The Crimson Throne

Chapter 66: Pills

"I hope you will forgive my earlier indiscretion, Lady Estella." The male protagonist freed her hand, apologizing. Yet Elaine could hear no remorse in his voice.

She gave him her commercial smile. "No need for apologies. I understand your position, Sir d'Amboise."

Elias did not continue the conversation. Still, his gaze studied her as if attempting to figure out her secret.

"Is there something on my face?" Elaine asked, hands wiping her cheeks. Nothing. She stared at her clean palms and returned him a curious look.

"You are an interesting individual, milady."

He had made a similar remark before during Elaine's birthday ceremony. Though his words puzzled her, she would rather not delve into their meaning. So she ignored the comment and proceeded to the next topic. "When are we leaving?"

Elias did not seem to mind her sudden change of subject. "Soon," he replied. The male protagonist then called for everyone to assemble. "Because of our dwindling number, we must stay close together during our search. Therefore, anyone leaving the formation without permission, I will regard that individual as a deserter and will discipline him accordingly."

The soldiers and knights in training were a sea of silence.

"Do you all understand?" he yelled.

"Understood, Sir!" the men unanimously cried.

"Good," Elias nodded. "Now take the medicines. Their effects should last each of you another few days." 

The soldiers and knights in training took out two clear, circular pills, one containing sparkling red liquid and the other blue, then gulped them down.

"What are they eating?" Elaine inquired, curious. 

"These medicines are magically infused vessels crafted by the magicians. They allowed our troops to see within the Insidious Forest for a limited time," Elias explained.

"I see." Elaine lowered her gaze, chewing on the new information. She had never seen Elias utilize the medicines, nor did he provide them to her. Instead, she and Elias have been employing magic to maintain their sights.

"They developed these pills only for non-magic users," he continued. "The method includes mixing several conflicting elements into the vessels. However, because of our high affinity for a specific element, taking the pills would create an adverse effect instead."

"You are very informed, Sir d'Amboise," she commented. No wonder he won against the Croix. His expansive knowledge surpassed Estella's in many aspects.

"A commander must ensure the safety of his soldiers," he replied, then switched to Étoile troops. "Gather your belongings and come back here in five minutes."

"Yes, Sir!" The men returned to their areas to collect their remaining possessions, then re-congregated before the male protagonist and Roland. They directed the formation into four units, with the most injured soldiers in the center, and separated the healthier and non-injured into the left, right, and reserve divisions. Unlike larger battalions, the units huddled closer together than expected because of their low numbers and unpredictable terrain. 

Finally, after the arrangement satisfied him, Elias spun around, grabbed Elaine's hand, and marched toward the cave entrance. "Let's depart."

Behind him, Roland's face furrowed, full of disapproval. He trod forward, about to protest, but Elaine again gestured for him to stand down. Roland unwillingly closed his half-open mouth and took begrudged steps after them. 

After preventing Roland's outburst, she glanced back at Elias. Although Elaine typically preferred a concrete distance between them, she realized her current predicament. The Insidious Forest's danger level exceeded everyone's expectations, and gluing herself to the main character would give her the highest chance to live. Elaine peeked at the loyal Croix's Commander and his subordinates. She knew they would sacrifice themselves for her if needed. However, the sentiment was not reciprocal. Elaine resolved to escape the forest alive, and she would abandon them if the decision could guarantee her survival. 

She felt a tinge of disgust at herself but swallowed it down. When did she become such a cold-blooded person? Elaine could not answer. Making a cruel decision would eat away her conscience in her original world. However, Elaine slowly turned numb after living in the book world for almost a year. Within the Croix's estate, human lives meant little, and every person would kill to exceed no matter their status. Eventually, Elaine no longer kept count of the deaths and bodies, and she could feel her mental state deteriorating. The only sliver of sanity remaining inside her was the hope of returning home—and Elaine would even sacrifice others to achieve it.

She stared at the towering figure walking next to her. Once outside the forest, their paths would divert. Elaine would never reach the light, while he would never sink into the darkness. She felt the warmth transmitting from his large hand, wishing he would treat her with more contempt, like an actual enemy. When the story began, she would have to commit several indefensible acts. The more amicable Elias was toward her, the tougher for Elaine to maintain her resolve. 

"Look over there!" someone yelled. "Something is burning!"

Elaine glanced up and squinted her eyes. From far away, rows of white smoke billowed onto the dense canopies and seeped through the crowded and overgrown vegetation. Faint sounds of clashing steel and terrifying animal roars also reached her ears. A battle. Is it the Léonas troops? Elaine wondered.

"It might be the Léonas troops," Roland suggested.

"Yes, but we cannot risk or afford to step into another trap," Elias warned. "In this situation, our best choice is to first scout the area."

Roland agreed with his Co-Commander proposal, and they picked three lean and nimble men from the healthy units for the job. "Do not linger anywhere for long. Retreat and report immediately to us when you find out the situation," the male protagonist instructed.

"Yes, Commander!" The men bowed and disappeared into the smoky scene.



Getting closer to the end of the joint expedition, one chapter at a time lol

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