The Delicate Lady Coroner

Chapter 66 - Shiwaka 06

The back of the female body was injured last time, but it was not found. At first, it was skinned. Later, Bo Ruoyou’s autopsy found that Wu Xiang did not take it as the most important clue, but at this moment, another female body was also skinned. , Then this case is quite different.

Wu Xiang squatted down immediately, “But the same person did it?”

Bo Ruoyou shook his head, “I can’t tell right now, but it is very likely that the female corpse examined last night was wearing a red dress, and the victim in front of me also wore a red dress. point.”

After Bo Ruoyou finished speaking, he leaned forward to look at the corpse again. The lower part of the corpse was soaked in the water. In addition to the mud on the skirt, a few dark water plants were wrapped around his legs. Bo Ruoyou reached out and fished the water plants up. Turn around and look at the upper reaches of Yuxi River.

Wu Xiang came up, “How?”

Bo Ruoyou said: “There are no footprints on the shore, and it is impossible to wrap up such water plants. The corpse should have been washed down from the upper reaches. As for why she was lying on her stomach, perhaps she was tangled up when she was thrown into the water. What weight.”

After a pause, Bo Ruoyou said again: “She lost one of her shoes. Look up and down the river, maybe you can find it.”

The Yuxi River is not wide. Behind them is a wine shop, and on the opposite side is a row of private houses. Listening to what Bo Ruoyou said, Wu Xiang immediately beckoned, “Hou Yang, take someone to the upper reaches of the river to search and see where. There are such water plants in the river, and the deceased lost an embroidered shoe and went along the river to look for it. The flow of the Yuxi River is gentle, maybe it’s floating somewhere.”

Hou Yang was the tall government servant who was in Yizhuang the day before yesterday and was called a monkey by Wu Xiang. He heard that he agreed, then called another person, and then turned away. Wu Xiang looked at Bo Ruoyou again, “It can still be verified. What else does it come from?”

Bo Ruoyou shook his head, “It’s inconvenient here, so I’ll take the body back to Yizhuang for another test.”

There were a lot of people around, and there were a lot of discussions. Wu Xiang nodded and called a few government officials to take the body away.

After this scene, all the people who didn’t know the identity of Bo Ruoyou understood that Bo Ruoyou was actually a widow, such a thin and slender girl with a snow-skinned appearance was actually a widow of Jingzhao Mansion!

For a while, everyone talked even more. When the corpse was taken away, Bo Ruoyou looked at the place where the corpse was prone for a while. Because the wound on the corpse was at the heart of the corpse, and there was a light stain of blood on the prone area, she squatted by the water and watched. As I watched, I suddenly turned to look at the people around me. Some of the people around me were standing behind the restaurant and approaching the fence. They were all stopped by the government at the moment, and they were standing on the white jade stone bridge a few meters away. Yes, even standing under the willow tree with buds on the other side of the river.

Bo Ruoyou glanced at these people one by one, intersecting with their eyes from time to time. When most people saw her, they looked very curious and showed her curiosity. Some people stared at her, and now subconsciously avoided. In his eyes, only a few people were very calm when they looked at her. Everyone looked different, but Bo Ruoyou felt a slight chill on his back.

Seeing her doing this, Wu Xiang asked again: “What are you looking at?”

Bo Ruoyou retracted his gaze, shook his head and said, “I don’t know why, at that moment, I felt that the murderer was looking at us.”

Hearing this, Wu Xiang felt a chill in his back. He hurriedly looked back, but there were nearly a hundred people in all directions. How could he tell who was the murderer?

Wu Xiang looked suspicious, and Bo Ruoyou whispered: “The murderer kills people, but he doesn’t seem to be wealthy, and he likes to cut women’s skin and flesh, and his mind is quite grotesque. There are so many people now, if he knew that the government came here, I’ll probably watch it.”

Saying Bo Ruoyou stood up, “But this is just speculation. I’d better go to Yizhuang for an autopsy as soon as possible to see if I may find other clues.”

Wu Xiang nodded, “You go first, and I will also visit the surrounding area to see if I can find the place where she was killed.”

Bo Ruoyou nodded, Wu Xiang told He Chang, “You still follow Xiao Bo to Yizhuang.”

He Chang didn’t dare to be careless, and he responded repeatedly. Bo Ruoyou washed his handguards with the water from Yuxi River, and then they came to the bank together. When she was about to pass through the crowd, the crowd who had been huddled together suddenly gave way, and everyone was a little jealous, as if something was dirty on her.

As soon as I walked over, I heard someone talking about how unlucky the woman was doing it.

He Chang frowned while looking at Bo Ruoyou, only to see her expression as usual, as if she didn’t care, He Chang coughed lightly, “These people don’t understand, they always like nonsense, girls don’t want it. Take it to heart.”

Bo Ruoyou smiled bitterly for a moment, “I’m used to it, it’s okay.”

After saying that they got on the carriage, the three of them went to Yizhuang.

The corpse was sent to Yizhuang first. When Bo Ruoyou arrived, Uncle Kun was offering incense in the front hall. Seeing Bo Ruoyou had arrived, he came forward with a smile, “Bo Ruoyou is here—”

Bo Ruoyou nodded and entered the back hall, and saw that the corpse had been placed on the morgue plank. She glanced at He Chang, “Can you record the certificate?”

He Chang nodded quickly, and Bo Ruoyou nodded, “Well, I’ll check it, you can remember it.”

He Chang hurriedly went to Uncle Kun to find his pen and ink. When he came in, Bo Ruoyou had carefully stepped back the corpse’s clothes. He first checked the marks on the corpse, and when He Chang entered, he signaled to him that he could start writing.

“The deceased was a woman with a length of five feet and two inches and was between fifteen and sixteen. When she was found, her dress was intact, her facial hands and feet had no obvious trauma, and dark purple corpses were mainly present on the back, buttocks and the back of thighs, except for this. In addition, there are light purple corpse spots on the chest and abdomen, and the finger pressure fades. The corpse has formed, and there are small white spots on the eye mask, which can be regarded as slightly turbid. Combined with the corpse falling into the water, the time of death should be around midnight last night. “

“The deceased’s fatal injury was on the neck. There was a blue-purple streak under the throat of the neck. The streak was deep and thin. From under the throat, it extended in a circular arc to the back of the neck. There is a bit of bleeding on the edge and blisters, and the epidermis is peeling off, which is because of the deceased’s struggle.”

“The deceased’s face was slightly congested, and there was subcutaneous hemorrhage on the eye mask and face. Because the knot was under the throat, the deceased’s tongue was protruding and there were bitten teeth marks. In addition, the deceased’s nails were clean, his left ring finger nail was broken, and There were bleeding marks and abrasions on the tiger’s mouth, which should have been caused by struggling hard at the time of the murder.”

“The deceased has no trace of being violated. There is a round bruise on the vest of the deceased. It is not clear why it was caused. The most strange thing is the trauma on the deceased’s heart. The flesh is half an inch, and the wound is fairly smooth. It should be peeled off by a thin knife. The boundary is arc-shaped and shaped like a circular fan. The murderer may be good at making knives.”

After Bo Ruoyou said this, he found a few scratches on the heel and other places, and He Chang recorded them all.

At this moment, the clothes of the corpse were completely removed. Due to the short time of death, it was almost a living female body, and the skin on the surface of the corpse was white and smooth. It was a pampered body, except for the round wound on the chest that made people shudder. . The skin was stripped away, leaving only a piece of scarlet flesh, and the wound turned white because it was soaked in river water. What is strange is that the arc of the wound is round and round. The murderer is not only good at using knives, but also soft and soft. Draw a regular circle on her skin, and the incision is quite neat.

Bo Ruoyou stared at the wound and fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a while, Bo Ruoyou turned his gaze to the skirt. There was a lot of muddy water on the skirt of the skirt. After Bo Ruoyou carefully inspected it for a moment, He Chang drank water and washed the mud stains on it. , But saw that the originally bright red skirt was stained with stains of various colors, which looked quite like some kind of colored ink or dye.

The autopsy took half an hour. After a while, Wu Xiang also returned from the outside. As soon as he entered the back hall, Bo Ruoyou asked He Chang to hand over the test to Wu Xiang. Wu Xiang looked at it and said: ” I searched up half a mile, the embroidered shoes have not been found, and the location of the murder is still unknown for the time being. The aquatic plants are found in the entire Yuxi River, but in places where the current is gentle and deeper—”

Bo Ruoyou thought for a while, “The corpse spots on the corpse have different depths before and after. I suspect that the murderer strangled the dead first, then made him lie down and stripped the flesh, and then threw the corpse. At least two to three hours have passed.”

“Two to three hours? When I died, it was midnight after the corpse was thrown.”

Bo Ruoyou nodded, “After a person dies, the plaques will appear extremely quickly, but within three hours the plaques will change due to the lying position of the corpse. Now the dark plaques of the corpse are mostly on the back. , Which is enough to prove that the deceased was lying down for a period of time after being killed. If the murderer quickly throws the corpse, and the corpse is lying prone when we find it, the corpse spots will change instead of the current form. And people in the water corpses The change speed of the spots will slow down, and the corpse spots will not change easily after three hours, so the murderer must have thrown the corpse within two to three hours. Because he has been lying down on his stomach, there will be a little lightness in the front of the chest and abdomen. Corpse spots.”

After saying this, seeing Wu Xiang nodded, Bo Ruo faintly said again: “In addition, there are stains of different colors on the deceased’s dress—”

Bo Ruoyou took the dress and spread out the skirt, “Most of these traces are on the skirt, which is very messy. It should have been accidentally stained when he was killed. Either it was colored ink or dye—”

“Dye?” Wu Xiang’s eyes suddenly lit up. “Not far from the place where the corpse was found, there is an abandoned dyeing workshop. The dyeing workshop has long been emptied, but there are some piles in the wall on the side of the Yuxi River. Dyeing vat, there is some waste dye in the dyeing vat, one of the vat is broken, and the dye is still flowing into the river outside.”

Bo Ruoyou’s expression was also lifted when he heard it, “You can go and look for blood stains. The murderer wants to peel the skin, but there is a delay in the middle. Most of them are acting in a place where no one finds it. If no one lives in this dyeing workshop. , It happens to be the place where the crime was committed.”

But Wu Xiang frowned, “If the crime is committed in the dyeing workshop, why not just throw the corpse in the dyeing workshop? Instead, throw the corpse in the river?”

Bo Ruoyou frowned, she couldn’t tell for the time being what the dyeing workshop looked like, but she pointed to the wound on the heart of the deceased and said: “Look at the wound first. The wound surface of this wound is very smooth. The murderer should He is a very good knife.”

Wu Xiang immediately squeezed the long knife on his side, Bo Ruoyou knew why his first reaction was like this, and shook his head: “It’s not that he has good skills, but he is good at using small knives. You see, the arc cut is very regular. This is not for painting, but for cutting on top of human flesh. I am afraid that Brother Wu, you will not be able to cut such a regular shape yourself.”

Wu Xiang took a closer look and found that the knife was indeed very round, and there was no extra cut. It seemed that this person was very good at cutting human flesh. He wrinkled his brows and said, “What kind of talent is good at doing this?”

Bo Ruoyou pondered for a moment, “The cook, or the butcher.”

Wu Xiang understood and felt reasonable. He pondered for a moment and said: “I took someone to the dyeing workshop to search. The identity of the deceased has not been verified. The person has been sent out for the investigation. I hope to get the news earlier.”

There are now four corpses in the back hall. The corpse was still far away last night. Bo Ruoyou looked at it, “Can I re-examine the corpse that was examined yesterday?”

Wu Xiang nodded himself, “Of course, it’s really good that you are willing to do your best.”

Wu Xiang didn’t delay too much, he took the people away, and Bo Ruoyou continued to leave for an autopsy. She first applied some white wine on the new corpse and the deeper bruises showed up, and then went to examine another corpse. , But before she opened the felt blanket covering the corpse, a loud noise suddenly sounded outside Yizhuang, and soon Sun Zhao’s voice came from outside.

“Old lady, don’t worry—”

“How can I not be in a hurry, my granddaughter…”

“Old lady, it may not be the second lady…”

Bo Ruoyou’s complexion changed slightly. The next moment, a group of people had already poured into the back hall. Those who came in were all dressed in elegant clothes, but they didn’t seem to know what Yizhuang looked like. He saw four dead bodies. At this moment, the steps were all stagnant, and the old lady who walked ahead had gray and wrinkled hair, but her eyes were as clear as a mirror. She scanned Bo Ruoyou and He Chang, the two living people, and then saw that there was nothing left. The deceased, she recognized the person at a glance, and collapsed as soon as she called “Ling’er” in her mouth.

Sun Zhao’s expression changed when he saw it. Bo Ruoyou saw that there was a man behind him, and he quickly covered the deceased with a blanket, but it was too late. The old lady had already seen this scene. The mother by the side supported her, sad and angry on her face, and turned and pointed at Sun Zhao, “You…you…Ling’er died tragically, how can you humiliate her like this?”

“Ling’er, my Linger…”

The old lady cried aloud, and walked to the wooden plank by someone. When she moved, the other people crowded in the door also walked in. They were all dressed in clothes. There were men and women on the temples.

When everyone saw the face of the deceased, their expressions also changed slightly, and the expressions of sorrow filled their faces.

“Ling’er, really Ling’er, my child…”

Following up was a middle-aged woman. Seeing the dead, she fell to the ground in grief and couldn’t stand still.

Bo Ruoyou was standing in front of her, so she couldn’t help taking a step back at this moment. She had been doing work for a few years, and she had long been used to seeing life and death. For a while, she only kept her eyes on the side and waited for her family to recognize the corpse.

The middle-aged woman was even more sad than the old lady crying. Others came up to comfort him. It was the old lady who was the first to slow down, stand up against the next person, and pointed at Bo Ruoyou and He Chang, “You… What are you doing? How can you let Ling’er be naked like this… you guys…”

With a look of grief and anger, Sun Zhao hurried forward, “The old lady calmed down. This is the work of the government office. Right now it is an autopsy. The death of the girl is weird. We are going to deal with the murder case. It is for an autopsy—”

The old lady looked upset, “A post-mortem? Which one of you did?”

Sun Zhao quickly pointed to Bo Ruoyou, “This is our work—”

The old lady sneered, “You are a woman in your house? Who is this person?”

“The old lady calms down his anger, this is really a work, he is a government official, and he is here to help—”

The old lady looked at He Chang, then at Bo Ruoyou, and at her silent granddaughter, holding her heart with one hand while crumbling. Her granddaughter Jin Zunyu was very young, but after her death, she was so let go. In this shabby room, she was also seen by a man. She only felt that her eyes were dark, and tears were falling again.

Sun Zhao shouted: “There is nothing to do with you here, are you still going to retreat?”

Bo Ruoyou knew that he was trying to relieve her, slightly blessed, turned around and walked out, He Chang hurriedly followed up, fearing that he would be guilty, and a thin layer of sweat formed on his face when he was out of the back hall.

When the two of them left, the people in the back hall couldn’t care about the blame, crying and persuading, Bo Ruoyou was also a little sad.

He Chang sighed, “I don’t know which noble person it is. The adult is so good-natured. I want to come to a high position. When I meet such a family, this case is difficult to handle.”

When Bo Ruoyou was in Qingzhou, he knew that the government had some difficulties in handling the case. Just like the case of the Anqing Hou Mansion, He Cheng made no progress before Huo Wei Tower went. It was his inaction, which was too much restraint. Now looking at this posture, it seems that The same is true.

Inside, there were bursts of mourning, and Bo Ruoyou knew that it would probably not be possible today.

Sure enough, Sun Zhao walked out profusely and beckoned to them. She and He Chang followed Sun Zhao to a secluded place, and Sun Zhao said: “It’s the old lady of Zhongqin Bofu, and the deceased is Zhongqin Bofu. The second lady Wei Ling, this Wei Ling did not return all night last night. The Zhongqin House was in a hurry. He heard that a woman was dead this morning, so she sent someone to investigate. This question revealed that the deceased was wearing a red dress and listening. The description is somewhat similar to Wei Ling. This shocked the entire Bofu. The old lady led the people to the Yamen first, and then came.”

Bo Ruoyou sighed a little. Regardless of his status, the grief of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person is the same.

After Sun Zhao said this, he asked, “How good are you? Is there any obvious clue?”

Bo Ruoyou shook his head, “Obviously, there is no clue, but… the deceased was also stripped of a piece of flesh. Like the Feng family girl discovered last time, the girl suspected that the two were killed by the same murderer.”

Sun Zhao frowned, “Same murderer? Serial murders?”

Bo Ruoyou stared at him, “Yes, the girl is so suspicious for the time being. Just about to compare the wounds of the two deceased, the adult came. If you want to make a conclusion, the girl needs to be tested again.”

Sun Zhao sighed sadly, “I’m afraid it won’t be checked.”

At this time, a person who came with him shouted at the exit of the tunnel: “Master Sun, please take a step to speak—”

Sun Zhao hurriedly sighed and stepped forward. He didn’t know what he had said to Sun Zhao. Sun Zhao nodded his head for a moment. The two of them whispered a few more words. Then, Sun Zhao walked out a little bit sorrowfully and walked to Bo. Ruoyou stepped forward and said: “The old lady insisted on not letting the young lady’s body be placed here, saying that she would take the body back for the funeral, and she kept us secret.”

The corners of Bo Ruoyou’s lips moved slightly, but he still didn’t say anything. He only asked, “Will there be a chance for an autopsy in the future?”

Sun Zhao sighed, “Difficult.”

Now Bo Ruoyou’s complexion sinks slightly, and it will take some time for many scars on the corpse to emerge, and it is possible to find more clues after the first inspection, the second inspection, or even the third inspection, but now he directly takes the body away. Cases that would be difficult to solve were blocked.

Seeing Bo Ruoyou’s face heavy, Sun Zhao said again: “But I have already agreed with the elder of their mansion. If you have any questions, you can still go to the mansion to inquire.”

Bo Ruo faintly nodded, and soon the attendants of the Bo’s House followed in, borrowing the bed from the Yizhuang to send Wei Ling’s body to the carriage. Not long after, the Zhongqin Bofu and his party disappeared outside the Yizhuang. , And Sun Zhao had to follow.

Bo Ruoyou stood at the entrance of the main hall, looking at each other with Uncle Kun and He Chang.

When Wu Xiang came back, Bo Ruoyou had already experienced the corpse examined yesterday. As another day passed, the corpse became more corrupt, and the clues he got were no different from yesterday. He learned that Wei Ling’s body was taken back to him. Mansion, Wu Xiangqi’s beating the door.

“Don’t they want to solve the case? Why don’t they just ignore it.”

Uncle Kun sighed beside him, “Miss Qian Jin, but she is so unclear that she is dead outside. It is always unpleasant to spread it out. It is not the first time we have seen it.”

Wu Xiang gritted his teeth, “I just know that every time I take care of it, I am upset.”

Uncle Kun shook his head and said no more. Wu Xiang’s expression was shaken: “No, I’m going to find an adult. If this case is to be solved, I have to ask the Wei family what Wei Ling did yesterday.”

Seeing that he was going to leave again, Bo Ruoyou hurriedly asked, “What was the result of going to the dyeing workshop?”

Wu Xiang just remembered that he hadn’t talked about the dyeing workshop, so he said: “You guessed right. We did find blood stains in the dyeing workshop. The place of the crime can be fixed, but there is nothing else found at that place. It’s deserted, even the gate is rotten. It is said that you can enter as you like. The children nearby like to go there to play around.”

Bo Ruoyou nodded thoughtfully. Wu Xiang saw that it was late, and said, “I’m going to find an adult, you should go back first, and go directly to the Yamen tomorrow.” After speaking, he quickly left.

Bo Ruoyou couldn’t, so she packed up the utensils and left the Yizhuang, but as soon as she walked out the door, she saw Father Fu stepping off a carriage with a smile, and Bo Ruoyou was surprised, “Where did the father-in-law come?”

Father Fu turned around and opened the curtain of the carriage, “I’m not the only one here.”

The curtain was lifted. Although the light inside the carriage was dim, Bo Ruoyou still saw a big Buddha sitting in the carriage. The light from the door fell on his lap, and the golden beasty dragon on his robe stretched its teeth and claws, and the momentum was compelling. .

With a move in Bo Ruoyou’s heart, Huo Weilou also came!

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