The Exorcist Detective

Chapter 35 Mephisto’s Trial (2 updates)

"Don't worry, I'm a hero, this small sacrifice is nothing." Doctor Strange smiled and flew straight into the void.

"Then I wish you good luck." For the first time in his life, Li Kang felt that he didn't hate these so-called heroes.

Doctor Strange flew into the dark dimension and immediately felt a bone-chilling chill. This was an empty dimension, and everything was twisted and deformed. At a glance, people felt an urge to turn around and run away.

But Doctor Strange quickly overcame his fear. After checking the Eye of Agamotto and making sure that everything was in place, he landed on the core of a dead planet.

"Dormammu! Come out! Let's talk!" Doctor Strange shouted, hoping to arouse Dormammu's idea.

Suddenly, a purple sun moved in the sky. A closer look revealed that in the distance, another purple sun also moved along with it. Doctor Strange suddenly felt a thump in his heart. He took a few steps back and looked carefully. When I looked at it, my heartbeat stopped for a beat. Where was the sun? It was clearly a pair of eyes.

The eyes suddenly retreated a little, and a face that was bigger than the planet appeared in the sky, shrouded in demonic fire. Even if the demonic fire was raging, you could still tell that it was a human face, with those purple sun-like eyes. , shooting out infinite malice.

"You humble magician! You even called me by my name. For this crime, I will skin you and put your soul in the furnace of magic fire to burn!!" Dormammu was no longer there. He used telepathy to convey his will, but directly breathed blazing demonic fire. The powerful pressure almost forced Doctor Strange to kneel on the ground.

However, Doctor Strange no longer panicked. Everything was as he planned. Dormammu did not kill him in the first place. This gave him time to lock Dormammu with the Eye of Agamotto. This process It was extremely secretive, and even though it was as powerful as Dormammu, he didn't notice anything unusual.

"I'm here to talk to you. I hope you can let the earth go and let us live in peace. What do you think?" Dr. Strange shouted loudly. All he had to do was delay time. Unfortunately, his negotiation skills were only limited to I can use one word to describe it, that is clumsy.

As a medical authority who could decide a patient's life or death before, Dr. Strange has long been accustomed to speaking in a condescending and arrogant manner. This is one of the reasons why Li Kang's relationship with him has never been good. Now he faces Dormammu. , this old habit happened again.

"You want me to let the earth go? Why do you? You are already a dead man, and your world will be in flames!" Dormammu raised his star-like fist and punched Doctor Strange.

"Ah oh..." Doctor Strange has given up on evasive actions, because all tricks are in vain against such an attack that can destroy the world. The only thing that can be considered a little comfort is this powerful attack. It is an honor for such a small person.

"Boom!" The core of the dead planet turned into a ball of cosmic dust with this punch.

A green light shone, and Doctor Strange found himself back to the state he was in when he first entered the dark dimension. In other words, the Eye of Agamotto had taken effect. On the Eye of Agamotto, a magic circuit disappeared, and Doctor Strange instantly Swallowed by an illusion, it was an illusion of him being punched to death by Dormammu. This was a reality that had happened but not happened, impacting Doctor Strange.

Fortunately, the power used by Dormammu in his rage was too powerful. When Doctor Strange died last time, he didn't feel any pain at all. It was really a blessing among misfortunes.

Doctor Strange took a breath, turned around and looked at his own world, and jumped to the core of the planet again without hesitation.

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sp;"Doam, come out! Let's have a nice and calm talk..." Dr. Strange shouted again, this time with as much politeness as possible in his voice.

Dormammu appeared again as promised, but after the shocking appearance last time, this time Doctor Strange no longer felt weak in his calves, but was looking at everything in front of him with an appreciative attitude.

Oh~~!It turns out that this is how the cosmic evil god appears, much better than those third-rate special effects blockbusters...

"You, a humble and insignificant magician, actually appeared in front of the great Dormammu. You, Mashan, are going to die, your world...wait a minute," Dormammu suddenly shook his head, "No, there is something in this. Something’s wrong, what did you do?”

"I used the time transmitted from the earth to trap you with me. Now you are trapped in the cycle of time. You are my prisoner. If you are willing to let the earth go, I will let you out. How about ?" Dr. Strange suggested cautiously. This time he learned the lesson, stalling for time and trying not to irritate Dormammu.

"It's really ridiculous. If you were a divine opponent, I might consider it. But you are just a mortal magician. I torture your spirit and destroy your will. How much effort can I use? Just put You are driving me crazy, this cage will collapse on its own, and you want to use this little trick to threaten me. I don’t know how many powerful people in the world can do much better than you!" Dormammu laughed ferociously and spat out a The purple light shattered Doctor Strange into a ball of molecules.

In this way, Doctor Strange and Dormammu are entangled together, but Dormammu's power is too powerful. Even if he wants to torture Doctor Strange, he can't master the strength well and kills him instantly every time. Therefore, although Doctor Strange The damage was sustained, but it took longer than expected.

Li Kang watched Doctor Strange being killed over and over again. He didn't know how long Doctor Strange could last. He took out the replacement scepter. The scepter's charging was about to be completed, and he only needed a little more time.

After a while, Modu came over and said, "It seems that the charging is complete. Are you ready?"

"How can you be ready? But you can send a signal to Doctor Strange and ask him to let go of Dormammu. Victory or failure depends on this." Li Kang called Mephisto's name, asking him to abide by the contract and put Dormammu in prison. Give yourself the power.

"Boom!" A ball of hellish flames spewed out from the ground, submerging Li Kang in it. Li Kang was instantly swallowed up by this force. His mind was empty, and he suddenly came to a strange place.

Everything around is transparent, but with Li Kang as the center, one side is all white and the other is all black. With him as the dividing line, the whole world turns into black and white.

Suddenly, a person walked out of the darkness. That person's whole body was shrouded in demonic fire, and his body exuded a terrifying power that made people's pores stand up.

"Dormammu?" Li Kang was shocked and asked quickly.

"No... of course I am not Dormammu, I am Li Kang, and I am you. Have you forgotten? After you pulled Dormammu into the earth, you took over Dormammu's power and became the dark dimension The master of the world, you are now the frightening destroyer of all worlds and the most powerful evil god in the universe. Mephisto will tremble when he sees you, and the Nordic God King Odin will also bow at your feet. Your breath is enough to destroy the stars, your power is endless!" Dark Li Kang roared, describing his power. As long as Li Kang wants it, this power will be his, there is no doubt about it.

Since Dormammu was able to conquer the dark dimension back then, Li Kang was confident that this little thing would be a piece of cake for him.

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