The Crimson Throne

Chapter 49: Motivation

The joint expedition date was fast approaching, and Elaine's anxiety increased with each passing day. She did not know what would happen during the event or if she would get absorbed into the story's vortex and become an unwilling cast member. The book did not mention Estella's presence in the original tournament, and Elaine initially only wanted to observe from a distance as a spectator. However, details about the event unnerved her, and she regretted her rash decision. Yet it was too late to retract since the Duke had already requested permission from the Emperor.


“Milady, Sir Ascania has arrived.” Mariam's announcement woke Elaine from her daydreaming.

"Let him in." Only a few days remained before departing for the Insidious Forest. Elaine summoned Cecil for one last time.

"Yes, Princess."

"How are you feeling, Sir Ascania?" She smiled, extending her hand when he came in.

Cecil knelt before Elaine and gently kissed her fingers. "Thank you for your concern, milady. I believe the intensive training these past weeks has prepared me for the joint expedition."

"Good. I hope you and the other participants will attain glory for our empire." She chuckled.

"I will do my best."

"You may stand up."

"Thank you, milady." Cecil stood up and watched Elaine in silence with his serene eyes.

"Sir Ascania, please give me your hand." Elaine pulled out an object from her dress pocket. He followed her command, and she shoved a tiny bottle into his palm. "Keep this with you always, and only use it when your life is in danger." The bottle she gave Cecil contained half the medicinal liquid Alexander provided her. Elaine could not predict the dangers lurking within the Insidious Forest, but at least she could help him ease some future issues.

He observed the tiny bottle for a moment, then glanced up at her, and a fleeting smile escaped his lips. "Thank you, milady. I will keep it close to me."

"No need for gratitude, Sir Ascania. I need you to come back alive, after all." Although she worried for him, Elaine also had an ulterior motive. Until the story officially began, she still required protection, and Cecil fulfilled all the requirements.

"You may leave." Elaine dismissed him.

"As you wish, milady." He inclined his body and headed to the door. Before Cecil walked through the threshold, Elaine thought she heard a faint whisper from him. "I will definitely come back."

A few more days flew by, and it was time for the departure. Unfortunately, though Estella's younger brother was the legitimate heir, his tender age disqualified him from the event. Therefore, only Elaine and the Duke could attend. Before leaving, Gerard gave the participating knights in training a typical motivational speech, encouraging their spirits and telling them to return with honor and glory to the Croix and Étoile. Finally, when his audience's patriotic sentiment reached a fever pitch, he raised his hand, and the crowd quieted. "Now that you all understand your duty, we can depart." Gerard then entered his carriage, and Elaine also did with hers.

Elaine sat on the carriage cushion and glanced out the window. Outside, among the knights and soldiers, she could see Estella's mother, younger brother, and the Duke's mistresses. Though Gerard had many mistresses, he only allowed some favored ones to attend the send-off. Lady Liviane ignored the mistresses and held her son's hand tight, looking toward the entourage with the prevailing solemn expression on her countenance. Estella's younger brother, Armes, was a beautiful child of about four to five. He inherited Lady Liviane's golden hair and the Croix's silver eyes, though his features resembled more of his mother than Gerard's. However, unlike his mother, excitement filled his tiny face as he watched the knights and soldiers prepare for the tournament.

The mistresses also brought their children, and Elaine recognized one woman among them. It was Leila, Gerard's most favored mistress. Today, she wore a graceful blue dress and tucked her usually free-flowing fiery crimson hair into an elegant style. A longing expression covered her face as she looked toward the Duke's carriage, tugging the heartstring of any man that witnessed it. Elaine caught Estella's mother directing several glacial glances at Leila during the send-off. Beside the favored mistress stood a young boy of about twelve to thirteen—the object to Leila's greatest hope and Liviane's most profound hatred. Even if Armes currently held the title heir to the dukedom, Liviane could not leave her son's fate to chance.

Everyone knew the Croix's original heir was not the Duke but his older brother from the same mother. Though many outsiders did not understand how he became the Duke of Geris, no one questioned his legitimacy, nor did anyone dare to. Gerard's other siblings also could not answer the question since the females were married off to other lands and kept their lips tight while the males all died or lived in unknown exile.

Knowing such a dark precedent, how could Liviane remain unconcerned when the most significant threat to her son's succession was still alive? She would do everything she could to secure the little Armes' position, even if that meant sacrificing her only daughter to the power-hungry monarchy of Étoile.

Elaine closed the carriage's window curtain, not wanting to continue watching the estate's power struggle. An individual among those standing outside could be the perpetrator of the poisonous food wreaking havoc inside her manor, but who had the highest motive? Leila had the most to gain from her death since it would remove an enormous obstacle for her son. However, Elaine could not rule out other mistresses. After all, their daughters would benefit from Estella's disposal. Even as puppets, they would rather their daughters become the most respected puppet in the empire than be married off as a political tool in a faraway kingdom.


Work got a bit busy this week and my brain is rotting from the endless meeting lol. Anyway, here is the next batch of character concepts if anyone was waiting for it.


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