The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen’s Consort

The Chimera Ant’s Evolution (4) Setting Up The Nest

Mikhailis couldn't help but feel his heart pound with excitement. He watched the chimera ants regroup after their victory over the Burrow Grub, the queen remaining safe at the back while the soldiers assumed defensive positions. He turned his attention to the computer screen and saw how the digital projection of the tunnels was growing wider and more detailed, as if he was building an ant colony in some kind of fantasy strategy game.

"Alright, Rodion, let's get back to work," Mikhailis said, his gaze flicking from the screen to the busy ants, then down to the bond tattoo on his palm. The pulse of magic through the connection was steady, almost like a heartbeat, reminding him that these creatures weren't just some pets—they were living beings responding to his commands.

<As usual, your enthusiasm borders on dangerous levels,>

Rodion commented, his voice laced with a hint of sarcastic amusement.

<But I must admit, your ability to connect with these ants goes beyond what I initially predicted. I would not have anticipated such a deeply ingrained loyalty forming between you and an insect colony.>

Mikhailis chuckled, raising an eyebrow as he gave the computer screen a sidelong glance.

"Maybe it's because I've always been a bug enthusiast. Bugs and I, we just click. I mean, they don't judge me, don't care about politics, and they get the job done. What's not to like?"

<Indeed, they seem to match your style. Pragmatic, resourceful, and occasionally a bit reckless,>

Rodion added, the sarcasm evident even without tone inflection.

"Hey, I take offense to that!" Mikhailis said with a playful pout, though he quickly broke into a grin again.

"But you're right. Now, let's see how far we can take this. Are the systems fully synced?"

<Affirmative. The sensors and neural relay are synced with both your computer and tablet. You will have real-time control and observation capabilities. Proceed with caution, as always, especially considering we are venturing into unknown territory.>

"Yeah, yeah, I know the drill." Mikhailis nodded, his eyes focused on the virtual map of the expanding tunnels that was being updated in real time. He watched as the workers kept digging, their paths intertwining like an intricate web, with the queen resting in a central chamber.

The ants were impressive—they showed no hesitation, no fear, even in this new environment. Their entire purpose seemed to revolve around the queen, ensuring her safety, expanding the colony, and forging ahead. Mikhailis gave a mental command to the workers, directing them to expand another chamber beneath the garden where they could set up a dedicated space for food storage.

He watched the ants get to work without question, digging with a dedication that fascinated him.

"Rodion, think we could direct them to create chambers for specific tasks? You know, like a proper underground base? One for food, one for hatchlings, maybe even a defense chamber or something?"

<That is entirely possible. Based on the queen's increasing intelligence, the colony's behavior appears to be mimicking that of natural social insects, albeit enhanced with heightened coordination due to your influence. You could assign specific functions to different chambers and have the ants divide their labor accordingly. This could maximize their efficiency and potential.>

"Nice," Mikhailis said with an excited grin.

"Alright, let's go ahead and give it a shot. Assign the chamber closest to the garden entrance as the storage area. The deeper one should be for new hatchlings, and the other two we'll reserve for defense. I want our queen to be surrounded by the best protection."

<Understood. Assigning specific functions to individual chambers now. Adjusting worker ant tasks accordingly. You are now effectively the overseer of a fledgling underground empire.>

"Empire, huh?" Mikhailis couldn't help but feel a thrill at the thought. His imagination ran wild—visions of a vast, sprawling underground network, filled with loyal magical ants ready to do his bidding. He imagined them patrolling the tunnels beneath Silvarion Thalor, acting as an unseen line of defense, or even gathering information from places no human could easily reach.

He shook his head, smiling to himself. It was ambitious—perhaps too ambitious—but that was precisely why he was here. This world offered him the freedom to dream without limits, and he was determined to make the most of it.

Rodion's voice interrupted his thoughts.

<Mikhailis, the first food storage chamber is nearly complete. The workers are now foraging for suitable materials—soil rich in minerals, small pebbles for structural support, and even roots for reinforcement. The structural integrity appears sound. Shall we move forward with deploying the queen into the newly established colony chambers?>

Mikhailis glanced back at the queen, her body shimmering faintly under the dim light. She was surrounded by her soldiers, and her wings fluttered now and then as if she were restless, aware of the growing colony beneath her.

"Yeah, let's do it. Time for her to see her new home."

<Very well. Preparing deployment sequence.>

Mikhailis watched as Rodion's robotic limbs extended towards the queen, gently picking her up and lifting her out of the aquarium. The queen didn't resist; instead, her antennae twitched, and her eyes seemed to fix on Mikhailis, as if she knew this was something he wanted.

With careful precision, the mechanical arm placed her near the entrance to the garden tunnel. The soldiers immediately surrounded her, forming a protective barrier, while the workers began guiding her towards the newly formed underground nest.

As they disappeared into the hole, Mikhailis turned to his computer screen. The display showed the ants moving in real time, the third-person projection giving a clear image of the tunnels, the chambers, and the paths they were carving.

"Wow, this is incredible," Mikhailis whispered. He watched as the queen made her way to the deepest chamber, her soldiers standing vigilant while the workers began to bring in leaves, twigs, and other materials. The projection showed the queen settling in the center of the chamber, her antennae waving as if testing her new surroundings.

<The queen is settling in well. No signs of distress. Her behavior indicates acceptance of the new environment. It seems she is already beginning to adapt.>

"Perfect. Now let's monitor how they expand. I want every movement logged—the workers, the soldiers, even the eggs when they hatch."

<Understood. Initiating full monitoring mode. All neural data will be logged and processed for analysis. You now have a full visual and sensory overview of the colony's activities.>

Mikhailis watched in fascination as the workers scurried around, each one carrying out its assigned task without question. They moved as if they were extensions of the queen herself—or perhaps extensions of him, acting on his will. It was a strange, almost surreal feeling, knowing that he had this level of control over an entire colony.

The workers had already started expanding the tunnel system, digging deeper and creating new paths. Mikhailis watched as they uncovered a small cavern beneath the garden, a natural hollow that seemed perfect for further expansion.

He was about to give them another command when something unexpected appeared on the screen—a bright glow, almost like a spark, flickered from within the tunnel. The workers froze momentarily, their antennae waving, while the soldiers moved to investigate.

"What's that?" Mikhailis asked, leaning closer to the screen.

<It appears to be a new life form. Scanning… It seems we have encountered another subterranean creature. A magic beast—species identified as a Glimmer Beetle. It possesses an exoskeleton that emits bioluminescence, likely used for communication and defense.>

Mikhailis's eyes widened as he watched the creature move into view on the screen. The beetle was large—nearly the size of the chimera queen, its body covered in a shimmering shell that glowed faintly with pulses of blue and green. Its eyes were a vivid yellow, and its mandibles clicked rhythmically as it approached the chimera soldiers.

"Another one, huh?" Mikhailis murmured, his voice filled with intrigue.

"Rodion, can the ants take it down?"

<The Glimmer Beetle's bioluminescence is not merely for show. It has offensive capabilities. It can emit pulses of concentrated light energy that can disorient its foes. Caution is advised.>

Mikhailis clenched his teeth, watching as the chimera soldiers stood their ground. The beetle let out a low, vibrating hum, its shell glowing brighter as it faced off with the ants. One of the chimera soldiers lunged forward, attempting to grab the beetle by the leg, but it was met with a blinding flash of light. The soldier recoiled, its movements disoriented, as the beetle advanced.

"Damn it," Mikhailis muttered, feeling a surge of frustration. He wasn't about to let this creature threaten the colony he'd worked so hard to establish. He quickly gave a mental command through the bond, his focus sharp.

The soldiers regrouped, forming a defensive line between the beetle and the queen. They moved in unison, their antennae waving as they communicated with each other, their determination palpable. The beetle let out another hum, its shell glowing even brighter, but this time, the soldiers didn't back down. They moved forward, attacking from multiple angles, their mandibles clamping down on the beetle's legs.

"Come on… you can do it…" Mikhailis whispered, his eyes locked on the screen.

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