The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

Chapter 60

60 Forging his legend

[Warning: Two individuals entered the Basic Scan Force Field range. One of them is Nira Kilor.]

Cain’s eyes widened, and his heart began beating faster as his body prepared to face the incoming threat.

[Unknown target is a Level 4 Essence Wave Warrior.]

That following message from the Absolute Life Form System made Cain’s instincts scream danger. He almost ran away with all his strength.

“Calm down!”

Luckily for Cain, Apex’s voice echoed in his mind, allowing him to focus and not act purely by instinct.

“Think, brat. Those two just enter the [Basic Scan Force Field]’s range, implying they are exactly fifty meters away from you. They have not yet attacked, so they are reducing the distance to ensure they can kill you in a single blow. You can use that to your advantage.

You will not win this relying on your strength, so the only path ahead is using your mind. Unlike your encounter with the Atrox, you are their sole target, so they will not get distracted. An open fight will mean your death, but your Nullity Armor could endure one full-power attack from that Level 4 Essence Wave Warrior if you take him by surprise.”

Apex paused at this point before carrying on with a solemn tone.


“Cain, no one will come to help you, and you can only depend on yourself to survive this. If you fail, you will be like countless others who fade away, inconsequential.

However, if you succeed, this experience will be engraved in your body and soul, and you will take your first step to forge your legend.

I have already helped you more than I should. From now on, I will remain silent.

Good luck, brat.”

Cain could not help but be surprised to hear that Apex would not offer guidance now that he needed it the most, but he soon understood why.

He was the Absolute Life Form System’s Vessel. It was not the host or heir but a mere vessel, and if he perished, the system would jump to a new one. After all, there was no way he was the only Reincarnator in the entire universe.

The fact that Apex guided him out of his state of panic was already a lot. Cain knew that he failed to keep control, and if not for that voice commanding him to calm down, he would have run, and the Level 4 Wave Warrior would have killed him.

Cain took a deep breath and calmed his raging heart as he analyzed all the information at his disposal.

‘The fact they are so careful meant they could not handle the repercussion of anyone finding they killed me. I can sense neither of their presences, so the Level 4 Wave Warrior must be using a shadow ability similar to that of Nira, but at a higher level.’ Cain’s eyes narrowed as he thought of that last point and communicated with the Absolute Life Form System.

‘Absolute Life Form System. Can you mark the exact location of the duo?’

Apex, the System Spirit, might not help him during this ordeal, but Cain could still use the full power of the Absolute Life Form System.

[System can show targets’ exact locations to Vessel as long they are within the Basic Scan Force Field range. Do you wish for the system to do it?]


[Adding sensory input to Vessel.]

Less than a second after hearing those words, two figures appeared at the periphery of Cain’s vision. The duo was slowly making their way toward the tree where he rested.

Cain did not make the mistake of looking directly at the duo.

‘System, is there a jamming signal in the area?’

[No jamming signal has been detected...

Upon closer examination, a form of interference is present. All in and out electric communication must pass through it.

Basic Hacking can easily overcome it, but those that put the interference in place will find out. Vessel wishes to break through it?]

‘No.’ Cain immediately refused that idea. If he broke through the interference, there was a good chance the duo would attack right away.

Not to mention that up to this moment, he had no evidence of the duo doing anything wrong, despite their intentions being as clear as water. Besides, how would he explain the presence of the [Basic Scan Force Field]?

‘The Level 4 Essence Wave Warrior alone should be enough to kill me, so Nira must have come to see me die.’

After analyzing everything and going through what he learned from the Whisper Forest, a plan finally formed in Cain’s mind.

Cain adopted a sitting position on the tree’s branch before summoning his Wave Cloak.

The cloak of Astral Wave made the duo suspicious, but when they saw how Cain did not activate Wave Burst, Dimitri and Nira relaxed.

If Cain had discovered their presence, he would have unleashed his Astral Wave’s full power and run as fast as possible. None of them could fathom that a Level 2 Wave Warrior would be so calm after knowing that a Level 4 was less than fifty meters away from him and ready to kill.

Cain then used Wave Focus to direct most of his Astral Wave into his legs, leaving his chest full of openings before jumping forward.

Dimitri and Nira saw how Cain jumped over the shallow river and onto another tree. Once again, some suspicion appeared in the duo’s eyes as they saw the youth marching into the Tier 1 Danger Zone.

However, in the end, Dimitri and Nira conclude that Cain was simply training his Wave. Although they were angry about losing their chance, there was nothing they could do other than follow him.

Cain continued advancing deeper into the Whisper Forest, seemingly training Wave Focus, jumping from one tree after another.

Dimitri and Nira were growing impatient, not to mention that even for the young man, a Tier 1 Danger Zone was not somewhere he could just play around.

It came to the point that Dimitri hastened his speed, diminishing the distance between him at Cain.

Right then, Cain straightened his back and looked toward the duo. He did not look directly at them but instead at their general vicinity.

Anyone seeing that would think that Cain detected someone but could not pin down their exact location.

‘Dammit!’ Dimitri cursed in his mind. Once he saw Cain’s Wave Cloak bursting at full power, he gathered his Essence Wave in his legs to chase after this one.

Dimitri was sure he would catch Cain fast and land a deadly blow, but to his utter shock, this one did not run away but turned around and jumped toward his location.

Although Dimitri was surprised by Cain’s unexpected behavior, there was no fear in his gaze. He was a Level 4 Essence Wave Warrior and was sure he could handle a Level 2 Astral Wave Warrior in a melee battle.

Since Dimitri had mobilized most of his Essence Wave into his legs, it took him a little longer to prepare his attack, which he would fire from a small dagger in his hand.

Still, he would have more than enough time to land the attack, but then it happened.

While still mid-air, Cain pointed his palm forward and unleashed a blinding light from bursting lightning arcs.

Dimitri closed his eyes for a moment but still managed to fire his attack in Cain’s direction, unleashing a barrage of shadow blades.

The Level 4 Essence Wave Warrior was sure part of his attack landed but still prepared to receive Cain’s charge.


Nevertheless, what Dimitri received was not a physical blow but a cry of help, and once he looked back, he saw Cain holding the back of Nira’s neck.

There was a deep cut on Cain’s left leg, ribs, and shoulder, but his eyes were full of killing intent as he clenched his hand around Nira’s neck.


Dimitri roared in rage, but what answered was Cain using his free hand to grab Nira’s right arm and pulling with so much strength that he tore it out.


Nira’s scream of extreme agony and Cain’s savagery froze Dimitri.

“Take one step closer, and I shatter her spine!”

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