The Dark Ages

Chapter 33 - Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead!

The dagger shield pressed forward with his hands, the steel shield smashed, the steel knife was cut wildly, and the flesh flew into a flurry, slashing one zombie after another.

Even if some of them were not dead, they were still pierced by the spear and killed on the spot.

More than 120 boys, more than 70 sword shields, and forty-eight long men cooperated with each other, progressively layer by layer, hunting down one zombie rushed up.

Even if there were zombies coming from the left and right, they were shot hard by the girls behind. At first, the newly joined girls were still afraid, but as everyone was shooting, they had to shoot boldly, but it turned out that they were not. What danger.

To be honest, the danger was held up by the boys in front. As long as they didn’t commit death, they wouldn’t die. If they did it themselves, they would be no wonder others.

“Ah …” Suddenly, a scream came from the team in front of the Sword Shield. A newly joined boy was too nervous and frightened, causing him to be afraid of not moving forward, and he did not follow the two companions around him to chop Kill the zombies.

The result was bad food. The boy was thrown to the ground by a zombie, biting his neck, and the blood gurgled out, making a scream.

The head of the zombie was cut off in a blink of an eye, but unfortunately the student was not rescued, the entire neck was bitten off, and the body was infected with the mutated virus in the body.

“Save me, save me …” The boy widened his eyes and screamed for help.

It’s a pity that the two companions around him shook their heads and ignored him. Instead, they waved the steel knife and went forward to slash the zombies. Someone immediately topped behind them to fill the two vacancies.

“Ah, roar …” The next moment, the injured boy uttered a low growl, his eyes paled immediately, his pale eyes proved that he had become a zombie.


Qi Qin Tiange stepped forward and cut off the opponent’s head with one stab, standing there with no expression, looking at the zombies that were flowing in front of him in increasing numbers.

“No, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die …”

I saw more and more zombies coming in front of me, and witnessed the miserable of the boy. Finally, the newly joined boy could not help but fear and continued to retreat, and then made a loud roar, and turned and ran.

“Look for death!” Qin Tiange froze with his eyes cold, one step forward, his hand fell from the knife, a **** head soared, his bones rolled to the ground, and he could not die.

The escaped boy was killed, and everyone was scared, especially those who joined the group, one by one. The newly joined girls are the most helpless. They almost collapsed and fainted. Fortunately, other girls were pulling them and whispered.

“Who dares to escape and kill without amnesty!” Qin Tiange Han faced and said these murderous words, deterred those newcomers who were about to run away.

If these people retreat and flee, the whole team will disperse, the hearts of the people will be uneven, and the murderous force will not be enough. It will surely be overwhelmed by the zombies. By then, his loss will be greater.

“Go forward, whoever retreats will die in the end!” Qin Tiange stepped forward personally, wielding a bone-breaking slasher and instantly slashing the four zombies, stabilizing the slightly chaotic team.

Moda and others worked desperately, using milk strength, smashing the steel shield, cutting with a steel knife, advancing step by step, no one dared to step back.

“Go forward! Go forward! Go forward!”

He opened his throat and snarled and snarled, wielding a steel knife, slashing one zombie after another. Moda is one of the bravest men in the team. Each time he rushes forward, wearing armor, looks like the general who was in charge of ancient times.

The boys behind You were stimulated not only by the threat from Qin Tiange, but also by the zombies, and finally broke out together.

“Kill, kill!”

The boys were red-eyed, and those who were strengthened at the beginning were the most brave, and the new ones who joined later were a bit unlucky, but at least now they dare not hesitate.

As for the back, Liu Ye and others had a light task, while half of the crossbowmen were free to shoot, and half of them quickly cleaned up and collected the steel arrows to come back and dig out the brain crystals.

They have a lot of work, but none of them have any complaints. Even if the two female teachers who were afraid of not obediently obediently dig their brains and collect steel arrows.

I ca n’t help it. The scene just now really scared them. If you dared to run away without permission and were not killed by the zombies, you would be cut off by Qin Tiange.


He slashed a rushing burly corpse, Qin Tiange glanced ahead, and the number of zombies in the direction of the school gate decreased.

Seeing this, he felt a little relieved in his heart. If he went on like this, the team would certainly not be able to withstand the pressure, and the crash and casualties were certain.

Fortunately, the number of zombies began to decrease, and everyone’s pressure finally began to ease, gradually resisting the impact of the zombies, one by one here.

“Go forward, kill those zombies!”

With a single order, Moda and others were excited and there were fewer zombies. This is good news. As long as the zombies who rushed into the campus were killed, they would immediately win the corpse war.

Thinking of this, Moda shouted exuberantly: “Brothers, kill them, and we will win by killing them all.”

“Stop them!”

A group of boys had red eyes, and they snarled fiercely, wielding steel knives, using the power of breastfeeding to chop one zombie after another, and moved faster.

After ten minutes, twenty minutes, and thirty minutes, the tsunami rushing into the campus was finally wiped out.


As Qin Tiange stepped on the head of the last zombie, the zombies that poured into the campus were finally killed and the battle was over.

“Muda, take ten people on guard for four weeks, the others immediately clean the battlefield, retrieve the steel arrows, and dig out the brain crystals.”

With an orderly order, Qin Tiange strolled the campus where the corpses were piled up, and saw the undead zombies step on his head.

女生 The girls are even more desperate. When they see that the zombie’s head is not damaged, the steel crossbow is aimed at the zombie’s head and it is an arrow. Then Shi Ran pulled out the steel arrow and dug out the brain crystal.

Safety first!

Seeing these girls being so cautious, Qin Tiange nodded with satisfaction, and finally calmed down the anger before someone escaped.

The speed of cleaning up was very fast. The task was completed within ten minutes. All the readers of UU Reading returned and gathered in the dining room, silent one by one, looking at the youth in front of the team.

Qi Qin Tiange’s eyes were sharp, and he swept across all the people present, humming: “Just now, someone escaped and almost caused the team to collapse. Then they would be broken by the zombies and killed by biting one by one.”

“In the future, who dares to escape again, I will not kill him on the spot, but throw him into the zombie group to make him a zombie, and then kill him to dig out the brain crystal, which is called waste utilization.”

Qin Tiange’s words are full of murderous intentions, his eyes scratched everyone in the room like a knife, bowed his head and did not dare to look at him, his heart was beating, his back was cold.

This man is terrible!

女生 All the girls in the scene flashed such a thought at the same time, even the beautiful Miao teacher, Long Xiaoya, was a bit timid.

After all, she felt relieved, although Qin Tiange was too ruthless, and it was not hesitant to kill. But at least he did not infringe on these girls or teachers, at least giving them a strong opportunity and fair competition.

As long as you are obedient, do things for him, and complete his plan, then everyone will be safe, both sides will gain something, Qin Tiange will get what they want, and they will get the power they want.

“Okay, Moda, you’re on guard, Liu Ye, Long Xiaoya, you take the girls to cook.”

In the end, Qin Tiange waved his hands and directly disbanded the team. Moda took people to the alert. Liu Ye and other female teachers organized girls to cook in the dining hall.

He was alone, he took away all the organized brain crystals and left the canteen, heading for the football stadium.

Behind me, Chen Xi’s graceful figure quickly followed, his face flashed hesitantly, and several times he tried to speak without saying anything.

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