The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

The Lovely Morning?

The morning sunlight filtered through the towering trees of Silvarion Thalor, casting a gentle, golden glow into the royal chamber. The air was cool and fresh, filled with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant song of birds. For Mikhailis, today felt especially different. As he lay there in the grand bed, staring up at the wooden beams above, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of accomplishment—no, joy was the right word.

"Good morning, Mikhailis," Elowen greeted him with a wide smile.

"Morning to you as well, wifey," Mikhailis responded with a cheeky smile.

Last night was a triumph.

A great win.

His performance, well, Rodion didn't really say it, but if he didn't protest or comment, then it meant that he didn't make any mistake.

But sure, I need that guy's performance report after this. I need to know the 'Things could be improved' on that particular skill, after all.

Not only had he ascended to adulthood in the most literal and satisfying way possible, but he had done so with a queen. And not just any queen—his queen, Elowen, with her radiant brown skin, sharp golden eyes, and the strength that drew him in like nothing else in the world. If there were a trophy for this kind of achievement, he felt he deserved the grandest one of all.

He smiled to himself, feeling the warmth of Elowen's body still pressed against his side. Her head rested on his chest, her long silver hair flowing over the pillows like a cascade of moonlight. Mikhailis could feel her steady breathing, the peaceful rise and fall of her chest in time with his heartbeat. After the fiery passion of the night, the morning was calm, almost serene. It was the kind of moment that made him want to close his eyes and just bask in the softness of it all.

But as he was lost in thought, savoring the peaceful silence, Elowen stirred beside him.

"Now, hear me, Mikhailis," her voice came softly, yet with the unmistakable authority of a queen. She lifted her head, gazing at him with those sharp golden eyes.

"I need to tell you something important."

Oh no...

Mikhailis blinked, his playful grin faltering just a little. This was not going where he expected it to. He had been imagining a slow, intimate morning, maybe some gentle kisses, lazy touches, perhaps a round two if things went well.

But instead, it seemed they were about to dive into something... educational.

He cleared his throat while raising an eyebrow.

"You know, most people would imagine a quiet, romantic morning after a night like ours," he teased, his voice still hoarse from sleep.

"But I'm guessing we're not most people?"

Elowen gave him a small smile, one that was both knowing and affectionate. Well, at least he believe her smile was giving that kind of vibe.

"This is important, Mikhailis. You need to understand the world you're in now."

Well, there goes round two, Mikhailis thought with a sigh.

"Alright, alright," he said, shifting slightly to get more comfortable, though a part of him couldn't help but wish they'd stayed a little longer in bed for... other reasons.

"Hit me with it, Your Majesty. I'm all ears."

Elowen smiled a little wider at his tone, her hand still resting on his chest, tracing small circles absentmindedly.

Please don't touch my nipples, don't touch it, don't touch it, it's kind of sensitive. Mnh!!

Disregarding Mikhailis that is holding a moan, Elowen started.

"This continent," she began.

"Has seen many wars. But none more significant than the Rift of the Arcane Order and the Technomancers' League."

Mikhailis stifled a yawn, knowing better than to interrupt her. But still, a history lesson first thing in the morning? He couldn't help the sarcastic thought from creeping in. However, he kept his face mostly straight, nodding for her to continue.

But seriously.

What game is this? The Arcane Order and the Technomancers? LoL?

"It wasn't just a war over land or resources," Elowen said, her voice growing more serious.

"It was a war over the very essence of magic. The Arcane Order, which our kingdom, the Silvarion Thalor is a part of, believes in preserving the natural flow of magic. Our magic is tied to the land, the trees, the very world itself. It's a gift that should never be tampered with."

Mikhailis glanced out the window where the massive trees of Silvarion stretched high into the sky. The sunlight trickled through the leaves, casting patterns of light and shadow on the floor. The kingdom was built into these trees, with magic flowing through every vein of wood. It was a beautiful, natural world, and even he could appreciate how deeply connected the people here were to it.

"But the Technomancers' League," Elowen continued, her voice hardening slightly.

"Believed in something else. They saw magic as something to be controlled, enhanced, even improved through technology. They wanted to blend magic with artificial temperings, believing it would make them stronger. They saw us as archaic, refusing to embrace progress."

Mikhailis raised an eyebrow, feeling the tension in her voice.

"So, basically, they were the bad ones? Tempted by their greed?" he asked, half-joking but also genuinely curious.

Elowen hesitated for a moment, her expression thoughtful.

"It's not that simple," she said softly.

"They weren't all wrong. Magic does have its limits, and technology can be a powerful tool. But their methods were reckless. They used forbidden spells, dangerous combinations of magic and machinery that caused irreparable damage to the world."

"Even the dwarves wouldn't do what they've done,"

Mikhailis nodded slowly, his playful attitude fading as he realized the weight of what she was saying. The world they were in wasn't just some fantasy playground—it had scars, deep ones, caused by the war she was describing, even if the name of the country factions sounds like a faction from a MOBA game.

"The war lasted for centuries," Elowen continued, her gaze distant now, as if she were seeing the events play out in her mind.

"Silvarion Thalor was one of the key battlegrounds. Our mages and soldiers fought to protect the heart of our magic, the Eldertree. It's the source of much of our power, and the Technomancers wanted to tap into it to fuel their machines."

"Did they succeed?" Mikhailis asked, his brow furrowing.

"No," Elowen said firmly, her hand tightening slightly on his chest.

"We won the battle. But it came at a great cost. The Eldertree was damaged—its magic is still strong, but not as it once was. Our kingdom suffered. The land around us, once lush and full of life, is still recovering from the damage."

She paused, looking down at him with a soft, sad smile.

"That's why I married you, Mikhailis. Silvarion Thalor is fragile right now. We need allies, strength, new ways of thinking. And… well, you offer something no one else can. It's the protection of the dark elf lineage that is aimed by lots of people,"

Mikhailis blinked, his expression softening. He hadn't expected that. For all his joking, he knew this marriage wasn't just about love or passion. There were bigger stakes involved—real ones. His connection to this world was now part of a much larger puzzle.

He could see the hint of guilt, perhaps for stealing his own world from him, and selfishly taking him to this world and shoving him to all of this world's politics.

Such a gentle and kind-hearted queen. Perhaps, the reason why she's also trying to accept and love him is to at least offer herself as the part of the deal.

But, sad talks and intimate handsome guy talking-no-jutsu is not his way of doings.

Mikhailis has his own style.

"So, you married me to save the world, huh? No pressure."

Elowen chuckled softly, her golden eyes sparkling with amusement hearing his light-hearted joke.

"Something like that."

Mikhailis smiled, pulling her closer for a moment, enjoying the warmth of her body against his.

"Well, I guess if I'm going to be your prince consort, I should start taking this seriously as well. Especially in taking the part of a good-for-nothing and not-for-conspiring prince consort,"

Elowen looked at him, her expression softening even more.

"You don't have to change who you are, Mikhailis. I chose you because I trust you. Because I know you'll be there when it matters,"

Mikhailis gave her a small grin.

"Yeah, well, I'll try to live up to that. But just to be clear, this wasn't the morning-after conversation I was expecting,"

Elowen laughed, a true laugh that left her beautiful lips, a sound that felt like music to his ears.

"What were you expecting, then?"

"Oh, you know," he teased, "maybe something a bit more… romantic. Breakfast in bed, sweet nothings, second rounds, that kind of thing."

Elowen shook her head, her smile wide.

"Maybe next time."

"Deal," Mikhailis said, pulling her down for a soft kiss, his mind still buzzing with the weight of everything she had just told him.

The world they were in wasn't as simple as he'd first thought. But with Elowen by his side, he figured he could handle whatever came next.

And he has his can-do-everything AI anyway.

"Now let's start the first day of being the official 'Prince Consort', shall we?"

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