The Fallen Gamer

chapters 151-155

(A/N: This first part has R-18)

Layla decided to ignore the supernatural thunderstorm for the night and go to sleep. Her head hit the pillow and she clocked out. Or at least, she thought she did…

"Welcome, Layla." A familiar voice called out to her.

"What the hell?" Layla opened her eyes and looked around. She wasn't in my bedroom anymore. She wasn't in any place she recognized. "This place is kind of edgy…" She commented upon seeing all of the decor. There were thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of skulls scattered around off to the sides of her. In front of Layla was a clear path, however. A path leading to a black throne… that was also decorated in skulls.

"Hmph! Just because you don't like my decor doesn't mean you have to call it edgy!" Lady Death said from atop her throne in front of Layla. She happened to enjoy the aesthetic quite a bit, herself!

Layla saw that Lady Death was still as absolutely stunning as always. Layla could absolutely understand why Thanos simped so hard for this beautiful entity.

Layla called out to her. "Lady Death! What a pleasant surprise. I take it this is the realm of Death?"

"Indeed. Here I sit above the multiverse and observe its flow of souls." Lady Death said as she pointed upwards.

Layla looked up and gasped. Instead of seeing stars in pitch black sky above them, Layla saw entire galaxies! Thousands of them scattered everywhere across the sky. "It's beautiful." She said with awe.

"Indeed it is." Lady Death said as she drew Layla's attention back to herself. "But that's not why I brought you here…You never came to claim your kiss from me." Lady Death said with an actual pout on her face.

"Sorry about that..." Layla replied to her nervously. "A lot of things happened all at once." She also didn't know how serious Lady Death's offer was… Evidently, since the beautiful entity hag dragged Layla to her realm, it was completely serious.

"And then you went and did me another great service." Lady Death added with a faint smile.

"I did?" Layla asked in surprise. "Was it killing Voldemort again?"

Lady Death actually giggled as she approached Layla. "I'm always happy when a version of him dies in the multiverse, but no. I'm talking about you releasing all of the souls from Gehenna! Billions upon billions of souls had been trapped there out of my reach for so long! And you casually freed them and delivered them right to me." She was now standing right in front of the Fallen Angel.

"I wasn't interested in being a Queen of one of the Hells and–" Layla was cut off when Lady Death leaned forward and kissed her! It wasn't a quick peck on the lips either! It was a genuine, passionate kiss!

(R-18 Start)

Layla let out a squeak as she felt Lady Death' tongue enter her mouth. Lady Death's kiss felt absolutely amazing. It was extremely hot and passionate!

As she kissed Layla, one of Lady Death's hands reached around and started to fondle the Fallen Angels ass. Her other hand started to rub Layla's lower back.

"Mmmmmm." Layla moaned at the sensations. She realized Lady Death must have been using some kind of pleasure magic. Her touches felt absolutely amazing even through Layla's clothing! Layla's legs were quivering and she was starting to have trouble standing up right.

Lady Death's tongue started flicking against Layla's own rapidly. The hand on her lower back moved up and was now groping Layla's breasts. Lady Death pinched on one of her nipples just right causing Layla to squeak. At this point, Death's groping had Layla on the edge of a powerful orgasm!

Lady Death never stopped hungrily kissing Layla as the latter felt herself come undone! Layla seized up and a powerful orgasm shuddered across her body. She felt her legs grow moist and knew she was leaking love juices everywhere.

"Fwaaahhh…" Layla sighed in pleasure when Lady Death finally broke their kiss.

Lady Death smirked at Layla and licked her own lips. "You're my champion now, Layla of the Fallen. I want you…" She declared huskily. Lady Death then pushed Layla backwards!

Layla expected to stumble and fall because there was nothing behind her! At least there wasn't the last time she checked. Layla was surprised when she ended up landing backwards on a silky soft bed that had materialized behind her. It was incredibly soft and, just like the rest of the abode, the sheets were pitch black. Layla also noticed that all of her clothing had all been removed without her even realizing it.

Lady Death then leaned over her and Layla gasped. Lady Death was also completely naked and she was so beautiful! Absolutely flawless everywhere. Her pale breasts were magnificent and sat atop a similarly magnificent figure. Lady Death was perfectly shaped in all of the right places!

Lady Death leaned forward and kissed Layla once again. Her tongue deftly made its way back inside Layla's mouth. Layla let her take control as she fell back down onto the bed. Lady Death was directly on top of her. Their large breasts pressed together as they fiercely made out for a few moments.

As they kissed, Layla felt Lady Death's hands reach down and push her supple legs apart. She moaned when she felt something press up against her already dripping core. She thought it was one of Lady Death's fingers until it pushed it's way deeply inside her in one go! It definitely wasn't a finger! It was too big and hot! Layla quivered and mewled as she felt herself getting filled up.

'Of course, Lady Death knows this spell as well…' Layla thought with a pleasant shudder.

Lady Death never stopped kissing Layla even as she pushed her way inside the sinfully perfect Fallen Angel. Layla suspected that Lady Death seemed to really like kissing! Layla then I moaned deeply into the other woman's mouth once Lady Death thrust her hips forward. Layla saw stars with that single thrust as all of her inner nerves were set off at once! Another orgasmic wave of pleasure tore through Layla and my pussy clamped down on the appendage inside her!

Lady Death finally broke their sloppy kiss and grinned at Layla who was cumming beneath her. "You're just as perfect as I thought you were when I first saw you. Only you are worthy of being my lover and Champion!" Lady Death said before she started moving her hips at a steady pace. Lady Death shuddered and groaned in pleasure. Layla was even tighter after her second orgasm!

Layla's legs wrapped around her hips and all she could do was continuously moan with every thrust. Whatever magic Lady Death was using on Layla made sex with her feel amazing!

"Hhhhhhnnnn. you are sinfully tight." Lady Death huffed out as she continued her pace. She leaned down and started laying kisses along Layla's neck as she continued thrusting deep inside Layla.

Layla didn't think Lady Death would be able to leave a mark on her skin, but that didn't stop her current lover from trying. Lady Death continued licking and suckling on Layla's neck and breasts when Layla felt Lady Death's pace inside her start to increase.

Death started hammering her hips faster and her breathing picked up! She raised her head and her black eyes looked directly into Layla's purple ones. Lady Death smiled down at Layla with a flushed expression that soon tightened up.

"MMMMmmmm. Oh yeeeeesssss!" Lady Death moaned and finally came herself! Layla's eyes widened and she felt Lady Death's warmth spill out deep inside of her. Lady Death was shuddering on top of Layla with a look of ecstasy on her perfect face!

The feeling of being filled by Lady Death had Layla orgasming one more time herself! The Fallen Angels mouth opened wide and she let out a long moan!


A few hours later, I was laying down in the bed with Lady Death snuggled up next to me. I felt deliciously sore all over even if my [Gamer's Body] was already going to work on healing all that.

I turned to my side to address my partner. "So…was the mind-blowing sex the only reason you called me to your realm?" I asked her. "Not that I minded it at all." I added.

I noticed that Lady Death had seemed to be very pent up and almost starved for affection. Lady Death really liked laying kisses all over me and had done so many times throughout our multi-hour long session together.

Lady Death smiled at me. She affectionately reached forward and brushed a strand of hair off of my face. "I deeply enjoyed it as well, but you are correct. That wasn't the only reason I called you to my domain. I decided to make you my champion and give you some information."

"Your champion?" I asked.

[Your Title: Death's Favored has now been upgraded to Death's Champion!]

→ Death's Champion: You are immune to all Death Magic. You cannot permanently die in any universe that falls under Lady Death's domain. You can revive one person from death every single day!

'Woah!' I exclaimed in my head when I quickly read over the upgraded title. This one really came with some amazing benefits. I'd gone from three remaining spare lives to practically an infinite amount! 'What places don't fall under her domain?' I asked the System.

[Places such as the Hells or Dormamu's dark domain will fall outside her area of influence. If you die in one of those places, then you'll still only have three revives.]

Those were dangerous places that I would be hesitant to go with my current level anyway. Going into places like those meant facing their evil rulers at their maximum powers, and those rulers were able to call upon all of the souls trapped in those dimensions for even more power as well! I was steering clear of those places for sure until I knew she could handle them.

"You are my champion now, Layla of the Fallen. That's more than just an empty title as the entity fused to your soul probably already told you." Lady Death said. "It also means that you are my chosen lover. I shall take no other for all of time. In the whole multiverse it shall only be you." She declared…and wow. What a declaration that was.

"Woah…" Layla I said quietly. "Thanos is going to be pissed…" I added with a small laugh.

Death scoffed. "Him? I could care less about him. He is undoubtedly the being who annoys me the most. Every single iteration of him."

I figured that might be the case. I couldn't imagine the workload Lady Death would be under normally. Then add on top all the planets full of life Thanos sacrificed "in her name" and that workload vastly increases.

"All those Thanos' always think that sacrificing trillions of souls to me will win my favor. They are all fools! He always ends up killing so many mortals unnecessarily! All those souls would have ended up in my realm upon their natural deaths anyway. I had no need for them before their times! It just makes more paperwork for me!" Death complained next to me.

Lady Death explained to me that there was an avatar of herself in every single Universe. She had basically branched her consciousness out a million times over to lighten the workload, but even then, the amount of souls they all had to deal with everyday sounds daunting to me.

She told me that I had never interacted with one of her avatars, though. From the moment Lady Death noticed me, she had been interacting with me using her main consciousness.

"I'm glad you brought up Thanos, because he was the one, or rather two, that I wanted to warn you about." Lady Death said to Layla.

"Two?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes, Two. The Thanos you left in that cursed universe was very upset that you destroyed some of the Infinity Stones there. Those can take hundreds of years to reform and that universe's Thanos does not want to wait anymore to fulfill his ambition. Even now, he is searching for a way to enter your home universe." Lady Death explained.

She explained to me that while I was able to freely travel between universes, that didn't mean my sacred Gear didn't leave a faint dimensional signature when I did so. If someone found the exact spot I traveled from, which Thanos had, then they could record the correct dimensional coordinates.

[I wonder if they'll team up to kill you? Who am I kidding? You're the Gamer! Of course they will!]

I was obviously planning on dealing with Thanos in the future anyway. What was one more!? That just meant double the rewards!

[That's the spirit, Host! I have good news for you as well! The Gamer from the Narutoverse responded. You were 'busy' so I didn't interrupt you then.]

'That's great! What do they want to trade for a pair of Rinnegan?'

[They want the most basic thing from DxD there is…the Boosted Gear.]

'Do they know that comes with a talking dragon who will never shut up?' That was one of the reasons I wouldn't want any top tier Sacred Gears myself. Most of them had the souls and consciousness of other beings in them. One voice in my head constantly talking to me was already more than enough!

[How rude! Also, she knows and she doesn't care, apparently.]

I mentally shrugged. If that's what they wanted, then I'd just have to go and get one. Obviously, I couldn't take it from Isane as that would be cruel and evil.

I figured there had to be some evil versions of Issei in my multiverse that I wouldn't mind taking the Gear from, though. And luckily for me, I was currently in bed with one of the few beings in existence who would actually have the knowledge on where to locate one of those evil Isseis.


I had finished putting my clothing back on and so had Lady Death. I was preparing to head back home. I had quite a few things to take care of and I begrudgingly couldn't stay with my latest lover in bed all day.

Lady Death also lamented that she had to get back to work herself. Her millions of avatars didn't mean she was free from her own responsibilities either.

Before I left though, I asked her about any evil versions of Issei.

"You wish to know the dimensional coordinates of an 'evil Hyoudou Issei' who possesses the Boosted Gear? So you can steal it?"

I nodded innocently. "If you can tell me, that would be great!" My mind was already wandering to all the awesome things I could do with my future Rinnegan!

I was surprised though when Lady Death looked hesitant to tell me.

Lady Death explained her hesitation to me. She had, borderline, broken a few rules when she gave me such a blatant power up back in the Zombie Universe. This situation wasn't exactly the same as then, but she was still a bit hesitant to give me the information. Lady Death feared that I might end up catching the attention of "that being." According to her, It was a borderline miracle that he had not already noticed me.

[Or maybe he has and just doesn't care.]

"You can't tell me?" I asked with a small pout. I used my [Acting] to bring forth a few tears to my eyes. "Please…" I could tell they worked when Lady Death wavered.

Lady Death sighed at me. "I know you're trying to manipulate me by acting cute and innocent and it worked. I suppose I can tell you. Just this once, though!"

"Alright!" I cheered.

"This is still a gray area as far as the rules go, but there are technically no rules I would be breaking by simply giving you some 'random' dimensional coordinates." Lady Death said.

"I can work with that."

"Are you planning on fusing that Gear to your soul? I would recommend that you do not. Your soul already has three things fused to it. That creates an artificial yet stable trinity. Adding a fourth would throw you out of balance." Lady Death said with concern.

It would? That was good to know. I told her that I simply wanted to use the Gear for a trade.

Lady Death nodded at that. "That's better. I'm not helping you get more powerful, I'm simply aiding you in a trade with a third party whose identity I do not know…"

With that said, she ended up giving me the coordinates before I portaled myself back home. Not before giving her one last passionate kiss though. Something to remember me by.

I opened a portal directly back to my bedroom. When I stepped through, I saw that the sun was already rising. It looked like I had spent the whole night in Death's domain.

I was sitting at my kitchen table enjoying some leftovers from the night before. Was it weird to eat pizza and BBQ ribs for breakfast? Yes. Did I care? No.

A woman who I wasn't expecting to see groggily walked into the kitchen. I took another bite as I watched the woman sway back and forth. "Hey, Andrea. How are you feeling? You slept for a long time." I said. It looked like she was finally awake!

Andrea Stark massaged her aching head. Her stomach was also fiercely grumbling. "I feel like I haven't eaten in forever! How long was I out? And what happened?"

"What's the last thing you remember?" I asked.

The last thing Andrea remembered was we were in the middle of robbing Asgard… and then nothing.

"Well, you ate an Apple of Idun to become an Asgardian before Sif could warn you about the process. The process isn't instantaneous and you took a week long sabbatical while your body underwent the changes. Congratulations! You'll now live over 5000 years and you have super strength and durability." I said. "Also, we're back in my home universe and you have a brother now." I added as an afterthought.

Andrea paused for a moment to process everything I just said. She shrugged and sat down at the table next to me. She was absolutely starving at Ribs and Pizza sounded fantastic to her! She'd been eating nothing but canned food for months in her bunker. That sounded dreadful to me whose pretty much been eating nothing but gourmet food ever since I came into all my money.

[And by 'came into,' you mean stole…]

I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Tony to let him know that his 'sister' was awake and at my place. I also wanted to talk to him about getting some identities set up for Heather, Asia, and Akeno. Andrea would have been included in that too, but her own Jarvis could probably take care of that no problem once he was plugged into the internet.

"...Why am I still hungry!?" Andrea exclaimed after eating a full rack of ribs and a large pepperoni pizza!

"Asgardian naturally eat more food than humans. They literally have to throw entire feasts every night just to sustain themselves." I explained. It can be off putting to people who aren't prepared for it to watch Asgardians eat. Last night, I watched Sif eat more than everyone else combined and the woman still wanted them to call in some desert.

We did end up calling it in of course…

Andrea whined. "Are there any other downsides to being an Asgardian I should know about?" Andrea was thankful that she was rich at least and could afford it. Well, she wasn't rich in this reality yet but I figured it was only a matter of time. It was never hard for a Stark to make money.


"I think that's your brother, Tony." I said when heard something heavy land on my penthouse roof. I then heard the door to the roof open and someone proceeded to walk down the stairs. "WE'RE IN THE KITCHEN!" I called out.

He came down the stairs a moment later. "I've never been here, Layla. I don't know where your kitchen even is."

I shrugged. He seemed to find it just fine anyway…

Tony Stark walked in carrying a briefcase that was not so secretly his Iron Man suit. He set it down on the couch. "Anyways, Layla, I'm glad you're back! I also heard that you had quite the adventure and even got yourself a genuine harem! I am so incredibly jealous. And who is this woman next to you?" Tony asked but I could tell he recognized the resemblance to himself in Andrea. Both of them were awkwardly staring at each other…

I decided to speed things up for them. "Tony this is Andrea and Andrea this is Tony. Andrea is from a universe where zombies overran the planet and she was the only survivor. Tony is from here and he's a recovering alcoholic. There you go! You've both been introduced to each other! I'm gonna go see if my girls are awake yet." I said as I walked out of the room to give both of them some space.

Tony and Andrea were left alone together. Tony scratched the back of his head as he looked at his new 'sister.'

"So…zombies huh?"


I noticed a rare opportunity in front of me! I had snuck into Natasha's room to wake the woman up. I could see the beautiful spy/assassin was still soundly asleep in her bed. I could hear her faintly breathing.

I grinned to myself as I made my surprise attack! "Wake up Natasha!" I yelled and jumped over her bed! I tried to land right on top of her!

To my surprise, the blankets flew up at the last second and I felt myself get grabbed out of the air.

"Uh oh…"

Natasha flung me over her shoulder and I flipped over the other side of her bed and collided with the floor!

"I'm ok…"

Natasha sighed. "It's too early for this." She muttered.

Natasha looked a bit hungover. Somehow, Sif had managed to find a place that delivered real Mead last night and the three of us had all had a fair amount of drinks.

Natasha said she envied me, who seemed to be completely fine no matter how much alcohol I had. Can Angel's not get drunk or is your tolerance just that good?" She asked.

"It's just one of my amazing talents." I replied.

"Is there a reason you woke me up so early, Layla." Natasha asked as she clutched her head.

I reached over and used my Purger of Darkness to heal Natasha's hangover.

"Thank you." Natasha said. She looked much better.

"I woke you up because Tony is here and Andrea is awake. I ended up getting some information that I kind of have to act on post haste. I could be gone for a couple of days. Which is awkward because I just got back." I lamented. I didn't want to pass up the chance of acquiring my magic/chakra eyes though! Who knows if some other gamer had the same idea as me and sends the Naruto gamergirl a better offer!?

[You're just being paranoid, Host.]

'I know, but I can't help it!'

"So what? You want me to babysit your niece and the church girl?" Natasha asked.

"Mostly just Asia. She has the power to heal anything and she's way too nice and naive! I don't want to trap her in my apartment, but someone has to monitor her because people will try to take advantage of her." I explained.

I wasn't going to be like the church and not let Asia outside. The Hand was still around though, and so were the remnants of Hydra. I was just worried about the girl's safety.

It also wasn't fair for Akeno to have to keep watching Asia all the time either. I know that Akeno is almost 18, or was she already 18?

[You're a bad aunt…]

…And she should be able to live her own life at that age without having to constantly guard the other girl. 'Also I'm a great Aunt! I saved her from an eternity of slavery!'

"Any injury huh?" Natasha asked in surprise. You know that's an amazingly valuable ability. Many organizations WILL try to kidnap the girl the second they hear about it."

I unfortunately know that. Asia also has zero combat capabilities so she would be pretty much helpless.

"Alright, I'll keep an eye out for her. I'll also have Fury assign her a full time detail. As long as she promises to occasionally heal some of our agents I'm sure he'll agree." Natasha said.

I thanked her. I know Asia would be fine with those terms as well. The girl goes out of her way to heal everyone she can anyway.

Following my short conversation with Natasha, I went to speak with Sif next. It was funny that I also had to cure my other lover's hangover too. It turns out that drinks on Earth were far more developed than they were on Asgard. It's no surprise considering their culture has pretty much stagnated for 1000 years under Odin's rule. Sif wasn't used to drinking Mead that had so much alcohol added to it.

I could have talked with Sif longer, but she told me that she also had to get going. She had been assigned a mission by Hela while she was on Midgard. Thor had yet to return back home. He had apparently been spending most of his 'private' time with a certain Jane Foster…according to Heimdall.

He really is the universe's biggest voyeur…

Before Sif left, I pulled out an Apple of Idun, from my inventory, and handed it to her. "Here, this is for Jane. It would suck, for Thor, if he meets his soulmate, only for her to die of old age in a few decades." I said.

What I didn't say was that I knew it would actually be much sooner for Jane because of cancer… That woman couldn't catch a break.

"What if she refuses?" Sif asked.

"Shove the apple down her throat if she refuses to eat it." I replied with a smile.

Sif grinned at my crazy response. "I'll make sure that she does. Thor is one of our best warriors and it will be hard to convince him to return to Asgard if he has to leave her behind. Especially since his father isn't around to bully him anymore."

I decided not to wake up Akeno or Asia before my departure. Natasha would tell them about my urgent business and that I had to leave.

Before I left, though, I decided to check up on the two new siblings.

I found Tony and Andrea in her living room. They were sitting on her couch and seemed to be getting along. Good for them.

"I can't believe you got together with Pepper. That's so weird. She's like a sister to me!" Andrea said.

"Well, now she's going to be your actual sister because we're engaged." Tony replied.

Andrea made a playful gagging sound. "I hope you didn't knock her up unexpectedly. She was instrumental in running the company."

"Mine too! I don't know what I'd do without her!"

"Yeah…" Andrea trailed off with a far off look.

Tony caught her look and sighed. He realized he accidentally hit a landmine with that comment. It was hard for him to believe there actually existed other universes. Let alone one that got overrun by actual zombies. He was proud of his alternate female self for surviving the whole thing though. Tony could admit he was a narcissist and now he had proof that he really would be able to survive in a zombie apocalypse at least!

"Hey, Tony. Would you mind setting up some US identities for three girls." I cut in between their conversation and asked him.

Tony glanced at me and casually waved. "That's easy. All I need are the girls' basic info and a few pictures of each of them. Text it all to my phone and I'll take care of it all no problem." He then went back to talking with his sister.

"Thanks Tony!" I called out before and let them get back to their conversation. I'd need to stop by the Sanctum, to get some pictures of Heather, before I leave to hunt down a Boosted Gear.


Heather Potter didn't know whether to be angry or grateful towards me. She had been flip flopping back and forth since I'd shown up here at the sanctum. "You killed Voldemort and then you went off to hold a victory party and you didn't invite me!" Heather declared with a pout!

I did feel bad about that. "I'm sorry Heather. And it wasn't really a victory party over killing the Dark Lord. The party was for killing a really powerful demon that he and his idiot followers summoned." I explained. "Voldemort was an afterthought at that point."

"So the man who was after me and has been hunting me since I was born was nothing more than a casual after thought!?" Heather asked.

"Kind of…" I admitted. I instantly killed him when his back was turned after all. The guy had no idea how he even died…

Heather's pout turned into a smile! "Good! That asshole doesn't deserve to even be remembered! He was nothing more than another failed pathetic dark lord after all. I've been reading lots of history from the Sanctums Library. Dark Lords like him pop up every few decades and they always fail."

I was glad that Heather seemed to be taking it so well. "So anything interesting been happening in the Sanctum?" I changed the subject.

Nothing appeared to be out of place. Just like every other time I come here, there are groups of students practicing all types of magic in the courtyard while older teachers give them judgmental stares.

I'm glad that I never ventured too deeply into this type of magic. It would have been a huge time killer.

Heather scoffed at my question. She looked annoyed. "This place? The most interesting thing that happened, in the past two weeks, was one guy accidentally stabbed himself in the foot! It's been really boring for a super-secret magic organization. I miss talking to kids my own age sometimes…" She trailed off.

Heather needed friends her own age. The youngest person here was still in their 20's.

"I have some good news for you then. In a week or two, you'll have an American identity and be able to attend school here." I said. "I just need to get some pictures of you to send to Tony."

Heather's eyes lit up! "I can go to an actual school with real teachers who aren't going to try and murder me!? Sign me up immediately!" She said while practically bouncing in excitement!

I got a few photos of Heather and forwarded them to Stark's phone. I spent another half hour talking to Heather before deciding it was time for me to head out on my next adventure.

"You're leaving already?" Heather whined. "I don't want to be stuck here practicing magic with the old farts for another two weeks!" Heather exclaimed loudly.

"HEY!" One of the old farts practicing magic in the courtyard yelled at her in indignation.

"I'm not exactly going on a cake walk here Heather. I'm going to another universe to track down an evil Red Dragon Emperor and steal his Sacred Gear." I said.

Heather smiled mischievously. "I understood almost none of that except for another universe and stealing! That sounds fun and I want to come with!" Heather demanded.

I sighed. I supposed that it wouldn't hurt to take Heather with me. The girl needed to know the risks though. "Listen Heather, I don't know what to expect. If you get hurt, I can heal you and if you die, I can revive you. Those things can still happen though."

"You can revive the dead!?" She exclaimed loudly.

Some of the sorcerers nearby turned to me and gave me incredulous looks. Others were starting to look at me fearfully…

"You can revive the dead?"

"How is that possible!?"

"She is delving into magic far darker than any has before! She should be banished from here!"

I gave that last guy the stink eye.

I figured this information would get out sooner or later. To be honest, I didn't really even care if it did. "YES, YES... I CAN REVIVE THE DEAD, OK!? I'M SLEEPING WITH LADY DEATH AND AM THEREFORE HER CHAMPION NOW! That's one of the perks that comes with it." I declared loudly.

Every sorcerer had fear in their eyes when I mentioned Lady Death…

Heather ws gazing up at me with stars in her eyes. Wow, Layla! You really are the coolest woman I've ever known! Sleeping with Lady Death…Wow…"

"Really…Layla." The Ancient One called out to me as she stepped out of her private meditation room and into the courtyard. "I was in the middle of meditating and I had to hear you shouting that!? And you're planning on taking Heather with you, on a potentially dangerous adventure, to another universe? To fight some Red Dragon something?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yep. We're leaving in like five minutes. You want to come?"

The Ancient One shook her head 'no.' She'd apparently had enough of MY crazy adventures for a while… "Just make sure she makes it back safely." the Ancient One pointed to Heather.

Heather cheered. "Yay! Let's go rob an evil dragon guy!"



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