The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 50 The Tears of the Prince of Lies (2 updates)

"Since you are satisfied with this deal, please hand over the Cosmic Cube to me." Coulson finally got good news today.

After many years of performing missions, it was unique that everything was out of control from beginning to end like today. This uncertainty made him feel on pins and needles, wishing to end this extremely painful mission immediately.

However, it was too early for Coulson to be happy.

"Wait, I haven't finished talking yet. I have accepted the 100 million, but we still have to go through the final test. Why don't we play a game? Just like the story of Golden Ax and Silver Ax, I have two here. Rubik's Cube, which one do you want?" Li Kang turned his hand, and the blue cube, which seemed to contain the entire universe, appeared in his other hand out of thin air.

"Of course I want the Cosmic Cube!" Coulson said displeased.

"So, which one do you think is the Cosmic Rubik's Cube? You might as well choose one yourself." Li Kang held up the plastic Rubik's Cube in his left hand and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in the other hand.

Colson suddenly felt so tired. Facing this kind of opponent who didn't play by common sense, but you couldn't do anything about him. This feeling was like being forced to the ground by Li Kang and rubbing him for his life, but as a mature man As a level seven agent, Coulson quickly adjusted his mentality. Since he couldn't resist, he had no choice but to follow Li Kang.

"Fitz, go check and see which one is the real Rubik's Cube." Thinking of this, Coulson couldn't help but admire his leader Fury. The old leader was different and had long been on guard against Li Kang's tricks. , so I specially brought Fitz with me.

Fitz is a newly recruited scientist from SHIELD. He has in-depth research on physics and engineering. In addition to his somewhat nerdy personality, he is a very trustworthy partner. Coulson has performed two tasks with Fitz. It was a pleasure to work with each other on this task.

"...Okay." Fitz hesitated for a moment. He gave Coulson a strange look, because in his opinion, it was very clear which one was the Cosmic Cube.

But when he came out this time, Fury specifically told Fitz to obey Coulson in everything, and to carry out the mission without hesitation, no matter how ridiculous it sounded.

There is very slight gamma ray radiation on the cosmic Rubik's Cube. Only the most sophisticated instruments can detect it. Fitz took a portable gamma ray testing instrument and tested it on two Rubik's Cubes. Finally, he pointed at Li Kang The Cosmic Cube in the right hand.

"This is the real Rubik's Cube of the Universe." Fitz said with great certainty.

"It's so boring. I treat you as friends and want to play with you, but you use scientific instruments. This is cheating." Li Kang threw the Cosmic Cube to Coulson in annoyance.

Coulson caught the Cosmic Cube with one hand and placed it in the sealed box that had been prepared.

"It's been a pleasure cooperating with you, but I sincerely hope that this is the last time we meet." Colson breathed a heavy sigh of relief and was finally able to leave this hellish place. He pointed at the TV, "Then we won't disturb your appreciation of art. ,goodbye."

"It's so heartless...Wait a minute," Li Kang stopped Colson, "Your name is Colson, right? I don't know why, but I have a hunch that we will meet again soon. Do you want to make a bet? One hundred dollars."

"Okay, I'll make a bet with you." Coulson said perfunctorily, beckoning Fitz to follow him, and the group turned and left.

"They are a bunch of rude tail-pin dogs." Li Kang waved his hand and the door closed by itself. He suddenly turned around and said to the air behind him, "My friend, are you satisfied with my performance just now?"


Bang bang bang..." In a place where no one seemed to be around, there was a sound of clapping, a burst of green smoke, and Loki suddenly appeared with a wand. This handsome prince of lies praised Li Kang with approval. applaud.

"Your performance is beyond my imagination. As the God of Mischief, I appreciate your ability to trick people, but the priceless artifact like the Cosmic Cube only sells for such a small amount of money, which makes me a little disappointed. Loki said evilly. He went to the refrigerator and took out a can of beer without Li Kang's invitation. He took a sip and then spit it out with a frown, "Uh... you mortals drink this every day." Is there anything worse than horse urine?"

"It sounds like you've drunk horse urine." Li Kang shook his left hand, and the plastic Rubik's Cube in his hand suddenly turned into a Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Loki was startled, then laughed happily.

"Let me tell you, how could you hand over the Cosmic Cube so easily, but what kind of magic did you use? Why didn't I see it?" Loki asked curiously.

"It's just some small illusions, plus a little magic. They have science, but they still can't beat me as a juggler. Fury is bald and can't show his face. How can I give them the real Rubik's Cube? But I I am also very curious, why did Prince Loki of Asgard come to me so leisurely? Did he come here specially to taste horse urine and watch me do tricks? I am really flattered. How about this? I have a bottle of old urine here. Good wine, it just entered my belly last night. After a night of brewing, now both the concentration and the temperature are just right. Don’t you want to try it?” Although Li Kang didn’t know Loki, he was very familiar with Nordic mythology. , and Loki is also a very famous evil god in the magic world, so he recognized Loki's identity at a glance.

"Mortal! I warn you, if you dare to speak rudely to me again, you will suffer consequences that you will never be able to bear!" Loki, as the god of pranks and stories, immediately understood that Li Kang was actually insinuating that Loki only He deserved to drink his urine, so Loki became furious.

"Go ahead and scare the kids. I once slapped Dormammu, you want to try too?" Li Kang slapped him back domineeringly, choking Loki and leaving him speechless for a long time.

Loki was speechless not because Li Kang was too arrogant, but because of the fact that Li Kang said that the man in front of him had indeed slapped Dormammu the Terrorist in the face. Since he was even afraid of Dormammu, he would naturally not be afraid of himself.

"My friend, this is just the first time we have met. There is no need to be so tense." Loki's tone softened. He is a very charming god, especially his eloquence and wit, which no one in the fairy palace can match. and.

"My dearest friend, my dear Loki, if you had shown this attitude earlier, we would have been brothers long ago. Is it because of Thor that you came here this time?" Li Kang seemed to be testing inadvertently. , based on his understanding of the two brothers who love and kill each other, as long as Loki appears, [-]% of the time it is related to Thor.

There are rumors that in a small town in Nevada, a storm brought a hammer that even the strongest man could not lift. Li Kang had suspected before that it was the legendary Thor's hammer. Now that he saw Loki appear, his suspicions were further confirmed, but he didn't know what Loki had in mind.

"Oh, you are talking about my brother who is more stubborn than a donkey. He disobeyed his father before and was deprived of his godhood by his father and exiled to the earth. His father fell into the most bizarre deep sleep. My mother said that only the soil of Mephisto Hell, Adding the sap of the World Tree can awaken my father. I asked my brother to discuss it, but he fell into despair and refused to take on the responsibilities of a prince. He was willing to be an ordinary person in the world. I felt extremely sad." Loki said, She shed two tears of grievance.

How true are the tears of the Prince of Lies?

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