The Descent To Depravity [A SolomonMcKing Smut Story]

Level Four: Sensual Love (1)

"What do you mean the group project's canceled?!" I screamed into the phone, shocking the other patrons in the cafe. Although, their thoughts and whispers were the least of my concerns.

I cursed under my breath, gripping the dead phone in my hands. Tsk. I knew Hana would pull off something like this since they always do this. Lying to me, giving excuses, procrastinating and always going to those freaking parties when she should be finishing the goddamn project already!

Seriously, we only had a couple of days left until it's due! 

"This is why girls are. . .haa." I held my throbbing head, wondering why the hell I accepted her confession. God, the past me is just way too gullible! 

I mean, he should have seen the signs when Hana literally asked to have s-se-sex the day she confessed! I'm not one to stereotype an entire gender from one person's actions but why can't girls ever act mature sometimes?

I'm not dumb. I know she only went to the party despite giving me a promise to finish up our eco-friendly project was because those sluts of her invited her. 

If you're asking why I haven't already broken up with her, it's because I can't. Every time I even remotely bring up the subject, she goes on a rampage and hits me sometimes threatening to rape me when I was asleep.

"Shit. ." I rubbed my nose, sniffling loudly. As tears prickled my eyes, I cursed myself for ever thinking she would one day regret what she did and apologize for everything she did. 

My eyes felt uncomfortably hot and something wet slid down my cheeks despite my great attempts to stop them. Why am I so dumb? Here I am, all dressed up to impress her even though we're just doing a stupid project!

And the worst part is, she's not even here. 

The heat had infected the entirety of my body by now. My shaking hands reached for my earphones and tried to plug the jack into my phone but it kept on dodging the damn phone. 

"Grrgh. God-freaking-dammit!" I grumbled in frustration before I pushed it in with force. Finally! Swiping up and stopping at my favorite song, I opened it and relaxed a bit it started.

Wiping my tears away with my sleeves, my head bopped gently to the beats of the song as I took a sip from the weirdly cold water. Was my body temperature this hot or was it just extremely cold from the start?

Shaking my head out of weird thoughts, I focused on my project. A model of what Tokyo could and would look like if it was completely eco-friendly. 

Obviously, because of Miss I'm-so-perfect, the rate at which I would finish it would be delayed. But if she wants to party with those whores of hers instead of spending some quality time with her boyfriend, fine.

I don't need a woman to create a successful project anyway.

Placing a row of trees near the main roads, I forgot to wipe my hands from the paint and the glue that I was holding on rolled out of my fingers onto the floor and sprinted away from me.

"Crap!" Rushing after the bottle of glue, I finally caught it when it rested at a nearby table. 

Grabbing the mischievous bottle, I prepared to look up and to apologize to the people sitting at the table when a rush of happiness and something good hit me like a ton of bricks.

But, the good kind of course.

We stared at each other, souls restricted by social decency yearning, no, needing to caress each other like a lost pair of lovers. Maybe that was what we were meant to be.

Maybe that is what we're going to be.

The soul-staring lasted for only a moment before she spoke in her smooth, sexy voice. "Can I help you?"

Reality crashed onto me as I finally registered the stares I was getting from her friends (?). Blushing hard, I tried to hide the glue behind me, only causing my clothes to get even stickier as I stuttered, trying to think of a response.

"U-Uh, no! I mean! Not that I don't want your help! I mean, who doesn't want your help!" I stuttered before seeing the smirk that was growing on her lips. 

My tummy did flips. 

"Um, Thank you very much!" I bowed before trying to run away. 'Trying' being the keyword.

Since this beautiful woman who I have just met recently grabbed my wrist like we just had a big fight and she didn't want to let me go. As I registered the route my thoughts had went, another blush turned my ears red.

Oh god, what is this woman doing to me?

"Why don't you sit with us?" She smiled. "With me?"

"Um!" I foresaw my stutter so I kept my tongue short.

She looked behind me. "I could even help you with your project if you like?"

Images of my abusive girlfriend, responsibilities, and basically, harsh reality again poured over me like cold water. My heartfelt down and guilty when I remembered even though Hana was a crappy lover, she is still my girl-friend.

So with that thought in mind, my already heavy heart put on a few more pounds now that I have to reject this gorgeous woman. Quite possibly, my soulmate from another lifetime.

I chuckled in my head. It seems being a hopeless romantic will be something I can never outgrow. 

"It's okay. I'll," I bit my lips. "I'll manage."

Wriggling my wrist loose from her grip, I gave an apologetic smile to her and her friends as I walked over to my table with heavy steps. The feeling of her stare on my retreating back only made my regret grow stronger.


I was not going to cheat on my lover, no matter the circumstances. Because once you do something bad, it's either you'll live forever with guilt or you'll lose yourself to the pleasure. And, I was not going take any chances especially with how self-obsessive Hana's mindset is.

As I rested on my seat, I ordered another cup of coffee. As I went on to do my project, I frowned when I noticed how lonely my table had been. Another pang of guilt hit me since I knew my heart yearned for the beautiful stranger's touch.

"Haa~ It's really hard to be an upstanding person, isn't it Nyanko-chan?" I said to the little neko keychain strapped onto my phone. It was one of the rare presents Hana gave me whenever she wasn't in a jealous rage or drunken stupor.

"Here's your cup of coffee." The waiter placed down a porcelain cup that aroused my sense of smell with its aurora of extreme fragrance. "I hope you enjoy it~"

Archiving my confused feelings for another time, I reached for the cup of coffee. 

But of course, the clumsy me had to screw up as the very hot coffee tilted to the side. Crap, I couldn't afford my project failing from such a gawky mistake. As I reached again to stop it, I instinctively knew I wasn't going to reach it in time. 

Godamn it, I hate my life.

I closed my eyes and braced for the coffee to forever taint my project and my grades. I waited for a few seconds yet the clashing of clay didn't sound.

Slowly opening my eyes to see what sort of god-forbidden act of miracle had occurred. As my eyes fully opened, I was right in that a miracle had occurred.

I mean how could you not call such a beautiful person a miracle.

The coffee was in her sturdy hands. She laughed, showing off that irritatingly attractive trademark of a smirk. 

"Are you okay?"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _To be continued.


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