The Embodiment of Evil

Chapter 4 – The Blooming Friendship

After a whole day of riding out of Broken Tooth, Princess Donna, Tyrannus and the other 5 guards including Captain Canaan stopped by a peaceful lake for a break.

The area was several hundred meters away from the forest, and was a rather large sized clearing, so it was a comfortable place to camp for the night and safe from animal ambushes from the forest. 

As they sat around a campfire, Donna started talking. 

"Hey, you're a Level 4 by our standards, what kind of abilities do you cultivate in? I've seen you hunt, but you finish so fast that I can't figure out what you do" she asked. 

"Me? I guess I learned both my parent's skills, as they've taught me since I was young" he said. 

"My father taught me how to cut" he said, carelessly swinging his finger at the lake. 

A thin cut could be seen on the ground all the way to the lake, that even split the water, leaving a line until it was out of sight. The line in the water disappeared in a second, but the line on the ground still remained. 

"Cutting intent..." Captain Canaan whispered admiringly.

Usually only high level 4 weapon masters will master cutting intent, and even then usually in a particular weapon, such as sword intent or saber intent. For someone to do that with simply his finger, how high must his intent be?

"My mother also thought me her skill, how to break stuff" he said as he balled up a fist and walked up to a nearby boulder and knocked it softly. 

*Poof* the boulder crumbled into dust

"Power of Destruction!" Captain Canaan gulped with his eyes wide open. 

Usually only high level demons, outsiders or monstrous beasts have shown such abilities. But usually when those creatures use their abilities, it was usually more explosive and chaotic. 

The control Tyrannus had was so amazing that he turned the boulder into dust and made no explosive sound, only a soft *poof* like someone dusting chalk. 

Captain Canaan thought quietly to himself that it was lucky this kid was raised by his parents, and that they recruited him rather than some gang as this kid was literally a weapon of mass destruction if he was to let loose.

"Amazing!" Donna clapped. Neither she nor the other lower leveled guards realized how amazing Tyrannus was as he demonstrated his abilities in such a unassuming and understated manner. 

"That's me. How about you? What are your abilities?" he asked.

"Well I use the ability of the Element of Air. But I'm only Level 3, so my use of my abilities are only limited to a few skills" she answered.

"So far I can proficiently use three skills" she said as she stood up to demonstrate.

[Speed] she said as she suddenly used the wind to run to the forest and back at incredible speeds

[Wind step] she called as she "ran" through the air, stepping on thin air, seemingly levitating. 

[Whirlwind] she called as she used her sword to cast a small whirlwind the size of a man with every casting. As the whirlwind hit the trees, all the leaves were stripped of the trees leaving behind a lacerated tree trunk. 

"Not bad..not bad at all" Tyrannus smiled.

The other guards nearby frowned. "Not bad?" they thought. Each of them were also Level 3, but they could use one or two skills of their element at most.

The only reason they couldn't use it against the Golden Lion was because it was higher level than them, making their skills, even Donna's skills useless against it. 

Princess Donna was known as an exceptional genius at such a young age, she was even better than they were. 

She was also one of the top students of the Royal Avalon Academy, giving her alot of fame and prestige in the country. 

But they kept quiet because Tyrannus was a complete freak by comparison. He was two years younger than Princess Donna and already at Level 4!

Tyrannus looked at Donna for a while and she started blushing at his gaze. She wondered what he was thinking about as he stared at her intently.

Suddenly he said "I got it!" and stood up. 

[Speed] he yelled as he suddenly ran into the forest like Donna did, but instead of wind, he cast explosions behind himself, propelling him forwards in several bursts. 

There were *Boof*  *Boof* sounds as he changed directions and moved at high speeds.

He was already a fast mover as they witnessed when he killed the Golden Lion, and was arguably faster than Donna using her [Speed]. But now he was even faster.

While before, they could only see a quick shadow moving, now he completely disappeared from sight and only a glimpse of him could be seen whenever he changed directions. 

"What... how..." Donna was stunned. "He learned this from watching me?" she gasped

[Wind Step] Tyrannus called as he copied Donna stepping on the air and seemingly levitate. Instead of using wind, instead he made mini explosions in the air as he used it to propel his steps. 

"Uh... I can't do your Whirlwind, but I can do this" he said as he gripped his fist and punched the air towards the forest

Suddenly as he punched, it was as if he cracked the air as a visible crack could be seen where he punched. The crack moved through the air like a ball until it touched a tree. 

Suddenly, the crack erupted with a terrible screeching sound and the tree was violently sucked into the vacuum, leaving only bits of root and some falling leaves. 

The group gasped in shock. How powerful was this skill to literally break the air? Was he breaking air, or somehow cracking the fabric of reality? How lethal is this skill?

"Hmmm, I better work on this skill. It's not very useful" Tyrannus suddenly said with a frown on his face. 

"Hey, teach me your dodging skill" Donna said, remembering how the Golden Lion kept missing him while attacking from point blank range.

"My dodge? Are you sure?" He asked.

"Sure! It's amazing!" She said.

"Uh.. ok. I'll show you the basics first" he said.

He gently took her hand and demonstrated the skill of sensing the surroundings with her skin.

At first she couldn't get it and was frustrated, but she kept training .

The journey back took seven days and by the second day, Tyrannus had an inspiration and got Donna to increase her sensitivity using her affinity to air.

"I can feel it!" She cried excitedly. 

By now, the guards left them alone. After all, Tyrannus was teaching Donna his personal methods, so it was rude to spy on him to learn his moves.

"Ok good. Now it's time to try with weapons" he said.

"What? Isn't it too soon?" She asked.

"No. This skill has to be honed till it's razor sharp where you are able to dodge attacks to within a milimeter" he said.

"Don't believe me? Attack me" he said as he removed his shirt showing his toned and muscular body. 

He removed his pants too, leaving only his underwear on. It was skin tight, leaving nothing to the imagination. 

"Why... Why are you stripping?" She asked 

" Every inch of exposed skin allows more surface area to sense attacks. I wore shorts when I helped you with the Golden Lion, but I usually hunt completely naked" he said as he put on a blindfold.

"Now, attack me full force" he said, standing in an open stance with his hand to his side.

Donna hesitated for a while, then remembering that he was a level higher, she started attacking.

He stood still but every attack missed him as he made tiny movements that made her barely miss by milimiters. 

She even attacked with her wind abilities, but at most, he shivered to make the attacks miss him.

If she attacked with a wide area attack, he disappeared and appeared next to her instead.

After a few minutes, she gave up. He barely moved, but she was exhausted attacking him but hitting nothing.

She was fully convinced, but even then it took a day for her to agree to strip for training this skill. 

In the next training session, she sat him down to talk.

"Tyrannus. I think you should know that I was born with a Natural Pure Body. This gives me great potential for cultivation, enabling me to progress faster than most, even though not as fast as you.

I have to retain my virginity until I have progressed to a certain level. Otherwise, whoever takes my purity will share my natural potential. 

That is why... Is why..." She tried to explain

"Don't worry. I won't do anything you don't allow me to" he smiled. 

She breathed deeply for a few breaths, then smiled. 

"You've seen me naked anyway" she said as she stripped down to her skimpy panties, completely topless.

She was a sight to behold. Her body was slim yet athletic. Her B cup sized breasts were large enough to be lusted after, yet not to large to hinder her movement. In fact, her naked body looked like a work of art. 

Tyrannus enjoyed the sight, but quickly controlled himself and put on his blindfold, after seeing Donna put on her blindfold. He hoped she didn't see his erect member bulging out of his underpants. 

He took a deep breath and commenced the training, attacking her with a sword. 

She skillfully avoided all his carefully aimed attacks, restraining the level of his attacks to level 3 levels. 

She was of course far from being as good as him, but he was confident she could use this skill against any level 3 blindfolded. 

She removed her blindfold only to see him walking away holding his crotch.

"Are you ok?" She asked

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Need to relieve myself" he said walking quickly into the forest holding his groin.

She could see even from behind his manhood bursting out of his underwear.

As he vanished from sight, she heard a loud grunt and saw a fountain of white liquid shoot out above the tree tops and spread over several tree tops. 

"Wow!" She exclaimed as she quickly dressed himself. 

The training continued every day except the final few days where the places they passed were more and more populated. 

Finally on the seventh day, they arrived at the capital of Avalon, Avalonia and the Royal Academy of Avalon. 

"We're home!" Donna smiled showing off the city to Tyrannus, who looked at the large city with astonishment. 

This was the first time to a large capital city. But each time he blinked, he could see a golden city with a rainbow bridge, the next blink, a white marble city on a mountain covered in clouds, with another blink a city surrounded by sand, a huge River and large triangular shaped buildings. 

He quickly rubbed his eyes and his vision went back to normal.

"Damn, the visions have started again" he whispered to himself. 

"Tyrannus. Are you ok?" Donna asked

"Don't worry. I'm just shocked at the size of this city. It's much bigger than Broken Tooth" he said, covering up his discomfort.

She smiled and led him into the city and towards the Royal Academy of Avalon. 

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