The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl

Chapter 162: Miss Out

Chapter 162

Old Lady Wang didn't care about dinner anymore. She carried the child on her back and led Li Mingwei to the pharmacy. She felt uneasy along the way, wondering if Li Mingwei was really pregnant again. If so, it had been almost two months, but last month she was still pulling radishes every day.

"Mom, can you slow down?"

"Oh oh oh." Old Lady Wang slowed her pace and gently supported Li Mingwei, explaining, "I'm just afraid the pharmacy will close."

Li Mingwei was actually a bit reluctant to go. She really didn't want to face this reality, but as her physical reactions became more and more obvious, it seemed pointless to keep avoiding it.

The doctor saw Li Mingwei's sullen expression and gently checked her pulse. "What's the matter?"

Old Lady Wang said anxiously, "Check if she's pregnant again."

"Your eldest is only seven months old, right?"

"Yes, seven months and more."

Over the past two months, Li Mingwei's sluggish pulse was quite noticeable. It didn't take long for the doctor to nod, "It's been over two months."

Old Lady Wang calculated and realized that Liu Yizhu returned in early September, and left for the Capital City on the 12th. So the conception must have happened around that time.

Li Mingwei's face turned even sourer. No... That scoundrel Liu Yizhu, he couldn't even leave her in peace from such a distance.

She frowned and asked, "Is it bad if the pregnancies are too close?"

The doctor calculated, "It's been over four months, right? It's better if it's after half a year, but it's not too far off. Did your body recover well after giving birth to your eldest?"

"How do you define recovering well?"

"Any discomfort down there? Have you been resting properly? Do you suddenly feel fatigued sometimes?"

Li Mingwei shook her head. She didn't feel any discomfort, and she rested decently. At night, the child always slept with her mother-in-law, so she wasn't disturbed unless the child was hungry.

"I do feel a bit tired lately, and have started feeling drowsy again."

"If it's only recently, then it's because you're pregnant again," the doctor observed her complexion carefully, asked a few more questions, and since her condition seemed fine, he said, "You can keep it for now, but be extra careful."

Li Mingwei had a headache. If she kept the child, wouldn't that mean she couldn't return to the Capital City next year?

She decided to go to the county town for a second opinion first.

Liu Yizhu had no idea that due to his mistake, his chance to see his wife would be delayed again. Every day he remained immersed in his studies, not daring to go out.

Only after the new year did he occasionally take a stroll in the garden to see if any flowers were about to bloom.

Li Mingwei didn't tell him about her pregnancy. When she received his letter, she cursed him in her heart. Look at what he had done! He even hoped spring would come early so he could see her soon. Let him dream his spring and autumn dreams!

She wrote a letter, asking Tang Housekeeper to keep it until after Liu Yizhu's spring examination. As soon as it was over, he should give Liu Yizhu the letter, telling him he had to wait another year. That would kill him!

Tang Housekeeper didn't know the contents of the letter. He simply followed Tang Shan's instructions and kept it safe, then went to prepare the things needed for the trio's Metropolitan Exam. It was only February, so the weather was still cold, requiring thicker clothes and shoes.

The Metropolitan Exam was no different from the County Exam, with three sections. After finishing the last section, the trio had just sat down at home when Tang Housekeeper came smiling and presented Li Mingwei's letter to Liu Yizhu.

"Master Liu, this is a letter your wife wrote earlier for you. She asked me to give it to you after the exam. Please take a look."

Liu Yizhu was delighted. Tang Jue and Zhong Liangyu felt a bit envious, thinking how considerate Liu Yizhu's wife was.

The two tried to peek, but Liu Yizhu avoided them. They could only watch from the side. But soon they realized something was amiss, because Liu Yizhu's expression wasn't good at all, and he even slumped down.

"What's wrong?"

"No..." Liu Yizhu looked dazed. They had agreed not to have more children, but he...

Why?! Did he not handle it properly?

He calculated the dates. If she was only five months along now, the child would be born in July, meaning she couldn't come to the Capital City until next July.

"I want to go home..."

"Did something happen at home?"

His father didn't tell him, afraid it would affect their exams?

Seeing how dejected he looked, Tang Jue couldn't hold back anymore. He snatched the letter from Liu Yizhu's hand, read it, and burst out laughing, "Congratulations! Congratulations, Brother Liu, you're going to be a father again!"

Liu Yizhu snatched the letter back. What was there to be happy about? Li Mingwei had suffered so much pain giving birth to their eldest. Who knew if this pregnancy would go well?

This method didn't seem very effective. He would have to try something else. What a headache! He should consult a doctor about it another day.

"Tang Housekeeper, I want to write a letter. Please help me find someone to deliver it back home later."

Tang Housekeeper bowed, "Yes."

Though Liu Yizhu wanted to go home, he also understood he couldn't leave yet. So he could only pour his worries onto paper and send them back.

Though he knew he didn't have much hope, Tang Jue still got up eagerly on the day the examination results were announced, wanting to join the crowd outside the Imperial Examination Hall. He had just reached the front courtyard when he saw Liu Yizhu and Zhong Liangyu already dressed and waiting for him.

"You guys are so fast!"

It was barely dawn. He went over and looked at their puffy eyes. They must not have slept at all.

Liu Yizhu pushed him aside. "Let's go. Soon there won't even be standing room left."

Tang Housekeeper had already secured their spots, either at exorbitant prices or by not finding any at all. That's why they had to get up so early to try and get a spot in the front row.

The three took a carriage towards the Imperial Examination Hall, but they only made it halfway before getting stuck in traffic. The carriage driver jumped down, walked a few steps ahead to try and urge the vehicles in front to move, only to see the long line of carriages ahead.

He opened his mouth, found his voice, and knocked on the carriage door. "Young masters, the road ahead is completely blocked. I don't think we'll be able to get through anytime soon."

Tang Jue looked at the sky and felt anxious. If they waited any longer, the results would be announced. The three glanced at each other, jumped out of the carriage, and walked towards the Imperial Examination Hall.

The crowd only grew thicker as they went. The three were startled - how could there be so many people here so early?

They finally reached the entrance of the Imperial Examination Hall but couldn't squeeze inside, watching people celebrating the results all around. Tang Jue shook his head in disappointment, "We're too late."

"You don't need to say it," Zhong Liangyu looked up at the sky. "We woke up even earlier than when we were in Chengzhou, yet there are so many people."

"The Capital City is big with lots of people."

Liu Yizhu was occasionally bumped into, feeling uncomfortable. He pulled the other two towards the side of the road. "Enough, let's wait over there. We can go closer once the crowd disperses. It's just not seeing the results being announced. The list won't run away."

The three squeezed into an empty alleyway and silently watched the surging crowd outside.

Compared to Tang Jue's calmness, Zhong Liangyu felt uneasy. He hadn't performed well in the County Exam, and he didn't know how he had done this time either.

Liu Yizhu leaned against the wall and patted Zhong Liangyu's shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry. You're still young. It's fine if you don't make the list."

Zhong Liangyu knew Liu Yizhu was right, but he couldn't help feeling anxious. He glanced at the equally anxious Liu Yizhu. "I'm talking about me, but you don't need to panic!"

Liu Yizhu smiled wryly. If it weren't for Li Mingwei, he could accept any result calmly. At worst, he would try again in a few years. But now, he had no choice but to feel anxious.

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