The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 It’s not too much to watch the superstars

In the past, he has been trying hard to cultivate because he has to fight for survival.But now, he knows what is different. He no longer works for himself. He has a goal. He … wants to fight alongside the master instead of being protected by her forever. He wants to become stronger, not only stronger than the master. It is stronger than all the enemies, so strong that no one can hurt her!

He wanted to protect her.

As soon as this thought fell, Ye Shenyuan closed his eyes again.

Suddenly, the heaven and earth spirit riots, the original beautiful piece of Xiaguang was torn in half, and the situation changed!

Thunder and lightning exploded violently in the air, and finally turned into a fierce force, hitting Shen Shenyuan hard!

Epiphany?Ye Shenyuan even realized it?And still at this time!

If Li Lao has an entity, he is afraid that his chin will fall!He no longer knows the mood to face the demon mentors and disciples. When did the epiphany turn into Chinese cabbage everywhere?And the two visions in heaven are fighting so fiercely, will there be no problem?

The celestial phenomenon at this time is quite terrifying, as if divided into two halves, one side is immortal, the radiant light is everywhere, and the heavens and the earth are dotted with gentle colorful stars.

The other side was more terrifying. The wind engulfed the water, and Ye Shenyuan sat in the middle of the water spiral. There was a purple lightning in the sky!From time to time, thin electric wires are wound around Ye Shenyuan. His clothes are hunting, his hair is flying, and the domineering blood in the air is so powerful that it makes people suffocate!The lightning and the gusty wind turned into a storm, but Ye Shenyuan was not uncomfortable in it.

Is this … the terrifying power of God’s blood?

The slightly leaked blood veins made Li Lao’s expression dignified. The last time he gave Ye Shenyuan a body, although the seal was timely, he still activated a trace of blood veins. Fortunately, this time, there was the beginning of the Yuan, no matter how big it was. All movements can barely be pushed to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. If only Ye Shenyuan is alone, I am afraid that it will be dangerous. The bloodline of the Divine Emperor is not the ordinary bloodline, so many people want to get it.

Sure enough, as Li Li expected, although the sacred winds and lightnings in the Holy Land and the sky were very strange, no one of the Zhou family dared to come in to disturb. You know that the whole Wan Jianzong was sitting behind the Yuan Dynasty!If she interrupted her epiphany and offended Wan Jianzong’s group of cultivators, it was not a joke.

But when people looked at the vision in the sky, the envy in their hearts almost overflowed.

Others also have visions in epiphany, but there are few visions. The grander the vision, the more talented a person can be. Such a vision can prove that the future of that person is absolutely limitless!

When I think of the Venerable Yuanying who is practicing in the Holy Land, he is only seven years old. He has such a good background and such a good understanding. Wan Jianzong is really talented. It makes people jealous …

The vision lasted for half a night before slowly disappearing, and the two distinct visions almost disappeared at the same time. I woke up at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and looked at my cultivation base, um … Mid-Yuan Ying, so-so!

But when Ye Shenyuan woke up, he was a little dissatisfied. Why did he feel that he was much stronger, but he did n’t make progress?

After reading it, Li Lao was relieved, “Relax! Because you activated a trace of the blood of the Divine Emperor, your meridians are much wider than others and you need more aura.

Moreover, the Divine Emperor’s bloodline will have thirty-six acupoints, which is equivalent to thirty-six more Dantian than others. You have just opened one, and the absorbed power has all entered the acupoint, so the cultivation is not improved, but , When you really step into the foundation, by virtue of an extra hole, it is invincible within the same level.”

Originally this was a very exciting thing. After all, it is very difficult for Shenhuang bloodline to open acupuncture points. Li Lao has not heard of anyone who opened acupuncture points in his teens. Not bad anymore.

But Li Lao did n’t want to say, lest Ye Shenyuan was proud, and Yuan Yuan knew how many cows Shen Yeyuan would have in the future, so he would n’t make a fuss. Like a small step, no feeling.

He even admonished himself in his heart that he must work harder, and he is obviously an epiphany, but he is so much worse than his master. His talent is definitely poor, and he can only make up for it by diligence!

If Li Lao knows his true thoughts, I don’t know whether it is relief or vomiting blood!Not only is the qualification against the sky, but also modest and diligent, how can this make other geniuses live?

When they came out to practice, the whole Zhou family went up and down, and the guests who had not left came to visit Yuanyuan once.

Before the seventh year of the Yuan Dynasty was the Yuanying, many people knew that she was jealous and disdainful for her, but it is different now. Once the epiphany was promoted to practice, it proved that the foundation of the Yuan Dynasty was very stable and the talents were hard to find. Genius, it is better to make good friends.

Especially the vision that night was grand and weird, with strong winds and lightning, and amazing momentum, which proves that her future path to cultivation of immortality is destined to go farther than others.

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, she knew that she wanted to help Ye Shenyuan hide, so she always said that it was the movement made by herself when she asked about the vision, and she generously collected everyone’s gifts.

After two days of rest, the full-bodied Yuanyuan took all the presents and prepared to leave. At this time, when a wind blew, a woman covered with blood suddenly broke into her room!

“who are you?”

Ye Shenyuan hurriedly blocked in front of Yuanyuan, and watched the other party alertly.

The woman looked terrified, and her eyes were full of despair and panic under the chaos!What she wanted to say, she opened her mouth but couldn’t say a word. Soon, many Zhou family members broke into the room, and she was quickly dragged away …

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, I just wanted to ask who the woman was, and Zhou Ji, the head of the Zhou family, stood in front of Yuan Yuan, respectfully and apologetically, saying, “Sovereign, I am really sorry to disturb you! The woman just got hysteria , Often scratching myself and others, this time I did not know how to run out, I will go to shut her up! Also, the ancestors have prepared wine in the backyard, just waiting to practice for the Venerable , Lord, look? ”

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, he took back his gaze and said to him with a grin, “You are too polite and practise, so be it! I will go to the backyard with you soon!”

Zhou Ji sighed in relief, “Then, I’m waiting for the driver at the door.”

“go Go!”

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, he waved his hand, watched Zhou Ji leave, and then flashed, pulling Ye Shenyuan into Tianzhu.

“What’s wrong? Master.” Ye Shenyuan asked.

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, “The woman just now has clear eyes, not like hysteria.”

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