The Eternity Game Ayla Prision

Chapter 14 My First Magic

"I'll check the book cover and use an evaluation to learn more about it.


[Introduction to Basic Magic Textbook]

Rarity = Uncommon

Content = A book with the basic concepts of magic and spells for basic healing magic.

"'s a start I guess..." I open it to start reading.

First, I see the magic classes on the first few pages. I notice that the level of each magic is divided into categories.

Basic = Basic magic is the lowest level of magic, being the initial magic that is learned, although the enchantments of basic magic are weak and usually used in daily life, the power of the magic depends on how much magic the user has, so a basic spell depending on the caster will be stronger than higher categories.

Intermediate = Intermediate magic is considerably above basic magic, at this point those who do not have talent for magic can no longer advance, being a method to weed out those without talent for magic.

Advanced = Advanced magic can only be achieved by those with talent, this being the point where many get stuck, from this classification everyone has a lot of talent for magic.

Legendary = Legendary magic is very well known for having several enchantments capable of easily destroying landscapes, this classification is normally only reached by races that have great magical talent.

Destructive = Destructive magic is the apex rank of many species with magic capable of destroying multiple cities with a single spell. Those who have reached this level can destroy villages with basic magic.

Divine = Those who are said to be blessed by magic, having an amount of magic equivalent to or superior to higher dragons, being able to perform extremely powerful enchantments that easily surpass the destructive level.

Continental = Continental magic are individuals who have reached the power to devastate continents with a single magical attack, these individuals can destroy entire cities with basic magic.

Global = Considered the pinnacle of magic among all races, with very few individuals who have reached this level, the most well-known being Aurora Goddess of Eternity and the 7 Demon Lords as well as the Beast of the End.

" seems she's some kind of power measure for this world...Beast of the End...what is that?" I'm curious about the being called the Beast of the End.

"L-Librarian...can you answer a question for me..." I decide to ask the librarian what the Beast of the End is.

"Tell me, my dear, what's your question, and I'll answer if I know," he says calmly, putting down the book he was reading on the table.

"What is the Beast of the End...or who is it?"

"...That would be me," he replies without much interest.

"Y-Yes? Y-You..."

'Has this librarian reached the apex of magic?'

"Yes, it's me, it's an old title, nothing too relevant," he still doesn't show much interest in the question.

"D-Do you know how to use Global-class magic?" The fact that he has the highest level of magic scares me, even knowing that he is a monster, I never imagined he would be so strong.

"Yes...although I don't have many enchantments of that type," he says.

'I'm not sure if that's reassuring...'

"..." I decide to go back to reading, knowing that this being in front of me is stronger than I imagined is of no use.

The first chapters of the book are teachings on managing magic, it gives a tutorial on how to control it, but I realize that I already know how to do this, after learning from Valac, I spent a week using it to give magic to the egg, so now I have good magic management.

Then the book teaches some basic enchantments. The explanation about enchantment is long, but in the end, it only explains that enchantment, spell, and casting magic are the same thing, basically it's a speech that helps create a phenomenon.

"The 7 Demon Lords don't need to speak to cast magic...I wonder if I can do that too..." The Seven Demon Lords can simply think of the magic they want, and it happens, much simpler than memorizing the enchantment.

I read the spells recorded in the book, there are some that I don't understand at all and don't seem useful, so I just skip ahead until I find a healing spell.

"Healing...very basic, and just one word..." The book says that to use magic, you need to perform 3 steps, first imagine the magic, second channel magic from the body to the outside of the body, and then speak the enchantment.

'I know how to do the can I use magic? It seems easy, but the book says you have to understand the magic, and to understand it depends on talent.'

" do I know if I have talent for magic?"

"...It's quite simple, just look at your Status, the number in Magic defines your talent, although there are a few minor variations that depend on whether you're intelligent, but those variations only start from Destructive-class magic," he says.

"I have 75... so I have a lot of talent," I whisper to myself.

"That's right, my dear, if your magic status is 75, then you are extremely talented, especially by the average standards of humans, probably only the Hero has more magic than you among humans," he says now with a slight interest.

"!!!" I'm happy with the news, only to remember something that throws a bucket of cold water on me.

"...I only have affinity for healing magic..."

'Damn... what a shame, nothing good can happen to me without something going wrong.'

"Can I try magic here?"

He looks at me and thinks for a bit.

"...Normally no...but since you can only use healing magic, it's no problem," he replies, then takes a knife out of his pocket and cuts his wrist.

"W-What are you doing?" I question with surprise as his blood flows.

"It is my duty to provide the necessary support in the library...since I said you could use magic, I'm helping you," the indifference to his own wound, which seems very deep, is frightening.

The cut reminds me of when I lost my hand trying to enter the library, which makes my body tremble instinctively.

"Heal" I try to use.


"'s harder than it seems," my mind, which is afraid, ends up failing to visualize the correct image.

"Calm down, my dear, if you don't imagine it correctly, it won't work," he says.

"O-Okay, I'll try again," I close my eyes to calm my mind while taking a deep breath and visualizing the healing, trying to think of my own regeneration as a basis for casting a healing spell.


"...It worked, I did it!" I'm excited to have cast magic for the first time, the feeling in my hands is comforting, a clean and warm energy that causes a good sensation.

"Hmm, very good, much more than I expected," he praises me while observing the hand.

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't expect you to be able to heal me...this knife has a special cut, so it would require legendary-class healing magic, you have excellent talent, my dear," he says.

"WOW" I can't help but be surprised, I just cast basic magic, but it had the power of legendary magic.

'If I can get the Tome of Indifference, just imagine how strong I'll become? That weapon is perfect for me, since with it I don't have to worry about affinity or remembering the names of spells.'

I continue reading the book, the librarian spends his time reading some strange book, while drinking tea. He offered me some, but I declined, as I not only don't like tea much, but I'm not sure if that tea is normal.

I don't learn anything beyond the basic healing magic, he has many spells, but they are almost all non-elemental magic. I thought about saying that this book is not what I asked for, but it meets my request, after all, it teaches a little about magic, its classes, how to use it, and even has a healing spell to learn.

I finish the book and hand it back to him, although I would like to take a book with me, I know I can only get more than one book or take one with me if I have permission from the 7 or the librarian. But I know the librarian won't give me permission.

"Can I...look at the books around? To leave with you for me to read another day?" He thinks a bit, stays silent for a few seconds, then makes a face with a slight smile.

"Okay, you can look and choose one, then bring it back to me and I'll keep it for you."

"But don't open or take it with you, to read more books in one day you need permission from at least one of the Demon Lords."

"Okay, I understand, I won't read anything," I say, walking away to look at the books. If I look for the book I need beforehand, I can save time another day.

I start walking through the shelves, although it's tempting to look at the books, I know the librarian will instantly know if I open a book. The librarian can't use many of his powers in the library, so he'll hunt me down personally if I break the rules.

But even if he doesn't use magic, he's still a monster, I doubt I could escape him.

"I think I'll look at this section..." I enter one of the sections and start looking at the book covers, some have bizarre titles and others that are interesting.

"[Intermediate Mind Control Magic]" I read the title and just feel shivers.

'Good thing mind magic doesn't work on me, it has a very short effect on me' I move on to the next book.

"[The Art of Deception] would I use that book?" I don't see how I could deceive anyone, and many books have abstract titles, so I don't know if they're really what the name suggests.

"[Meal]..." the title is super simple, but the cover is scary, the color and details remind me of blood dripping from a body.

"...I know there are a lot of books, and most of them the 7 don't even read, they're just for the collection, but do they have to add these weird things to the library? Look at this book, [Void for the Soul], the title is so deceiving with that cover" the book has an eye that looks alive on the cover, I feel like it's observing my soul, so I put it back on the shelf.

I continue walking and go to another section, it seems the previous one was more related to mind-related things.

"[Abyss Magic Volume I]...what is abyss magic? In the race book, it said the Phoenixes were good at this magic" the previous books didn't have anything written on the back, but this one does.

"What is this..." I start reading the back.

"I see...terrifying..." Abyss Magic is meant to destroy souls, this magic was heavily used to kill Phoenixes since only their bodies reincarnate from the ashes.

"But it can't kill body, mind and soul regenerate even if they use magic to erase my existence...better not to think about it, I don't want to get depressed over nothing" I almost let my mind go to the subject of what will happen to me in the future if I can't die, it almost made me question if I'll stay alive until the end of the universe, and even after the end, I'll still be alive.

I put the book back and start going to another section.

"[How to Cook Any Race Volume III]..." I silently put the book back, with a slight trembling from having a book like that.

I go to the next one.

"[General Teachings on Torture]...I don't understand why I can only find strange books..." I put it back on the shelf and go to another section.

"[Classification of the Most Beautiful Races]...what a useless book, why would I want to know which race is the most beautiful?" I feel a bit annoyed at only seeing useless things, so I put the book back carelessly, but that was a mistake.

"Tsk...NO...this, this can't be..." I feel very strange, my body trembles as if something dangerous that shouldn't have woken up has awakened.

The book I carelessly pushed back on the shelf slid off and fell, and when it opened, I saw one of the pages.

"...He wouldn't hunt me just for was a mistake...I didn't even really try to was, it was...I NEED TO FLEE" Suddenly, reality hits me, no matter how much I want to deceive myself, I know the librarian doesn't care that it was an accident, he's definitely hunting me.

I start running frantically through the various book sections, the only advantage I have is knowing that he can't use magic easily, the reason for this is quite simple, Spatial and Dimensional Magic leaves traces in the Space, and these traces can damage the books.

So he can't use them carelessly, as these are his main affinities, he's quite limited. But his body is still that of a monster, meaning he has insanely high attributes.

I run in this silent library, the silence is disturbing. Unlike other monsters, the librarian is smart, meaning he's an excellent hunter who doesn't attack carelessly.

Clack Clack Clack

"I only hear my own footsteps...where is he...I'm scared...this is terrifying" this library that seems infinite gives me a terrible feeling, while I know I'm being hunted.

'I just need to get out of the library, since I'm not holding the book, I know he'll just give up and let it go, but only if I get out' I feel tired, my bad attributes always get me in the worst situations.

"S-Something...I need...Cough" I cough from running frantically without resting, even though it's an immortal body, there are still limits to what it can do.

'Something I can regeneration can only regenerate my fatigue if I stop...what do I do? MAGIC'

"HEAL" I cast Heal on myself, but my mind doesn't visualize it correctly.



"Heal" On my fourth attempt, I do it calmly and manage to use Heal on myself, it worked a bit, although I'm still tired, I can run a little further.

"Where, where...I don't hear anything" the worst part is this silence, at least if I knew where he was, I could keep my mind focused, but I don't know where he's going to show up.

I run for what seems like an eternity, until I finally see the door.

"I DID IT, I did it, I can escape" I'm finally just a few meters from the exit door, although Ayla is banging on the door to get in, she can open it with her own hands, my mind that fears losing my hand remembers this fact, which encourages me even more to keep running.

Finally, I'm 5 meters from the door, already stretching out my hand to touch it, then I feel something hit me hard in the head, the pain is terrible, but I can't even scream because my consciousness starts fading too quickly to even comprehend what hit me.

If my consciousness is forcibly cut off in this way, I won't go back to the room, but stay in the same place. My teleportation back to the room is a complex mechanism designed to make me suffer, orchestrated by the 7 Demon Lords.









That dragon in the images is Aetheris.

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