The Curse of Time (Harry Potter Fanfic)

The regret of a choice

You know, in life, people sometimes make very poor choices, and becoming a support teacher was probably one of mine. The only thing I consider myself lucky for is that I only have to teach theory, except for the first-year students, whom I can help with practical work.

Marie helps me a lot with the practical aspects for some of the first-year students. After all, she has greater magical talent than I do; it only takes her 10 minutes to master the spell of matter that we are following.

Returning to the support classes, there were dozens of students from all houses except Slytherin, who have too much pride to ask me questions in front of students from other houses.

During the first three days, I received many requests for help, with some even asking me to do their homework for them.

I had to make a speech during breakfast on Saturday to warn students to come to me only with concrete questions.

With the support classes, research for future thesis competitions, and the study of ancient magic to trace its origins, I no longer have time to rest.

I’m still happy to have several parallels mind to manage all this work; otherwise, I would probably crack and go crazy. I make sure to create notes for future years, as similar questions are likely to be asked each year.

With all this work, I couldn't assist the Weasley twins, who had come to me with an idea but which I had to ask them to discuss later. Knowing that I couldn’t keep up with such a fast pace, I asked each teacher who the most gifted students were in their subjects.

I would approach them and ask for help. Of course, I expected them to ask for something in return, so I prepared to pay them for the work they would provide.

Soon enough, it was Halloween, and the Great Hall was to be decorated with the giant pumpkins that Hagrid had grown in his garden. As I had expected, they were enormous and beautiful, to the point where they could win the giant pumpkin contest.

The pumpkins were hollowed out to make room for candles. The edible parts were used in our meal, and the pumpkin juice was better than usual. I also had pumpkin pie and soup. These pumpkins were almost addictive.

"And again, the year has passed, and they were even better."

Hearing these words from an elder of Ravenclaw made my mouth water.

The party was going well, and Dumbledore took advantage of the occasion to make an announcement.

"Dear students, due to her advanced age, Professor Adèle has decided to retire next year. She will continue to teach her classes until the end of the year, after which she will be succeeded by the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell."

We were shocked because her classes were good, and no one expected her to leave like this.

"You didn’t see that one coming."

"Yes, I’m shocked."

"Who are you talking to, Evelyn?"

I had instinctively answered the person who spoke to me on my left, but the problem was that it was Marie who was in that spot, and she hadn't asked me a question.

"Are you sure you’re not overdoing it?"

She looked at me with a worried expression.

"Don’t worry, this role was given to me a bit suddenly, but once I find a normal rhythm, it will be fine."


On a throne, a person with multicolored stars in their eyes looked at Evelyn with a smile.

"You want time to rest and focus on your passion? I’ll give it to you."

This person appeared at Hogwarts, more precisely in front of the Room of Requirement.

"This place will become your paradise."

They touched the door, and hundreds of runes spread across the door that appeared. The goal was not to change the room itself, but to alter the perception of time within it.

After that, the person returned to where they had come from, lay down in bed, and slept while holding their wife during the night.


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