The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl

Chapter 189: Girls 02

Chapter 189

Wan's Mother had not gone far, but was quietly standing guard outside the house. She heard the gradually rising moans from inside the room, and finally put down the heart that she had been holding. She slapped her hands together, "It's done!"

Wan's Wife smiled and went back to her room. As for Wan's Father, it was clear that he understood, and he nodded slightly. This time, he finally felt at ease, and he just waited to hold his grandchild.

Thinking about this, he quickly asked, "How is that girl's health?"

"She seems to be fine." Wan's Mother paused for a moment and said in a low voice, "Maybe I should take her to see the doctor?"

"I think that's a good idea!" There was no shortage of money in the family, and this would put their hearts at ease.

Wan's Mother agreed, but said with some concern, "That girl doesn't know about Qing Yang's lame leg."

"What?" Wan's Father was startled. Didn't they say the match was good?

"The matchmaker is our acquaintance, and he's not the type to hide things. I guess it's because of that girl's family..." Wan's Mother speculated, "I heard her family is not that good, and they have two sons waiting to get married. Twenty taels isn't enough for anything."

"Are you saying her family tricked her into coming here?" Seeing his wife nodding, Wan's Father was silent for a moment, then slapped the table and reminded, "Then you'd better keep an eye on her, or it'll be a disaster if she runs away."

"I didn't know about this."

The family had spent so much money, and it was finally able to get a daughter-in-law. Of course, she needed to be closely watched.

Yun Sister had a very good impression of her mother-in-law from the day she got married. She followed the mother-in-law every day without much resistance, thinking the mother-in-law was just concerned for her and afraid she wouldn't adapt.

Because the in-laws were so good to her, Yun Sister also didn't strongly object to the mother-in-law taking her to see the doctor. It was normal for the elders to want a grandchild, and with Qing Yang's condition, they would naturally be more anxious.

The doctor checked her pulse and said she had no health problems. Wan's Mother's anxious expression instantly turned into a smile. She tightly gripped Yun Sister's hand and even had the doctor prescribe her some tonics.

She smiled and said, "Mother will go home and have your father slaughter a chicken to make soup for you."


Yun Sister felt warmth in her heart. Even her own parents had never specially cooked chicken soup for her.

If the in-laws didn't know about Qing Yang's infertility and didn't desperately beg her to have a child to continue the family line, she would have truly thought she was extremely lucky to have found the best in-laws.

Qing Yang walked into the courtyard and saw Yun Sister lying on the bed, silently crying. He stood up from the wheelchair and went to the bedside. "Yun'er, what's wrong?"

Yun Sister looked up at him, her sadness deepening. She pushed his hand away, wiped her tears, and got up to go outside.

"I'm going to cook."

Qing Yang's brow furrowed. This was the first time Yun Sister had been so cold to him. He stood there dumbfounded, thinking for a moment, wondering if he had done anything to make her angry recently.

He decided to go ask about the reason.

He rolled his wheelchair to the back courtyard, but saw his younger brother Qing Song holding Yun Sister's hand. Anger instantly surged in his heart. "What are you two doing!"

Yun Sister instinctively took a step back, and the water bowl in her hands fell to the ground and shattered. She hurriedly squatted down to pick up the broken ceramic shards.

Qing Song also quickly squatted down, smiling as he explained, "Sister-in-law was just handing me a bowl of water, brother startled her."

Qing Yang frowned. These two, did they think he was blind?

Facing Qing Song's sudden confession, Yun Sister was a little at a loss, not noticing Qing Yang's emotions. She just moved a little farther away from Qing Song, feeling uneasy. If Qing Song had the in-laws' permission to do this, she would be completely powerless to resist.

Yun Sister secretly took out the money Li Mingwei gave her and had someone write a letter to send out, then asked to go home for a few days to celebrate her mother's birthday.

Wan's Father and Wan's Mother were a little hesitant, after all, they had just had an unpleasant incident. If she went back and told her family about this, the Wan family's reputation would be greatly damaged.

In the end, it was Qing Yang who nodded and agreed to let her go. He silently watched Yun Sister pack her bags, then looked down at his useless leg and bitterly smiled.

If it weren't for Li Mingwei's letter, he would still be lost in the fantasy of Yun Sister eloping with his cousin.


She was fine when she left...

Qing Yang took a deep breath and, on the pretext of a classmate inviting him to visit, had his parents help him call a car. The next day, he arrived in the county town.

Because of Li Mingwei's words, his mood was a little turbulent, until Yun Sister pushed the door open and their eyes met. Qing Yang suddenly felt an indescribable heartache.

"Yun'er, what's wrong with you?"

Yun Sister slowly approached him, squatting in front of him, tears unconsciously flowing from her eyes. After a while, she choked out, "I told you, you can't..."


She couldn't say the words "commit suicide," just lying on his legs, dejected, "Why is the heaven so unfair!"

Qing Yang wiped the tears from her face, anxiously asking, "Don't cry, just tell me."

If she had suffered some injustice, he would definitely avenge her. But he never thought the problem would be with himself.

After hearing Yun Sister's account, Qing Yang's body began to tremble. He clenched his fists, the blue veins on the back of his hands clearly visible.

Sensing his anger, Yun Sister hurriedly hugged him, gently comforting him, "Don't be like this, no matter what, I will never leave you."

How could Qing Yang not be angry? That was his own parents! He leaned back in the chair with a cold smile on his lips, "It's because I'm useless, I'm useless!"

Seeing his eyes red and a few tears in the corner of his eyes, though he was still smiling, Yun Sister's heart pounded with unease as she threw herself at him, "If you die, I won't live either!"

"Yun'er~" Qing Yang cried out in grief, tightly hugging her. After a while, he suppressed the despair in his heart. With a wife like this, how could he be worthy?

These days, he had thought she had feelings for his cousin, and had quietly let her leave. He never imagined she was going through this.

After returning home, Qing Yang directly confronted his parents and said he would move out with Yun Sister.

The old couple's faces looked grim, but they had to agree.

Qing Yang found a quiet place on the outskirts of the village, had someone renovate it, and then went back to the county town to pick up Yun Sister.

Leaning on a crutch, he pushed open the courtyard gate and looked at the cold courtyard. "Time was tight, so this is the only option for now. You can just bear with it for a while."

Yun Sister went in and looked around, not feeling anything was wrong, and smiled, "It's quite nice."

"You don't have to comfort me." Qing Yang said.

"I'm not comforting you." Yun Sister hugged his arm and said in a low voice, "As long as I'm with you, anywhere is good."

Qing Yang shook his head helplessly and led her in to unpack their belongings.

The two of them lived in this old courtyard for five years, until Yun Sister became pregnant. Qing Yang had no experience and was afraid he couldn't take good care of her, so he brought up having his mother come to take care of her.

"If you don't want to, I can find another sister-in-law from the village to take care of you. With my leg and foot, I'm afraid if something happens to you, I..."

After all, this place was still a bit far from the village. With his speed, the food might be cold by the time he got back and forth.

"It's fine, let Mother come."

In these few years, the in-laws would occasionally come over to check on them and bring some things, without disturbing them much. Yun Sister's resentment had also dissipated somewhat. And this child was the result of Qing Yang taking medicine for several years.

He had longed for this for so long. As long as the child could be born safely, she was willing to try to accept the in-laws again.

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