The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

The Procession

Mikhailis stood next to Elowen in the center of the Great Hall. Right now, a surreal scene is unfolding before him. The weight of the moment pressed down on him. The applause from the audience filled the grand and massive hall, echoing off the wooden walls and reverberating through the thick, magical air of Silvarion Thalor. The soft glow from the enchanted orbs above reflected in Elowen's golden eyes, giving her an otherworldly radiance that made Mikhailis's heart race.

Marriage, huh...

He gave a slight nod in response to the cheers, but his thoughts were still spinning, trying to absorb everything that had just happened.

No, not thoughts.





Does the people in Ruslania looks like this back then?

A face full of smiles and grand welcome.

The union, the binding ceremony, the magic that now pulsed through his veins.

If he was to describe it, It was overwhelming, and yet, exhilarating at the same time.

He somehow could feel it, that he was no longer just an outsider—a quirky prince from another world trying to fit into a magical kingdom as he became the prince consort.

He was now part of its very fabric, connected to its magic, its people, and, most importantly, to Elowen, to the beautiful queen that is standing beside him.

The applause began to die down as the high priestess raised her hands, signaling for the crowd to fall silent.

"It is done," she announced with a voice that carried through the hall with an almost reverent tone to the point that it felt almost magical.

"Queen Elowen and Prince Consort Mikhailis are now united, bound by the ancient magic of Silvarion Thalor, a union that will bring strength and harmony to our land,"

There was a palpable shift in the atmosphere.

The ceremony was over, but the implications of what had just taken place were perhaps only beginning to unfold.

Elowen turned to face Mikhailis fully with a gaze that is steady and at the same time filled with a warmth that made him forget, just for a moment, that they were standing before hundreds of people.

How beautiful...

Her hand was still resting in his, and he could feel the subtle pulse of energy between them—a connection that was both physical and magical.

More deeper, stronger, than what he felt with the chimera ant with the bond on his wrist.

"You did well," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the lingering murmurs of the crowd. but enough to make his heart flutter.

But Mikhailis don't break his character that easily.

Mikhailis grinned, leaning slightly closer.

"I think I should be the one saying that to you. You carried the whole thing, My Queen,"

Elowen's lips curved into a soft smile, and Mikhailis could see her expression relaxing now that the formalities were over.

"Perhaps. But now, we both carry the weight of what comes next,"

Mikhailis's grin widened.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, My Queen,"

He could see it, that every time he uttered the word 'My Queen', Elowen's cheeks got slightly reddened by those words.

This is me scoring great scores, right Rodion?

He felt like he could hear Rodion' objection with his monotonous voice for a second.

The high priestess stepped forward again, her staff clicking softly against the wooden floor as she addressed the audience once more.

"There will now be a procession through the city, so that the people of Silvarion may witness and celebrate this union."

Huh!? A procession? Please, anything but that....

Mikhailis resisted the urge to groan.

A procession sounded exhausting, especially after the intensity of the ceremony.

But he knew it was important, not just for the kingdom, but for the image he and Elowen were building together. A public display of unity would help solidify their standing in the eyes of the people and the nobles.

Well, I guess that it's fine since Elowen will be coming with me, I guess?

Elowen seemed to sense his reluctance and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

"It won't be as long as you're imagining," she murmured with a tone laced with amusement.

Mikhailis smiled towards her sharpness regarding what he's thinking.

Or perhaps his face just told everything in the first place.

"That's a relief," Mikhailis replied, trying to mask his weariness with a playful smile.

"But let's make it quick. I've got a few experiments in mind I want to run when we get back."

Elowen raised an eyebrow, her amusement deepening.

"Experiments? On our wedding day?"

Mikhailis shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"You know me. Can't let a good opportunity go to waste. It's an experiment of pleasure,"

"Eh?" Elowen blushed.

Before Elowen could respond, the high priestess gestured for them to follow her toward the grand doors that led out of the hall. The knights at the entrance swung them open with a synchronized motion, revealing a wide stone path that stretched through the heart of the city. On either side of the path, throngs of people had already gathered, eager to catch a glimpse of the royal couple.

Mikhailis took a deep breath as he and Elowen stepped out into the open air, the cool breeze immediately washing over them.

The city was alive with excitement, and the streets were adorned with banners and flags in shades of green and gold, the colors of Silvarion Thalor.

The ancient trees that towered above the city cast long, dappled shadows across the ground, their branches swaying gently in the breeze.

This is truly a nice city, huh...? This is the most appropriate temperature for the city, it's not too hold and refreshing, but has enough sun to make sure the plants and vegetations grow healthily.

As they walked, Mikhailis couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the place. The city was unlike anything he had ever seen back in Ruslania.

It was a perfect blend of nature and magic, with buildings seamlessly integrated into the massive trees, their walls glowing faintly with magical runes that seemed to pulse with life. If he took a picture about this scene, those fantasy geeks would definitely debate about whether this is the dwellings of normal elves or dark elves.

The people who lined the streets were cheering and waving, Mikhailis could see their faces lit with joy as they caught sight of the newlywed couple.


Mikhailis waved back, trying his best to keep his expression composed, but inside, he couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. This wasn't just a parade—it was a declaration. A declaration that he was now part of this world, that he had a place here.

Beside him, Elowen walked with the grace and poise of a queen, her head held high as she acknowledged the people with nods and smiles. But there was a softness to her demeanor, a warmth that Mikhailis had come to appreciate.

She wasn't just a ruler; she was someone who genuinely cared for her people, and it showed in every gesture, every glance.

So this is... A fantasy world's queen...

As they continued down the path, Mikhailis felt a subtle shift in the air, a tingling sensation that ran down his spine. He glanced at his wrist, where the symbol of his bond with the Chimera Ant still glowed faintly. It was as if the magic of the land was responding to him, acknowledging the bond he now shared with it.

"Rodion," he whispered under his breath, keeping his voice low so the crowd wouldn't overhear.

<Yes, Mikhailis?>

Rodion's voice chimed softly from the tip of his glasses.

"Are you picking up on this? The energy feels… different."

<Indeed. The magical energies around you have heightened. It appears the binding ceremony has increased your sensitivity to the kingdom's magic, Mikhailis>

Mikhailis nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. He would definitely need to run a few tests later, but for now, he focused on the moment, on the energy coursing through him. He could feel the pulse of the land beneath his feet, the hum of the magic in the air. It was alive, vibrant, and somehow, he was connected to it.

The procession continued, winding its way through the city until they finally reached the grand square at its center. A large platform had been erected there, draped in the royal colors of Silvarion. As they ascended the steps, the crowd fell silent, their eyes fixed on the royal couple.

It's time for the royal speech.

Elowen stepped forward, her gaze sweeping over the crowd.

"My people," she began with a voice that is both steady and strong.

"Today marks a new chapter in the history of Silvarion Thalor. With this union, we are not just celebrating a marriage, but the future of our kingdom. Together, Prince Consort Mikhailis and I will guide this land, protect its magic, and ensure its prosperity,"

The crowd erupted into applause once more, and Mikhailis felt a surge of pride as he stood beside her. He had come a long way from his days as a tinkerer in Ruslania, and now, he was here—standing at the heart of a kingdom, with a queen at his side and a future that stretched out before him.

There are gazes with doubts towards him, and he believe that most of the citizens would of course question the same thing. Who is this guy that is marrying to her highness? But it's all fine. Since Elowen's charisma is enough to silence all of them to not question, and instead, gaze her with respect and admiration.

As the applause died down, Elowen turned to him with her golden eyes shining.

"Would you like to say a few words?" she asked, her voice soft but teasing.

Mikhailis blinked as he caught off guard.

Me? On the speech?

Public speaking wasn't exactly his forte, especially in front of a magical kingdom full of nobles and dignitaries.

But as he looked out at the crowd, at the people who were now his people, he realized that this was a moment he couldn't pass up.

He stepped forward, clearing his throat before speaking.

"I, uh, wasn't exactly planning on giving a speech," he began, eliciting a few chuckles from the audience.

"But I guess I'll keep it short. I may be new to this world, and to this role, but I promise you this: I'm here to make a difference. Together, My Queen and I, the prince consort, will work to protect this kingdom, to harness the magic that makes it special, and to push the boundaries of what's possible. I may be a bit unconventional, but I believe that's what makes me the right fit for this kingdom,"

Damn, that was nerve wracking. Did I say wrong? Please, Rodion, at least help me and give a running text when I'm in this kind of situation.

But instead, suddenly through his glasses, he could see an emoticon of a thumb appearing.

I don't need your reaction like we're in an online meeting! You should have helped me there.

But then, he heard it.

The crowd seemed to appreciate his honesty, and another round of applause followed his words.

Elowen smiled at him as she nods in approval.

"Well said," she whispered as they stepped back, letting the moment sink in.

I guess that was a pass?

As they descended from the platform, Mikhailis finally let out a relieved sigh. He had made it through the ceremony, the procession, and even an impromptu speech. But more than that, he had solidified his place in this kingdom, both in the eyes of its people and in its magic.

But he guessed that this would be the last time he got showed to the people as he's just the prince consort that would only help the Queen mentally from behind.

As the day continued with celebrations, Mikhailis stayed close to Elowen's side, but his mind was already working through a thousand ideas.

The bond he now shared with the land, the magic that pulsed through Silvarion Thalor, and the possibilities that lay ahead. He knew there would be challenges—political, magical, and personal—but for the first time in a long time, he felt truly excited about what was to come.

Especially for the single thing that he will be facing in the end of the day.

The First Newlyweds Night!!!

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