The Crimson Throne - A Grimdark Tale

Chapter 22: Awake

Sharp pain shook Elaine awake. Sweat soaked her bandages, causing an uncomfortable, sticky feeling on her skin. She could not move, and the unbearable discomfort made her face distorted in agony. Elaine now aches throughout her body, unlike her healthy state in the dream.

One week.

The main plot would not begin for another two years. But in a week since Elaine's arrival in Crea, she had already experienced almost every worst probable outcome, from poisoning, blackmailing, kidnapping, extortion, and even life-threatening injuries, albeit some of them were her fault. If all these horrible situations happened in such a short time, then what would happen if she remained here longer? Elaine shuddered.

I want to go home.

"Miss, are you awake?" A young, dulcet voice woke Elaine from her thought spiral.

Elaine turned her head and saw a beautiful young girl standing next to her bedside. The girl was about fifteen to sixteen years old. Long, silky black hair tied into a neat ponytail hung down her shoulder. Clear, amethyst-colored eyes glistened like jewels, reflecting all beauty and horror of the world. She wore an ebony warrior outfit. And although still young, the fitted clothing already accentuated her natural curves. The girl looked familiar, but Elaine's memory eluded her.

Where am I? A thought suddenly occurred.

Elaine sprung up, but the pain forced her to plop back down. She turned back to the young girl. "Can you tell me where I am?"

"The Vice Commander found you deep inside the forest with severe injuries and brought you back to our camp. Although the healer had treated most of the internal damage, you did not wake up for several days." The girl explained.

Vice Commander? Is this a returning expedition?

"The Vice Commander said he found you amid a destroyed bandit hideout. When our soldiers got there, all the bandits were already dead. They found only you and another young man alive. We also identified a few Devil Beast bodies." The girl's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Miss, can you tell me what happened?"

Another young man? Cecil!

"My bodyguard, what happened to him?"

"Do not worry. The healer also fixed his injuries. He woke up a few days before you and has been guarding outside your tent the entire time."

Elaine exhaled in relief.

Wait a minute! Did she say a few Devil Beast bodies? Who killed them?

Elaine recalled she only erected a barrier to escape. She didn't have the strength to fight the monsters. Killing a Devil Beast was not an effortless task. The individual must be a mighty warrior or magician to slay not one but a few of these creatures. Was it the nameless Vice Commander that discovered her? Or someone else? Elaine pressed her forehead to the pillow. The intense discomfort and incoming headache prevented her from further deductions. Before all else, she needed to rest.

The girl noticed Elaine's movement. "I will summon the healer. He can help you get more comfortable." She walked out and returned a few minutes later with an older man wearing a white temple robe. The man placed both hands over Elaine's head, chanting soothing words. Gentle energy streams migrated from his fingers and traveled throughout Elaine's body, subduing the pain. Her tense body relaxed, feeling much better than before.

So this is the book world's painkiller. Elaine mused as sleepiness overcame her.

Rays of golden sunlight peeked through the openings of Elaine's tent, informing its sole inhabitant of the time. She woke up feeling less discomfort than yesterday. Though still aching, she could move her body a bit more. Elaine glanced outside. She did not know how long she had slept, but it was now daytime.

Feeling thirsty, Elaine sat from the bed and held onto the bedpost, practicing standing up. Then, tracing the wall, Elaine slowly made her way toward the water jug in the tent's corner. However, her legs gave out before reaching her destination, and she fell.

Damn it! Why can't I do a simple task?

"Milady, are you alright?" Cecil lifted the tent's cover and entered, sheathing his sword. He wore a white tunic and dark breeches as sweat drenched his golden locks and upper body. Looking at Cecil, Elaine could infer his activity before coming for her.

"I am fine." Elaine again grabbed the wall, attempting to raise herself.

"Please allow me to assist, milady." Cecil ran toward Elaine and picked her up from the ground.

Too tired to protest, she allowed him to carry her back to the bed. Cecil guessed Elaine's intention and walked to the jug, pouring a glass of water. "You must be thirsty, milady." He passed her the glass.

"Thank you, Sir Ascania." She gave him an appreciative nod.

"It is my honor to assist you, milady."

After satisfying her thirst, Elaine turned to Cecil. "Sir Ascania, can you tell what happened?"

"I, too, am unsure, milady. After the bandits knocked me unconscious, I vaguely recalled you came to my rescue. I do not know what transpired afterward, but we were already at the camp when I woke up. They then informed me of your grave injuries." Cecil came to an abrupt stop and knelt. "Because of my failure, your life was in danger. I will report this matter to the Duke when we return and accept the severest punishment."

"You are not at fault," Elaine replied solemnly. It is mine.

Until today, this world's inhabitants to her were only characters from the book, not living beings. But was she correct? Elaine remained undecided. Could she go through with Estella's future evil deeds if they were similar to her, flesh and blood? Her actions would have real human consequences.

Elaine did not know the reason for her existence or how to return. Her only advantage was the book she now doubted because of its unreliable information. But if she did nothing, who would save her from the endless nightmare?

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