The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 5: Hitting the Jackpot

However, Ruan Rong was brave enough to rush into the courtyard. At first, she walked like a fly, but after passing through the coffins, her steps slowed down, and her big eyes rolled around, revealing her anxiety and fear.

If Li Jiuming tried to persuade her at this time, she would quit.

Although Li Jiuming was a good case handler, he couldn't understand the little girl's mind at all.

He rushed up from behind. Seeing that the autopsy room was not far ahead, he shook his head helplessly and said, "Well, since you said you are brave, you can go in with me."

Now Ruan Rong had no way out, so she had to be brave enough to cross the threshold side by side with Li Jiuming.

When she was right in the middle of the door inside and outside, she felt a stench coming to her face. Even though Ruan Rong covered her mouth and nose in time, she still couldn't completely isolate it. The disgusting smell crept in through her nose and filled in her stomach as if she were going to throw out all the overnight meals!

"This... What's the smell? It stinks!"

Ruan Rong resisted her nausea and complained loudly. Then someone behind her said, "You're right. This is the smell of dead people, but it should be the smell leftover from the past. If there are rotten corpses in it, the smell will be much stronger."

Corpses odor?

Much stronger?!

Before Sun Shaozong's voice ended, he saw Ruan Rong turn around and run out of the yard, and then there was a burst of intermittent vomiting.

"This girl!"

Li Jiuming sighed helplessly, but when he looked at Sun Shaozong again, he had more meaning to explore. He had seen many desperate who licked blood with their swords, but he rarely saw young people who could tell the truth about the smell of corpses and take it calmly in front of the smell.

Thus, he raised his attention to Sun Shaozong.

"Lieutenant Sun, please."

"Thank you, Constable Li."

Li Jiuming raised his hand and gave way. Sun Shaozong casually thanked him and walked into the morgue.

At this time, it was about three o'clock in the afternoon, but there were a dozen candles in the morgue, and the candlesticks were high and low, vaguely surrounding a single bed covered with a white cloth.

On the left side of the single bed, a fat man and a thin man were quietly cleaning up their knives. When they saw Li Jiuming bringing people in, they just nodded slightly and ignored them.

Sun Shaozong knew that these people who often deal with corpses are not very sociable, so he didn't care. He went to the bed, pointed to the white clothcovered on it, and politely asked, "Excuse me, can I open it?"

The skinny man glanced up at Li Jiuming. Seeing that he had no intention of blocking him, he showed a little ironic smile on his face, and dryly replied, "It's up to you."

As he spoke, his eyes were full of joy at the expense of others’ misery.

Although the fat man didn't open his mouth, he looked at him with an attitude, like he was waiting for a good play.

In the face of these two somber looks, Sun Shaozong was very magnanimous. Without saying a word, he came forward to mention the white cloth and directly lifted it to the end!


When the white cloth was uncovered, a bloody corpse was immediately presented to Sun Shaozong. The man's head and limbs were still intact, but his chest was cut open. The bright red flesh and white human bones were like a huge mouth in a blood basin that wanted to be eaten by someone!

In the 'mouth', the viscera, intestines, esophagus, and other fragmentary objects are all wrinkling outward, dripping with yellowish-brown mucus

Ordinary people will be scared to death on the spot when they see this shocking scene!

But Sun Shaozong has been a detective in the criminal department for more than ten years. What kind of body has he not seen?

Not to mention this kind of ‘fresh body’ that is cut open. He has seen more than a dozen of them deep-fried and stir-fried after the corpses are dismembered!

So he bent down carelessly, lay down beside the body, and looked at it carefully for a while, then stretched out his hand to poke in the abdominal cavity. Then he raised his head and commented, "It should have been stabbed by a sharp blade between the fifth and fourth ribs on the left side, pierce the liver and causing massive bleeding. When stabbing, the blade was down, so a cut was left on the fifth rib."

The fat and skinny corpse examiner, and Li Jiuming looked at each other in dismay.

After a while, the fat corpse examiner put down the knife in his hand and said with a loud voice, "Expert! Which yamen gate is this little brother from? Having this kind of courage and experience at such a young age..."


Li Jiuming brought Sun Shaozong here without permission. How dare he reveal his true identity?

Two dry coughs interrupted the fat corpse examiner's question further, and he said, "Since you know he’s an expert, don't hide it anymore. Tell your autopsy results to this little brother."

The fat corpse examiner didn't mean to study deeply. He pointed to the corpses and said. "Three corpses were sent, all of which were killed by Ambassador Niu's guards during the resistance. After they were sent, they first asked the patrolling yamen guards on the street to have a look. None of them are familiar faces. They should not be from Qinglin mansion."

Li Jiuming added, "They haven't come here in recent days. The gate guards have no impression of them. It can be seen that they have been hiding in the city for some time, and some people are even responsible for taking care of them. Otherwise, more than a dozen foreigners have lived in the City for so long. How can no one find out?"

When he finished, the fat corpse examiner continued, "Judging from the calluses on the limbs of the corpse and the abrasion of the teeth, these people usually live a good life and rarely participate in work. Instead, they spend all day playing with knives and guns."

The skinny corpse examiner said, "But judging from the strange wounds on their bodies, they should not be officers or soldiers, and they are more likely to be born as a street paladin."

The fat corpse examiner took over the conversation again, pointed to a single bed in the southwest corner, and said, "There was a tattoo on his back, but he recently destroyed it with brute force. He was probably afraid that the tattoo would reveal his identity."


Hearing this, Sun Shaozong has a thought in his mind and quickly cast his eyes on Li Jiuming. Li Jiuming shook his head slightly and said, "The paladin of the six countries in southern Xinjiang have a lot of tattooing habits. If the tattoo is still complete, I may be able to find out something by following the steps, but now..."

Sun Shaozong was slightly disappointed. He turned to the two corpse examiners and asked, "Have you checked the food residue in their stomachs? Do you have any clues?"

"You are an expert!"

The fat corpse examiner praised again, and then he found a tray under the shelf where the knives were placed, there were three small enamel bowls in the tray, which were sticky, and didn't know what it is holding. A disgusting sour smell came from afar.

"That's what they took out of their stomachs." The fat corpse examiner pointed to the paste in the bowl and said, "In addition to the common food with protein and carbohydrate, it seems that there are some fruits, they should not be common fruits in the market. As for the specific fruit, it is difficult for me to distinguish."

Sun Shaozong was immediately excited again and asked, "Can you take this as a clue to find out where the rest of the assassins are hiding?"


The fat and skinny corpse examiner looked at each other and smiled bitterly. Finally, Li Jiuming explained, "Southern Xinjiang is known as the hometown of melons and fruits. Now it is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, and there are at least hundreds of kinds of fruits. If each kind of fruit is compared, I don't know how long it will take - and it has to be eaten before spitting out. It's really..."

After a pause, he added, "Moreover, this kind of fresh fruit doesn't last long. Maybe it will completely deteriorate in the evening."


In the absence of scientific instruments, it may be lucky to find out the roots of these fruit residues. But the iron rule of the modern police criminal department is that no matter how trivial the clues are, they can't give up tracing!

So Sun Shaozong asked, "In that case, can you share some of the fruit residues with me? Maybe I'm lucky enough to find this fruit by chance."

This thing doesn't last long. What's the use of keeping more?

Therefore, without hesitation, the two corpse examiners agreed to Sun Shaozong's request, took a piece of oil paper, carefully separated nearly half of the fruit residue, packed it, and handed it to Sun Shaozong.

Sun Shaozong never gave up. He discussed with the two men for a long time, but he never got much information in return. Finally, he had to leave bitterly.

Li Jiuming sent him out of the morgue, then stopped and said in a deep voice, "I still have some business to do, so I'll just send you here. Remember to tell Rong’er for me, and don't meddle in this case in the future further!"

Sun Shaozong nodded and hurried out of the gate. He saw Ruan Rong standing on the wall with a pale face and a huge piece of vomit spread around her. It was estimated that she had even contributed her breakfast too.

Ruan Rong also found Sun Shaozong is out at this time. Seeing his eyes turning around on the vomit, she was embarrassed. He rubbed his boots on the ground, intending to cover up the vomit with soil.

But at this moment, Sun Shaozong suddenly brightened the light in his eyes. He rushed to the booth in front of the vomit and squatted down to study it carefully. Unexpectedly, he didn't expect that he was really lucky when he just said it casually a moment ago!

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