The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

The Offer and The Eccentric Man

"Mikhailis, I ask you this seriously—do you truly wish to be my prince consort? I need to know before we proceed any further."

Mikhailis looked at her for a moment as the weight of the beautiful queen's question before him hanging in the air.

The room was still, except for the faint clinking of armor as the knight stood nearby that is keeping a watchful eye on him.

She's very wary of me, I guess?

Mikhailis then shifted in his seat, feeling the pressure of the moment sink in. It wasn't just a joke anymore, and despite his tendency to treat things lightly, this was a real decision.

In front of him, Elowen and her aides could feel the shift of the air around him.

At that moment, his mind that has been raced to make a decision finally arrived in a conclusion.

On one hand, he had just been yanked out of his world, pulled into a magical land by a beautiful queen. On the other hand, this wasn't some casual proposal.

Becoming her prince consort meant getting the possibility to be involved in royal politics and dealing with threats he couldn't even begin to understand. Even if the prince consort didn't hold many responsibilities, there might be assassinations, nobles trying to exploit him and stuff.

It wasn't like agreeing to attend a royal ball or a state dinner back in Ruslania. This was a lifetime commitment, potentially involving wars, assassinations, and who knew what else. And yet, the idea of staying in this world, with all its magic, intrigue, and—of course—Queen Elowen, was tantalizing.

Opportunity never comes twice... Is it?...

Mikhailis ran a hand through his tousled hair, letting out a small sigh.

"Alright, let me get this straight," he said, his voice finally taking on a more serious tone.

"If I were to say yes, I'm not just agreeing to be your prince consort. I'm basically signing up to help you keep your bloodline safe. And from what you've told me, there are people both inside and outside your borders who want to tear your reign down, and currently the weakest point is the matter of your bloodline and your lineage. So my task in this agreement, it would be more like 'guarding myself well',"

The queen nodded, her golden eyes watching him closely.

"That's correct. My position is delicate. While my bloodline gives me power, it also makes me a target. If I were to marry someone from this world, it would likely lead to a power struggle that could destabilize everything. That is why I sought someone from another world—someone with no ties, no influence, and no desire to usurp my throne. And he, would need to be able to defend himself from 'outsiders' that might try to influence him,"

Mikhailis nodded as he's tapping his fingers against the table in thought.

"Right, because if you married one of your own nobles, they'd gain power, and you might lose control of the kingdom. And you don't trust them enough to keep everything balanced." He paused, raising an eyebrow.

But there's still one thing that I didn't understand yet.

"Makes sense. But here's the question—why me? I mean, sure, I'm from another world, but I'm just an entomologist. I study bugs, not politics or warfare. I might not be useful at all. Is there any criteria in your summoning?"

Elowen's gaze softened.

"It is not simply about your profession, Mikhailis. The artifact that summoned you was designed to bring someone who carries the dark elf lineage, which you perhaps missed in hearing. It is an ancient magic that traces back to my ancestors. The fact that you were chosen means that, somewhere in your bloodline, you share that heritage. That makes you... unique."

Mikhailis blinked, staring at her. "Wait, you're telling me I've got dark elf blood in me?"


Mikhailis believed she said that before, but he shrugged it off as he's still processing the situation. But as he realized it, wow, does it mean he could use magic as well?

Am I one of those 'privileged' main characters in the stories I've read?

She nodded in confirmation.

"In some form, yes. You may not have known it, but the artifact would not have summoned you otherwise. It seeks out those with the potential to carry on the legacy of the dark elves."

He sat back, processing the information.

Dark elf blood?


It seemed ridiculous, but then again, here he was, in another world, talking to a queen with pointed ears and a magical summoning artifact.

He looked down at his hands, half-expecting to see them glowing or transforming into something otherworldly.

But they were just his normal hands, rough from years of fieldwork and his research.

"Well, that's a twist I didn't see coming," he muttered under his breath.

"Dark elf blood, huh?" He looked up at her again, his lips quirking into a grin.

"Guess that makes me even more special than I thought."

Elowen smiled faintly. "It is a rare gift, and it may be the key to protecting this kingdom from those who would see it fall. Through your blood, that is,"

Mikhailis thought for a moment, then leaned forward, resting his arms on the table.

"Okay, let's say I agree to this whole prince consort deal. What's the plan? Do we just, you know, get married and hope for the best? Or is there some grand scheme you've got in mind?"

Elowen could see his eyes sharpens. Assessing, prying, trying to catch a piece of hint from her mind.

'As expected, this person is not just an average person...'

The queen glanced down, it's obvious that she's briefly troubled.

"It's not as simple as that. There will be... challenges. The nobles will not accept you easily, and there are external threats that we will need to address. But the first step is already prepared for me to address those threats as we strengthen our alliance. Once the kingdom is back revitalized, we can begin to face those challenges together."

Mikhailis raised an eyebrow.

"Solidify the alliance, huh? Sounds like royal-speak for 'let's get hitched.'"

Wait, does that sounds rather perverted?

Elowen's cheeks reddened slightly, though she maintained her composed demeanor.

"In essence, yes. But I need to know if you're truly willing. This is not a decision to be taken lightly."

Mikhailis let out a low whistle, glancing around the grand hall.

"You're not kidding. This whole situation is like something straight out of one of my novels' collections. Only, I didn't get to level up or unlock any cool powers first." He tapped his chin, while his mind is still wandering to all the possibilities to help him in weighing on his decisions.

"But sure, if you're offering me a shot at saving the kingdom while, you know, being married to a queen as the reward, I guess I'd be crazy to say no."

Her golden eyes met his, and for a brief moment, the weight of the decision hung between them, thick in the air.

As expected of the queen. She's very sharp.

Mikhailis grinned, breaking the tension with his usual irreverence.

"Alright, I'm in. Let's do this. I'll be your prince consort. Besides," he added with a wink, "You're way too beautiful to turn down."

Wow, another great line I should say myself. What a perfect way to break the tension, me!

For the first time, the queen looked genuinely flustered, a small blush creeping up her neck. Before she could respond, however, Mikhailis leaned in, and his hands reached for hers once again. Making the guard behind her twitched.

"But let's not waste any time. If we're gonna do this, let's do it now. No point in waiting. I mean, you've already brought me here, right? Might as well get the ceremony over with and immediately-."

Elowen blinked, clearly startled by his sudden forwardness. But a hint of smile could be seen on her face.

"Mikhailis, please, there are formalities—"

But before she could finish, he squeezed her hands gently, leaning in with a conspiratorial grin.

"Come on, my Queen, Elowen, think about it. We get married now, it sends a message. Shows those nobles that you're not messing around. And hey, if they've got a problem with me, they can take it up with my Chimera Ant."

She pulled her hands away, though her expression remained amused even if she didn't know what is the Chimera Ant he's talking about.

"While I appreciate your enthusiasm, there are protocols that must be followed. Not to mention, I still haven't finished explaining everything."

I see. Nothing, huh...

Of course, if he's just a stupid prince that would jump to anyone, he wouldn't survive in his kingdom, and wouldn't be able to secure some time for his hobbies.

There is a reason of why Prince Mikhailis Volkov is considered the best candidate for the throne.

Her eyes didn't flinch. Nor does her aides

Even for someone as powerful as a queen, a mafia leader, or any figure involved in crime or deceit, there's always a moment of hesitation when their schemes are threatened. No matter how composed they appear, when their opponent gets too close—making direct contact—their confidence falters. Their aides, often carefully trained to hide any signs of panic, struggle to maintain control. This reaction intensifies when the opponent acts casually, only to suddenly take an unexpected and bold step, throwing them off balance. It's in these moments that even the most calculated plans can unravel.

I guess it's fine for now.

Mikhailis sighed, sitting back in his chair.

"Alright, alright. I'll stop jumping the gun. But just so you know, I'm ready whenever you are, my Queen,"

The queen allowed herself a small smile before her tone grew serious again.

"There's one more thing I must tell you before we proceed. The artifact's power is limited. As I mentioned earlier, it can only be used three times—once to bring someone here, once to send them back, and once to bring them here again. If you choose to leave, you will have one chance to return. After that, the artifact's magic will be spent."

Mikhailis's grin faded as the gravity of her words sank in.

So I could only take my decision here, huh...

"So, I can leave once, but after that, I'm stuck here for good, huh...?"

She nodded.

"Yes. You have the option to return to your world if you choose, but only once. After that, you will be bound to this world, and to me."

Mikhailis leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest.

Then he looked up at the ceiling

Return to his old life, huh?

Back to Ruslania, to his research, his AI, his... mundane existence as a prince?

Sure, he'd have life and things he's love there, but what was waiting for him there other than the nasty politics and potential royal siblings' quarrel, More responsibilities he didn't want, and a life that, if he was being honest, didn't excite him nearly as much as this one did.

On the other hand, staying here meant diving headfirst into a world of magic, danger, and political intrigue. And, well, there was also the queen.

He glanced at her again, taking in her regal presence, her grace, her beauty.

Yeah, that definitely wasn't a downside. That's a whole treasure instead.

Then he let out a long breath, then shrugged.

"I'm not planning on going anywhere. I mean, look at this place." He gestured around the grand hall.

"It's like living in a fantasy story. Who wouldn't want that?"

Elowen studied him for a moment, and after a while, she smiled as her expression softening.

"You are... very different from what I expected."

Mikhailis laughed.

"Yeah, I get that a lot in my world as well."

She stood from the table, smoothing out her robes with a gentle grace.

"Very well, Mikhailis. If you truly wish to stay, then I will ask you one last time."

She took a step forward, then her eyes locked with his, and her voice filled with a quiet strength.

"Will you be my prince consort? Will you stand beside me and help me protect this kingdom with your blood?"

Mikhailis smiled.

A proposal from a woman, huh? Never thought I would ever experience it in my lifetime.

Mikhailis rose to his feet with his eccentric grin returning in full force.

"Hell yeah, I will."

The knight standing behind him gave a small sigh, clearly exasperated by his informality, but Mikhailis didn't care. He stepped forward, extending his hand toward the queen with an exaggerated flourish.

"Your Majesty, it would be my honor to be your prince consort. From the way you're talking, it seems that there will be only a tiny bit part for me to take part in 'defending the kingdom' job. Basically, you just need a househusband but in a royal term, right? I'm in. But before that, I guess I want to bring some things with me here,"

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