The Crimson Throne

Chapter 70: Battle

Even before reaching the battlefield, Elaine could hear the thunderous clashes between the Léonas troops and the monsters. The screams of men and monsters' roars echoed throughout the dark forest while the stench of death hung thick in the air. She unconsciously tightened her grip on the male protagonist's hand while her palpating heart thrashed inside her ribcage. Although Elaine used legitimate reasons to convince the Étoile troops to join the fight for her selfish purposes, the closer she approached the battlefield, the more she felt her nerve eroding. She had already dealt with a monstrous creature before and knew how terrifying it was. Imagining seeing many of them in one place caused cold sweat to form on her back. An urge to turn back overwhelmed her, and Elaine wanted to abandon everything and run. However, it was too late. The smoke slowly dispersed, and the battleground finally came into sight.

"I always keep my word," Elias said without looking at her.

Even with no clarification, Elaine instinctively knew the black-haired young man was referring to his promise of bringing her back to Geris alive. Though shivers still traveled through her spine, his words calmed her for some unknown reason. Elaine's free hand clenched the dagger inside her dress pocket, pouring mana into its blade. She believed Elias' vow. Yet, she could not solely depend on him. Elaine did not know what would happen once she entered the battlefield. However, based on past events, she needed to prepare for the worst.

A deep red liquid stained the ground, flowing from the bodies of slaughtered men and beasts—mangled and piled onto each other. Deafening cries rang across the battlefield, with men ferociously crashing into monsters, shaking the earth beneath their feet. Their swords and shields glistened in the dust and smoke, swinging wildly at their targets. Elaine stood in frozen silence, struck by the gruesome scene. Amidst the chaos emerged a young man with fiery crimson hair. His golden eyes gleamed with fierce determination. He charged at the monstrous enemies with double swords in his hands, striking with ruthless efficiency. The crimson-haired young man cut through the creature's ranks, creating a path of blood for his men to follow.

"Let's go, milady." The male protagonist propelled Elaine forward while shouting commands, signaling the Étoile troops' engagement in battle.

He released his sword from the scabbard, its blade still doused with blood from previous kills. The sword vibrated in his hand, thrilled at the scent of death and violence. Elias lunged at a monster with lightning speed, directing his sword straight for its neck. The monster wailed in pain—not expecting a human blade to pierce through its thick scale in one strike. Its eyes reddened with blind rage while its body transformed into a bright shade of blue, dripping a deadly toxin that could kill a large animal with a single drop. The terrifying creature lifted its giant foot filled with sharp blueish claws and swiped at him. 

"Stay close to me." The male protagonist sidestepped the attack while covering Elaine. He again swung his sword, darting under the monster's opened wound, and slashed the blade up its neck, decapitating it. Elias immediately withdrew, avoiding the blood spatter and poisonous body from reaching him. Another monster appeared from behind them. Its mouth stretched outward like a giant hole, aiming for Elaine's head. The male protagonist rapidly pulled her aside and stopped the creature's assault with his sword. Rows of saw-like teeth clamped down on the blade, attempting to shatter it into pieces. Behind Elias, Elaine could see inside the monstrosity's stomach. Beneath its mouth lay endless darkness and thousands of rows of needle sharped teeth spiraling to its tail. The monster had no eyes or limbs, only an elongated body stretching several dozen feet like a snake.

After a few seconds of unsuccessfully breaking the male protagonist's weapon, the creature leaned back, swung its tail forward, throwing coils around Elaine and Elias, and squeezed closer, seeking to trap them in a chokehold. Elias made no effort to escape. Instead, his hand released Elaine's and switched to her waist, pulling her into a firm embrace. He then lifted his sword and twirled it in a circular motion, slicing the monster's entire body in half, and jumped outside before its tattered remains exploded.

Elaine clung to the black-haired young man. Her face was a ghostly white, and her whole body trembled with fear. Her legs wobbled, wanting to drop to the ground. She opened her lips, attempting to take shallow breaths. Unfortunately, her pathetic effort at calming herself could not suppress the simmering anxiety devouring her from the inside.

"Take a deep breath, milady. You are still alive." Elias glanced down at Elaine. His hand again reached for hers, transmitting soothing energy into her fingers. The energy seeped through Elaine's veins and began spreading, relaxing the tension throughout her body. "Don't worry. I will keep my promise."

"Yes… I understand," Elaine replied in a soft voice. Her breathing steadied, slowly regaining her composure. "Thank you, Sir d'Amboise. I am fine now." She looked up and forced a weak smile.

"Good." Elias nodded. "Stabilize yourself, Lady Estella. The battle is far from over, and your guard still requires rescuing."

"I will." Elaine lowered her gaze. As expected, the male protagonist had already figured out her motive. However, she wondered why he did not expose her but continued the laughable charade. It doesn't matter the reason, Elaine told herself. The only important thing is the outcome.

Their conversation only lasted mere seconds. Yet again, before Elaine could react, Elias had already pulled her against him, avoiding another monster attack.



What is scarier than monsters? It is writer's block! 😂

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