The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 47 Current Situation

"Let me guess, Justinian, the Guards should be among them. I underestimated Aladdin Pasha. This guy is a poisonous snake.

The Armenians should also be involved. Abraham took away a lot of their business. These vampires are not people who will give up.

There should be a few Orthodox Christians in Greece. The Fanar people are pretty good at deceiving people, otherwise they wouldn't have been diplomats of the empire for hundreds of years.

The Grand Mufti may not be involved, as the ulama under him are not monolithic, so be careful. "

Justinian nodded and said.

"As you say, Your Majesty, these are the people who generally provide assistance to the Fanar."

Selim smiled playfully.

"It seems that these bastards are really impatient. They originally wanted to cut the flesh with a dull knife, but in the end, each one of them was more anxious than me and went straight to cutting off their heads.

However, did Simon explain it so quickly? I thought he would fight with you for a while,"

Justinian replied.

“Your Majesty, for Simon Ducasse, nothing is more important than the survival of the family.

So when I approached him with the conditions of pardon, Simon immediately agreed to my request. "

In fact, if you look at Simon's perspective, I guess he also knows that no matter how much you cooperate, the possibility of you actually letting the Fanar people go is very small.

But the problem is that as long as there is a chance, Simon Ducasse believes that he must fight for it.

In his opinion, in this assassination, the entire family was forcibly kidnapped by the madman Antimus.

And this is precisely the reason for his poor supervision.

Simon believed that as the former spy leader of the Fanar people in the Balkans and the person responsible for this incident, he was tricked by Antimus under his nose, which led to such a disaster.

This made him want to die as an apology. "

"According to you, Simon Ducasse is ready to bite others?" Selim asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty, according to your arrangement, I have asked him to start preparing his testimony and confession. I wonder when you plan to start handling this matter?"

"There is no rush now. Just prepare yourself and let Constantinieri prepare to take over. We will set off back and leave it to Abdullah Pasha to deal with it. I want to see the Constantinieri gang." When the gun is pointed at you, bastard, can you tell me something?"

Selim sneered.

"Your Majesty, according to the current news from Constantinier, Bonaparte and Aladdin Pasha have maintained a relatively restrained state.

According to your opinion, Bonaparte did not choose to capture him directly, but waited for the uprising of the Guards so that he could deal with them once and for all.

After listening to Justinian's words, Selim fell into deep thought.

He urgently needs to review the entire incident.

According to Selim’s original plan, this trip to Thessaloniki should be a sure thing.

There will definitely be Greek wealthy families who can't help but jump out to make a living, and then Selim sends Justinian to directly deal with the opponent, followed by arrests, interrogations and trials, and then a general purge.

Then, a group of Greek wealthy families were eliminated, and then the post-war reconstruction qualifications of the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia (the main components of today's Romania) were used to appease the remaining Greek wealthy families and achieve a win-win situation.

In this case, Selim basically solved the Greek area, plus Egypt, which he already had in hand, and Anatolia, which supported him more.

After returning to Constantiniya, Selim can send a wave of Guards, and by the way put the label on the heads of the Vlach nobles for participating in the murder of the Sultan. As for whether there is any evidence, let's find out "there is no need".

If all this is completed according to the established plan, Selim will be ready to issue the "Flower Imperial Edict" fifty years in advance. (The original time and space was jointly dominated by Sultan Abdulmecid I of the Ottoman Empire and Grand Vizier Mustafa Reshid Pasha, which kicked off the Tanzimat reforms)

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Selim did not expect that an established interest group that had been established for hundreds of years was still so aggressive.

According to Selim's deduction, it was Sudan who cut the flesh with a dull knife. Vested interest groups protested, so Sudan made some symbolic concessions.

Then everyone was cut off, then protested, and then the Sultan made some small concessions. In this cycle, the empire's revival is just around the corner.

Unfortunately, these guys couldn't afford to play, so they got impatient and imitated Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty by placing the chessboard on other people's heads.

But Selim doesn't understand. I am the Sultan, okay? It's up to me to fall out, and you can't get away.

After being depressed for a while, Selim decided to comfort himself with Ottoman characteristics. After all, "the great Ottoman Empire has its own national conditions here", which is understandable.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing I want to tell you. The Armenians are not easy to deal with. In other words, it is difficult for us to deal with each other based on this incident alone.

Different from the Vlach nobles whose vitality was seriously damaged, the Fanar people who were directly captured by you, the Guards who were destined to be destroyed by you, and the Ulema who must obey your will as the caliph of the Islamic world.

The Armenians have strong strength and they have basically not been weakened.

They control the trade in the eastern part of the empire. Even if you gave Abraham a lot of help, there is still a gap in the strength of the Jews compared to the Armenians.

And the Armenians are not like the Orthodox Millet. The Patriarch of the Constantiniya District can only be said to have the highest status among the Armenians, but he is unable to command the other three major districts.

This makes it impossible to deal with Armenians the same way you rely on Patriarch Nicholas to deal with Orthodox Christians. "

After listening to Justinian's words, Selim remained silent.

In fact, Selim himself also knew that the idea of ​​overthrowing or completely conquering the Armenians based on the Fanar people alone was too abstract.

Therefore, we still have to take our time. After Abraham relies on seigniorage to enhance the empire's hematopoietic ability, let these Armenian financiers see the power of a central bank.

It's like you are still using bows and arrows, but I have used satellite guidance and precise strikes. The two sides are not on the same level, just crush them and it's done.

As for the Millet system, it needs to be changed. The homework of the Republic can be copied directly.

After all, it was a masterpiece that absorbed the experience of the disintegration of a certain Soviet Union. Selim didn’t think that he was capable of creating one by himself at his level.

Of course, we still have to discuss the specific details and brainstorm before making revisions.

After all, the national conditions of the Ottoman Empire are quite different from those of the Republic. It is necessary to make mistakes if you apply them mechanically.

Do you think this relatively long explanation is acceptable to everyone?

In fact, there are many things that are much longer than this. Due to my personal ability, I cannot explain it too briefly, so if you have any questions in the future, please remember to leave a message. I'd better open a separate chapter and talk about it.

Finally, please read and collect it.

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