The Epic of Leviathan

Chapter 72: Nemuri Enters Hogwarts (III)... [edited]


The old creep led me to a room in the back of his shop. The room was completely stacked up with different types of wood. I quickly lost interest in them as I was only interested in Reo's morning wood.

The old creep took out several pieces of wood and laid them in front of me on the table while jumping around the table. How in the heavens such an old man can jump around like that???

"Touch each piece of wood and tell me which one of them gives you the warmest feeling" the old creep said and stood at the side while looking at me expectantly.

I did what the old creep asked me and started touching the wood pieces one by one. Most of them were quite unpleasant and some were completely cold to touch. After touching more than 10 pieces of wood, I finally found a wood piece that gave me a warm feeling similar to what I get when I grab Reo's dick. Wow, this felt nice... I had to hold myself back from stroking the wood.

I continued touching the woods and found another piece of wood which gave me a similar feeling. The rest of the pieces of wood didn't even give a small reaction.

"Marvelous... quite marvelous. I have never seen a person react to both of these woods. Acacia a very unusual wand wood that creates tricky wands that often refuse to produce magic for any but their owner, and also withholds their best effects from all but those most gifted. This sensitivity renders them difficult to fit for anyone, I personally kept a very low stock of them because of how they react" the old creep said excitedly and picked up the wood piece and placed it inside another box.

"Hornbeam selects for its life mate the talented witch or wizard with a single, pure passion, which some might call obsession - more kindly - vision, which will almost always be realized. Hornbeam wands adapt more quickly than almost any other to their owner's style of magic and will become so personalized, so quickly, that other people will find them extremely difficult to use even for the most simple of spells. Hornbeam wands likewise absorb their owner's code of honor, whatever that might be, and will refuse to perform acts - whether for good or ill - that do not tally with their master's principles. A particularly fine-tuned and sentient wand" the old creep picked up the other piece of wood that gave me the warm feeling and put that inside the same box.

"Both of the woods that reacted to you have the similar tendency to choose someone special. I can already say that this wand is going to be my life's best work" the old creep said and spoke on his own and started to pull out several small boxes and placed them on the table while he used his wand to banish all the other pieces of woods lying on the table.

He opened the boxes and inside every one of them were the oddest things I have ever seen. Some were hairs, feathers, horns, and many more. These must be the wand's cores.

"Follow the same process and tell me which one of them gives you the warmest feeling" the old creep said and again backed away and kept looking at me with interest.

I started placing my hands on the wand cores one by one a golden silvery hair gave me a warm feeling similar to the woods. The old creep looked quite interested, I kept moving on to the next cores, and finally, another black-colored hair gave me a similar warmth like the previous objects.

"Fascinating... a Veela hair. This is going to be my first time using Veela hair as a wand core. I always considered them unstable for my tastes so avoided using them but it seems I have to use them too... marvelous!!" the old creep said and picked up the box containing the Veela hair and placed it inside the same box where he kept the wood pieces.

"You are the only person I have ever seen with my own eyes to choose Rougarou hair. According to Wandlore, wands containing the hair of this beast were rather suitable for performing the Dark Arts" the old creep said. I got slightly worried, I know that I am already dark because I already know how to cast Imperious Curse but my wand didn't need to announce that outright.

"Fascinating... I could already say that in the future you are going to become very strong and do great things. Evil or good but great things indeed" the old creep said.

"It would take 3 days for me to complete this wand, I will send the wand to you by owl post" the old creep and said and returned outside where Minerva was waiting patiently. The old creep told Minerva that he would be sending me my wand via owl post and Minerva paid him 7 Galleons like agreed.

We finally returned to Madam Malkin's shop to get my robes, they looked really constricting but it's ok. Only Reo has the right to see my sexiness so it's fine I guess. I kept the robes inside my trunk and left Diagon Alley following Minerva McGonagall. She again summoned that purple monstrosity.

After another hellish ride, I came back in front of my flat. Minerva then told me how to get to Platform 9¾. I have to board the train before 11 o'clock. After telling me that she escorted me back until I entered my house. Afterward, I heard a pop sound meaning she had already apparated out.

I then looked inside the flat and it was completely dark there. "Hello, are you guys here?" I asked and walked inside.

"Surprise! Happy Birthday, Nemuri!!" I heard Reo, Momo, and Rumi wish me a birthday. They made several things but the most important thing was all of them were completely naked and Reo was holding a vial of aging potion which he handed to me. Hell yes... this is the best kind of birthday celebration I wanted. I stripped out of all my clothes in an instant and gulped down the aging potion Reo was holding for me. My body started to change and within seconds I was already close to my 20s. Reo immediately grabbed me by my waist and kissed me hungrily and started to lead me towards the bedroom we used to sleep.

I entered the room and saw that the room was filled with several toys and bondage stuff. I immediately became excited and I could already feel my nipples hardening.

"Hell yes orgy and bondage for the win!!" I exclaimed and dragged Reo with me on the bed. Momo and Rumi also followed me. Needless to say that the night was really awesome.

Six months passed in a blink of an eye. I have already mastered everything I could master in all these days. Reo has taken me to Knocktrum Alley and got me another custom-made wand without a trace. This wand wasn't good as much as the wand I got from the old creep. Reo also brought me an expensive trunk with expandable storage.

It had 5 rooms inside it, I kept the books that I was taking with me. I used the second room as my training space where I could practice my spells. The third room was used to keep potions and potion ingredients I got from Castle Ravenclaw with stasis charm on them. The fourth room was my personal favorite, I kept all the porn I was able to get my hands on in there. The 5th room was set up as my bedroom like back in my own world.

So, today was 1st September and I booked a cab, I didn't want to use that purple monstrosity or Side-Along Apparation. I was carrying a Portkey with me if I needed to escape because of some emergency. Reo assured me that I should be going to Ravenclaw, but if by some misfortune or mistake I got into Slytherin then I needed to 'fuck the plans' and announce my background.

I finally arrived at the King's Cross Station and walked in. I quickly found the wall between platforms 9 and 10 and without worrying too much I walked through the wall. The feeling wasn't pleasant at all... I looked around and saw several parents have come here along with their kids. The magical people must be Sex Nazis... they have no dressing sense. I was wearing blue jeans and a blue shirt, they were glaring at me.

I clearly heard some of them called me mudblood... but honestly, I don't care. If I decide to react to all this I can't be called mature, I have been called much worse names in the last 15 years in my own world. I walked by them with my head high, this seemed to piss them off much more and I finally boarded the train.

I walking by the compartments looking for an empty compartment but didn't find any. I remembered a compartment in which a girl of my current age was sitting. I hope she isn't a blood bigot like Reo called them. I knocked on the door, the girl opened the door. The girl opened the door and I rubbed my eyes due to the shock. Did her hair color just change from brown to purple?? Damn...!!

"If you don't mind can I sit here?" I asked the girl politely. The girl gave me a beautiful smile. From only her smile I knew that she wasn't a blood bigot because they would never smile.

"Yes sure" the girl gestured towards the other side. I whisked out my wand and levitated my trunk over the seats. The girl looked slightly surprised but didn't say anything. I sat down on the opposite side and decided to introduce myself.

"Hello, my name is Vicky Parsons! Nice to meet you! Are you a first-year like me?" I asked the girl acting like a girl of my age.

"Yes, I am also a first-year, my name is Tonks, just Tonks! Nice to meet you too" the girl introduced herself as Just Tonks and extended her hands towards me. I like her... we would become great friends and I know it and I would definitely teach you my 'philosophical ways'. Everyone has to start somewhere.

"Just Tonks, I think we would be good friends" I said while chuckling and accepted her hand and shook it, Tonks gave me a fake annoyed look but the next moment she also chuckled.

"I also think the same" Tonks said and with that, I got my first student and friend...

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