The fairy is fierce

Chapter 9 Stingy Bun

It's sunny after the rain, the wind blows the willows, and the jagged Dadan Imperial City shines in the spring sun.

At the end of the morning court, courtiers dressed in various official robes filed out of Zhengyuan Hall.

Zuo Hanchou, the Minister of Rites, stood alone at the foot of the white stone steps outside the palace, with his head bowed, staring blankly at a colorful butterfly flying around the purple official robe.

Colleagues would glance at each other when they passed by, with a mocking look in their eyes as well as the sympathy of a good friend. However, more officials were as confused as Zuo Hanchou, wondering why he was standing here, or why he was being treated by Her Royal Highness the Princess. Penalty station.

Early this morning, Zuo Hanchou was as usual, and he went to the palace before dawn to attend court.

Because he was very confident in his nephew, Zuo Hanchou even hummed a ditty on the way and began to think about what gifts to prepare for his future niece-in-law.

When they arrived at the imperial city, Zuo Hanchou entered the Zhengyuan Hall with all the officials, but unexpectedly discovered that Princess Long Li did not appear in the hall immediately.

Princess Longli has been listening to politics behind the curtain for nearly four years. It is difficult to evaluate her ability to govern, but she can definitely be called diligent. In the past, when going to court, he would be the first to arrive at the Zhengyuan Hall, waiting for the ministers and the young emperor to come.

But today was different from the norm. The little emperor who came last in the past had already sat on the dragon chair in a neat manner, but the bead curtain next to him was still empty.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty and the young emperor were all embarrassed at the time.

Let's start going to court. No one dares to take the lead for fear that Princess Longli will think the courtiers are disrespectful.

Keep waiting. The emperor is already sitting on the dragon throne. If you wait any longer, wouldn't it be a violation of etiquette?

Fortunately, Princess Long Li did not forget that there was a morning meeting today. Although she was a little late, she finally arrived.

Zuo Hanchou breathed a sigh of relief at that time, but what he never expected was that Princess Long Li entered the Zhengyuan Palace. Before the eunuch could say to come to court, she said in a stern tone:

"It's the father's fault if a son doesn't teach. Zuo Hanchou, please go out and stand for me."

Then, the minister, Zuo Hanchou, stood outside the palace until now.

Zuo Hanchou has been an official for many years, and he is smooth in dealing with things. He is regarded as a good gentleman in the court. His official position is not low, his background is clean, and there are no intricate factions. He is considered to be a courtier who is more pro-princess.

Princess Long Li's sudden appearance caused everyone in the court to wonder about the deep meaning behind Princess Long Li's move.

Of course, no one could figure out why.

Zuo Hanchou was also wondering at first whether Her Highness the Princess had other intentions, using him to knock down mountains and shake tigers or something.

But in the end, it was discovered that they really just let him stand all morning, and everything else remained the same. After the meeting, he seemed to have been forgotten.

If there is no other deep meaning, then the princess is really punishing him.

Just being punished by standing still means it's not a big deal.

"It is the father's fault that the son does not teach" means that the problem lies with the son.

Zuo Hanchou had several sons, but the second son, Zuo Yunting, was the least promising. He spent his days drinking and drinking, being arty and often making jokes.

Zuo Hanchou thought for a while and felt that the second son had done something stupid and the news reached the ears of the princess.

Thinking of this, Zuo Hanchou's face darkened slightly, feeling that he had to take care of his son when he got home.

Ling Quan has just arrived in the capital and will run for the election for the Prince Consort tomorrow. At such a critical moment, how can he cause trouble and ruin Ling Quan's perfect impression?

On the White Stone Royal Road, the officials gradually dispersed.

Zuo Hanchou stood alone outside the hall, neither leaving nor leaving, his expression becoming more and more awkward.

Fortunately, at the end, an old man with a goldfish bag hanging on his waist came over from the hall, followed by several officials, and said softly:

"Han Chou, go back. The princess was so absorbed in discussing political affairs just now that she thought she had forgotten about you."

Zuo Hanchou looked back and saw that it was Li Jingsi, the prime minister of the dynasty.

Li Jingsi was the head of the hundred officials, and he had served as emperor for three times. He had strong qualifications and connections. In some cases, he could even surpass the princess. He was considered the most prestigious courtier in the Great Dan Dynasty.

Seeing Li Jingsi's words, Zuo Hanchou quickly raised his hand and saluted:

"Thank you, Mr. Li. I will take it as my dog ​​did something stupid again today, which made Mr. Li laugh. I will take my leave."

Li Jingsi was nearly seventy years old, with gray hair and beard but a very good complexion. After raising his hand to signal, he watched Zuo Hanchou leave first.

After Zuo Hanchou walked away, an official next to Prime Minister Li Jingsi joked softly:

"The eldest princess will choose her consort tomorrow. I heard that Zuo Hanchou also called a nephew from Qinghe County, thousands of miles away. Huh, if you want to be related to the royal family, you don't have to check your identity."

Li Jingsi walked in front, his smile just now turned dull:

"Zuo Hanchou is a tactful person. When the princess chooses a consort, he has to show his loyalty no matter whether he is chosen or not. King Lie and Zong sent a letter to urge the marriage. Although the eldest princess agreed to choose the consort, from what I can see, the eldest princess will not It’s too early to delegate power. The prince-in-law is the person next to the princess, and his position is very important. Has the selection been arranged?”

"Don't worry, Prime Minister Li. There are nearly twenty young talents who have entered the capital this time and can be used by Prime Minister Li. They are all outstanding in terms of appearance, talent and learning. The choice of the consort will definitely be among them."

Li Jingsi nodded slowly, but before he could say anything, another official from the four southern counties frowned and said:

"Yesterday, Xianguan's nephew came to the capital. The official asked him if there were any outstanding people among the people from the four southern counties who came to the capital. My nephew said that there were more than 30 people from the four southern counties who came to the capital. It is difficult to judge whether they are good or bad in terms of background and talent. But in terms of appearance Zuo Lingquan of the Zuo family in Qinghe County is unparalleled. He is said to have "phoenix eyes, sharp eyebrows, bright eyes and white teeth, capable of writing and wielding a sword." This Zuo Lingquan's key character is not bad. , seems to be Zuo Hanchou’s nephew.”

Li Jingsi frowned when he heard this, but he immediately returned to normal, shook his head and said:

"The Zuo family of Qinghe County is half farmer and half merchant. They have been rooted in the south for generations. They have a shallow foundation in the capital, and there is only one third-rank minister who stands out. The eldest princess is ruling on behalf of the emperor, and there are many obstacles. Selecting a son-in-law is an opportunity to win over a faction, and you will not choose someone based on appearance. Besides, you have people with both talent and appearance. Can the young talents of half the country not be better than a small Qinghe County?"

The surrounding officials thought so, and they didn't say much at the moment, and followed Li Jingsi out of the palace.


On the east side of the imperial city, in the Fuyan Palace where Princess Longli slept.

More than a hundred palace maids were silent and stayed in their respective positions. There was no sound in the huge palace.

Leng Zhu, a close-fitting palace maid, stood blankly outside the carved wooden door of the bedroom, trying to listen to the movement inside, but she couldn't hear anything, and she couldn't help but feel more confused.

Last night, the princess asked her to go back to Fuyan Palace first. After Leng Zhu came back, he waited in the palace for the princess to go back to bed.

Unexpectedly, when the princess came back, she was soaked and her hair was messy, as if she had been abused by someone without mercy.

Her face was even more frightening. Leng Zhu had grown up with the princess, and it was the first time in so many years that he saw the princess with such a terrible expression.

Leng Zhu thought something was wrong and wanted to ask, but the princess didn't say a word. As soon as she closed the door, she started smashing things and said something like "shameless, bastard..."

Leng Zhu was so angry that he didn't dare to rush into the gun. He stayed in the side hall for a night. In the morning, he didn't dare to wake up the princess. It was not until the court was about to go to court that he knocked on the door.

After the princess woke up, she rarely washed and rushed to Zhengyuan Palace immediately. Instead, she stood behind the desk, holding a brush and brewing for a long time, then wrote a letter with a fierce look in her eyes and sent it to Qihuang Valley.

Writing a letter while standing looked strange. Leng Zhu asked why she didn't sit down to write, and she was punished to stand until now.

After the court was dismissed, the princess had to go to the imperial study to help the little emperor review memorials, and she couldn't stay in the room all the time.

After waiting for a long time, Leng Zhu finally plucked up the courage and said:

"Your Highness, it's time to go to the imperial study."

In the bedroom, Princess Longli Jiang Yi, wearing court clothes, stood by the bookshelf, flipping through the secret book of martial arts that she hadn't read for several years. There was a flickering fire in her eyes, and her face was sometimes blue and sometimes red.

Jiang Yi was a cultivator, so she wouldn't be hurt by being spanked with a ruler.

But cultivators are also human beings, and they will feel pain when they are spanked.

Last night, she was pressed in the arms of that shameless man and spanked for more than 20 times. After returning to the palace, she was still burning. You don't need to think about it to know that she was spanked red.

Jiang Yi was a daughter of a rich family, but she had never been spanked in her life. Moreover, the eldest princess who ruled the country from behind the curtain was spanked by a man. The humiliation in her heart was beyond words. She lay on the couch with resentment and could not get rid of it. She barely fell asleep in the early morning.

When she got up in the morning, the pain was restored as before, as white and smooth as a peeled egg.

But the unforgettable memory could not be erased. Jiang Yi didn't want to sit down until now, for fear of feeling uncomfortable again and recalling the humiliating and embarrassing scene.

Hearing Leng Zhu's call, Jiang Yi put down the martial arts secret book, turned around and left the palace gate, and went to the imperial study.

Along the way, Jiang Yi, who was dressed gorgeously, had a cold face and murderous aura almost written on her face. Leng Zhu and the palace maids were so scared that they kept a distance of nearly ten steps before they dared to follow quietly behind.

After walking for a while, Jiang Yi suddenly stopped.

Leng Zhu hurriedly stopped and asked cautiously:

"Princess, what's wrong?"

Jiang Yi took a deep breath, suppressed the shame and anger in her heart, and then said:

"Tomorrow at Qiyuntai, we will select a prince consort. Go over and arrange some things for me. There is someone I need to 'take care of' well..."

Jiang Yi raised her hand to let the other palace maids back off, then leaned close to Leng Zhu's ear, gritted her teeth, and talked about the arrangements.

Leng Zhu listened attentively, with a puzzled expression, and opened her mouth, as if she wanted to ask the reason, but seeing the princess's expression, she shut up tactfully...

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