The Dark Ages

Chapter 83 - Broken railroad track

I saw Qin Tiange coming in, and the captain who was packing broken glass stood up and looked at the electronic map.

“Twenty minutes left, we will be in Shenzhen …” He said after looking at the map information.

Qin Tiange frowned slightly, with some worry in his heart. The twenty-minute journey might not be sure what to encounter, and he was not very secure.

I remembered the huge green snakes I encountered just now. In fact, these green snakes did not gather on the bridge side, but in the forest, but there was not much food in the forest, so they collectively went to the river to kill fish.

The green snake was full, and naturally coiled around the railway bridge to rest and bask in the sun. As a result, they were met by Qin Tiange and attacked by the green snake group.

Even, the snake kings of the green snakes, the four-star green scale demon pythons were originally playing in the water, but when they saw the train rushing over and killing so many people under it, they were naturally angry.

This is the reason why Qin Tiange was attacked. Otherwise, the group of green snakes will not return to the jungle for a long time. They can only say that they are lucky.

“I’m going to rest first, and I’ll call for something later.” Qin Tiange looked fine, so he decided to go to rest. The high-intensity fighting just made him exhausted.

In the face of the four-star green scale demon python, it is false to say that it is not nervous. Even the white phosphorus incendiary bomb and plasma bomb failed to kill the demon python, and even just hurt the opponent to order the epidermal scale armor and wanted to kill the one. The python is simply unrealistic.

Unless he has a three-star series of weapons, or has evolved to a three-star, he can’t really kill that terrible four-star monster.

The only green snake that became fine was terrible. The scale armor was terrifying. Even the electromagnetic light blade could hardly break the other scale armor, let alone the other.

I went back to the luxury car, teased the mutant lotus, looked at the number of nuclei buried in the pot, and found that there was one more missing. I buried one of them and Qin Tiange began to rest.

He hasn’t rested well for the past few days. This time he is really tired. Even the forty-four times strengthened body feels a little tired.

上 On the train, a group of survivors were shocked. One by one, they were afraid to approach the window, afraid of a snake head biting, or fear of a monster attack.

What happened just now caused many people to die, many people were afraid inside, and some people were even scared. Mutated creatures, giant green snakes, that horrible experience made them unacceptable.

However, the next journey was smooth and did not encounter any major troubles. On the way, I encountered a large and varied group of marching ants, densely packed and overwhelming.

Anyone who saw the horrible marching ants was pale and frightened.

“Is that a buffalo?”

Someone looked out of the car window in fear, a huge buffalo fell to the ground, struggling constantly, and screamed in his mouth.

The buffalo was huge, four meters high, and its huge horns were sharp, but such a huge buffalo encountered the marching ants and lay directly on the ground.

The densely packed countless marching ants crawled over the buffalo’s body and drowned the mutated buffalo at once. In just thirty seconds, the buffalo was completely dregs, was eaten up, and no bones remained.

No one is scared to see this scene, no one is afraid!

Thirty seconds, a mutant buffalo with a height of more than four meters was eaten by a group of mutant marching ants, leaving no residue, making the scalp tingling.

The marching ants are the most terrifying group of mutant ants. They have no place to live. They march all their lives. They search for prey on the way and eat all the food they encounter.

Unless they come in winter, they will find a place to hibernate. Otherwise, these marching ants will keep eating and see what they eat, that is, some powerful mutant creatures dodge these terrible things.

Fortunately, the train is far away from the marching ants. Otherwise, everyone on the train will have no doubt. Once they climb on the train, everyone will be consumed.

Next, there was no trouble along the way. When twenty minutes later, the broken train entered the suburbs of Shenzhen City and reached the area of ​​Shenzhen City.

However, in the suburbs that have just entered Shenzhen, before the time to enter the city center, the train has encountered trouble, and it is still a big trouble.


There was a loud noise, and the train came to an emergency brake, causing everyone in the carriage to react too late, and their bodies crumbled.

“what happened?”

“what happened?”

In the carriage, many people were panicked, thinking that they had encountered something terrible again, and all of them were crying.

Tamayanagi and others looked dignified, immediately clenched their weapons, and kept alert, while preventing the confusion of the crowd, while guarding against possible attacks.

“Everyone is quiet!”

“Quiet, don’t mess!”

Moda took a group of swords and shields to the hands, one by one to the panic people back, with a fierce look, threatened these panic people fiercely.

I ca n’t help it. These people are scared. If it messes up with them, it will cause great obstacles to their teams and even cause unnecessary casualties.

After he led people to suppress these riots fiercely, the people in the carriage finally calmed down, one by one frightened and gathered together, afraid to move.

Feeling the vibration of the train, and then stopped slowly, Qin Tiange, who was resting, jumped up and rushed, rushing into the cockpit with a steel knife.

“What happened?” Qin Tiange asked with a serious expression when he entered.

The captain and Wu Xinlan were anxious, seeing him in, a little relieved.

“Come here and look at the front …” I saw that the beautiful flight attendant Wu Xinlan pointed at the front of the train with the window, and said with a heavy expression, “A large section of the train track in front is missing.”

Qi Qin Tiange squinted his eyes and looked forward. Sure enough, he saw that a long section of the train track was missing, as if it had been blown up by something.

The train track is broken!

Wouldn’t it mean that they can’t get through here ~ ~ and can’t get into the station of Shenzhen City? Seeing this, Qin Tiange couldn’t help frowning. If he walked from the suburbs of Shenzhen City to the city center, the scene was too beautiful, and he couldn’t imagine what would happen on the road.

“Brother Qin, what happened?”

At this moment, Moda and others came and asked about the situation. Followed by Liu Ye and Long Xiaoya, they all wanted to understand why the following cars stopped.

她们 When they knew the news that the train tracks seemed to be destroyed, everyone was sinking in their hearts, feeling bad, and the situation was a bit complicated.

“Ten Ge, what should I do?”

A few people in Salamander asked in anxiety, and now they do n’t know how to do it. Can they give up the train and go directly to Shenzhen by foot?

Qin Tiange blinked his eyes, stared ahead, and looked around the train. There are already a lot of development zones under development, and there are still a lot of journeys from Shenzhen City Railway Station.

“Morda, tell everyone to get off the bus. All who don’t get off the bus will be thrown away by me, and then the people who got in will get off the bus and take the train together this distance.”

After a moment of contemplation, Qin Tiange made such a decision. Instead of giving up the train, he told them to get off the train and carry the train through this damaged path.

This section of the railroad track was destroyed for thousands of meters. If you want to go over, you must go down and carry the train to the new track, otherwise they can only walk into Shenzhen.

“Carrying the train over?”

When I heard him say this, the train conductor and the beautiful flight attendant Wu Xinlan were dumbfounded, staring at the group with wide eyes, wondering if he was dumb?

多重 How much is the train? Even if there are only eight cars left, and the cockpit is nine, how much weight do they have to carry the train over?

What are you kidding?

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