The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 95: Lusting part 1

Mine's hands hovered just centimetres over the handle leading into the room Chelsea had been set up in those days ago when she had first appeared before Najenda afflicted with whatever it is Bolic had done to her.

And now, from behind this door Mine and Sheele could just hear the faint, moans, and groans of the girl. She knew what she was doing, there was no way she could not. She herself had made those noises plenty of times when she was with Parc. Even getting to witness Sheele making them.

But something about hearing it from the pest of a woman was unnerving. Was it pity she was feeling? She didn't think so, Chelsea had teased her many a time since she joined Night Raid calling her flat chested or tiny. Which in turn annoyed Mine to no ends.

Lifting her head up, Mine turned to face Sheele, meeting her lavenders behind her glasses, getting a small nod from the girl with her usual aloof expression.

Shutting her eyes, Mine sighed, hand lowering onto the handle beginning to twist until a soft click told her she could push it open. Slowly, steadily, creaking all the way. The moans unfettered by the door grew in decibels and ferocity, joined alongside wet squelches and cries. The stench of a woman's musk barrelling forth from the room, so thick Mine felt she could cut it with a knife and serve it on a platter.

Right as the door fully opened, a loud cry shot forth from the coral haired girl, her hips arching as a thick tide of juices shot forth from her crotch, crossing over the bed, flying across the floor on a one way impact with Mine's face.

Mine flinched back, releasing a surprised yelp at the sudden moistness on her, a fact she soon came to regret as something strongly tasting of candy entered her mouth. The feel of it on her tongue making her shut her lips by instinct and gulp while shooting her hands to wipe away the musk from her face.

"Oh god, it's in my mouth," Mine recoiled to the side, pale faced and horrified that she had tasted that girls love juice. "I think I'm going to be sick…"

Sheele rose a brow to Mine, head tilting as she muttered, "but didn't you like mine…?"

"Sheele…" Red faced, Mine rose a palm to Sheele, "not now…" She shivered wiping off as much of the wetness from her cheeks as she could.

"It won't go away~" Mine and Sheele turned their heads, focusing on Chelsea, her thick head of coral hued hair laced with her sweat sticking to her bare body. Slowly crawling towards the two on all fours, her pinkish eyes glazed with drool of desire trickling down her lips. Ass swaggering left and right.

"Uhh," Mine exclaimed backing away from the approaching girl, "is it me, or have the effects only gotten stronger?" she said keeping her gaze lock firmly on the girl who was trickling spit from both her lips forming small, glistening droplets across the stone flooring of the ruined building.

"I think so…" Sheele mummed.

Chelsea pushed herself onto her knees, then onto her feet with the help of her hands on the floor acting as a support. When stood up, she nearly stumbled and collapsed back onto the floor but caught herself at the last moment. Beginning to hobble towards Mine arms reached out towards her, fingers in claws ready to grab the petite sprite. "Make it go away~"

Mine flinched feeling a tad bit of fear for the girl that made her take a large step backwards. Finding that in her hasty retreat that her foot collided with the lip of the doorway. Throwing her balance out the window as she flailed her arms trying to grab anything to stop her descent only for her fingers to slip against the door frame.

Landing with a harsh thump, Mine let out a pained whine, hand shooting for her bottom. "You could have caught me…" Mine complained yet received no reaction from her partner. "Sheele?" Mine heard a small yelp and thwomp reminiscent of the one she just made herself.

Lifting her head, she gazed into the room she had just been standing in alongside Sheele. Her face gaining a pallor reminiscent of death at the sight before her.

There, nestled on the floor not far away was Sheele, collapsed onto her back, Chelsea atop her, hands holding Sheele's shoulders down while Chelsea forcibly pressed their lips together. Pressing her tongue between the thin gap of Sheele's lips and teeth, forcing it in as far as it could go, entering into a deep kiss that in the past only arc had ever given her.

There was no exploration to her mouth, only rough undulations as Chelsea drank her spittle, grinding her crotch against Sheele's knee doing the same with her own knee. Digging it into Sheele's cheongsam, pressing the fabric into her undergarment as well as her sensitive genitals, forcing a moistness to grow and turn the light lilac a darker shade of purple.

Mine's mouth hung open watching as Chelsea released Sheele's shoulder and dug her hands towards the two mounds, unceremoniously pulling off the fabric so she could go to tear of Sheele's specially made bra and massage the supple flesh of her.

"Nnnn…" Sheele let out a small moan when Chelsea broke their lips from each other for just a moment to get some breath in them both.

Chelsea soon ground her bare crotch against Sheele even harder, coating the pale flesh in her glistening nectar until she finally bit down on Sheele's lower lip. Ass bucking up sending a flood of her nectar across the floor, body trembling in her climax.

As Chelsea trembling's softened, she lowered her ass back onto Sheele's leg, letting it sit snuggling between the crack of her ass while simultaneously lifting her body up. Desire still in her eyes as she looked down at the flushed, parted lipped Sheele beneath her.

Mine gulped nervously, what stood before her was not her tormentor, not the girl who would cup her hands next to her mouth and shout 'small tits!' at her. No… here before her was a beast of lust, a demon who's only want was to cure herself of her insatiable lust.

Seeming to remember her presence, Chelsea parted her eyes from Sheele's chest. Slowly lifting her head stopping right as Mine's frozen form took precedent in her vision. Her lips curled revealing her teeth, strings of spittle connecting her upper and lower lips.

Mine's entire body went into rigor mortis, her arms incapable of lifing her, nor her legs capable of even sustaining her weight from just how rigid and unmoving they were.

Chelsea on the other hand was perfectly fine, lifting herself from Sheele ass first letting a string of her viscous liquids connect them. Only to break as she began to stagger towards Sheele, one uncertain step at a time. A beastly grin on her face. Coming to stop right before Mine where she dropped to her knees, getting ever closer on all fours.

And that was what her body needed to suddenly pump energy through her body, unlocking her rigid body. Quickly scrambling back before flipping onto her knees and throwing herself to her feet to run down the hall for anyone to help her. Because whatever Chelsea was, she could not deal with it alone or with Sheele.

That was when she saw them walking down the hallway, a man and a blonde-haired woman. A relieved smile formed on her face as she saw them. Except, before she could even start her sprint a hand latched onto her ankle, knocking her balance off kilter until she was once again sent collapsing to the floor, this time on her chest.

Mine panickily turned her head back seeing Chelsea grinning lustfully at her. "Help me~" Was what escaped her lips as she tugged the fallen Mine back into the room.

"L-let go!" Mine tried to kick Chelsea off her. Chelsea only lunging with her other hand to grip Mine's other ankle, giving her an even easier time of dragging the sprite back into the room. "N-nooo!"


"Welp, she's dead," Leone awkwardly chuckled having watched Mine get dragged into a dark room by the ankles by a buck-naked Chelsea.

Parc simply rose a brow at the sight, seeing first-hand how crazily lusting the girl was. It was truly more revealing than hearing about it from Leone. "We should probably help them," he muttered. Brows furrowing as he contemplated exactly what it was, he'd done that sent her into that state. His hand inadvertently lifting to his cheek, right below his eyes, suspecting the strange red glow they took on was behind this. But why did that happen? And how could he control it?

Snorting, Leone lifted her hands up, interlocking her fingers together before cracking her knuckles. Going to stretch her arms above her head, letting her buxom form show off in the light, the form of her breasts accentuated by the pressing of her crop top.

"Count me in. This looks like it's going to be fun."

Parc shook his head, what had he expected from the lion? Fear? Was he insane? It's Leone he's talking about.

A smile rose to his lips, his had shaking. "Then lets hurry. I fear she's going to break Mine…" he trailed off, 'wasn't Sheele with her as well?'



I've decided that from now on I'm going to release chapters on Monday, wednesday,thursday, friday, saturday, and sundays. Giving me tuesdays off to work on other projects or to bolster the backlog as well as just giving me a chance to have a semi regular break from writing this and abate the oncoming of burnout.

I'll still be going on a long 2/3 week break after AkG is finished. I'll try to get back into MGR in this time.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.