The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The world seemed to suddenly become a world familiar to Arecio.

The flame-breathing creatures were sea snakes with hard scales. In his time, people often saw them at sea; the scorpion-tailed creatures were manticores with loud calls and were very ferocious by nature; while those flying white birds were not dark creatures, they Known as the Kingfisher, a kind of bright creature, the nesting place is calm and calm.

“…Do you recognize these creatures?” Andre asked softly, observing his expression.

Alessio nodded, and then he swept past the staff who removed the coffin from the car, and then slowly moved away.

“They haven’t changed much.” Arecio said, paused, and then reluctantly said, “The manticores are raised…very well.”

He was so fat that he could barely get on the wall.

“There is also a kingfisher used here, which is also very good. There will be no wind and waves in the season of the kingfisher. It is suitable for sea snakes to lay eggs.”

Saying this casually, Arecio didn’t think there was anything, but Andre stared at him in surprise.

“You just said…’the season of the kingfisher’?”

Arecio was a little inexplicable, “Is there no such thing now? Kingfisher nests on the sea… this time period…”

“…We have lost a lot of things, my lord.” The white-haired unicorn lowered his eyelashes lightly. “A lot. So, hearing such a beautiful appellation from the last era, it’s hard for me for a while, please forgive me. ”

“I also ask you to tell us more about things like this. Not only me, but many, many people are listening.”

[I only know that the kingfisher will nest in winter, and there will be no wind and waves in the emerald inner sea. 】

[The name of the last era is really good, just like the kingfisher dominates a season! 】

[Woo Xixi said so beautifully…]

At this time, Arecio has no real sense of this “many people are listening”. There is no live broadcast in his era, and he can’t see barrage and comments, so he appears very calm.

“You also have a lot of new things.” Arecio looked at the white-haired unicorn. “For example…”

His words were interrupted, and with a few exclamations, a black monster as tall as a person rushed out. Its tail resembles a scorpion, but its front body resembles a male lion. Its fur is smooth and smooth because of sufficient nutrition, and it rushes aggressively towards Arecio and his party who have not yet entered the gate!

“Klas!” someone shouted the name of the monster from behind, but the monster leaped forward to Arecio without turning his head. In the golden and fierce beast pupils, the shadow of the blood tribe was clearly reflected. . Its scorpion tail swings up and down slightly, which is a sign of curiosity or vigilance.

The horn on Andrey’s head shimmered, apparently ready to guard the enchantment, and Augustus stepped forward to cover the more fragile Ai Li. Although they nurture and take care of dark creatures, due to the attributes and temperament of dark creatures, there will still be incidents of nurturing people. Dark creature nurturing is undoubtedly a job that sounds very glamorous, but in fact it has to bear a lot of pressure.

Manticore wagged its tail up and down towards Arecio. The dangling sting needle reflected a terrifying dark green, but it did not move further, as if it was just showing off its tail.

Arecio was expressionless.

Manticore’s nurturer rushed over from the rear. He was a human race with a sturdy physique. Dark creatures that are sensitive and aggressive like manticores cannot be nurtured by races with too strong light attributes, and can only be as high as possible in their physique.

“Klass hopes you can look at its tail,” said the caretaker. “It’s very proud of its tail.”

Manticore could understand people’s words, and suddenly raised his chin even more arrogantly, and stretched his tail forward in front of Arecio.

The caregiver was very surprised.

“Klass even hopes you can touch it!”

This is incredible, arrogant and sensitive manticores seldom express their affection so directly. From a moment ago, Klass had been leaning on the wall to look at the aircraft carrying this resurrected blood race, and when he saw the aircraft landing, he ran over vigorously, and even touched the baby’s tail.

Arecio remained expressionless.

“no thank you.”

[Cold and ruthless Alessi 23333]

[Will it be poisoned if you touch it? 23333]

[I touch it! Let me touch it! Not only to touch Klass, I also have to rua Sisi! 】

[…The previous one will not become so drunk if you eat peanuts. 】

Manticore was completely stunned. It had not thought that it would be rejected. For a moment, its ears were drooping. Looking at its own scorpion tail, it had serious doubts about the attractiveness of this tail.

In short, self-esteem is frustrated.

Arecio looked at the manticore caregiver, then turned his eyes back to glance at the manticore that was about to sob.

“Although I am very surprised, why a manticore can be raised like this, but…what should I do in this situation now?”

The caregiver shook his head slowly, “In this case, we usually immediately intervene psychologically…”

“Interference? How to do it?”

“Praise it.”


Arecio understands it, but he is used to it.

He sighed, then pulled a button on the outer cloak and turned it into a black bat. The bats flew around the manticore a few times, the manticore’s drooping ears stood up a little bit, and the outside light glanced at the flying bats and began to move around.

“Don’t praise it, find something that moves, it will be forgotten in a while.”

Manticore is different from the bright creature griffon, which looks somewhat similar in size. It has a loose personality and is easily distracted. Therefore, in the era of Arecio, some people will become gryphon riders, but basically no one wants to ride a manticore. In addition to worrying about the tail that can sting on the owner’s back, it is more because the manticore is not able to at all. A creature that is serious at work.

The bat continued to lure, and the manticore finally couldn’t help but jumped up. Of course, it didn’t pounce. The bat ran all the way and jumped into the side channel.

Solved, perfect.

“The bat will follow you when you get closer. The energy I input is about half an hour.” Arecio said to the nurturer who wants to follow, “Don’t praise it too much, it will swell if you praise it too much.”

Although from the perspective of body size, it has already been expanded.

Alice behind her suddenly chuckles, and Alessio raised her eyes to look at her. She waved her hand again and again to show that she didn’t mean to laugh.

“It just feels that His Royal Highness Arecio knows these dark creatures very well.”

“Because I see it often.” Areciou said, adding, “You don’t need to call your Highness, the blood is gone.”

Alice immediately apologized, but Arecio shook his head and said that he didn’t care. He didn’t have much sense of belonging to the so-called race.

No other dark creatures emerged. Alessio walked into the lobby of the Dark Creature Conservation Center. On the wall in the center, the white nest pattern made of fish bones was the totem of the conservation center. This is the nest of the kingfisher. In a certain month of winter, they will take the weathered white fish bones and weave them into a nest to float on the surface of the sea and raise their chicks in it.

During this period of time, the sea will be calm and calm, and Arecio’s era called it the “season of the kingfisher”, symbolizing protection and stability.

The beautiful images derived from such beautiful bright creatures were also borrowed by the temples of the Arecio era. The totem of the temple is the white fish bones intertwined together, resembling a cluster of thorns, and in one fell swoop it contained two images that it sought after.

The thorns are used as a metaphor for patience and penance, and the nest of the kingfisher is used to show acceptance and protection.

Of course, the temple is already GG in the epoch change, and Arecio was a little bit happy when he heard the news.

Go through the hall, take the transparent elevator, first go down vertically, and then forward. The glass decoration allows Arecio to see some of the outside scenery, the number of staff is indeed large, and the sub-regions are busy.

Andrey explained to him that at present, they also have quite a lot of ambiguities about the various habits and characteristics of dark creatures, especially human-shaped dark creatures. Human-shaped dark creatures are usually werewolves, liches, fallen angels, and dark elves. Compared with the more animal manticores, their temperaments are more difficult to figure out. A considerable part of the center currently nurturing cannot be said to be in good condition.

“For the understanding of dark creatures, we still stay on the surface.” Andrey sighed, “knowing that they hate light and love darkness; knowing their diet, housing and living; knowing their body structure…but it’s not enough, dark creatures At present, we basically do not have the ability to live independently, and some of them suffer from mental illness, and we are helpless.”

“Only a few dark creatures are able to stand alone, and they tried to come back to the help center, but with little success.”

“We have no intention of imposing a burden on you, but if you have time, you are welcome to come to the center to sit and sit. From the Klass just now, you can see that these dark creatures like you very much.”

Arecio thinks about the manticore that was fed a ball before, and realizes that the nursery center is not very good at raising this. It is really not humble.

“So now?”

“Meeting’Hitomi’, the core center, is also the object of our common admiration.”

While speaking, the elevator has stopped smoothly. Andre was one step behind to let Arecio go first, and Arecio did not give in. When he walked out of the elevator, he saw the planet-like milky white sphere suspended in the center of the empty underground plaza—

There is a cone-shaped black area in the milky white sphere, making it cold and sharp like a cat’s vertical pupil. The square is surrounded by three transparent surrounding floors. The sphere is guarded in the middle. Numerous sophisticated instruments record the state of the sphere in real time to ensure that it will not be helpless against sudden changes.

People who have never seen this scene can never experience the shock that Arecio felt at this moment. Even in the last era when magic and alchemy were rampant, he rarely felt such emotions.

He felt fondly missed, and couldn’t help but look solemn. The floating “Hitomi” stared at the world, and a beam of sight suddenly fell on him.

[You wake up, Areci. 】

The black area in the pupil gradually expanded, and the milky white sphere had rounded black pupils, which changed coldly and looked particularly gentle.

Behind the transparent curtain wall, the real-time monitoring staff are in a state of chaos. During their monitoring, the ratio of light to darkness marked by the “pupil” began to change, and the black part that resembled the pupil was originally a symbol of the dark attribute of this world. At this time it expanded and rounded, after Hitomi saw Arecio.

At the same time, the sage who closed his eyes and was sleeping in the coffin also opened his eyes, no time to continue to sort out the mood upset by the information he heard before, he clearly felt the rise of dark power.

He unscrewed the coffin and sat up, with the rose petals still stuck to the ends of platinum hair.

Ignoring the scared staff around him, his voice was hoarse and he said a name in a low voice.


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