The Crimson Throne

Chapter 44: Archives

Two weeks passed, giving Elaine time to recollect herself. Then, to prevent future surprises, she visited Croix's archives to learn more about Estella's family history. Cecil and Mariam accompanied her but got denied at the entrance. They only allowed access to Croix's bloodline. 

"Wait outside. I will be back."

"As you wish, milady."

The guarding knights opened the door, and Elaine stepped inside. Within the archives was a pinnacle-shaped structure with a spiral staircase extended to the tenth floor, a testament to the Croix's long history. An older man with a snowy beard who looked in his seventies or eighties stood on the fifth floor, organizing some documents on the shelves. He stopped his work and hurried down upon seeing her. "Lady Estella, what might bring you in here today?"

"I need to find some documents."

"It is my honor to serve you, milady. Could you please tell me what those documents might entail?" The old man adjusted his spectacles and a cordial smile spread across his wrinkled face.

"Thank you, Herbert. I want to learn more about the ceremony."

"Ah yes, please make yourself comfortable and wait for a moment, milady. I will be right back." Even without Elaine elaborating, he understood her. Herbert again scrambled onto the staircase while she sat at one of the many tables displayed on the bottom floor. 

A few minutes later, he came back with both hands full of books, stumbling his way toward Elaine. Herbert set the stack of books on the table, panting. "My apologies, Lady Estella. My stamina is not what it used to be." He then pointed to an enormous book with a smoky cover. "If you want to know about the origin of the ceremony. I recommend starting with this book."

"Thank you, Herbert. You have done me a great favor. Please take a rest now." Elaine nodded and picked the book the old man recommended.

"It is my pleasure, milady. Please let me know if you require additional assistance." He inclined his body and then returned to sorting documents.

Elaine glanced down at the book and glided her hand over its cover. Embellished on the front were a howling wolf silhouette and other familiar decorations she had seen around the estate. She opened the first chapter, and a sudden chill with several unidentified objects hit her face, blowing her hair backward. They all melted on impact. Elaine looked toward Herbert for an explanation, wiping the liquid from her cheeks.

"Do not worry, milady. Those snowflakes are just remnants of the book's author's magic." He called down from above. 

Magic remnants? The book cover looks ancient.

"How long ago was this book written?" She inquired.

"If my memories remain intact, that book should be about six hundred years old."

Six hundred years? How powerful was the original author to still have magic remnants in his work after many centuries?

"Who was the author?"

"Lady Lydia Annette de La Croix, a genius magic user and avid historian." The old man spoke with admiration. 

"What happened to her?"

"Unfortunately, milady. Lady Lydia died young while fighting in the Great Battle six hundred years ago." He shook his head in regret.

"I see. Thank you, Herbert." Though curious about Lady Lydia, Elaine had a more pressing matter that required her attention. She again studied the pages. After several chapters, she finally found details about the ceremony.

The introduction confirmed her prior knowledge. The Croix considered themselves descendent of the Great Wolf spirit because of their ice magic affinity. She then learned new information. Before the Étoile Emperor granted them the Croix name a millennium ago, others once called them the Grey Wolf clan.

The Grey Wolf clan was a warrior tribe and spent their years in constant fighting. They never rested and traveled far and wide to engage in new battles. At some point, the Grey Wolf elders created the ceremony—a gruesome ritual to harden their young minds and spirits, molding them into bloodthirsty warriors on the battlefield. 

Eventually, they caught the attention of a small ambitious kingdom called Étoile. The kingdom ruler offered the clan an enticing deal. Help him conquer other kingdoms and he would grant them an endless supply of warfares. Estella's ancestors agreed and became the kingdom's subjects. The successive Étoile Emperors kept their ancestors' promise, and the conquest, or expedition in the current term, prolonged a thousand years. After the kingdom became an empire, the ceremony was no longer necessary, though the Croix's central family continued the tradition to honor their glorious origin. They tweaked the ancient ritual into a privilege only the family head's legitimate children received during their coming of age celebration and invited other nobles to participate in the bloody event.

Elaine closed the book and exhaled, digesting a part of the Croix clan's complex history. Then she leaned forward, resting her cheeks on both palms. She needed to tread carefully. Eliminating an ancient family with several thousand years of history, not to mention its wolf-like head, would require extensive planning, even with the book's knowledge. 

Why could I not start before my downfall, or at least at the beginning? Why did it have to be during a timeline I know nothing about? Elaine grumbled. One step at a time. Like a mantra, she repeated the phrase inside her head. 

"Thank you for today, Herbert. I will be back again." Elaine glanced at a few more books, then parted from the table and moved to the entrance. She gave the keeper of the archives her farewell before leaving.

"It was my honor to be of use to you, milady. Please call on me again if you need further assistance." Herbert dropped his documents and bowed. 


Time for some history lesson lol

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