The Crimson Throne

Chapter 73: Objection

Nickolas lifted his golden eyes when they approached. His piercing gaze was like an apex predator baring its fangs, instilling fear in Elaine and slowing her advance. Elias, however, seemed undeterred by the Léonas Prince's threatening expression. Instead, he continued forward, propelling her along with him.

"Your Highness," he addressed Nickolas, inclining his body. Elaine curtsied beside him with cold sweat dripping down her back.

It was not her first time dealing with royal princes. However, unlike Alexander, who hid his calculating side under an amiable facade, or her fiancé, the Crown Prince, who displayed little to no ruler quality, Prince Nickolas' authoritative presence commanded respect as royalty and a battle-hardened warrior. His aura reminded Elaine of Estella's and Elias' fathers, the Duke of Geris and the Duke of Lévis.

Although both Dukes mostly resigned from the battlefield to focus on governing their respective dukedom, the military achievements from their youth remained well documented within the Étoile Empire and its surrounding vassal kingdoms—especially Gerard, who became infamous for his brutality. 

During her research on the joint expedition, Elaine also encountered several records detailing the Duke's decorated military career. And to her surprise, she discovered Gerard and Elias' father, Cornelius, both served under the same elite battalion as Commander and Vice Commander for years. They participated in many expeditions and achieved several impressive feats together. However, because of unknown circumstances, the men diverged from each other during their mid-twenties, splitting the famed brigade in half, and began forging their separate paths. 

I now understand why the Duke of Lévis called Gerard 'old friend' during Estella's coming-of-age ceremony. So the two of them were once comrades in battle and not bitter enemies. I wonder what happened during their twenties? Elaine recalled thinking.

"I appreciate Étoile's assistance," the Léonas Prince finally spoke after a few tense seconds, acknowledging the male protagonist and Elaine. Despite his grim countenance, Nickolas maintained his diplomatic posturing.

"No need for gratitude, Your Highness. Our empires are allies, and it honored us to provide the Léonas troops our support," Elias said. "Besides, you also rescued some of our men." He nodded toward Cecil.

Lies. Elaine gave the black-haired young man a furtive sidelong glance. They had a heated debate a few hours ago about the benefits of this rescue operation, and Elias was of the opposite opinion.

Her brows suddenly scrunched, and a light pain sensation traveled from her joined hand. The male protagonist cast Elaine a stern look, warning her to behave herself. She grudgingly retracted her gaze and shifted her attention to the ground's tiny inhabitants' myriad activities.

"Your Highness, the Étoile troops will withdraw from the joint expedition. As you can see, the Insidious Forest is too dangerous for us to continue," Elias informed Nickolas, eyes panning the smoke-covered landscape littered with dead bodies.

"I understand." The Léonas First Prince nodded. "We will also withdraw our troops. My men are no longer fit to continue this competition." His eyes then traveled to Elaine. "Lady Estella, I was not informed of your involvement. Did Étoile change its rules to allow female nobles to participate in the competition this year?"

Elaine knew he was referring not only to her but also Celeste. "Unfortunately, the rule did not change, Your Highness," she replied, then told the red-haired prince about the event outside.

Nickolas' face darkened upon hearing her recount. He gathered his troops and ordered an immediate departure. "We will see each other outside," he said before leaving.

"Have a safe trip, Your Highness."

After the Léonas troops left, Elaine turned to Elias. "We should also leave," she suggested.

"Yes," he agreed. "We will gather and retrieve our wounded men, then withdraw."

The male protagonist and Roland assembled Étoile remaining troops and directed them toward their stationed comrades' location. And because of Celeste's healing ability, Elias positioned her among the wounded soldiers despite the adamant protest from the d'Artois knights in training. They argued that being surrounded by unfamiliar men was inappropriate for their Young Lady.

The black-haired young man, however, was in no mood for a debate. "Tell me, are you all not men?" he asked the d'Artois knights in training. "Was it not your Young Lady that sneaked into the joint expedition despite Étoile's laws strictly forbidding it? Usually, such brazen disregard for the rules would constitute the death penalty, regardless of the individual's status. However, Marquis Veros is a good man, and I do not want to burden him with the pain of losing his only daughter. Therefore, I will not report Lady Celeste." His eyes narrowed, scanning the dissident men. "Do not again test my tolerance."

The d'Artois knights in training all closed their mouths, not daring to utter another word. Celeste appeared flustered within the crowd. She did not expect the male protagonist's admonishment while finally realizing the implication of her action.

"Since the d'Artois Young Lady possessed a rare healing ability, is it not within her duty as an Étoile citizen to support our soldiers?" Elias continued, his gaze landing on the female protagonist. "What is your opinion, Lady Celeste?"

Everyone's attention pivoted to the blonde-haired young girl—an immense pressure emitted from their gazes. Celeste's entire body trembled with tears swelling her eyes, unable to reply.

A stunned Elaine observed the interaction from the sideline. She, too, did not anticipate the black-haired young man's harsh critique of the female protagonist. Elaine peeked at the young girl, still shivering like a scared small animal, and sighed. She is still a child.

"If there is no further objection, we shall follow my arrangement," Elias said, then continued ahead, not waiting for Celeste's response. Elaine pursued his steps.  



Getting closer to going outside the forest lol

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