquet hall. For this chandelier, Fan Zhe referred to the lighting drawings made by many home design masters when he painted the original painting. The finished product is very distinctive and looks very beautiful.

When it was broadcast, Fan Zhe saw the final fight in the banquet hall. The whole action was designed smoothly and perfectly.

This set of movements was conceived by him racking his brains. It was written as text and imported into the ‘Dimension’ system, combined with some original paintings with different shots, to be used as a guide when ‘Dimension’ performs the calculation of the action design.

Although it was very smooth, it did not meet the expectations that Fan Zhe had conceived at the beginning. The key images of the original paintings with separate shots are okay, but where descriptions are based purely on words, they can only rely on the ‘dimension’ system to understand the words and calculate on their own.

However, there will be errors in the description of the text, which is difficult to avoid, and it also leads to the fact that the calculation of the “dimension” is not exactly the same as Fan Zhe thought.

In the future, this problem is not impossible to solve. For example, draw more shots illustrations, for example, use more detailed and precise text to assist in description.

There is no doubt that that would be a big project, and now Fan Zhe has no conditions to do it.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the completion of the whole action is already very good. At least, Fan Zhe expressed his satisfaction that the first commercial work made using ‘dimensions’ can reach the current level.

He believes that if this thing is used to deal with the “Titan Game”, it must be more than enough.

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